The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 03, 1901, Image 3

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    hhv Huh- tin' mini total represents our inoHt conscientious ell'ortH to please you,
and we hope that when you call we iiiuy Iind our reward in your approval.
For Easter
our K inter milt, will he incomplete
without gloves to match it., ho here is an
Our V,
lehrated OLA KISS K
at .jl.L'i") our price
-sold every-
this week only
DKN'T Oelelirated KugliHh dove,
fur ladies ; all shades
Ladies' Dressing Jackets
and Komonas
.Made of fancy dimitieH, white Iiiwiih, or
gandies and pongee cloth. Ask to see
75c, $1, $1 50 to $3.50.
All GoocIb Markocl
In Plain FUrnros
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
VKI-XK-!). V
A PHIL ::, 15)01
Atl Wiikcii County witrriintK reiclHtnratfl
print to Mitituiltiir I, 1HIIT, will lot piilil
in pri'Miiiitiillon ut my ulllec, i 11 1 r ?h t i
'iiiim until- Nil vinnlier all, 1 1MMI.
(intuit)' Ti'i'iitiiriir.
New Hbirt wiiiHta at Tiie Fair. I!-2t
Children drosses 25 centH und up at
Tli' Fair. a!i-2t
Tlio Tygh ltidge country in having an
epidemic of measles.
The regnlur monthly meeting of the
city council convened tonight.
Glovosule at A. M. Williams & Co.'s
tomorrow from 10 a. in. to (i p. in.
Tomorrow at A. M. Williams & Co.'s.
ladies' $1 and if 1. 23 kid gloves for (ii) ots.
No mutter what you want in our
linn, remember that we are the cheapest
store in town. The Fair. al Ut
White Hwisa dresses for the sweet girl
coium unionist, in beautiful variety, at
A. M. Williams & Co.'s.
A. M. Willianifl & Co. report a rush
ing business in blue and black serge
suits for boys today. First communion
next Sunday.
Thu ladles of the Lutheran church
will have on sale, Saturday at I. C.
N'iekelson's book store, Waster cakes,
pit's and rye brtmd.
Joaquin Miller lias moved to Nonces
county. Tt'xas, where be Intends to
reside the remainder of bin life, nwuv
from the busy world.
Horse flesh continues to rise, and the
rice is now very linn. Heuentlv at
Omaha the lowest bid for 000 cavalry
burses was ll-IO a bend.
The llrst consignment of 15)01 spring
'rawlish lias arrived at the "Owl," J.
Fait it Co., proprietors. They will be
served at all hours, day and nigbt. tit
Now that Mr. Carnegie's name is
known everywhere in America, it may
not lie out of place to remind Americans
Unit Us correct pronunciation is Cur, with the accent on the middle
"No fighting here now," says u Kan
Nas boy in the Philippines in a letter to
liiu family. "Mutters have simmered
lown to the level of hunting train rob
liers and whiskey peddlers in the Indian
Are you looking (or an ideal farm? If
you are, we can suit you. We have a
fo) r (6)
Icpfl served i
q At Andrew Keller's.
The Easter Store
is ready
iih never before from one end to the other
the store is fairly beaming with the most
fashionable goods on two continents suits,
gloves, waists, luces, wash fabrics, novelties
in silk dress goods, iind fill this other things
designed to become pnit of your Hauler
toilet. A viuii'tv so fust, ho comprehensive,
so complete in its minutest details t lint to
uttempt description seems n hopeless tusk.
The Easter Windows are Get
ting in Readiness, and so
is the Store.
U'e won't say iiern nil of the things we have
to show you we reserve the pleasant sur
prise for von until von cull. But. wi will
We are showing the latest creations a
vat. assortment to clmose from, in lace
and rihhon burbes, at fide, Tot; and $1.
Fancy stock collars in silk ami laoi at
""', -tl, $1.2", up to $:s.
Every one if a decided novelty.
Are a reality, not a dream. vVe have
them in the famous "W. I'." and nt
prices that are extremely reaonntile
when compared with those of other
W. P.. Straight Front.
V. 15. Hatiste, Special.
. .ifl.LT), $1 .of), $2
We also carry stock of the
Famous LaVida, $4.50 and $5
great bargain in a !!20-ticro farm, seven
J miles from town ; nearly all level;
acres can be plowed; all fenced.
' fine opportunity to get a farm that
j easily lie made to bring JjoOOO.
Hudson ix Brownlull.
Mr. Levin's little drama, entitled
"Sweet Dri'amland Faces," which iB to
be put on at the Guild sale and prome-
j nude concert next Monday, is one of the
I brightest things ever played in The
Dalles. The promenade concert iB full
of bright things, und the sale and re
freshment departments are up to the
highest notch of perfection.
l'olk Mays, one of the cuttle kings of
the Wallowa, arrived hero Monday
night from The Dalles on his way to bis
home in .Joseph. Mr. Muys was accom
panied by Misses Blanche and Grace
Mays and Masters Henry and Dallas
Mays, bis own and brother's children,
who have been attending school ut The
Dalles. La Grande Chronicle.
Never lias such a grand display of
ladies' muslin underwear been placed
before the people of this city ut the
prices tiiat are now shown ut The Fuir.
The amount we sell ol itspeake for itself.
If you have not seen it, don't overlook
this opportunity of supplying your
wunto for the seusou, us our prices are
far below anything in thut line in the
city. The Fair. uI5 2t
After .Iu!y 1st it will not bo necessary
to place stumps on bunk cheeks, certifi
cates of deposit, promissory notes,
money orders, export bills of hiding,
express receipts, telegraph and tele
phone messages, powt-r of attorney,
mortgages, protest, warehouse recipts,
medicines, chewing gum,
perfumery und cosmetics. The law will
not go into eflect until July 1st next,
; next.
;ir, tho
the ending of the fiscal year.
The death of Weyland Fisher
only son of the late Iiev. LV.ra Fisher,
formerly u resident of Three Mile and
founder of tiie First Huptist church of
The Dulles, took place ut Los Angeles,
Calif., on the -8th of March, where he
had gone hoping to get relief from lung
troubles. Mr. Fisher hud been a resi
dent of Kossland, 1!. C, for about ten
years, where he was interested in min
ing, tie was o i years oi age.
At the Congregational church last
evening Uev. Clapp delivered another
vety instructive aud interesting Bermon,
which was in keeping with his former
addresses during the past week. The
male 'iurtct furnished two selections,
which were well received. Tonight Mr.
Clapp will speak from the topic "Thirty
Pieces of Silver." The male iuartet
will render a number, as will also Mr,
Poling. Services begin ut 7 :!I0, to which
nil are invited.
ControolB were sillied lust night by
the Pacific Bridge Couipuny, of Port
hind, for furnishing Mie Wasco Ware-
I C J - .1. ..II .1...
IIOUBH milium vt'iupiiiiy witii an "iuj
machinery and equipnents for the powerlj
plunt at White river falls and all theyand sunburn,
motors und electric machinery reijulred Fulk,
men's Shoes....
The workingman must have
well-mnde shoe" no other kind
will do. We have, special val
ues in workinguicn's shoes
shoes not to be found in every
Here's satisfaction
for the
Kangaroo kip luce, nn
double sole, seamless JpO.UU
Jvangaioo kip, eontr,
double sole, seamless
Seal grain, lace,
double sole, seamles
Heavy calf, lace,
double sole, ealf lined
Kangaroo kip, buck
le shoe, double sole. .
Oil grain, lace, dou
ble sole, liiortru
It will take you only two
minutes to read this ad, and it
will pay yon at the rate of a
dollar a minute in the money
yon will save.
in the tiouring mills, ujxr all the new
machinery necessary tlchani;e the mo
tive power of Thtf'DiiUeB Electric Light
plant. The contract also includes every
thing neceBaKry us far as electrical en
ergv is eofreerned to place the flouring
mills airu electric light plant ready for
operation. A surveying crew will leave
Portland for the White river falls in a
few days, and it iB expected that active
operations on ttie works will be in full
blast soon after the middle of the
About four weeks ago Charles IIix,
the 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Hix, of Kingsley, while weak from
an uttuck of measles and seated before
an open hearth, fainted and fell into the
lire, remaining there till some one in an
udjoining room was attracted by the
smell of the burning clothes. lli'he' acci-'
dent was mentioned u short time after
its cecurience in Tin: Cmto.viei.K. The
boy is still alive but suiters intensely
and little hope is entertained of his re
covery as his vitality can hardly hold
out till the wound is healed. The upper
part of the boy's face, his right arm and
side from face to waist, und back, from
waist to shoulders, is one mats of raw
flesh from which the entire skin has
been burned off. In this condition it is
only natural to suppose that the poor
lad has no rest duy or night. Dr. Dodds,
of Dufur, is in attendance and is doing
everything possible for the young suf
ferer. The people of The Dalles have no idea
svhut they missed by not attending the
Meneley Trio concert at t lie Methodiel
church last night. It was, without any
exception, the best and most enjoyable
entertainment of the kind tiie writer
lias ever witnecaed. For pure, clean,
wholesome fun, lor words and song and
xprosttion and gesture that tickled the
sensibilities or made the heart quiver
with emotion, but always had an easily
perceptible moral und wu? never for u
moment course or vuluar, it beat nil the
circuses and minstrels aud comedies we
have ever witnessed. It was more than
an entertainment, it was a sermon, and
a sermon that will long be remembered
after an ordinary didactic lecture should
have been forgotten. The one regret
jwus that only aouut seventy-live per
sons were present when there ought to
have been ten times thut number. The
company, however, will give unother
entertainment here on the I St h in thu
same house, when the building ought to
be crammed to the door.
For infanta aud Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
SJguaturo of
Floral lotion will cure wind chupping
Manufactured by C'arke
The man with respectable saddle
horses anything fit for army service is
the coming ninn, says a Montana paper.
Uncle Sam feels about Aguinaldo as
the old woman said of bet dead hus
band "It is a consolation that 1 know
where he is nights." Baker Uetniblican.
Tho Abilene, Kan., Reflector prints
these lines in the hope that they may
reach the checkbook of Mr. Curneci":
Horc's to (towl Andy, tliu kltiR of 'oni nil,
Wtio listens when miv town holler-;
.Mny IiokIvc up to Abilene between now uti'l full
A slleoof Unit $:.,C0O,t0O.
"I own up, judge. I hit him with a
picket I tnatched from a fence, and he
curled up like a sick caterpillar." What
had he done that tempted you to com
mit this assault?" "Judge, he was try
ing to figure out to me how much John
D. Uockfeller's income was a minute."
Colonel Pat Donan, who, with Wash
ington Irving, made the United States
and Astoria famous, was at Ilwaco last
week gathering statistics for a pamphlet
descriptive of Lang Beach, pays the As
toria News, it is the colonel's intention
to hand the company a package of sixty
four pages, which will bear the title
"Oregon, Washington and Idaho Prin
cipally Washington." In his little book
tho colonel will tell the good people of
the Northwest why they should go to
the Washington resort, making the
point that Oregon, especially, should use
her best, efforts to build up the state to
tho north. A goodly number of illus
trations will be employed to attract the
attention of those contemplating a trip
to the seashore, and, with the colonel's
convincing stylo, the O. R. & N. will
doubtless get more business than can
well be bandied.
The Rev. Dr. William A. Winslow, of
the Kypt exploration fund, says that in
the Boston Museum is a statute of a
brother of the Pharaoh of the Exodus,
which bears the title "general of cav
alry." His unfortunate brother, the
king, received the title of "general of
infantry." Pharaoh's early training
with infantry, not with cavalry, was
certainly one reason why he would not
rush with the cavalry and charioteers
down into the bed of the Reedy foot
Red)sea close upon the heels of the fu
gitive Israelites. He was probably as
limid on horseback as he was fickle when
Kloses had his interviews with him.
At anv rate, if the reputed mummy of
fchat Pharaoh taken last year to Cairo
be his, that settles the qneetion of his
Idrowning, so long and often discussed.
Uust now the mummies and the papyri
lire settling a good many twentieth cen
tury queries about a far past.
The Biggs hotel and store, both doinz
a good, paying business. The receipts
of the hotel alone for March were $509.
For sale only on account of sickness in
the family. Apply to
la-lmd James Haki'iiam, Biggs.
Spring coughs are specially dangerous
and unless cured at once, serious results
often follow. One Minute Cough Cure
acts like magic. It is not a common
mixture but is a high grade remedy.
Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Skin troubles, cuts, burns, scalds and
chafing quickly heal by the use of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is imitated.
Be sure you g6t DeWitt's. Clarke &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Those famous little pills, DeWitt's
Little Early Risers will remove all im
purities from your system, cleanse your
bowels, make them regular. Clarke & i
Falk's P. 0. Pharmacv.
We ofl'er for a limited period the
twice-a-week CnitONicj.i:, price $1.50,
and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50,
both papers for .$2 a year. Subscriptions
under this oiler must be paid in al.
vance. f
When your hair appears dry and to
liuve lost its vitality it wants something
t.o uivH it liftf and vitror. We have what
the hair needs when it gets In that con
dition. We have the Crown of
Science Hair tfSijr?g Grower and
Cocoanut CreaiuSggS Tonic. They
will cure dand S3 mil" and all
scalp diseases. For eale at's bar
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle.
For Ble, on easy terms, a
hay and truck farm of about
ten miles from The Dalles.
provements; about sixty
acres bottom:
aud income property,
ticulars see Gibons
Dalles, Oregon.
Jor turtlier par
& Murden, The
Lost Pair gold-l'iuiue spectacles, with
corkl!ned bridge and Butte rlieh! linn,,
Portland, on the ease. R-turn to this
otlice and receive reward. 22Jiiw
Lttlfliuru Kko for Sale.
Single comb brown Leghorn eggs,
from imported stock bred by J. H.
Bailey, of Denver, Colo., breeder of
highest scoring Leghorns in the world;
il.25 per setting of 15.
Jas. Ihki.axd,
m 14-1 m The Dalles, Or.
Quality and not quantity makes De
Witt's Little Early Kisers such valuable
little liver pills. Clarke & Falk's P. O.
.leflf Dripps went to Portland on this
morning's boat with eight head of draft
horses for the Portland market. Ho
was accompanied by Mrs. Dripps.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Patterson, nrrnni
nanleil bv Mrs. Sue Armstrong, of Kan-
! pas City, aunt of Mrs. Patterson, left on
this momma's boat for a week's trip to
Portland and the Sound cities.
Leon Rondeau, of Kingsley, was in
town today and examined some pieces
of city property with a view of purchas
ing and moving bis family hero to get
the benefit of the tchools.
H. W. Weber, who for the past year
has successfully represented bis brother, 1
R. II. Weber, it? solicitor for The Dalles :
nureeries, will leave in a few days for
Kendrick Idaho, where he has accepted
an important position in a lare depart- I
ment store. I
John D. Whilten, of Kingsley, was in i
town last nicht and left for home this I
morning. He says the nitidis are yet
so cold on the Tyith Ridge that the
growth of fall wheat is retarded, but
the prospects tor a big crop, notwith
standing, were never so good.
Mrs. Minerva E. Robbins, wife of tho
late Dr. J. A. Robbins of this city, left
hero today for La Grande, where she
will make her future home witli her
voungest daughter, Mrs. J. A. Whitby.
Mrs. Robbins is 70 years of age, and for
the past forty of these years she has
lived in Tho. Dalles. She is an Oregon
pioneer of 1830.
"I have been troubled with indigestion
for ten yearp, have tried many things
and spent much money to no purpose
until I tried Kodol Dyspespia Cure. 1
have tried two bottles and gotten more
relief from them than all other medicinee
taken. I feel more like a boy than I
hive felt in twenty years." Anderson
Riggs of Sunny Lane, Tex. Thousands
have testified as did Mr. Riggs. Clarke
it Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
You will waste time if you try to cure
indigestion or dyspepsia by starving
yourself. That only makes it worse
when you do eat heartily. You always
need plenty of good food properly di
gested. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the
result of years of scientific researcli for
somethintr that would digest not only
some elements of food but every kind.
And it is the one remedy that will do it.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
If yon want to retain your hair you
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the yery
best preparations for cleansing the
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your hair soft and glossv.
Price, Co and oO cents a bottle, at Frazer's
barber shop, The Dalles. tf
The ladies of The Dalles and vicinity
will be pleased to learn that Mr. H.
Herbring has accepted the agency for
the celebrated Butterick Pub. Co.'s pat
terns and their publications. A full as
sortment of patterns has arrived and is
now placed on sale at his store. All
mail orders will receive prompt atten
tion. a'2-2tdlw
The great Easter number of the New
York Sunday Journal will surpass any
thing of its kind. Ten monster sections
Six supplements in colors. Six hun
dred columns of reading matter. Special
separate Easter carol. Full sheet music,
folio size. The American Ciuar Store
and News Stand, agents. Leave your
orders with us. We deliver free. 1-3
Strike A Klcli Flint.
"I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion und nervous de.
j bility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancas
ter, N. II., "No remedy helped me un-
' til I bean using Electric Bitters, which
! did me more good than all the medicines
i j ever llSiiit -f hey have aleo kept my
j wife j excellent health for vears. She
says Electric Bitters are just splendid
i for (.male troubles ; that they are a grand
, Hd ,nvjB,jra,or for weki ,,,
, rr .. . .
1 down women. No other medicine can
j k , t , , f T t,
I ' , ' . . .
i Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by
G. C. Blakeley, the druggist.
Notice is hereby given that there will
' he a meeting of The Dalles, Portland &
Astoria Navigation Company, at the
t itmn itntm'ti nifum i ti Tim M'.illuu nn Sint
fine fruit, 1 urday. April ti, 1001, ut 2 o'clock p. m.,
200 acres, l,)r lu purpose of electing peven di
. ' rectors and transacting such other
nil- iu liiav nronerlv enmu before
snid nieetiiiL'. Bv order of the president.
The Dalles, Oregon. Match 5, 1001.
1 1 1 1 L. K. CitowK, Sec'y.
j You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy
t cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver
is slu'igii-h and your bowels clogged. De
Win's Little E.trly Riseie cleanse the
whole fystei. They never gripe. Clarke
i Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
For sprains, swellings and lamenesa j
there is nothing so good us Chamberlain's ;
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake-1
ley, the druggist. J
,,,,.. . . ., ,
tinted A girl or middle uged wo
man to do cooking aud general kitchen
work only. Address this office, or P. O.
box -17, Dufur, Oi. Will pay $4 per
week. m27-l md
Steam Wood-saw for sale. Cuu be bought
for200. Call at this olllce. m25-lm
New York
Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street
Spot cash gets more and belter
baigains in u week than credit
does in a vear.
Our Ladies' "Picnic" line
of Shoes--$2.25 per pair.
These are the best goods for the money
we have had the pleamre of offering our
patrons. They are made of plump don
gola stock, imitation, turn Miles, evelets,
button holes and all stitebinc of best
silk thread. Only S2. 25 per pair.
If you want a nice dressy shoe
at a medium price, be sure you
get a pair of our PICNIC Shoes.
We have them in lace or button.
OurStyoes are Quararjteed
Wu have on sale a lull line of
Roil and Dressed Lumber
Mouldings, Brackets, Laths,
Shingles, Windows, Doors,
Which we will sell at live
and let live prices.
(Ivu us a trial ami we v. Ill treat
you riMlit.
'I'll I 111 mill reitriui Six.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sta.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone -IX). LmcuI, 102.
...Employment Agency...
Next door to Star Lodging House.
Positions Awaiting Men and
I, AMI ()H'l( I! A ) I'lIK II U.I.KS, OltK.J
MlllCll J7, I'.Kll. j
Notice is hereby glen tbnt tin- follow lug
iiiiineil i-ettliT bus llli'il notice of bis. Inten
tion to milk o llinil pinnf in Miiort of bis
el dm, mill t It it t Miiil irool will In' liltnle be
fore tti u'L'iMcr mill iirchiT ut The 1 )nt lea.
OieKou, on liiitiinhiy, May I, itw I, vi..
; Karl a. WiUIhiik,
, oi m Mor. Oregon, 11, i.. No. vvji, fur tbo NK'i
Sic 'ip'JN, li 1-' I . w. M.
lie HUU1U.S tne following ultnem'H to jirovo
)il continuous resilience 11)11)11, mnl iniltiviitloii
of mill bunt vi:
l' i .ink Liil'Iere, Tbox. MeClure, of Metier. Or.,
Hum y .MeKiiruej-, Hubert Tlilel, Tliu Ibilles, Or.
iniii.;u Hummer,
Picnic J M