The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 04, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
APRIL 4, 1901
Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe,
. , ,, ,. , a
We have an excellent line of Spring
Suitings, Pantings, etc., which we are
prepared to make up in the latest etyies,
and guarantee a perfect fit.
The establishment of a iiOO-barrel
flouring mill in this city and the
bringing here of electric power to
run it, with a surplus of cheap power
for disposal for other or kindred
uses, mean a great deal not only to
The Dalles but to the country tnbu
tary to it.
Nature has done more for The
Dalles than for any town of her size
in Oregon, and her progress hitherto
has been chiefly due to her situation
as a shipping point. Hut while the
city has steadily, if slowhy, grown in
wealth and population, new lines of
transportation into the interior have
brought us to a point where further
material progress must depend to a
large extent on the enterprise of the
citizens. The utilization of a por
tion of the vast water power that has
long been going to waste is the most
important event In the history of
The Dalles.
"We have already, thanks to the
competition of an open river, un
surpassed shipping facilities. Add
to these, and the clirratic and other
advantages that always remain with
us, an abundance of the cheapest
power in the world and it is no
stretch of the imagination to say that
in less than half a dozen years The
Dalles will become one of the most
important manufacturing and busi
ness centers in Oregon. Nor is this
all. Goldendale has long desired
railroad connection with this city.
The Dutur district is equally anxious
and ought to have it. But the ex
pense of constructing standard roads
to either place has hitherto barred all
effective movements in these direc
tions as, with the cost of operation,
being possibly more than the present
traffic to and from either place would
bear. These objections would not
lie against electric roads. The' are
not only bettor adapted to heavy
gr&iles but they can be constructed
and operated so cheaply that in both i
cases they are entirely feasible as a
business proposition and investment,
while thoy would supply the needs
of these communities, possibly
all time to come.
With abundance of money every
where seeking investment, there is
no reason in the world why electric
roads to Dufur and Goldendale
should not be numbered among tho
possibilities growing out of the bring-1 a
ing of cheap electric power to The !
The Oregonian is just now having
a peculiarly acute attack of the free
trado jim-jams. The policy that
, has done more than anything else to
make the United States the greatest
commercial country in the world is
attacked as rancorously as if the boy
orator of the Platte was editor in
chief, Today it is Carnegie and the
stolen millions be has wrung from
opprewed and ill-paid labor, through
the leverage of a robber tariff. To
Borrow it Is tbe Hanna-Frye-Paync
Mclvtnley and the Lord ltiowswlmt
ship subsidy graft. Anything that
savors of protection is n red rag to
the Orcgoninn hull. Just now the
paper is having an interesting con
troversy on the subsidy bill with the
Post-Intelligonccr, and that journal,
in accounting for the Oregonian's
intense hostility to the measure, hits
, the nail squarely on the head when
it says: "It simply has an inveter
' ate and unreasonable hostility to the
whole system of protection to Ainer
; ican industry, and attacks the pro
I posed shipping subsidy measure
I precisely as it has attacked every
; protective tariff which has ever been
, framed, and with the sutne absence
of reason and abundance of rancor."
j Minnesota has lost a philanthropist
i named .lolin S. Harris, who found
forty iicres enough to demonstrate
tht value of apple-growing to the
state, and also to originate new
varieties suited to the climate. No-
j body ever hurrahed for Harris, but
ie was WOIth more tlmn ten thousand
i demagogues to Minnesota.
By applying a prolonged pressure
of 1S,000 pounds to the square inch
a Montreal professor makes marble
How like molasses. Uncle Sam may
yet collect that little bill from the
sultan of Turkey, says the Globe
Democrat. It is said that no man is able to
visit the White House and leave it
au enemy to the president. Wouldn't
it be a good i'lea to send the editor
of the 0:egouinn there for a week or
The Missouri legislature ought to
be convened in extraordinary session
to denounce Gen. Funston for riding
a Missouri mule to the camp of
Aguinaldo, says the Globe-Democrat.
The most wholesome and
nutritious substitute for cof
fee and tea.
Made from the choicest
California figs, prunes and
selected grains.
A delicious, strengthening
beverage holds its delicate
flavor to the bottom of the
Physicians recommend
All grocers sell it.
Itlowu To AtoniH.
The old idea that the body sometimes
needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill
has been exploded ; for Dr. King's Now
LifH Pille, which are perfectly harmless,
gtintly etimulate liver and bowels to ox
pel poisonout matter, cleanse the system
and absolutely cure Constipation and
Sick Headache. Only L'oc at G. C.
Hlakoley's artig store. 1
"I had piles so bad I rotild yet no rest
nor lind a cure until I tried DsWitt'a
nun tiazei baivo. Alter using it once,
1 forgot I ever had anything like Piles. "
K. C. Boice, Homers Point, N. Y. Look
out for imitations. Bo sure you uet Do
Witt's. Clarke AFalk's P.O. Pharmacy.
A fully equipped blacksmith shop, do
!.. . 1 . AKrnr r ,
nit: at ic.iui, fuuuu worm oi uusiness a
vear in an iiirHCiild nnnimiinliu n,i in
first-claes location, ia for sale cheap on
the best of tonne. Iieaeone for selling
is inability to attend to eo large a con
cern. Apply to the Antelope Real
Estate Agency Office in the Republican
printing ofliirp, Antelope, Or, m25 wtf
Experience is the beat Teacher. Use
Auker'H Engllati Remedy in any cage of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fall to,
give immediate relief money refunded
25 eta. and 50 cte. Blakeloy, the drug
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paluta when you can buy James E,
Patton's aun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Fa'k, agents. ml
Early Roie seed potatoes for sale at
tbe Stadelmau Comm. Go. m5'lra
Drying preparations simply dovol
op dry catarrh j thoy dry up tho secretions,
which adhcro to tho inciubrano and decom
pose, causing a far more serious trouble tlmn
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid nil dry
iug inhalants, fumes, smokes and shuIIh
nud uao that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Crenra Balm is such n remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in Iho head
1 easily and pleasantly. A trinl sizo will bo
1 M . 1 e tt i 1 i I, j,
Hitmen i or di' coiiih. Jn umf;ibiH kuii nil)
COo. size. Elyltrothors, fiti Warron Ht., N.Y.
Tho Balm euros without pain, docs not
irritato or causo snoozing. It spreads itself
over an irritated nud angry mirfaco, reliev
ing immediately tho painful iutlammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Ilay Fover.
Yon will not have hoils if von i -x
Clarke & Fnlk's pure euro toi.boils.
Clarke & Fnlk have on Bale a full Hue
of paint and artist's brushes', ,
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Fnlk.
Hustling youiiK man can make .ftiO per
month and expenses. Poruinnen,'. posi
tion. Experience ntinccaesary. Writ
quick for particulars. Clark Co.,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel
hpia, Pa, sS-t;
Clarke & Fulk'e flavoring extracts aro
the best. Ask vour c." cer for them.
SOUTH and EAST via
liiieffi Pacific Co.
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dulles for Portland ami wiij
station at l:Jo a. m. nud .". p. ui.
Leave Portland
" Albany
Arrive Ashland
" Sacramento
" San h'rancUco ..
.... ?:ro n m
.... 12:30 n in
....U:.".i u m
.... ft: 00 p in
. ... "lib p 111
7:00 p ni
10:60 p in
11:30 a m
1 ;Xi ii in
a:15 a m
Arrive Ojrdon 5: 15 n m
" Denver U:00 a m
" Kansas City 7:'J." ii m
" Chicago 7:15 ii in
11: l." n m
J:oou m
7:'J." a in
'J:20 a in
Arrive Los Angeles 1:20 p m
" El Paso r:0o p m
" Kort Worth ::J u m
" City of Mexico D:.V n m
" Houston 1:00 a m
" New Orleans il:2.'iain
" Washington r,:ijuin
" New York 1'.': 13 p m
7:00 a in
0:00 p 111
fi;.1!) a m
0 :.5 n m
I :00 n in
i): ili p in
0 12 u in
1'2-V.l p m
Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains
Ohnirciirs Sacramento to (Jgdcii mid El Paso,
and tourist car.s to Chicago, St Louis, New Or
leans and Washington.
Connecting at San Kraucico with several
steamship lines lor Honolulu, Japan, China,
Philippines, Central and South America.
See agent at The Dalles station, or ndd.tss
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or
Yellowstone Park Line.
Union Depot, Firm and I sts
No. 2.
i Fast mall lor Taeoma,
Seattle, Olympla, Gray's
nuruorami soutn uenu
points, Spokane, Ross-;
land, 11, C., Pullman,
'Moscow, Ujwlston, Iluf
11:15 A. M.'falollump mining conn- CiM V. M,
try, lleleiiu, Minuenpo-'
1 lis, Ht. Paul, Omaha,
Kansas City, St. Louis,'
Chicago and nil lioints'
No. i. east and Miutheast.
P licet Sound Kxnress
No. 3.
11;30 P.M. for Tacmnii and Seattle 7;0OA. M.
and Intermediate poluu
Pullman flrst-olass and tourist slccier8 to
Minneapolis, ht. Paul and Missouri river point
without change.
vustlnuieil trains, union ilcunt r'ntinivtlnm.
in nil principal eiue..
liuggage checked to deitinntloii of tickets.
For handsomely IllimtiateddeK.'rlptivemattcr,
uukui!, nieepiug-car reservations, etc., can on or
Assistant General IMtsenger Agent. 115.1 MorrJ
ton Street, corner Third, Portland Oregon.
trade marks
Copyrights &;.
Anrono iendliiK a iketrli and description ma
nulcMly mcertaln our opinion free whether a
Invention In probably pnteiitahle. Comniiiiilrf
tluiiftr'trlctlj' confidential. Iluiidbookou I'alcnti
tent trt'O. Oldest nuciicy for secnrliiK latents.
I'utei.tB taken tnrouuh Munn II to. recelvv
tptcUit notice, without ciiarno, In tho
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weokly.
Largest clr
TerniB, a
rul.itloii of uiit scleiitlUn Journal.
rear: Uoldbvall now dealers.
MUNN &Co.'. New York
Brneli Ofllee. GCi V (iU Wsslilouten. D. C
ONI FOR A DOM. nil I 0
Remora PhapUs, PrTMt I I m
UurallMdcbaSiadljrsppsi. -
Northern Pacific
Shot Like
and Union Pacific
rortlnud .Special.
tjmk stmnnui.Ks
THK D.U.l.K.S.
Knit l.-iUe, Denver, l't.
I Worth, Omaha, Kan-
t-asClty,! St. Louis, Chi
cago nud the I jist.
ll:'2 i . in.
via Hunt
ington. Atlantic, .
Kxtiress, "
VJieil a. in.
via Hunt
ington. Ht. l'nuJ
Kiist .Mull,
lll'j.", p. m.
via .Spo
kane. 1:0,-. j
Halt Luke, Denver, l't.
Worth, Omaha, ICmi
MiM.'lty.St Louis, Chi
cago ami the Kast.
Walla Wnllii, Leu Iston.
Minneapolis, St.
Paul, Dultith,. Milwau
kee, Chicago nud lvist.
l.t.ln. m
::::'.!) a in.
From Portland.
(All Milling dates .sub
ject to change )
l-'or ?nn l'raurlvn,
i-all every ." days.
S.OOp. m.
1:00 p. in
Dally '
exrept ;
C'olllllililii Klvnr.
To Astoria and Wiiy
ljiudliig. 1 .00 p. m
:i p. in.
tviiuriiiiv, '
10:0U p. in.
Wllliiini'tto Itlviu-. ,
Oregon City, Neivberg,
Salem, Independence,
mid ay-bindlngN.
ti:W a. in.
l:"0 p. in.
0:00 u. in.
I::.n p. in
C'orvnlll and Way-
7:00 ii. in.
:i: in ii. in.
viiiin!ttii mid :i 30 p. in
Vanillin l;tvrM. Monday,
Oregon City, Dayton and " ciineuay
i ay-uiniuiigs.
S n ii Id, IClTor.
Riparia to LewNtou.
S:M a.m.
Parties desirinc to iro to Ilennner or
puiius on i.oiumnia i-ouinerii via inggt. hiiouiu
muu itn. -j, leaving 'iiie vnllvs at vivi.t p. m.
making direct coiinecllon. at Ileppuer junction
mid Higgs. Returning nuikingdirectcoiitiectlon
at Ileppuer junction ami lllygs with No. 1, ar
riving at The Dalles at l:0."i p. in.
l-'or further particulars, call on or address
Tho Dalle.1,, Oregon.
Ily virtue of the order and direction of the
Council of Dalles City, as by rcMilutiou hereto
lore adopted, notice is I ereby given that the
Council of Dalles City has determined toestab
llih sidewalks and crosswalks for Tenth street
in Oales' Addition to Dalles City, and (or
Clay street, in lllull Addition to Dalies Citv, as
A sidewalk commencing tit ii point when' the
east Hue oi Court street would Intersect the
northern boundary Hue oi the school property
of .-school District No. 12, of Wnsco County, Ore
gon, said property being known as the itcadeinv
grounds, if said Hue would be extended to said
northern boundary line, nud running thence
easterly to the northeast corner of said property
of said ifChool district and abutting on the
northern line of said property.
A sidewalk commencing at the northwest cor
ner of block No. 5. mid running easterly to the
northeast corner of said block No. .1. ami abut
ting on the northern boundary Hue of said
bio. k No. r.
A crosswalk running straight across II street
and joining on the west the sidewalk abutting
on the northern boundary line of said block No.
o, ami joining on the east n sidewalk abutting
on the northern boundary line of block No. 0.
A sidewalk commencing a', the northwest
corner of said block nud miming easterly
to the northeast enrm-r of said block and abut
ting on the northern boundary line of bald
block No. C.
A crosswalk running straight across O street
and joining on the west tho sidewalk abutting
on the northern boundary lino of saM block No
fi, und Joining a sidewalk abutting cm the north,
em boundary linunf block No. 7.
A sidewalk commencing at tho northwest
corner of block No. 7, and running easterly to
trio northeast corner of said block No. 7, and
abutting on the northern boundary line of said
block No. 7.
A f.mvwivfil I- u rn I..,.. ....... f,... .
lind joining on the west the sidewalk abutting
,,, uiu in,, mi-m uuiiuiiary iineoi muu ijiock wo,
7, and joining on the wist a sidewalk abutting
wii urn mil III will IllJIIIIIHiry ihio in O.OCK no. B,
A sidewalk commencing nt tho nnrHiui.ut
corner of block No. h and running easterly ion
ici, ami anuiuug on me northern boundnrv
line of said block No. 8.
That said Tenth street and tho property abut
ting thereon beliii; In (iatcs Aiiilltlnn to i,iii,.u
(lity.aiid nil the other above dcsctlbed streets,
I'locks and property being In llluir Addition to
wanes Liny, nam iiuove ueseriljcu slUewalkH to
bo six feet lu width and to bui.onstrucled In no
cordanco with tho ordinances lu relation to the
construction of sidewalks.
Hnld crosswalks to be constructed lu accord
ance with the ordinances of thoclty In relation
to thu construction thereof,
That tho cost of said sidewalks and crosswalks
aro to bu,Hstfs d against tho property benefited
thereby, according to the Uvtu ol Dalles city.
In witness whurcol I havo hereunto set my
hand and thocorpornte ceal of .Dallus City this,
the '."Jiiil day ol March, IU0I.
1kai..1 NKD 11. (I ATKS,
mehJ-.'-lflt Recorder of Dalles City.
Notice No. 2
Ih to all perpons indebted to the Into firm
of E. .1. ColllnB & Co. and S. L. Brooks
to cull and settle their account or note,
uh the ca8 mav be. bv the 1st of Anrll ;
otherwise the hccouiiIh will bo put into
tl... i. .1.. ..t '
in" iinnuH ui nur rmiecior.
You want the best,
C, L. Phillipa has it, in
Dull' Leghorns a specialty.
Came to my place, seven miles weat
of The Dallee, tirat of November Uat, a
black Jersey steer, two years old ; small
split in eaoti ear; no brand visible.
Owner can have same by proving owner
ship and paying all charges.
HO fit J. P, AainiuH.
With every tlolliir'H worth of iroodp pnruhuped at my Btoro for tho next Sixty
Days, 1 will yivu onu chunco on tho following prii:uB : '
1-FlrBt. p;ir.u tJ!t,H, J?"!') )'.ixMi ft'l Clmin
U Sfcouil prize 1 l-'eB (.told ntch and Clml,,
J Third Prize ; ." moklntt Sot
.(-Kourtli prlsu 1 's,lv,!r I'uttor )inh and llutlur Knife
5 Fifth prlzu 1 t Silver knives and Forks
In uililitiiui to kI vim: nwav IIichk rhm 1 will sell ooda hb low as thu lowest
and cuuratituo my jjooiIh to ho fresh, (tlvu me a trial. 1
Speaking of Blood Medicine :
Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing
that. c.nri'H. IV nut fo'trut it ; wo havo it, at 75c poi botllo (lwrje lmttltg)
naruntoiiil, or you may $ul your m uioy hack if not mitinlk'd. ' '
wo exori'iHc tho jjreatuHt euro. Wo carry tho host ami ufo the her,t in enm
ptiumlini: your pliVHiciaiit) ordore. Our prices wo make uh low uh in consistent
with I'lliclent survicu.
We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything
iippurtainiiiK to DnigH, I'utuut Mt'diuirien, Sundries and Photograph Supplius,
F. S. GUflrilfiO,
...Blacksmith, Horseslioer and Wagon-maker...
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Agent for Russell Co. s Lnglnes, Threihers and Haw .Mills.
Telephone In",
l.onj: DiHtanco 11)7!!.
Jb Eb
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered lo any part of tho City.
Phones :
51 Local,
858 hone Dituaiiue.
L. Lane.
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fioh Brothers' Wagon.
Third and Jcfrernn. Phone 159
mm Besiauiani
h, Y. Hone, PropV.
pipst-CIass in Every ljespeet
Oysters Served in any Style.
7 Heeoud Ht., Tho Dalles. Or.
Niitlee Is herehy given that tho undersigned
has heen duly iipnnlnted hy the county court of
he Mate of Oieiron lor WWo eouiity.ailnilulo
triitrlxof theeslnteof John lialrviiiiile.ileeeased.
Al persons having (ihillim against said estate
arc heiehy ri-uiilml to iiteseut thu saino to inc.
liiopvrly verified, s liy law ieiUlicd, at my resl
deiieo on thu I'lityil raiieh, livo miles ' from
PalK'St'ity, or a ihoollleoof lleioiett.tHluuott,
within six months from thudate hereof. '
Dated this 'Jlst ony of Kehruary, imil
Administratrix ! Iho estate ol John Dalrvm
ile, deeenseil, lei) '.'.'!
Notion herehy given that tho following
named se tier has l lol uotloo of his Intention
!IV"-e. 1,ml ,,.m(",,,V ""I'lM'tt of his claim, aim
that Hul l j.roof will be uiiidu heforo '. i,
1 rrt'.h,,.'''1Vl".,t'(1 ht,,u'.H ;it'"issioner for district
of aslilngton, at Ills olllec in (ioldoudnlc
Wash., on Halurday, Anrll l.'i, 1!KI, viz ;
William a. ItoiiN,
II. K. No. IIKI.1I, for lots ft, li, . !i unit 10, section
l5.townshl.i! north, rimgu ili Cast V. .M.
Ho niuiies the following wltncHses to provp
ol 1 sahl'lanl'll'vl' " """ "'"""Hloii
Anilruw l'. liunmtll, (leoigc l llnnnull, Alhy
M. II nine iiiii All i ,, 1V1 ..ii . V '
,'"31'- W. I. DDNIIAIt, lleglstcr.
i No,,i!'''i lH1'il)',;',y Klvs;n tli it Die undersigned
"It-'"' ' llmolurk of tho county court f
tho Hta of OrcK.iu for Whu 'o u nty, U h n
Hccouul as uxeculor of thu last "ill i test
rnunt of MuryJ. Ileczlov. depAuil. , , i V i
ciHinly nourt has, hy mi order uiado on tho fitti
?.5X "f ''. lWl,llxel the Hth day "f Anr
ivui.ui, uiu nouroi a oo (Kilt p, m hk tho tlmo
'iBcunty court rwun 0 bh lcoi nty, in
Uallw City, tho place (or the l on if
or objection to said Until account.
t A N D
Cor, Second & Laiislilin Sis, THE DALLES. OR.
"The Owl."
173 Second Street.
Just What
Yoa cuant.
Now itit'ns in Wall Paper here. Such
widu variety na we are allowing never he
fore (truced a uinisle atottk. Keal iruita
tion croton otl'outH ut ordinary prices.
G(kh1 papera at cheap paper priceB.
Elogutit doninDH, taeteful coloriugH, yours
for u ainal) prico, at our atore on Third
atreet. Alao a full line of house puiuts.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
Max A. Vout.
First National Bank,
A Goners! Banking Buainms tranaactcd
xvopoBtts received, eubject to rsigni
Draft or Check.
Oollectione made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collodion,
flight and Telegraphic Exchange aold rn
New York, San Francisco nc' port
Ku. M. WlIiLIAMH, Gko. A. hiKiu:.
H M, Bbalu.
We Iiiivii on Mile a lull lino of
Bonib and Dressed Liter
Mouldings, Braokets, Laths,
Shinglos, Windows, Doors,
Which we will sell nt livo
and let live prices.
(live uh 11 trial and wu will treat
you right.
TlilrU aud Veaaral Hla.
. b. iium'INOTon, Kxecutor.