The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 02, 1901, Image 3

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    The Easter Store
is ready
as never beforefrom onn end to tlio otlior
tin) store in Jfairly beaming with tho moat
fashionable goods on two continentssuits,
gloves, waists, lares, wiinIi fabrics, novelties
in silk dress goods, and all tlio other thinirs
designed to become part of your Kastcr
toilet. A viulety so fust, so comprehensive,
so complete in its minutest details that to
attempt a description seems a hopeless task.
The Easter Windows are Get
ting in Readiness, and so
is the Store.
Wo won't say hero nil of the things we have
to show yon we reserve the pleasant sur-
tiriult frit vmi nritil ufm ..nil tli.i ..... ...!1t
I ' J " ""'" tiii ..nil. lllt U Will
Hity this- the sum total represents our most conscientious efforts to please von,
uiiil we hope that when you eall wo may find our reward in your approval.
We are showing the latest, creations n
vast assortment to choose from, in lace
and ribbon harbes, at fiOc, Too and sfl.
Fancy stock collars in silk and lac. at
7w, $1, $I.LV, up to
Every one is a decided novelty.
Are a reality, not a dream. We have
them in the famous "W. P.." anil at
prices that are extremely reasonable
when compared with those of other
W. I!. Straight. Front. . . $1.2.1, $1 .50, $2
W. 15. P.atisto, Spuoinl $1.25
We also carry stock of the
Famous LaVida, $4.50 and $5
For Easter
mir K.istor suit will be incomplete
without gloves to match it, ho lien: is an
Our Celebrated GLA KISS K Hold every
where at 1. 25 our price this
week 90C
this week only bKJC
PKNT Celebrated Knglish irlove. Q
for ladies ; all shades loo
Ladies' Dressing Jackets
and Komonas
Made of fancy dimities, white lawns, or
gandies and pounce cloth. Ask to see
75c, $1, $1.50 to $3.50.
men's Shoes....
The workingman must havo
well-made shoes no other kind
will do. We havo special val
ues in workingmen's shoes
shoes not to bu found in every
Here's satisfaction
for the
Kangaroo kip lace,
double sole, seamless
Kangaroo kip, cong,
double sole, seamless
Real grain, lace,
double sole, seamless
Heavy calf, lace,
double sole, calf lined
Kangaroo kip, buck
le shoe, double- sole. .
Oil grain, lace, dou
ble sole, Itiortru
It will take you only two
minutes to read "this ad, and it
will pay yon at the rate of a
dollar a minute in the money
you will save.
All GocuIr Marked
In Plain PltfurtiH
The Dalles Daily Chroniela.
APRIL 2, 15)01
"Oysters ) j
At Andrew Keller's.
All H'uMao County wiirrunlH roclHtiiroil
print tu htiptitmlMir 1, 1HII7, will l pulil
on iirttiiiiiitittliiii lit my ollltin. Inltiriwi
minim urine N'ovullllinr JJl), 1 1MIO.
County Tr'UHurir.
Menoloy Trio concert
At Hie Methodist church tonight.
Salem's rnral mail dulivory went into
operation yesterday,
St. Paul's Guild will meet witli Mrs.
J. F. Moore tomorrow afternoon ut i!:!tO.
We regret to loam that T. A. Hudson
is confined to his bed witli a severe cold.
The sundry fees of the county clerk's
ollice for the month of March amounted
to $U07.Ur.
J. U. Steel, a former subieot of Great
Britain, took out his lull citizen papers,
yesterday before .Judge Hiukeley.
The Monoley Trio are certainly worth
hearing if the opinion of those who iiave
hu.ud them, as well as press comments,
are to lie considered.
I.(nt Pair gold-frame spectacles, with
cork-lined bridge and Ilutterlield llros.,
Portland, on the case. Return to this
ufli !e and receive reward. U-U.Ktw
.1. C. Winglleld has purchused from
The Dalles Lund & Improvement Com
pany lots !! and -1 in block 17, Thomp
son's Addition to Dalles City. Consider
ation, $00.
The proinonudo concert, which is par
ticipated in entirely by the male sex, is
not only going to bo something very
novel, but very nice. Get your quarters
ready lor Monduy oyeuing.
The wind last night played havoc with
the swinging sign of Hudson &, Brown
hill, the real estate and insurance men,
snapping the iron hangings mid hurling
the sign lutainst one of the otlicu win
d iws, breaking two latgo paiiefl of glass.
The adjourned sale of the Newman
property, on the corner of Union and
Fourth streets, on n judgment of fore
closure, which was to havo taken place
lait 8 it unlay was, for lack of bidders,
"gala postponed by the Hherilf till next
Saturday, April (Ith.
'i'lio Morrow County Woolgrowers'
Association hold a meeting Saturday, nr.
which it was resolved to pay (I cents a
hood for shearing sheep this year in
Htoatl of 7 cunta as last year. In the
northern part of the county, where tho
wool is sandy, 7 cents will be paid
against 8 cents paid last- year.
Of the ptute and county taxes for 1900
Shurifl' Ke'ly collected up to .Saturday
night, when they became delinquent,
the sum of if22,9,"i6 (i!) out of n total of
$107,000. This sum is over $0000 in
excess of tiie amount collected at the,
same date last year.
Tho Columbia River Fishermen's
Protective Union held a meeting at
Astoria yesterday evening. The price
( of salmon to the canneries was fixed at
t) cents a pound. Tins means tiiat tiie
cold-storage men will have to pay fully
8 cents per pound for tho large fish.
A letter whb received from Grant
Mays this mornini: announcing ins safe
arrival in Chicago. Mr. Mays iB visit
ing some of the leadiriK towns there
abouts to ascertain the prospectri for the
sale of a band of range horses belonging
to Mays & Sons. He expects to get
back iiere ubutit the 20th.
The ladies of The Dalles and vicinity
will lie pleased to learn tiiat Mr. II.
Herbring lias accepted tlio agency for
tlio celebruted Buttoriek Pub. Co.'a pat
terns and their publications. A full as
sortment uf patterns has arrived and is
now placed on sale at his store. All
mail orders will receive prompt atten
tion. utMJtdlw
The monthly report of Superintendent
Calbrcuth, of the Oregon insane asylum,
Uihows that the total number of patients
February 28, 15)01, was 1204. Received
during tho mouth, -5; discharged, !!0 ;
remaining March ISl, 1100; average num
ber of patients, 1201 ; average cost of
maintenance per mouth, $10.21; per
day, Vi'i cents. J
Cascade Lodge, No. JiOii, li.P. O. Kike,
held their mutual election of officers
Saturday, when tho following were
chosen: Jixaltod rulorli. C. Liebe;
esteemed leading kuigpt, 1$. M. Win
gate; esteemed loynjr knight, W. K.
Watther; esteemed loturlng knight, F.
A. VauXorden ; secretary, John Micliell ;
treasurer, J. F. liampshire ; trustee,
Frank Meuefee; tylor, T. J. Driver.
Tho International Kpworth League
Convention will meet in San Francisco
.Inly (th to llith. Delegates from all
over tlio world will be in attendance.
All eastern railroads have made special
rates of about one faro for tlio round
trip. Local rates will bo named in a
few days. Round-trip tickets will be
good from July 1st to August .'list, with
stop-over privileges.
The election in (ioldendale yesterday
resulted in a sweeping victory for tho
auti-liceiiso or temperance ticket, and
H3 a result the two saloons must shut
up. Tho following are tho newly-elected
otlicers: Mayor, Colonel H. W, Pike;
couneiliuen, Arthur C. Chapman, John
13. ChuppeU, W. A. Mclvenxie, II. 11.
Carrutt, William Jimlorby; marshal,
William Van Vactor.
The special services ut the Christian
church closed last evening, and all who
have had the privilege of hearing Evan
gelist Harding pronounce him an able
speaker and a practical advocate of the
teachings of Christ and tiie early church
as given us in the divine word. Mr.
Harding took passage on the boat this
morning en-route to Portland to tpend
a few days. He will 6peak again next
Lord's day, morning and evening on his
return from that city.
Those who contemplate visiting North
Beach next summer will be interested
in knowing that the O. ft. & N. Co. in
tend, within a short time, to commence
the work of dredging a channel for the
steamer Potter through Sand Island,
which will be kept open during the
summer months. This will prevent the
inconvenience and delay heretofore ex
perienced through the boats tiiat made
for Ilwaco having to run according to
tho tides. Tho new channel will have
a depth of nine feet at extreme low tide,
and thus the Potter will be able to make
the run to Ilwaco without regard to the
condition of tiie water.
Last evening occurred the jolliest
social event in t he hietory of Cedar
Ciicle's socials. The hall was filled
with young and older men-hers of the
order, and tLcre was not a dull moment
during the entire evening. A pleasing
progunn was given and then games were
played till the inarch began and all filed
to places at the well-laden tables, where
April fool jokes were played. Timothy
Brownhill is getting corpulent on paw
dust sandwiches and cotton cream pull's,
which lie devoured with an evident
relish. Aside from these delicious "tool
ings" tlio refreshments svere excellent
and e.ttest to tho culinary successes of
the neighbors of Cedar Circle. Dancing
consumed the hist hour in tho hall, and
all went home at near midnight. Paint
ed Easter egg souvenirs were carried
away by those present.
The second annual report of the Ore
gon Historical Society has been re
ceived. It Is a pamphlet G'.jxO1., incites
and contains 12-1 pates. It shows that
tho society had 027 members on Nov. 30,
1000, distributed in twenty-tlneo coun
ties in Oregon and four in Washington.
The material collected during the year
is classified as follows : Library depart
ment Documentfc, 134; diaries, account
books, etc., 18; maps and charts, IB;
bound newspaper tiles, 27; miscollaut
oitrt papers, unbound, 53; pamphlets,
105; miscellaneous books, 100; early
school books, -18. Museum depart
ment Pioneer relics, 207 ; archaeologic
al relics, 172; pioneer pliotograpbs, 418;
otlior pictures, 130. The documents
consist mainly of letters and other writ
ten matter relating to the curly social
and but-inoss life of the country, and tiie
relics are such as were used while cross
ing the plains with teams or in the early
industries of the country, Visitors at
tlio rooms in the city hall, Portland,
average 1500 u month, and all who visit
that city uro cordially invited to call.
Every front pane of glass in the
beautiful show windows of Mays &
I Crowe's hardware store has been recent
ly scratched bv a diamond or other hard
substance, while across the ptreet tho
window of the First National bank is
also scratched as is the show window of
tho Rank Cafe adjoining. Pease &
Mays' windows are the worst scratched
of all, but some of the scratches are old.
Tho windows of the New York Ptore ate
badly scratched, and about half of tho
marks are new. On tlio same pane
where the nRme of a well-known citizen
was scratched some time ago tho same
name is newly scratched. There are
new scratches as well as old ones on
II. C. Nielsen's show windows anil a
long ugly scratch across onn of the
windows of A. M. Williams & Go's phoe
Store. Tho marking is all so near tlio
base of the windows that, ono naturally
infers that it was done by a boy or boys
not far in their teens. It would bo
wortli a month's salarv of a good detec
tive to catch the hoodlum that is re
sponsible for this utterly wanton vandal
ism. i'nrtlai il l'rnuil of Mr. Ttininpsnti.
Because D. P. Thompson, the Port
land capitalist, recently saw fit to repeat
tho well-known story of Governor Geer's
acceptance of a bribe of $1000 from a
Polk county man for the promise of tiie
governorship of the state penitentiary
and tiien went back on his word, and
finally had to give back the thousand
dollars and another thousand dollars on
top of it to have the matter hushed up,
the Salem Statesman, instead of offer
ing even a hint that these grave charges
are true, replies to them by calling Mr.
Thompson a "defunct politician," etc.
In reply to the Statesman the Portland
Telegram lias this to say on Mr. Thomp
son's behalf :
Probably Mr. D. P. Thompson does
not lead the Salem Statesman, but if he
does, he was no doubt very much sur
prised to learn from that paper that he
is a "df fnnot politician, whose nature is
badly soured, and who has become- so
cynical, etc." Acquaintances of M-.
Thompson will scarcely be able to recog
nize this picture. So far as any of them
know, he doesn't desire any oflice, and
if he did ha would stand a very good
chance of getting it, even if his views on
some questions do not exactly square
with those of some men at leaBt equally
able and conscientious. Mr. Thompson
is a citizen in whom Portland takes a
pride, and the public here is quite will
ing tiiat ite shonid entertain and express
whatever opinions he chooses. We know
very well that on the average, or as a
rule, they are right, and tiiat his opin
ions and efforts have done something
toward building up this community and
educating the rising generation. If
Portland had ten thousand men like him
it would be millions of dollars better off.
Kurewell 1'arty.
At the home of Mrs. Ella DawEon
Saturday night a farewell party was
given to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Steph
ens in view of their departure on the
morrow for their new home in Portland.
A pleasant time was had, saddened only
by tiie reflection that the circle of friends
was losing the presence of those tiiat
they had long learned to love and re
spect. Those present were: Messrs. and
Mesdames Stephens, Ward, Youusr.Goit ;
MeBdames Blakeney, Weber, Eddon,
Collins, Kreft, and Ross, of Shaniko;
MisBes Sargent, Gosser, Stroud, Drews,
Haslam, Rintoul, E. and N. Dawson;
Messrs. Huston, Pan ins, Brown.
Editor Menefee, o' the Dufur DiE
patch, was in town today.
Representative M. A. Moody returned
last night from Washington, D. C.
Col. B. F. Pike, Assessor, of Sherman
county, was in town last night, the
guett of the Umatilla House.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dietzel and
daughter returned last night from spend
ing three months in California.
Dr. G. C. Eshelman was called to Cen
terville today on account of the illness
of his mother. He will return home
ItHlt'lll Hltl (.'Ullfll,
The first rehearsal for "The IJpnri
etta" will bo hold tonight. Owing to
the numerous social events and enter
tainniout8 on the tapis for Easter week,
it lias been decided to delay the presen
tation of "The Henrietta" for a time,
and the interval given to thoiough re
hearsals will result in a very smooth
performance. The date will bo duly
announced a little later.
! J? or intants and Children,
! The Kind -Vou Havo Always Bought
Boars tho
S-guatur oi
A new gas well in West Virginia has
been named tho "W. J. Ilryan."
We trust that the veto message of tlio
governor of Utah will not materially
jr the feelimrs of the sultan of Siilu.
Washington Post.
Tho unhappy yellow journals when
there is a dearth of news will no longer
bo aide to fall back upon stories of
Aguinaldo'B death.
Most of the democratic papers are now
disposed to admit that Benjamin Harri
son was fully as great as William Jen
nings Ilryan. TimeE-lIerald.
Tlio Portland V. M. C. A. propose to
raise $45,000 witli which to enlargo the
present building, which is inadniiate,
more than 1000 members being on the
rolls and the increase is steadily main
tained. Wheat exports from tho Columbia
river for the month of March Birun'gated
1,477,35(5 bushels valued at $854,200, ex
ceeding tiie February record by 008,40!)
bnshele. Thirteen gram ships and three
steamers closed during the month.
A recent ruling by the postofiice de
partment enjoins locksmiths from mak
ing keys for postofiice boxes without the
consent of t he postmaster. Complaint
lias been made to the department that
there js altogether too many keys out to
individual boxes, and frequently dupli
cates are made of which the postmaster
has no knowledge.
A contributor to the New York Sun's
tobacco controversy writes as follows:
"Why, yesterday I saw a respectable
man coining homo from church with his
wife and a pipe in his mouth." A man
with a mouth of such dimensions ought
to be able to get a steady museum job.
By the way, where was the Sun's oflice
cat when this one slipped in V
Dr. Lyman Beecher Sperry has been
lecturing in Kansas City on "Seven
Devils Who Help to Shorten Human
Life," says the Salem Statesman.
Among the seven are war and narcotics.
Dr. Sperry says that it would be "possi
ble for man to live from 125 to 175 years
if these devils were exorcised from hu
man affairs." Well, he can exorcise
them from his affairs. He doesn't have
to uae narcotics or go to war or have
anything-to do with any of the devils, j
Why shouldn't he live to prove his
theory? It might be worth while to
live to be 175, especially if you bought a
a good fat annuity at 40 or so.
If you want to retain your hair yon
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the very
best preparations for cleansing the
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your hair soft and ulossv.
Price, 25 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's
barber shop, The Dalles. tf
The great Easter number of the New
York Sunday Journal will surpass any
thing of its kind. Ten monster sections.
Six supplements in colors. Six hun
dred columns of reading matter. Special
separate Easter carol. Full sheet music,
folio size. The American Ciear Store
and News Stand, agents. Leave your
orderB witli ub. We deliver free. 1-3
Whim vnnr lniir 11 timmrs drv mill to
I 1 . -t.-lr.- .1.!
uavo iosi us vuauiy ii wuiiip tiiim'iiiiiiu
to give it life and vigor. We have what
the hair needs when it gets !n that con
dition. Wh have the Crown of
Science Hair (fSSSaSfe Grower and
Cocoanut CreumVlgOr Tonic. They
will euro dand M6 nil!' and all
scalp diseases. For sale at Frazer's bar
ber shop. Price 50c ami 75c a bottle.
Subscribe for Tub CituoNicuc.
ISloun To Atom.
The old idea that the body sometimes
needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill
has been exploded ; for Dr. King's New
Lite Pills, which are perfectly harmless,
gently stimulate liyer and bowels to ex
pel poisonous mutter, cleanse tho system
and absolutely cure Constipation and
Sick Headache. Only 25c at G. C.
j Blakeley's Brug store. 1
"I had piles so bad I could get no rest
j nor Und a cure until 1 tried DaWitt's
I Witch Hazel Salve. After using it once,
I forgot I ever had anything like Piles."
E. C. Boice, Sonieis Point, N. Y. Look
out for imitations. Be sure you get De
Witt's. Clarke k Falk's P.O. Pharmacy.
Mow to ('urn (lroiii.
Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amoniti,
I Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber-
Iain's Coimli Remedy is the best medi
cine I have ever used. Tt is a fine
children's remedy for croup ami never
fails to cure." When given as soon as
the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough lias developed, it will
prevent the attack, This should be
! bo'iio in mind and a bottle of tiie Cough
I Remedy kept at hand ready for instant
use as soon as these symptoms appear
For sain by lilakeley, the druguist.
WantedA uirl or middle aged wo
man to do cooking and general kitchen
work only. Address this oflice, or P. O.
box 47, Dufur, Oi. Will pay $4 per
week. n)27-l md
Steam Wood-saw for eale. Can be hoimht
for $200. Call at this ollice. m2o-lm
Wo olfdr for u limited period the
twice-a-week Ciihonici.k, price $1.50,
and tlio Weekly Oregoniau, price $1.50,
both papers for $2 a year, Subscriptions
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance. f
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday.
Don't fomet this.
New York
Gash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street
Spot cash gets more and better
bargains in a week than credit
does in a year.
Our Ladies' "Picnic" line
of Shoes- -$2.25 per pair.
These are tho best goods for the money
we have had the pleasure of offering our
patrons. They are made of plump don
sola stock, imitation, turn soles, eyelets,
button holes anil all stitching of best
silk thread. Only S2. 25 per pair.
If you want a nice dressy shoe
at a medium price, be sure you
get a pair of our PICNIC SlioeB.
We have them in lace or button.
OurStyoes are guaranteed
We havo on sale a full Ituu of
Ronth anfl Dressed Lite
Mouldings, Brackets, Laths,
Shingles, Windows, Doors,
Which we will sell at livo
and let livo prices.
dive us ii trlitl ami we will treat
you light.
Third u nil Fettrntl St.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distunce phone Local, 102.
...Employment Agency...
Next door to Star Lodging House.
Positions Awaiting Men and
l.fuliuni t'iCKi f"1' alti.
j Single comb brown Leghorn eggs,
from imported stock bred by J. II.
i llailey, of Denver, Colo., I reeder of
I highest scoring Leuhorus in the world;
I l.'-M per setting of 15.
J.s. Juki and,
uiH-lni The Dalles, Or.
Mauuru for Nuln or In !lv Away.
1 have about 100 loads of licit horea
manure, well rotted, tiiat 1 wilt give to
j auk ono who hauls jt away, or 1 will do
liver any number of loads at 50 cents a
1 load. U. 1. Younh,
I ur.'0-lw list Knd Feed Yard.