The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 04, 1901, Image 3

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    ifiti mini tnffii rimroutititu mir
unit vi hope that when you cull wo in ny find our reward in your approval
The Easter Store
is ready
hh never beforefrom mm end to Mm other
the i store is fairly beaming w ith ttm most
fiishionnble goods on two continents suits,
Cloven, waists, Incne, wash fabrics, novelties
in nil k drees goods, nnd all tlm other things
designed to become part of your Easter
toilet. A vaiietv so fast, so comprehensive,
ho complete in its minutest details that to
attempt n description seems a hopeless task.
The Easter Windows are Get
ting in Readiness, and so
is the Store.
Wo won't say here all of the things we have
to hhow yon we reserve the pleasant sur
prise for you until yon call. Hut wo will
most, conscientious v ortH to n ease von.
For Easter
niir Kieter suit will he incomplete
without gloves to match it, ho hero is an
Our Celebrated OLA IMS? H sold every
where at i I. 25 our prleo tliid .
week 900
this week only yUC
D1CKT Celebrated F.uglish l'Iovc.
fur ladies; all shades loo
Ladies' Dressing Jackets
and Komonas
Made of fancy dimities, white lawns, or
gandies and pongee cloth. Ask to sec
75c, $1, $1 50 to $3.50.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
Wo arc showinc the latest creations a
vat assortment to choose from, in lace
and ribbon barbes, at 50c, Toe. and $1.
Fanny stock collars in silk and lac i at
Toe, $1, $1.25, up to
Every one is n decided novelty.
Area reality, not a dream. We have
them in the famous "W. H." and at
prions that arc extremely reasonable
when compared with those of other
W. H. Straight Front. . . ..$1.2."), $1 .50, $2
W. li. Batiste, Special $1.25
Wo also carry stock of the
Famous LaVida, $4.50 and $5
men's Shoes....
Tho workingman must have
well-made shoes no other kind
will do. We have special val
ues in workingmen'e shoes
shoes not to be found in overy
Here's satisfaction
for the
Kangaroo kip lace,
double sole, seamlesH
Kangatoo kip, ennp,
double sole, seamless
Seal grain, lace,
double sole, seamless
Heavy calf, lace,
double sole, calf lined
Kangaroo kip, buck
le shoe, double sole. .
Oil grain, lace, dou
ble sole, liiortra
It will take yon only two
minutes to read this ad, and it
will pay you at the rate of a
dollar a minute in the money
you will save.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
TIH'ksOA Y - APRIL 4, J WO 1
1 b CI served i
Of sters h.
At Andrew Keller's.
(5) ()
All Wiikoo Ooiiuty ivurruntH relHtrn(l
prior to iiitniilr 1, 1K1I7, will liti pulil
in iiriiiiiiiitHlliin lit in)' nlllitn, JutiTi'Mt
roiiHim urtm- Novmiiliiir m, 111(10. '
tlOUN I". IIAMr.MllltK.
County TreuMitrr.
New shirt waiHtH at The Fair. 15-2t
Ctiildren dresses 25 cents and up at
The Fair. a:i-2t
Wanted Plnin sewing. Apply nt
this otliue. ui lit
There is practically no unsold wheat
in The Dalles. Fifty cents a bushel
"fetched" the lust of it.
No innttiir urliur. vnn u'nnt. in (ill r
line, remember that we are the cheapest.
Htore in town. The Fwir. a3-2t
A Washington dispatch of April !!rd
Hays Senator Mitchell is convalescing,
hut is still confined to his bed.
Tonight tho Degroe of Honor will give
their nnnivoreary ontortuiiunent, to
which ull members of the fraternity are
tordially invited.
The regular sale of piep, cukes, salt-ris.
in-' bread and donghnutB by the ludies
of the Good Intent will take place Satut
day at J. II. Orotis' Htore.
Tho llrpt consignment of 1(101 spring
irnwlish has arrived ut tho "Owl," J.
1'altACo., proprietors. They will he
nerved at all hours, day and night, 2t
Look out for program ot promenade
concert in tomorrow's issue. "Sweet
Dreamland Faces" has to be seen to be
half appreciated. WurdH can't describe
Ilamoy valley over in Eastern Oregon
has come through tho winter with only
a live per cent loss of stock. A good
showing for that usually rigorous cli
mate. lim lllakenoy and Jed' Drlpps shipped
this morning's bout eighteen head of
cavalry horses to the Vancouver bar
racks. The price received for them has
not been given out.
Mrs, Annie Hunter died yesterday
afternoon at the home of her son, WiP
Itti" Hunter, near Klngaley, aged 71
years. The remains will be inteired to
morrow In the Kingaley cemetery.
Married -At the home of the bride, in
Portland, Maroh 24, ultimo, Mr. W. K.
Steele and Mies Margaret Jenkins. The
"ride will be remembered ae the very
talented young' elocutionist who gave an
entertainment complimentary to St.
Paul's Guild of this city last October.
She is also a sister of Mrs. Milt S. .lones,
who recently moved from here to Walla
The city council of Walla Walla has
adopted a resolution to ask Andrew Car
negie to donate $25,000 for the establish
ment of a public library. The city
oilers to contribute $2,500 a year for
The liist rehearsal of the serio-comic
druma, "The Irish Duke," to be played
here on the 18th by local talent under
the directorship of Professoi P. M.
Smith, was held last night. The cast
consists of twenty persons, and all were
Never has such u graud display of
ladies' muslin underwear been placed
before the people of this city at the
prices that ure now shown at The Fair.
The amount we sel oi it speaks for itself.
If you have not seen it, don't overlook
ibis opportunity of supplying your
wants for the eeuaon, as our prices are
far below anything in thut line in the
city. The Fair. a!! 2t
The service at the Congregational
church last night, like nil the preceding
ones of the special meetings now being
conducted by Mr. Clapp, was character
ized by a deep interett. From the text
"What shall it prollt n man if he gain
the whole world and lose his own soul?"
Mr. Clapp educed the theme, "Judas a
character type." Tho male quartet ren
dered two numbers. The subject for
tonight will bo "What Think Ye of
Christ?" As usual, the quartet will
sing. Thia series ol meetings will close
on Sunday evening.
At the Congregational church next
Wednesday night, April 10th, a dramat
ic and humorous recital will be given by
Miss Ida Helen Rod key, of Washington,
D. 0., and Miss Soslo Gumboil, of Port
laud. Miss Rodkey is a graduate and
gold medalist of King's School of Ora
tory of Pittsburg, Pa, She cornea here
highly recommended us an artist and
impersonator of rare power nnd unusual
ability. MiflB Gumbell hardly needs an
introduction to The Dalles lovers of
music, who, during tho lady's short tem
porary residence here.havo been delight
ed with her chnrniing presence und voice
of remarkable power wild sweetness.
The Oregon Railway A Navigation
coin pan v has recently nHiiod the third
edition of the pamphlet "Orecnn, Wash
ington and Idaho, und their Resources,"
by Col. P. Donun, It is to be deed Iu
connection w lib the development of the
resources of the Pacific Northwest. The
rending matter has been revised and
rewritten, and tho twenty half-tone
Illustrations are new and include views
of the farming, shipping, agricultural,
horticultural, lumbering, mining, stock
raising and fishing industries of this
territory, The cover is new and of latest
design used for such purposes. The
book contains a large map of the states
of Oregon, Washington und Idaho,
This map has been revised and is to be
relied upon. Any reader desiring copies
of this book to Fend to lrlends in the
EaBt can obtain same by sending six
cents to A. L. Craig, general passenger
agent, at Portland, Oregon.
IllKlit fully Kiittu'tnitimi,
What was voted to be the nxfst de
lightful party of the season oetiurred laet
night at the home of .Mijfnd Mrs. A. J.
Tolmie when the JoJlfNeigiibors Wliist
Club and added gfe8t8 met with them..
Delightful because of its charming host"
ess, the artistic, bright rooms, made more
attractive by a profusion of roses. and the
novel form of entertainment. Tho cosy
rooms were pleasantly filled with con
genial friende, who passed the hours all
too quickly in that ever-interesting pur
suit a high score at whist,
During the evening refresbinentB of
the daintest Bort were served, after
which a novelty in the ebane of a game,
entitled "Initials" or "yiio Are You,"
was played. The answers brought forth
peals of laughter, andwere all bo good
that voting had to be resorted to before
tho prize could be awarded to Miss L
Mvrtle Michell.
The ecore cards and prize were orna
mented in the hostessVown work, which
cannot be surpassed its artistic finish.
At an early (morning) hour the guests
bade their entertainers a reluctant fare
well, after the most joyous evening of
the season of 1900 und 1001.
I'myrr-liouk Tot-try.
A young lady one Sunday, says Les
lie's Weekly, left behind her in church
her prayer-book, in which was written
the following :
A bunch of Mowers n book or two
A little billing, u little coo,
A little eouiliiM and KoliiKtlll
They k to church und si.y "J will"
And tlutt I'Udh it.
On the following Sunday, on her tak
ing up the book, she espied, written un
derneath her lines, the following effusion,
possible tho work of some wretched
married mail :
Young luss, you're wrong, ou surely nro;
You worked tlmt rhyme Just ouo too fur,
It ends right there? Oh, no, tt don't!
Kor coming home she suvh "I won't!"
And tlmt begins it.
Atttiiilluii ArtlHuim!
All members of Tho Dalles Assembly,
United Artisans, who desire to visit with
the Dnfur Assembly tomorrow night,
will make it known to tho Master Arti
sau not later than Friday noon, and
meet at the hall not Inter than 4 p. in.
J, F. Hawoiitii, Sec'y.
For Infants and Children,
Tbi Kind You Hivi Always Bought
Bears the
tfguatore of
Claim Allow-All mid Ollinr IIiimiibm
Imimncteil at I.nut NlRtil'n
The regular monthly meeting of tho
city council was held last night when
the following business was transacted.
Louis Fritz nppeared before the council
and com pi ined that water from adjoin
ing property waa finding its way into his
cellar. Ho asked that the council adopt
measures to stop the nuisance. The
matter was referred to the committee on
streets und public property.
The resicnation of Jatne's Like, as
niglilwatchinan, was tendered and ac
cepted and Charles Champlin was ap
pointed to till the vacancy.
It was ordered that six new fire plugs
be purchased to be placed on tho pro
posed extension of the writer mains.
On the report that, certain parties
were fencing up Jackson street, in tho
neighborhood of tho Nathan Harris
residence, the matter was referred to
the judiciary committee with instruc
tions to report thereon at the next regu
lar meeting.
On the report that the 0. II. & N. Co.
claimed no ownership in the pest house
the matter of moving it to the lands
recently purchased by the city for pest
house purposes wa9 referred to a select
committee consisting of Councilmen
Kelly, Shackelford and Wakefield.
The consideration of the claims against
the city, which arose out of tho action of
the council in quarantining the Bettin
gen building on account of the presence
of a smallpox patient, was deferred until
a meeting when all the members of the
council could be present.
The following claims, exclusive ol the
salaries of the officers, were audited and
ordered paid :
City Water works, water rent oO 00
Ed Burchtorf, juror's fee ' 1 00
C W Haight, " " 1 00
V G Schmidt, " " 1 00
J II Blakeney, " " 1 00
Uaus Hansen, " " 1 00
J F Harper, " " 1 00
Mays & Crowe, mdse 1)3 00
Clarke & Falk, mdse 75
Maier & Benton, mdse 5 78
J Wettle, hauling 1 00
Huntington it Wilson, prof serv. 15 00
I Julian, sawing wood 1 00
Hugh Glenn & Co., mdse 190
F S Gunning, repairs 1 55
J H George, nurse, pest house. . . 70 50
A M Williams & Co. mdse 12 00
Electric Light Co. lightB 35 75
L Rorden & Co. mdse 95
J W Blakeney, hauling 4 00
Mre T J Driver, meals 7 50
James McKay, nauling .'! 00
W A Johnston, mdse 43 GO
James Blakeney, hauling 38 50
Frank Plankey, labor 12 00
W A Madron, " i! 50
Tom Madron, " 3 50
Mmile Weber, " 22 00
Win Galbreth, " 20 00
A H Miller, " 2 00
Bert Eaton, " 5 00
JefT Dripps, hauling 3S 00
Alex Cathcart, hauling 14 00
James McKay, hauling 35 00
tkeasukkk'b nci'OUT.
The treasurer reported aB follows :
Mar. 1. Bal cash in gen. fund. .$1655 04
llieceipts during March 434 03
Total 2090 37
Mar. 5. By warrants issued... 845 13
April 1. Bal. in gen. fund 1245 14
Will Cnrson. a merchant of lone and
a former well-known resident of The
Dalles, is in the city.
Mrs. Frank R. Smith, and Bon, Willie
Troup, of Seattle, are visiting Mrs. Nel
lie Wilson, sister of Mr. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Woods and son
and Mr. T. A. Van Norden returned
yesterday from spending most of winter
in California. Mr. Van Iorden, whose
health was impaired, returns considera
bly benefited.
" mKN.
Wednesday morning, April 3d, to the
wife of the late W. II. Jones, of Mosier,
a daughter, weiuht 10 pounds.
Floral lotion will euro wind chapping
and sunburn.-' Manufactured by C'arke
& Falk.
Our new stock received.
Bicycles - Bicycles
Largest lot of wheels ever brought to this city,
Call and see them.
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The Leaders in Low Prices.
Our lino of Men's Clothing for Spring is now complete, and
we are offering some choice bargains in this department.
Two Specials!
Round cut sack, fancy check worsted ;
a very stylish suit for
Sprint: wear. We are sell
imr these suits for
A double-breasted, all-wool, blue
serge with satin-faced lapels and front.
These goods are the most popular on the
market: would be cheap
at $15.03. Our speciel
price only
ck worsted ;
iopuiar on me
If you are in ne?d of a Spring Suit
come to our Clothing Department and
we will surprise you with our bargains.
Everything is new and up-to-date. We
are the acknowledged leaders by all
good drefsers.
If you don't know what you want in
this "line, come in and we will help you
make up your mind.
Day Mfg. Co.'s " Day "
Baker & Hamiltons5 B. & H. Special
Cleveland "Bl" -
Cleveland " A 1 " -
Cleveland Chainless
See our line before rou buy.
U 5
Subscribe for Tut Chuo.niclk.
Wednesday Evening, April 10.
IJeginniiig at 8:15 o'clock.
(ilVli.V 11V
Miss Ida Helen Rodkey
of Washington, I). C,
Miss Susie Gambell
of Portland, Oregon.
ADlNJINBION-AdulU 60c, Children :.'6o.
TivketH cun be procured at M. .. Uonnell',.
U, C, UlHkvluy , Clittke it Fulk', and Grunt'
CiKtir Btore.
Tho Higgs hotel and store, both doing
a good, (laying business. The receipts
of the hotel alone for March wero $500.
For sale only on account of sickness in
the family. Apply to
lu-lmd Jamks IIaui'iiam, IVggs,
Spring coughs uro specially dangerous
and unless cured at once, serious results
often follow. One Minute Cough Cure
acts like magic. It is not a common
mixture hut is a high grade remedy.
i Clarke A Falk'a !. O. Pharmacy.
! Skin troubles, cuts, burns, fcalds and
I chafing quickly heal by the use of De
1 Witt's Witch Hazel S live. It is imitated.
J5o sure ycu tret DeWitt's. Clarke A
Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy.
Those famous little pills, DeWitt'e
I Little Early His us will remove all im
I purities from your system, cleanse your
! bowels, mak-) them regular. Clarke A
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy,
We oll'jr for a limitel period the
twice-a-week Cjikonici.k, price $1,50,
and the Weekly Oregoniau, price $1.50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this oiler must be paid in ad
vance. f
Steam Wood-saw for sale. Can be bought
(or $200. Call at this office. u25 l.n
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phono -KU1. Local, 102.
...Employment Agency...
Next door to Star Lodging Houbo.
Positions Awaiting Men and
.NiillUll IT,, UW1. I
Notice is lionby given tlmt tlio billowing,
muiml beltler litis llli'il notice of his. Inten
tion to make lliiul proof hi Mipport of his
I'l lin, ami tnat wild proof will bo nimfo be
fore tu rt'Kletfr and Kceiver at Tliu Dalles,
Orison, on Kuturday, May I, I'JOI, viz:
Karl A. WIIIIhiiin,
of M Mer, Oregon, II. K. No -VW7, for the NEJ4
bei , 'l'i - N, K 1- K, W. M. ,
Ho names tuo following wUihwn to prove
liU coiiiiiiuoiu rt'llfui'o upon, ami cultivation
of cild land vU: . ....
Ki uiik Ul'lere, Tlios. McUlure, of Mosier. Or.,
Henry MoKumcy, Hubert I'lilel, llio lUllus, Or.
JAY l 1.UOA8,
iiiu'iO itjjutcr,