The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 03, 1901, Image 4

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    Ilriira From Itntitil.
"O'm expictln' a tillvprnum fin me
otvltl mini, Demiis Mulrew, phwut'e
out in Oholui," remarked a portly Irish
woman, no she endued the telegraph
otlicti. "Hnv yez it?"
"N'o, tiin'ui, we haven't," eaul the
polite clerk at the receiver ; "what was
it about 7"
"None of yer tioin hus'ness," replied
IVIra. Mulgretv. "Plnvat roiilit L it iv
yours to know pluvnt'e in me tillyurnin V
Tliere, Imitorra. there lie's ypakin to me
now. Oi hear yez, DcmiU; kape on
"That's only the instrument tiekinp,"
said the clerk. "It's another message,
"Ye lie," cried Mrs. Mulgrew, "ye
thafe of the worruld, ye lie. Don't yez
s'pose Oi know me own husb.ui's voice,
he hivvins? The pour inon stutters
whin lie talks, till lie shakes the win
ders, but, be th' powers, Oi niver heard
him stutter like thot came.
aisy, Dennie; Oi hear yez an' there's
divvil a bit of hurry."
"Oh dear, oh dear," she tinally
inoaued, as the ticker kept up its ham
mering. "Oi can't understand him at
all, at nil. Be pub, he can't avin- pit
started, and he's worse than he was at
home. The divvil tek the tillypranh."
Brooklyn Eagle.
Cuunty Kxhllilt- at the State I'tilr.
The liberal premiums ofi'ered for
county exhibits at the state fair this
year will afford every county in the
state an opportunity to exhibit her re
sources. There is no question about the
great number of home-seekere coming
to this state this year, and the state fair
will atford them an excellent opportu
nity to judge for themselves of our re
sources. For this reason alone every
county that makes any pretension to
general agriculture should make a good
showing. The premiums offered on
county exhibits is $1000. divided into
Ave parts, as follows-: First premium,
$300; second premium, !f2o0; third pre
mium, $200; fourth piumium, $130;
fifth premium, $100. The Southern Pa
cific Compauy hauls all exhibits to and
from the fair free of charge, and a very
liberal rate is made on all other lines in
the eastern portion of the state.
Notice is hereby given that the county
superintendent of Wasco county will
hold the regtihir examination of appli
cants lor county certificates, at the court
house, as follow? :
Commencing Wednesday. April 10th,
at 0 o'clock a. m., and continuing until
Friday, April 1'Jth, at 4 o'clock p. in.:
TiriCATKS. Wednesdav Penmanship, history, or
thography, reading.
ThiirrdH Writin arithmetic, theory
of teaching, uritmmar, school law.
Fridav Ueoirraphy, mental arith
metic, physiolgv, civil goyernment.
PoniTiiencing, Aoril 10th,
at 0 a. in., and continuing until Hairs
da , April 11th, at 4 p. to. :
Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra
phy, reading.
Thursday Art of questioning, theory
of teaching, methods.
Dated at The Dalles. Oregon, March
30, 1901.
C. L Gii.iiEhT,
County Supt.
If mything uiie your hair, go and see
Frjzer ; he's the headquarter? for all
h n'r remedies. tiemeinber that he
ntHkes a specialty of th-ee goods. tf
Clark & Fulk are iittvor closed Scndn; ,
T) ni't forget this.
Skin-Tortured Babies
Find Comfort in Cuticura
Instant Relief and refreshing sice) for Skin
tortured Babies and rest for Tired Mothers in a
warm bath willi Cctiouka Soap and a siriglc anoint
ing with CtJTiouRA, the great skin cure and purest
of emollients. This is the purest, sweetest, most
speedy, permanent, and economical treatment for
torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding,
scaly, crusted, and pimply skin and scalp humors,
with loss of hair, of infants and children.
Millions of Mothers Use Cuticura Soap
Exclusively for yirosenrir.R, purifying, and beautifying tlto f kin, for cleamlug tho f ral of
crusts, r-calos, and dandrntf, and the ftonpltig of fsillltijr li.ilf, for Miftutiln;;, whitening, nnd
soothing red, rotiu'h, and .-ote hands, In the form of bath for annoying Irritations, lntl.nn
tr.attoni, and chatltigt, o.- too free or offensive perspiration, In tho form of wahe.-t fur
ulcerative wcalnius-es, and for in my sanative antiseptic purpose which readily suggest
themselves to women, and e-pecially mothers, and lor all the purposes-of Ihe toilet, bath,
nnd nursery. N'o amount of persuasion can Induce those who have once moil It to u-oany
other, especially for ptcsoning anil purifying the skin, scalp, and hair of inlanu and
children. Cimcmi.v Sow combines delicate emollient properties derived from Cert
CL'llA, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing Ingredients, and the mo-t ref re-h
lug of flower odors. No other Rittiteafciiso.ipovorcompnumlcd is to be compared nltli It
for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the Akin, eoalp, hair, and hands. j,0 other
foreign or dome-tie toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared with It for all the
purpo-es of the toilet, bath, and nur-ery. Tims It combines in Osu Hit.w at Oxi: I'luci:,
viz., TwcxTT-FiVK Ci:nt3, the nilsT itni and complexion .oap, the liKST toilet
baby soap in tho wo: Id.
Complete External and Internal treatment for every Humor S1.25.
Bold throughout the world. I'nicK, Tin: Srr.S-l.v'J; or,Ho..e, i!ic; Ointment, 60c; llE.'or,
ve.vt, ooc. 1'oTTEii Duco anu C'm:u. Cor.r., Bole rrofd., Uostou, Mass., U.S.A. "Hotv
lo Cure livery Ilumor " free.
A Hla4lAMf rAmifll llAIIIAIlMKfl)1 '
1 11(5 roup a phi raiiiuy pwipp
i I
I Transact a General Banking Business.
Letters of Crctlit i-iaiicd uvnilahle in
the. Eastern States.
Sight Exchange ami Tulcgrapliic
Transfers sold on JNow York, Chicago,
-St. I .'itits . Han Francieco, Portland Ore
gon . Seattle Wand., ami various; points?
in Oregon and Wiiriliington.
CnllL'ctions tnado at all points on fav
orable terms.
Of tho product of thto well-known hrcwery tho United Staten I ieultlt
Uuportx for .tune l!S, 1(100, HiiyH: "A inoro Biipeiinr brew never entered
the lahratory of tin; United StateH Health reporlH. It in aht-olutuly devoid
of the HlighteHt, tracn of adulteration, hut on tho other hand in cnn,ilw,
tho bi!Ht of malt ami choiccHt of hopn. I Ih tonic (inalllicH am of the. high,
cut and it can he lined with the jtrtrntcat heiiellt and HallHfactiun hy old anil
youim. Ita iiHii can I'oneciuntioiitdy he prcHcnlied ly Hio pliyHieiunn uitii
tlie ccrcainty that a Imtlor, purer or inoro wIioIchoiiio beverage could luit
posaibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and FancyG-rocer os.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Wasco Ware!; jy
se Company
To all old anil new subscribers paying onu year in advance we ofl'er
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for S2.00,
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for SI. 50.
TUB GOliiiia PaGKinn u
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, iSIS
Headquarters fcr ''By ers' Best" Pendle-
tOTl "ImiT '''"1,r lfl tnu'iufautureil oxprt'Huly for family
uho : ovorv m !k in piiaraiitet'd to (ivo Hiitiafaction.
Wa pell our t.'ooda lower than any Iioiiho .n t!i tradu, and if you don't think eo
I call and et iMir pnccH and bo convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whoa.t, Barley and Oats.
I'ubli-hdl Munilny,
WtilncMlay nnd l-'ri-ilny,
If- in reality a (Inu
and fresh uvcry-other-day
1MI1, rIvIiik the
latest news on days of
issue, u n d coveriiiR
news of the other U.
It contains all Impor
tant forciKH cable
nciv.s which appears
in thu hfiily Trihunu
of same date, al.-o do
mestic and forelcn
correspondence, short
stories, elegant half
tone Illustrations, tin
Till liirf"ll 1 morons Items, iudus-Inl-WrrKI
Y tril,: infunnatlim,
I III IIL.L.I1.I fashion note, "HrkMil
tural mailers, and
oompri'herisiveaiid re
liable and
market reports.
Itejjiilar snb-crip-tirm
price, per
J ear.
Wo furnish it with
Semi Wtekly Chroni
cle for ?J.t"J per jcar.
I'tiblished on Thurs
day, anil known for
nearly sixty years in
eery part of the I'nl
ted .States as a lui'lon
al family newspaper
of the highest class,
for farmer.x and villa
Iters. It contains all
the most Important
general news of the
i Daily Tribune up to
thu hour of Koine to
press; an agricultural
department of the
highest order, has en
tertaining reading for
every member of the
famlly.ohl and young:
market reports which
are accepted as auth
ority hy farmers and
merchants, and is
clean, up-to-date, In
teresting and instruc
tive. Itcgular subscrip
tion price, 51 per ear.
We furnish It with
Semi-Weekly Chroni
cle for ?l.fO jicr
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or
you have seen hundreds of your companions
vaMeaway In mill and foundry with a persistent
cough. You have seen huutlredsof them die with
that terrible-disease, Consumption. You have seen
ivives left ieunile,ss, unit children tl)rmvu upon
the mercies of tho cold world, because the father
coughed his life away. 'Die air you breathe
every day is full of sharp, metallic dust, which is
inhaled into the luugi and irritates their delicate
lining. In the caiu of glusJ blowers, the licrco
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to an ex
edition Issiitd (ait of the Circuit t ourt of the
Ktite of Oiegon for Wasco County, on the!21t
day of February, llxll. In n suit therein pending
wherein William Flowi Is platiitill'atid William
r. Helm and Kllzabeth M Helm and K W. Helm
are defendants, to me directed, I will, on hatnr
day, the '.Sid day of March, 1!W1, at the hour of 'J
o'clock p. m., at the court housedoor In Dalles
City. Oregon, sell at public sale to the hlg test
bllder for cash in Iniiid, al! of the following de
scribed real proierlv sltuat'd in said Was o
County, tn-wlt: Lots 1 and J and the southeast
quarter of tho northeast quarter of section 4,
township 3 south, range 1 1 cast, and the couth
east quarter nnd the southeast quarter of the
northeast quarter of section :EJ.township 2 south,
range II east, W. M., to satisfy u certain Judg
ment rendered in said court and cause on said
Jlstday of February, lWl.for thu sum of ?17.:i.:i7
and interest at ten per cent per annum, and
f'iW attomcy'H fees, and $1.1 costs and disburse
ments, nnd $70.15 and interest at six jier cent
per annum and ffill ns nnd interest at ten per
cent tier milium and accruing costs
ItnilKItl Kiai.Y,
fb'i' fherlll'ol WiiK-oCounty.
Cut Out
heat of the molten glau forces Its way up tho
tube into thu lunirs when- it uruduullv breaks
down their delicate structure, making every cold
n danger to life. You can't alfonl to quit work- '
ing and are dully cxed to this fatal dust and
Intense heat. What you and your friends need '
is Acker's Kuglisli Itemcily Tills will make your ;
throat and lungs strong again, It will heal thu 1
irritation, brace up your strength, and you need
never lose a nay s wotK. i nave iiouceo mat in
home mills there ate no cases of Consumption.
Thu reason Is that Acker's KuglUU itemedy la
used by the men working there.
Bold at 25c. , 60c. and f 1 a bottle, throughout
tho United States ami Canada ; and in Kugiaua
at is. 'id,, 'is. 3d,, is. Od. 11 you arc iiov satisfied
after buying, return the bottle to your druggist,
sud get your outuey back.
M'e authorise the above guarantee.
W tt, UOOKM & W ftoinidort, Xtw 'ni,
For Bale at Ulakelcy'e I'liaruiacy.
1.AMO orricK at The, Ohkhon,,
Notice Is hereby given that tho following
named settler hasllled notice o his Intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will bo made beforo tho Ileglster
and Itecelver nt The Dalles, Oregon, on baiur
day, May 11, 1'JOI, viz;
Iticolt OlilttgKclilaKttr,
of The Dalles, Oregon, II. K. No. &VW, for tho
KKU HW(. bWJ4 hKh and I-ot 1. Sec. VJ, Tp 2
N, It Hi K, W. il.
He iniua-x too following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, vl..
K. Kohler, Jacob Wet tic, II. II. Leurned, (ieo.
lrenzcii, all of Thu Dalles, Oregon.
nprii JAY I'. I.tM'AH, HcgUter
i.ANI) Ofkick at Vancocvhh, Wnsli., I
Kebiliary Is, I'.mii. I
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has Hied notice ol Ills Intention
to maku liiial proof In snpiort of his claim, and
Hint said proof will be mado before W. it, 1'ies
by, V. H, commissioner for l)ltriet of Welling
ton, at (ioldtiidale, Wash,, on Weduusday,
April a, 1WI, vl.;
IrvhiL' H, llurliMV,
of I.ylo I. O,, Washington, who nisdo If. IJ, No.
mr.Jfor tho NKK of ecu '.'7, 111 Ta N, It VI K
He names thu following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vU.;
Jesse J, Holder ami Vernon T. Hliishaw, each
of (ioideniliilc 1. O,, Wash,, lames O. I.ylo and
Irall, Hewett, each of i.ylo 1'. O,, Washington,
VM W. It. Di'.su.wt, Ucslsttr. j
Enclose it to Me with
Ten Dollars
And I will ftirniah you all complete,
ready for nee, mv 1001 Model No. 7
perior in make, quality and power to
uny bolt offered by other cJeulerB for
which they charge $40.
Dr. Sanden's Belt
huB no equal for tho euro of Ner
vous nnd Physical Duhilitv, Ex
hausted Vitality. Varicocele,
i'rumaturo Decliue, Loss of
Memory, WaHtinu, etc., which
liaH been brought about by early
indiscrotiona or later cxceHics,
Dr. Sanden Electric Co.,
1(17 South Fourth St., l'OKTLAND, OH.
Vinwh -diSswsrno
h vfiiwar c load"" i
wm&i 1
I bcljis the team. Saves wear and I
c.iciiHe. Sold everywhere,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof BRAND
The time will soon be here when evury
stylish dressed man will want an up-to-date
Spring Suit. Those are the kind of
patrons am tailoring for. Come in
and look over my Spring line of Suitings.
All thu latest novelties for 11)01 .
Suits to Order, $IO.OO.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
In all Its (tnge there
should lie clcunlltie-s.
Ely's Cream Dalm
thu diseased membrane.
It cares catarrh and drives
auny a cold in tho head
Cream Itnliu is placed Into tho noitrlls, spreads
over the membrane nnd is absorbed. Itcllcf Is im
mediate, and a euro follows. It ia not drying does
not produce aiiveJng. Lar(;o .Size, 50 cents at llruj;-t-Utt
,ir hy mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
M.V IKKJTHIIHH, 50 Warren Street, New York.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests tho food and aids
Nature ia strengthening and recou
atructln? the exhausted digostlve or-
Bans. ii is cue latest uiscovereauigesto
ant and tonic. No other preparation
caa approach It ia etllclcncy. It ia
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgiu.Crampsand
all other results ot Imperfect digestion.
PrleeSOc. and II. Larffoaliocontalnsaw times
small ilxo. llookallnlxmtdyHpopslaniairedfreB
Prepared by E. O. DcWITT A CO., Cblcagtv
Sold hy Clarke & Fnlk's I'. O. Phurmucy.
Pliysiciau and Surgeon,
Special attention (jlven to lurgery.
ol. X!) iloom 21 uud Ti, Votft lllo'k
C. J. stubmgJ
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to Firm National liaiik.
Condon Plume
LniiK lC"t. I Oil I.
, -3
liny Stallion, A yours old; height 15; humls, weight J050
Iiounds. Birod by Zoinbro, 2:11, tho host son of McKin
noy, 2:11 L
Firfltdaiii, HritlcHinaid, hy lloxwooil, win of Nutwootl. Kccond (lain, Lake
land Queiin. dam of Ad Aloiin 'J'J-.'M. by l.akoland'H Ahdaliah, hoii of Hainhlutoii
lan 10. lliird ditm, l'ruiiulla, liy Alliamhra, hoii of Mumhrino Chief U.
KDMUNl) K. will iniiktt tlin hoiihou of null at I.. A. l'orter'H livery Htuhle, The
UalleH, Oregon. Terms for tho Soason, $20.
For further particulurH hcu
janiio-dwiuio FRED FISHER, Proprietor.
HtfiiinurH of the UcKUliitnr l.lmi will run nt, per tin- (al
ow.iib m.'IihIiiIo, tliu Compuny runurviiiK tliu rllit to cslialiKt' k
M'liCllllIu wltiiout notice. 'j
Str. Hoitulntor
C, I.v. Uallw
U ill 7 a u
k TiiuHijay . ,
k, inuiMiay ,. ,,
M Kuturiliiy.
b- Arr. I'ortlnnil
I.v. I'nrtluiiil
a' 7 A. M.
. . Munilny
. Wulni'Miny
. . Kriiiiiy
Arr. IIiiIU'm
n Ti l'. m.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dulloa City.
I.V. lIllllUH
at 7 A. M.
Wfdiifsdiiy , .
Arr. Cortland
at I Nil) i'. m,
I, . I'nrtlaiiil
llt7.(HA. M.
'I'lK-si y
., 'j'liurHjiiy.j
rr DlllU'H
FOR nnMUnP'n UlnrkTvTnM-xr Aim t-it -m a nrmW si
, Travol by the Htwimom ol tliu KcKuUtor Unc. 'i'ho (.'ompuny will umleavor to give it I1"'" ;
I roiiHtliancNtHervicopoiihIliIc. for iurtlior luhinnatl mi wWrosi j
rortiHt.d oillcc, Oak-Htreot Dock. W. C. ALLAVVAY, Qon. Agt.
. i