The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Al'KIL .'!. 1901 ' WEDNESDAY - - - Under the heading, "The St. Louis; Fair and Asylum for Gangs of Do-1 eayed Politicians," the Oregonian, j which is never so happy as when it is (hiding fault with the administra tion, quotes a story from the Chicago Chronicle to the effect that the piesi dent and Mark Ilanna insist in sad tiling Perry Heath, for two years secretary of the republican national committee, on the St. Louis fair, at a salary of $20,01)0 a year. Now if , there is to be twenty thousand dollar job in connection with the i fair Perrv Hearth is as capable of filling the position ns any man that could readily be named. But the story is neutralized to some extent by an-1 other democratic paper, the Seattle , Times, equally well informed, it is 1 presumed, which announces that the ' president has slated this same Perry i Heath for his own private secretary, vice George 1. Cortelyou, who is to i succeed Postmaster-general Smith who is said to have his eye on the ' court of St. James? j Not that the information will be of any concern to our populist agi tators hereabouts, but merely to fill space in this column, let us call at- tention to the fact pointed out by i Secretary Gage in an interview pub lished yesterday, that jiovernment bonds of all sorts are now paying less tban 2 per cent on the invest ment. This is due to the high price, an investor has to pay to get the bonds. Counting this high Qrst cost, fives of 1904 pay 1.00 per cent per annum ; fours of 1907 pay 1.0 1 per cent; threes of 1908 pay l.;)4 per cent, while the new twos pay 1.73 per cent. Yet we have little doubt that we could name certain publicists hereabouts who will, the next time they put pen to paper, inveigh against the enormous profit made on government bonds by national banks. The Oregonian. The Salem Statesman is mistaken when it claims that W. T. Slater, of that city, is the only bank receiver who has settled with the creditors of a collapsed bank dollar for dollar, Mr. Slater having already paid Di per cent of the claims of a defunct Salem bank and having money enough on hand to pay the remainder. The Dalles has just such another receiver I in the person of II. S. Wilson, who has already paid 95 per cent of the claims against The Dalles National bank and has money enough in sight, if not in hand, to pay the balance. The La Grande Chronicle recites the fact that a prominent fruit dealer of New York declared recently that the only really good apples that the retailers were able to secure come from Idaho and Oregon. The old orchards in the Last arc dying out and new ones are not taking their , place. Good apples arc becoming! ; scarce, even a rarity. Some of the Idaho and Oregon apples brought Al , . . , , i 1 . . ! And yet people say that opportuni- ... , . ties for mUKin" fortunes in Oregon have all been taken. Tho anti-imperialists have our profound sympathy. Their idol is shattered. Their little god has turned into a piece of very common Clav. George Washington Auilialdo I " , I has turned traitor to the antis and : , , I SWOrn allegiance tO tho United States. ' What will the antis things? do now, poor The wholesale merchants of Port land have petitioned the board of police commissioners for the re opening of the gambling houses of the city. And still there ant sonic people who insist that tho world is getting better. Now that Funston and McArthur have succeeded in inducing Aguin aldo to swear allegiance to tho United States, wouldn't it be a good idea to bring tliom over hero rind get tlicm to try thoir limul on Ert- ward Atkinson 'and a few of the Boston anti-imperialists? After the get thrctigh with these it might pay to take a trip to Lincoln, Nebraska, Baldwin's Dys pepsia Tablets, food digesters, start digestion properly- -make r healthv. clean c t r i- Hln h , the stomach to do its work prop erly until it's cured soc. San HBANCtsco, Cai KDWAKD I.. BALDWIN CO., I hae -.allied pound siucc.iiMiig vour Dyspeps.A Tablets, My stomach is now in good comlitiou. A. li. I.oomis. Alameda, Cau KDWARD L. BALDWIN CO., After u(IerlnK "ltn -stomach trouble for three years 1 have cured m sell lv ihuir our dvspep-ia tablets, thereby (Molding a surgical operation, which I was About to undergo. Oko. Stosibvani. County Assessor' Office. Clarke & Falk. The D.ille-. OrtKOti. It Dn..le-i Tin- World, No Discovery in medicine has ever ; created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. Kiwi's New Discovery for Cnnsumption. It's severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has r-tored to perfect health. For Cough'. Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever. tLmrceness and Whooping Cough it is tin- quickest, surest cure in the world. It i sold by d. C. JSlakeley, the druggist, who guarantee') satisfaction or refund money. Large bottles oOc and $1.00. Trial "bottles free. 1 ISlDirii To Atom. The old idea tl. tt the body sometimes needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill has been exploded ; for Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to px pel poisonous matter, cleanse the system and absolutely cure Constipation and Sick Headache. Only Blakeley's srug store. 25c at G. C. "I had piles so I could gat no rest nor li nil a cure until 1 tried DciWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. After usiim it once, 1 forgot I over had anything like Pilee." E. C. Boice, Pomers Point, N. Y. Look out for imitations. Be euro you net De Witt's. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. A fully equipped blacksmith shop, do ing at least $5000 worth of business a year in an agreeable community and in a first-class location, is for sale cheap on the best of terms. Reasons for selling is inability to attend to so large a con cern. Apply to the Antelope Heal Estate Agency Office in the Republican printing office, Antelope, Or, m' Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug gist. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when yon can buy James E. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per trallon. cuaranteed for 5 vears. Clark & Falk, agents. ml Early Rose seed potatoes' for sale at the Stadelman Comm. Co. rn5-lm ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ,vnia' ii jjuivij) kivu mm. inu iiijuui bikuuw X'H.w. I.. l...,.V... ..I 41.... U,. I,.., I. .., iihs 1h-.mi duly Mpi'Olntt'iI by this county court of trutrixoftboestntoof John UnlryruplivliKieasti, ah iKTbonhMvi!icJaimHUKainst mii c&utu arc hereby required to mm'Ut tho humo to mo properly verinl, as by lnw required, nt my rol 1 uu'uu mi uiu rjiit iuijujj, iiu jiiiiun iiuill iJ.illes City, oral iJiuollleo of JK-ii'iett A Slnnott, wiiiiiu six moittus rroin inuuiite nereoi. Oatvl this L'lst any of February, I'.ull AONKS 1MLKYMPLE, Administratrix ol ilioestatoot John Jjalryin ple, deceased. ftb'Jt notTck FbTu'TniTToyrioN. l.m omen at vakccuvbb, wash., Nollcc is hereby given that' thb following named settler has notice of his intention tomake tiuui proof in support of hihciuim.and that said proof will bo made before W . II. I'resby, UnitMl States Commissioner for district i.i ,, ueill llh ...H , II, tun ftl4UU III 1 TMIUVJimilU, wusn,, on haiuruay, April ill, 1WJ1, viz,: V 1 1 1 1 :t ui A. Kb, If, E. No. 10051, for lots fl, C, 8, 9 and 10, section 10, towiuhlp J north, ratigo l."i east, W, M. lie liiiinn tho following witnesses to prove Ms continuous residence upon and cultivation of sulil laud, v). Andrew L, lliinnell, (leorito L. Iiuiiucll, Alby M. lliinnell and Miles Mulligan, allof Center vllle P. O., Washington inch.! W. It. DIJNIIAH, Keglster. NOT10K FINAL SKTTLKMKNT. Notice Jh heteoy given th it Iho undersigned has Died, with the clerk of tho county court of tho Htato of Oregon for Whm'o county, JiIb final account as executor of the last will and testa ment of MaryJ, Ileeley, dueeasisj, and said county court has, by an order mado on tlieSlh day of .March, 1W1, tlxtxl tho tth day of April, 11101, at the hour ol 2 o'clock p, in,, as the time huh me county court room ot aiu county, in naues, mo piacu tor tno Hearing of objections to said dual account. m'J V. H. MUNTINUTON, Kxtciltor. K. a. Dryinpr proimrntions niinply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up tho Bocretions, which adhcro to tho membrane nnd decompose-, causing n far moro norious troublo than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid nil dry iug inhalants, funics, smokes nnd suuffa nnd tuo that which cleanses, eooIIich and hcala. Ely's Crenm Balm ia such n remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho hend easily nntl pleasantly. A trial bIzo will bo mniled for 10 cents. All drui'nists sell tho COo. slzo. Kly brothers, fili Warren St., N.Y. Tho Balm cures without pain, doea not irritato or cause snoozing. It spreads itself over nu irritated nnd angry surfuco, roliov ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Jialm youaro armed ' against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fovcr. BUSINESS JLQCALS. You will not have boils if you I : Clarko & Talk's euro euro toi boilB. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. A full lino of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Hustling youm; man can make $60 per month and expenses. Permanen.1 posi- , tion. Experience unnecessary. Writr I quick for particulars. Clark & Co,, l Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel- lipia, Pa, sS-ti Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the bast. Ask your c 'cer for them. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains leave The l)n!le (or I'ortliind ami wnj itntiuas ut -i.'Jo a. m. ami 3 v m. Leave Portland " Albany Arrive Ali!nnil " tiacrameiito ... " tfun Fraiicltco 8:30 nm l'J:C0u m n m .":0U )i in 7: 15 i m 7:00 i m lo:f) p in 11:. 10 a m I ;;) a in s:l.ri a til Arrive Or1ou , " Denver " Kaiast.'lty. " Chicago .... .... fiUi a m 9:00 u in ":'- a in 7 : 15 ii in 11:1") a m U:l)a in 7;'Jo n m U::;o a ui Arrive Los Angele 1:-J0 i m " El Phmi 0:00 m " Fort Worth 6::)) am " City of Mexico 0:-V a m " HoiMton 1:00 n in " New Otloana 0:i"am " Washington 0: i u m " New York 12: 13 p m 7 :(1 a ni fi:iK) p m (i;:X) a ni J:'A a ui l:0uu m 6:i") ii ni (i-lj a in l'iMU p in Vullman nml Tourist car-, on both trains Chair cars Sacramento to Osden and Kl l'aso, and tourist oars to Chicago, iit ivouis, Now Or leans and Washington. C'oiineotiiiK nt San Krnuchco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Jaii.iii, China, Philippines, Central ami South America, See agent at The Dalles station, or adil.tss C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING OAK KOUTE KKOM POKTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY MKEOT LINE TO THE YELLOW STONE l'AP.K leive. 'Union Depot, Fifth and ists No. 2. Fast mnll for Tucoma, : Seattle, Olympla, Oray's , No. iiarDorana soutn iieiiu ( points, hpoltane, Kos.v, Hand, I). ('., Pullman, : Moscow, Ilstoii, Huf 11:15 A. M, faloliiiinpininiiigcoun- H;W V, M, itry, Helena, MlnueiiiH) :11s, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Uiuls, ; Chicago and all points! No. 1, east and coutheast. Ptiget Sound Express No. 3. 11 ;30 P. M. for Thcoiiiii and Seattle 7;00 A, M. i and intermediate points Pullman llrst class and touritt sleejiers to Minneapolis, tit. Paul and Missouri riverpoints without change. Vustlbulod trains. Union depot connections in all principal cities. Jiaggago checked to dost Illation of tickets, For handsomely illusuated descriptive matter, tickets, sleeping-ciir reservations, etc., call oa or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (Jeneral Passenger Agent. 2M MorrI sou Street, corner Third. Portland Oregon, 60 YEAR8 EXPERIENCE -v trade marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anrono sending n tketrli nnd description nm' onlcklv HBcerlnln our ouinlon free whether il . Invention Is probably paicntablo. . Coiiiriiunlrii lioiii'lrlctiyeonUdent ai. IlandLookoii I'ili-nlf wnnreo. uini OMest airencr for nerurliiL- uatents. Patents taken throuuli Jlluiiu It Co. rtcetvu tveeial notice, nltliout cliarue. In tho Scientific American. A Imnrt wiely lllntlratrd wcokly. I.nrseit clr rnlallnii of any Hrlentltln Journal. Terms, f'l a rmir: four luoutUa, 1. Bold by all nowpdealeri. MUNN & Co.3B1Bfoadwai'N8W York Urtuch Orttru 1ST, V HU Wasliluulnn. I). V Tf TFT T ' ONE FOR A DOIE. Hro'ie Plmplen, PraTent nihuujnuuM, Purlf th.illlimd, U'Jffl Ili'.KUcllO ui IhtV'Vtlx. PILLS f orii-.ltli. TliHri,((itlirtfri."rV?'jwuT 'Jug"', i will m .r,i'i.. V? jSoiitln Pacific Co. Mini raiiii; OREGON Shoit him and union Pacific IlKIUUT ion CIl.CHgll- Portland Special. U:i p. in. via limit ington. Atlantic Kxprc1.. 1 .JI it m ti.mi: s('m:i)fi.i.s! ruoM TIIK DALLKH. aurivi: UtOM Salt Luke, Denver, 11. Will til, Dlliallll. Kill!- Louis, Chi cago and the l.ust. 1 C.'i p. m. I Salt Lake, Denver, 1't. Woith, Omaiiu. K mi -sasClty.Sl l.oulv.Clil-1 cagu and the Knst. I I'm. in. via Hunt ington. ft. Paul Kat Mnll, l):'i"Hi. in. via Spo kane. Walla Walla, Lewi-ton,, spokiiuc, Will lace, I'll 11 liiaii, Minneapolis, St. Paul. Dulutli, Mllwnu-I Uee. Chicago and Knst. , :M a m. OCEAN AND EIVER SCHEDULE I'riini r.irtlitml. (All sailing dates vub Jcct to change ) Knr San I'miiei-eo, Sail every ." ilas. ! s.COp. ni. t:l p. in. Dallv oxrept Sunday. h.Mi p.'lll. S itiirdnv, lOilfi p. m. Daily e.cept Sul:iy, ii:0o a, in. C'ollilillilii Klvi'r. To Atoriu and Wny Laudlngs. I. Oil p. :u. except Sundiiy. Vllliiiiintt ltlvr. Oregon City, Newborn, saleni, Independence, and ay-Landings. l:."Jl i. m. except Sunday. TueMlay, Thursday, S.itmdav, 6.00 H. Dl. I V) p. m. Monday, Weduc.-duy Krlda. ("orvallis and W'ay ljiiiillngs. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7:0O a. m. WllliuiM'tti' and :l:r,0p. m V ii in ) 1 1 1 lilvnr. Monday, Oregon City, Dayton and " edne.-uay Wav-ljindinirs. Irida. Leave Kiparia dallv, :i:40n. m. Simla! Iilrer. Leave Ixjwlston dally, s.Mix. ui. Itlparla to Ijwiston. Parties desiring to go to Ilepnner or points on i.oiunioia souinern via niggs, siiouiu take No. leaving The Dalles at l.':'i"i p. m. making direct connections at lleppner Junction and Hlggs. Ilctiirulng maklngillre;tcounefitlon at Heppner Junction and Hlggs wltli No. 1, ar riving at 'I he Dalles at 1:0.', p. m. Kor further particulars, call on or address JASJ. IltKLANI), Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. Notice. Hy virtue of the order and dirtctlon of the Council ol Dalles City, as by resolution hereto fore adopted, notice U hereby given that the Council of Dalles City has determined toestab lish -idewalks and crosswalks for Tenth street In (Jules' Addition to Dalles Cltv, and for Clay stieet, in illull Addition to Dulfes City, as billows' A sidewalk commencing nt a point where the east line ol Court street would Intersect the northern boundary Hue of the school property of school District No. 1J, of Wasco county, Ore gon, said property being known as the academe grounds, if ssid line would he extended to said northern boundary lino, and running thence easterly to the northeast corner of said property of said school district and abutting on the northern line of said property. A sidewalk commencing at the northwest cor ner of block No, ,r, and running eaiterly to the northeast corner of said block No, i. and abut ting on the northern boundary Hue of said bio k No. :. A crosswalk running straight across II street and Joining on the west the sidewalk abutting on tho northern boundary lino of said block No. j, and joining on the east a sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary line of block No. 0. A sidewalk commencing a', the northwest corner of said block No. i;, and running easterly to tho northeast corn-r of said block ami abut ting on the northern boundary line of said block No. 0. A crosswalk running straight across (' street and Joining on the west tho sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary lino of miIo block No 0, and joining u sidewalk abutting on the north, em boundary lino of block No. 7. A sidewalk commencing at the northwest corner of block No. 7, and running easterly to toe northeast corner of said block No. 7, nnd abutting on the northern boundary Hue of said block No. 7. A crosswalk running straight across I) street and joining on the west tho sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary line of said block No. ".and joining on theeast a sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary line of block fo. 8. A sidewalk commencing at tho northwest corner nf block No. Sand running easterly 100 feet, and abutting on the northern boundary line of said block No.h. 'I hat said Tenth street mid the property abut ting thereon being In (Jates Addition to Dalles City, and all the other above described streets, blocks and prox;rty being In Illull' Addition to Dalles City. Said above described sidewalks to be six feet ill width and to be constructed in uo cordaiico with the ordinances In relation to the construction of sidewalks. Paid crosswalks to lc constructed In accord ance with the ordinances of tho city in relation to tho construction theieof. That the cost or said sldewalkh and crosswalks are to be.'assess d against the property benefited thereby, according to the laws of Dalles city. In witness whereof I have liereiintn set un hand and thucorporate seal of Dalles City tills, the '.".'nil day of March, I'JOI. m:m..1 NiCI) II. (JATKS, i mch'.'J-Iflt ilecordcr of Dalles City. Notice No. 2 la to nil nercoiiB Indebted to the late (inn of K. .1. Collins A Co. and 8. L. JirookH lo call mid settle tlioir account or note, hi tho case may be, by the lnt of April ; otherwise tlio account h will be put into the IihihIh of our collector. You want the best, C. L. Phillips Iiur it, in CHICKENS Hull' LcgbornB a specialty. lCatruy. Camo to my place, eeven miles weal of The Dallee, tirat of November lust, a black Jersey Hteer, two yearn old ; Hinnll aplit in each ear; no brand visible, Owner can bavo same by proving owner liip and paying all cbnrtree. (10 5t J. 1, AaiiJiLiH. i Bicvcles j Our now Columbias Hartfords Videttes l,tirni't lot of wIhm'Ih ever brought H HiIh oily. Cull anil him) tlii'iu. MAYS t GIVEN AWAY. With every dollar's) worth of poods piircbiict'd at. my store for thu next Sixty I).iy, 1 will tfive-'oiH! chance on thu following prii'.en: I First p size I CJent's (iold Watch anil Chain Second prize 1 Iidiea' Gold Watch and Chain K Third i r ize 1 .Smoking .Set .(Fourth prize 1 Silver Hotter Dish and Hotter Knifu C Fiftn priz" 1 t Silver Knives and Forks In addition to nivin away these prizes I will sell ooda as low as the loweat, am! guarantee my jroods to be fresh, (live me n trial. ROBERT TEAGUE. Speaking of Blood Medicine : Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing that cures. 1).) not foriret it; wn have it, at 75c por bottle 'largo bottles); Kiiuruntccil, or you may gut your m mey hack if not s.itislied, IN COMPOUNDING- PRESCRIPTIONS we exercine the greatest care. We carrv tie beat and line the best in com pounding your phvhiruns orders. Our prices we make as low as is consistent with efficient service. We Carry a Very Complete Line of Every thing appertaining to Drugs, Patent Medicine', Sundries and Photograph Supplies. GEORGE C. BLAKELEY. ...Blacksmith, Horseskoer and Wagon-maker. -IlLAI.Lll is- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Auent fur Itussell i'. Co.'-. Knitlnc, Threihers mid biiw Mills. Telephone lo". Long Distance 10";i. X J. E. FALT & CO., X Prnnt'lntnKO jj " w " l Purest Liquors for Family Use 9 Dtilivorod to any 9 Phones : ol Local, 85S Long Distance. L. Lane, GKNKKAI. Wagon and Carriago Work. P Fish Brothors' Wagon. ! Third and Mnn. Phnnn I ill J. K. KCIIRNtiK, 1'roHlileii t. .Max A. Voor. t;Rhlyi FM National Bank, THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking IiusiiiesB transacted DepoaitB received, eubject to Siirht Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. oikiii aim 'leieKraphlc JSxcliaiige Bold on Nw York, San Franciflco ant porf. land. n , DIHBOTOW8 D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. 8onmjit. El). M. WILLIAMS, (3X0. A. Lihhk. H M. Kkaii. Clarke & Falk bayo received a carload of the celebrated Jamee E. Fatten atrictly puro liquid paints BiacKsmiin ...AND... Horsesnoer - Bicvcles j stock rccuivi'd. Ramblers Stormers Pennants t CROWE. Cor, Secouil & Laiisbliii Sts.. THE DALLES. OR. ne uwi. part of the City. u 173 Second Street. 1 Jast What You cuant. - - t New ideiiH in Wall Paper bore. ncl wide variety hh wo are allowing never be fore (raced a nine,lo etoek. Heal iniitif lion creton nfleuta at ordinary prices. Good papetH at clieai) paper pricee. Klegant deHigiiB, tiiHtoful colorimtH, yours for a Hmall price, at our Htoro on Thim Htreet. Also a full line of bouae jmiiite. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. U Rtsiaunl L. Y. Honir, Prop'r. Fipst-Class in Every Respect MKAI.H AT ALT. IKIIIKH. Oysters Served in any Style- 87 Second Ht The Utillen, Or.