The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 02, 1901, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
- - APiiiL 2, moi
1170 MXiAXf
witness against
own country-
men ana persistently representing
.. .
the United States soldiers as aggres-
sors who precipitated a war upon the
Filipinos, the anti-imperialists now I
acknowledge that they were wrong, !
and that, whatever they think of our ,
fight to hold the Philippines, the
fight at least was not begun by out-
troops, but was forced upon them, i was to i,e thought of, anil the cam
This truth is not new to most people. paign, once begun, coul.l not stop
The so-called anti-imperial critics of sllort of complete mastery. If we
the government have, however, all J iave uonqUOred the Filipinos instead
along bluntly denied the truth of j of re.,c,jng a peaceable agreement
the ollicial statements of the out- wjlu them, it is because they began
break, and declared that our troops, J t0 fight anil persisted in lighting.
even if they did not lire the first : jjew York Tribune,
shot, deliberately provoked the fight-1
ing for political ends and to compel j
the ratification ot the treaty ot l'ans
This slander, nhich has become part
anil parcel ot the intellectual furni
ture of the American defenders of
Aguinaldo, is now disposed of by
the Philippine Information Society,
a Boston organization which com
mands the confidence of the anti
rnperialists. The result of this society's investi
gations, as reported on Monday in
the New York Evening Post is the
declaration :
"The outbreak occurred as the
result of a trespass by four armed
Filipinos on territory admitted by
the Filipinos in command to be with
in the jurisdiction of the United
States. The action of the Filipino
trespassers seems to have been an
instance of bad discipline in the
insurgent army. Certainly it was
not ordered on that dale by the in
surgent leaders, although the indica
tions are that the leaders had planned
to attack in a few days. The claim
that our forces instigated the attack
for the purpose of securing the votes
necessary to ratify the treaty is abso-1 and income property. For further par
lutely unsupported by any evidence ! tieulars see Gibons & Marden, The
wliifh line. r-nniP tn thr filtontinn nf ! Dalles. Oregon. ni22wtf
the editors."
The society has not found sulli
cient evidence to lead it to declare
authentic the reported order of
a ; t i : i rm. , A t .1 :
Aguiuuiuu uk., xueuiiuruouuuiuu,
for the butchery of the foreigners in ,
Manila, but it does give full credence
to the order of Aguinaldo to his
soldiers on January 9th enjoining
them to preserve the appearance of
peaceful relations with the Ameri
cans and pretend to be friendly, but
to prepare for the outbreak as in
evitable. Following this order came
the outbreak of February -lth, con
cerning which it is reported :
"It was clear from the general
firing which began from all the in
surgent lines that the attack was
premeditated, whether it was di
rected to occur at that time or not."
The American soldiers who were
... , , ,. ., ,, , i ready ior nee, mv iuui jiouei :so. i
peacefully holding Manila repelled j SANDEN ELKCTKIC BELT. It is su
this attack, long premeditated under ! virinr in make, quality and power to
.. . , . i any belt offered by other dealers for
the guise of friendship, and Aguin-: wl,ici, ti,ey charge $-10.
aldo began his campaign to drive
the "tyrants" into the sea. What
else could the Americans do? What I
would the most rabid anti-expan. (
sionist, however much he might wish J
they had never sailed into Manila;
bay, have had them do? Our troops I
were in Manila of right, war was
wantonlv made unun them, and It !
j t- ,
was a case of conquering Aguinaldo's
forces or disgracefully surrendering
to them. This is the vital point in
the situation. Whether or not the
-campaign was thereafter managed
with tho greatest wisdom, whether or
not beforehand some terms might
l 1 ..! .....I. 1.1.. .
uuvu uuuu umm; wiin jvyuumiuu
rwinsiutont with nut mII urn t innc in
COnSISietH Willi OUt Obligations lO ,
ntlioi- nivlll'fd nntinna nro finoui lnj I
oilier ci viiucu nations are questions ,
about which opinions will differ.
The most disinterested advice which
Aguinaldo received before plunging
into hostilities was a warning that ho
could gain nothing by an attack and
could gain everything by a peaceful
'appeal to the American people, lie
did not make that appeal. Instead
lie planned to rush the American
lines. The time for arbitration is
luiforo war, not after plunging into
war to escapu its consequences.
,, III .1 . .I. .. 1 f
j Everybody knows that the people of
I tho United States would havo treated
L ,. . ... l
inumiiy ruiniiu iiuJU3io h fcUl-
V0!ltoal consideration, but Filipino!
, .,,, i
!lUac!.s Americans peacefully
... t!U. s ,, Americans peacefully
- ..
- -
holilin thu city delivered to them I
ny gp.,jni pending adjustment of
f,lturo relations, left only one course
0pen to country. That was to
sut,poi t its soldiers and put down
their assailants. No desertion such
as left Gordon to die at Khartoum
The Only Hcaltli Coffee.
The stepping stone to perfect health
Is Flsprune Cereal. This dellphtful
bevorape is a great aid to digestion and
its dally use. in place of tea and coffee, i
is already being recommended by phy
sicians. Flgprune consists of 51 per cent fruit
and 4C per cent grains.
I'Ibh mid ITimeH
attain the highest degiee of perfection
In California and these choice fruits,
combined with selected grains, scien
tltlcally blended, make the best and
most nutritious cereal coffee on the
Flgprune is prepared only by the
Figprune Cereal Co., San Jose, Calif.
Coffee Is more injurious than tea, as
lit not only affects the nerves, but has
j a decided tendency to make one bilious.
Figprune Cereal is an agreeable and
healthful substitute. Ask your grocer
for the new health coffee Flgprune
Cereal, a California product. .
For stile, on eas?y terms, a fine fruit,
hay and truck farm of about 200 acres,
ten milea from The Dalles. Fine im
provements; about sixty acres bottom;
1 creek throtich tho nlace: an ideal home
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agents. ml
Q , t (.ljantUy makeE De
Witt's Little Earlv Kisers such valuable
little liver pills.
Clarke & Falk'e P. 0.
Early Itose seed potatoes for sale at
the StadelniAii Comm. Co. m5-lm
Cut Out
Enclose it to Me with
Ten Dollars
And I will furnish you all complete,
Or, Sanden's Belt
has no equal for the euro of Ner
vous and Physical Debility, Ex
hausted Vitality, Varicocele,
Premature Decline, Loss of
Memory, Wasting, etc., which
has been brought about by earlv
indiscretions or later excesses.
Dr. Sanden Electric Co.,
107 South Fourth St., PORTLAND, OH.
'JJmch (l&wsmn
Sheriffs Sale.
Notico Is hereby Riven that pursuant to an ox
edition IbsuhI out of tbii U i cult l ourt of the
btnta ot ok'koii for hk-o county, cm tiiu'JUt
day of February, IU01, In a mlt therein ihjii.IIiik
wherein William Kloiii is iilalutlfl'itml William
Ileliiwuul Kll..ibc'th M Helm ami IC. W. Helm
ro defendants to me rllreclisj. 1 Mill, on Hatur.
dav, tbuy.'ii tiny of March, 11X11, at the hour of 1!
0'C0Cic . ,.. ,lt thouourt liounjiloor In Dalles
UHy. OreKUll, ell lit publlo Hide to the lilt? lest
1(1(;r for j.j, (n ai: r tho ioiiowiiik oo-
Hcribal real troriv tltuutod In suld Whs' o
County, to wit Iits 1 uinl J ami tins routlioiut
ipnirlur of ttiti norliiuiut quarter ni notion I,
lownslilii:) miutli, riniKo II east, uinl tho koutti
east ipiartur mill the Houthcaiit (UiirU-rof Ilia
iiortlR'att quarter of section township.! routli,
lanxu 11 eubt, W. il,, to miliufy uc-rtiiln Judg
ment reiiiletui In Miia court and euuu on ald
'JUtdayof rtbruary, liwl.for tho mum of 17i..'j7
ami mtereit at tun )er cent er annii'ii, anil
UW uttoniey'a fees, ami ll.'i conta ami ilUburt-u
incuts, and 170.15 ami Intcn-bt ut six hit cent
I'tr (id it i in and tiilH'A and Interest at tea er
cent ier annum mid uccruluir cunts,
fb'ilflt Bherlll'ol WakCoCounty,
lryiii? preparations simply dovol
oj) dry cntnrrh ; they dry up tho secretions,
which adhero to tho incnilirano and decom
pose),' causing a fnr more norious troublo than
thoordinaryformot catarrh. Avoid nil dry-
... t ...! ..,,rr..
1"K inUUIftHW. IUIUUB, MIIUJtVB mm allium
m mo tlmtVhich cleanses, eoothca and
heals. Ely's Orenm Halm is such a remedy
nud will euro catnrrh or coldintho head
easily nml uleftSftntlv. A trial olzo will
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell i
fiOo. slzo. Klyllrothors, HC. Wnrrou St., N
Tho cures without pain, does i
Ml druggists sell tho
rn 1r CI V V
ji r;.Hi i. I', v linn inn. mi iimivu uui Hi a.
t,;,: "Y,,.' ji.f ,i.. t,nt.
xuu jjuiiii jtiHJi- h"um 4i
irritate- or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
i over an irritated ami an cry suriaco, ronov-
ing immediately tho painful inllammation.
With Ely's Cream liului you aro nrmod
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fovcr.
You will not have boils if von I
Clarku & Falk's sure cure loi bollB.
Clarke it Falk have on sale a full line
of paiut and artist's bruahue,
A full lino o( Eastman filing and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
Hustling young man can make fGO per
month and oxponses. Pnrmanen.k. posi
tion. Experience unnecessary. Writ"
quick for particulars. Clark A Co.,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel
lipia, Pa, sS-ti
Clarke & Falk's rUvorint: extracts are
the beat. Ask your c 'cer lor them.
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way
still Ions at i.J- a. in. ami 3 . ni.
I-eiive Portland S:!Xn m
" Albany lJ.COiim
Arrive Ashland 12:3S a ra
" s-acrumcnto 5:00 m
" Snn Kranclsco 7:45 i m
7:00 j ni
10:60 l ni
11:H0 n in
l;;r a m
a tu
Mrlve Oftdon 5:lja.m
" Denver 'JiOO a m
" Kansas City 7:'J.' ii in
" Cbleauo 7Mj a m
11:43 a m
U:0i ii m
7:2" a in
j:M h in
Arrive lis AiiReles 1:20 p m
" El Hnso f.:00 p m
" Fort Worth Cr.'M urn
" iMtv of Mexico SUM a :n
" Houston l:00ain
" New Orleans fi.-J.jH in
" WatliliiKton ii:IJa m
" New York l'J:13 p m
7:00 a rn
0:00 ji m
fi;-'H u in
U:.V) u m
1:00 a in
0:Jj in
(' 12 a m
UM:! p m
Pullman ami Tourist cars on both trains
f!!mir rars Sacramento to Ozdull and Kl Pato,
ami tourist to Chicago, rit Louis, New Or
leans and asnmgtou.
ConnectiiiK at San Krancl'co with several
steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China,
Philippines, Central and South America.
See agent at The Dalles station, or add.iss
General Passenger Ajrent, Portland. Or
Yellowstone Park Line.
'Union Depot, Firthand I sis
No. 2.
Fast mnll for Tacorna,
. Seattle, Olyinpla, (jray'.s
iiaruoraim Kouin iiemi
points, Spokane, Ross.(
laud, ii. C, Pullman,
Moscow, Leulscon, lluf
11:15 A. M., faloll ump mining conn- 5;W1'
, M.
try, neienu, .Miniieaiio
His, Ht. Paul, Oinalin,
Kansas City, St. 1-oiils,1
iChicHK and all points I
No, 1. east and southeast. ' No. 3.
Puirct Sound KxpresK
11;30 P.M. for Tacoma and Seattle 7;00A. M.
! ami Intermediate points
Pullman first-class and tourJut sleepers to
Minneapolis, St. Paul aud Missouri river points
without change.
Vustlbuled trains. Union depot connections
In all principal cities.
IlHKKiKt checked to destination of tickets,
Kor hamlKomely llliistiateil descriptive lnatter,
tickets, tslccpliiK-car reservations, etc., call on or
Assistant General Passenger Agent. 'JAi Morrl
son Street, corner Third, Portland Oregon.
Anyono nemtliiif n kelrh and doicrlptlon van'
ascertain our o nmoii ireo wiiciiiit a
invention in prolmnly piitpiitablo. Coinniuiilrr
tloiisstrlctlyeonliuentlal. iiuiuiunoKon raientt
iimiI free. Oldest aueiiey for securing Patents.
p.iU-i.Li taken tlirousrh Muun ft Co. rc-eelru
tprclal notice, without cuarKO, In tlio
Scientific JIttiericam
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. J.nrcst clr--illation
of any sclent Itln Juiinml. 'J'enns, f.'i a
year: four months, fl. Hold byull nowfdealer".
MUNN&Co.30'Bro8 New York
Uraucb (mice, K V HU WiisMuiilon. D.T
ILpranwn Plmnlnu. Pawnt wt mm
(lllloUMHuBH. I'uilfy tlioliloort, H DLiBhU
l-:'irgllfiilclidJiiidll-i),i. "wmSSSJSUm
A IriDVPfllPnt tit thf) linMiilu uanli .1... ...
Inr 1,-ilih 'i'l J. ... h..r..i.'"v" '". "",'
.l,,.i.AM'...f...:v.. i
I I. '. ' "til I'l ".l
ii hvldbTdro
' fit
Gmiffinrn Dam fin fln
uuuupii ruumu uu.
Norn Psiii
Shoi Line
Tin: DAI.I.KS.
Portland S)it-rlal.
1J-.'J.' p. in.
via llitnt
liiKton. Atlantic
1J..") a. in.
via Hunt
St. Paul
1-W Mull,
y.'i'i p. 111.
via .Spo
kane. Salt Lake, Denver, I t.
Worth, Omaha, Kan-1
MisClty.rit Louis ('111
capo and the liast.
liv. y. in.
..-alt Lake, Denver. I't.
Woith, Omaha. ICan-i
Miifliy,si l.niiK'lil-1
eauo anil the liast. i
Walla Walln, l.evlstiin,
man, Minneapolis, Ht. '
Paul, intlutlt, Milwau
kee, Chtc.ii;oaiid i:t.
!.!." a. in.
!;S0n 111.
l'rmii r.irtlmiil.
(All -ailliu; date sub-1
, jvet to eliiinsse )
For San rranelkeo,
Sail every f itayM, i
s.00 p. m.
1:00 p. m.
Dally .
excent 1 i;ni,nlili, KIvit.
C!J!!' f, To Astoria and Wiiy
yatu'idav, l--.mll,iKs.
1U.O0 p. III.
1.00 p. in.
ii.oo u. m.
WIllmiKitti! Ulviir.
Orcpm City, Nc-wherK,
Milcin, IndeiH'iidonce,
and a.-I.aiiiliiiKs.
l:fai p. m.
0.00 a. in.
I -no p. m.
Corvalll- and U'ny
l.uiidinu's TucmIuv. Wlllitiimttii mill :!.:! ti. Ill
Thursdav, Vninlilll Itlvnr. .Monday,
.-atiirdav. fit,. i,,.. .....i nednesiiay
7:0011.111. "wiiv-lji'tullims. Kliday.
a:ion. m.
Snitko KItit.
Itlp.iria to l.ewlston.
a. m
Parties .lt'siiiiic to iro to lleiipner or
points on columuiii soutliern via iii(ts, snouio
take No. 'J. leavini: 'I he Dalles at l'J;2." n. in.
nmklntr direct coniiectlnus at lleiipner Junction
and HIbks. KeturuliiK maVilnKdfreeti'oiiiiectlon
at lleppner Junction ami Hum's Willi ,mj. i, ar
rivtiiK at The Dalles at 1:0.' p. in.
For further particulars, call on or address
The Dalles, Oregon
Hy virtue of the order and direction of the
council ot Danes i;ity, its uy reoiiiiion Hereto
fore adopted, notice is hereby Klveti that the
Council of Dalles City has deteriiilin'd toe-dab
lish sidewalks and crosswalks for Tenth street
in (j.iles' Addition to Dalles City, and for
Clay street, in lllult Addition to Dalles City, as
A sidewalk commeiielm; tit a point when1 the
east line of Court street would intersect the
northern boundary line of the school lironertv
of .School District No. 12, of Wasco County, Ore
gon, said property boliiK known as the academy
Krounds, if said line would be extended to suld
northern boundary Hue. and ninnintr tlieucr
easterly to the northeast corner of said property
of said school district and abuttliiK on the
iiorinern iiueoi sain pnieny.
A sidewalk coinnieiiclim at the northwest cor
iter of block No. o. and ruiiiiiuK easterly to the
northeast corner of said block No. .'i. aud abut
ting on the northern boundary line of said
bio l: No. 0.
A crosswalk runnltiK straight across 11 street
and JolulUK on the west the sidewalk abuttlia:
on the northern boundary lino of said Mock No.
.0, ami loinitiK on the east n sidewalk umittiiiK
on the northern boundary lluu of block No. ii.
A sidewalk ccnirnenelriK a' the northwest
corner ot sinil hiocK No. o, ami iiiiiuIiik easterly
tn the northeast corii'-r of said block ami abut
tiim' on the northern boundary Hue of said
block No. 0.
A crosswalk running straight across O street
mid Joining on the west tho sidewalk abutting
on mc nnrincrii uouiiuary iineoi saio ijiock mi.
0, anil Joining a sidewalk abutting on the north
em boundary linuof block No. 7.
A sidewalk commencing nt the northwest
corner of block No. 7, and running easterly to
toe normasi corner oi sain diock mj. i,iiiiii
abutting on tho northern boundary Hue of said
IJIOCK .Ml. ,.
A crosswalk running straight across 1) street
Mini Joining on tho west the sidewalk abutting
on ine northern ootimiary lino ot sain mock No.
7, imd Joining on tho east it sidewalk abutting
on the northern boundary line of block .". h,
A sidewalk couimencliig at the northwest
comer of block No. K and running easterly loo
feet, and abutting n the northern boumlitry
Hue of said block No. ii.
That said 'lentil street and tho property abut
ting thereon being in dates Addition to Dalles
City, and nil thootber abovo described streets,
blocks and property being in III it 11 Addition to
Dulles City. Said above deserlls-d sidewalks to
bo six feet in width ami to bo constructed In an
corditucc with the ordinances In relation to tho
construction of sidewalks,
Haiti crosswalks to be constructed In accord
ance with tho ordinances of tbueityin relation
to tho construction theteof.
That thu cost of said sidewalks and crosswalks
nru to bo,Hsess d against tho property beiitllted
thereby, according to the laws oi Dalles city.
In witness whereof I havo hereunto set mv
baud and the corporate seal of .Dalles City this,
toe nay oi .nurci, t'jui
I ska i.. I
Hecorderol Dallea (tjty.
Notice No. 2
Ih to all porfoiiH indehted to the late Unit
of K. .1. ColliiiH & Co. and 8. L. llrookH
to call and to tile their account or note,
hh the ease may he, by, tho IhI of April j
otherwise the accoiuitH will bo put Into
tho liatnlH of our eol lector.
You want the best,
G. 1.. Phillips liaH it, in
IJuir LeglioniH a specialty.
Game to my place, teven miles west
of The Dalles, first of November last, a
black Jersey steer, two years old ; small
Hpllt in each ear; no brand visible,
Owner can havo same by proving owner
ship and paying all charges.
110 5t J. V, AniniuH.
I Bicycles
Our now
Largost lot of wlii'elfl nvor lirtiuulit to lliiii oily.
Call and hum them.
GlVEf4 I'vurv dollar'H worth of cnoiln
Dayo, 1 will pivc onu cliantai on tlm following prii'.uH :
t T'lrut I, M'o 1 OuiiI.'h Gold Wnich ami Chnin
i Second ori.u
Third rrlzo 1 hniokinK Set
.p,nirtl) nrtxe 1 Silver Butter DIhIi and llutter Knllo
5 Filth prist' 1 t,ut Silver Knives and Forks
In Hildiiion to uiviiiu away Uioh" iir'r.t'H 1 will Hull tonila iih low ae the lowest,
and guarantee my gooda to be frtn. Give me a trial.
Speaking of Blood
Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing
that enri'H. I),) not foriret it; we have it, at 75c por bottle 'larne bottles);
Hiiaraiitct'il, or you may gel your money buck if not'nlled.
we exercifi' the tfrratt'St euro. We eurry th" liest and line the bent in com
pounding your pluficiaiiH ordcrH. Our priceH wu malsu an low aa iH eoiiBistunt
with eUluient t-ervice.
We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything
appertaiiiim; to DrtigP, Patent .Medieinea, HiimlrieH aud Photograph Supplies.
p. s. oufiiHo.
...Blacksmitli, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker,
-iii:ai.i:k in-
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Agent for Itussell X Co. Kuglues, Threshers and Haw .Mills.
Teleiihone lo7.
l.nitL' DiHlauce 107!!.
X J. E. FALT & CO., )
Proprietors trnXm,. 9
of . Mi
5 Purest Liquors for Family Use 7
C Doliverod to any
Phones: 51 Local,
858 Loiik DiHtance.
I L. Lane.
!, Waijon and Cnrriogo Work.
S, Fish Brothors' Wagon.
i Third aud Jcffcrnn. Phone 159 S
ilAJf A. Voot.
First National Bank.
A General Hanking Uuuiiiess transacted
Deposits received, aublect to HL'ht
r,?lvi , Draft or Check.
"1U(H, ttl'd proceeds promptly
ro,,tttfl5Pr 'd on duv of collection,
.-uu' T '-v " leeraphiu Kxchaiti-e aohl on
im1w York, Kiln ViMiilac.o urn "nrt.
r, n rn DIKBOTOWb
S p;.,M,''oN Jn- hoknuk.
t.U. M. V II.I.IAMH, GUO. A. l.lMIIK.
If M. fiKAM,
Clarke A Kalk hayc received a carload
of the celebrated James H. I'atton
Btrictly pure liquid paiutu
- Bicycles
Htook rvculvi'd.
imrchapcd at my Htoro for tho next Kixtv
1 ldittH' Gold Watnli and Chnln
Medicine :
Cor. Second & LauEMin Sis., THE DALLES. OR.
JkJiW -mPmAm
part of tlio City.
173 Second Street.
"51 Just What
You uuaot
5 SvtI
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Suet
wide variety as wo are showing never be
fore graced a single stock. Kcal una'
lion creton ellecte at ordinary pric''
Ciood papers at cheap paper priW'
I'JIegant designs, tasteful colorings, yoy'.'
for a small price, nt our store iiiiTW"
street. Also a full line of Iiouho pal""'
n inr tr A TTC3TTI mv,n.rl fit.
MM Bestaoil
l, Y. Horn:, l'rop'r.
Fipst-CIass in Every Respect
AIIHAI.H AT Air. linlllCHi
fn if iV
W J wuw, kj VOU 1U HIV
87 Beeouil Ht Tlio Dulles. Or.