1 ) He Tried m Sample Bottle Nearly ovorv day people como Into drtia store and ask tho DruiisUts to recommend tome medicine for their trouble. Very often they re j fuse to do so, I because, ni a rule, tliey do I not believe it 1 proper to ad-: vi'uun.vonetd take n patent I me ill cine o , I which thev do i not know thu ingredients.lt is the physi cian's tnisi- nes- to pre- scribe. ?onio make an ex ception, how ever, when anyone has n courIi. cold or throat and Ihur irouble. "1 always recommend Acker's Knr IMi Kemcdy, beian-e 1 know just what it "will do. It ha cured every cae when I Slave seen ii trhd. It is the best expectorant and tonic I ever h.indled in my II years' experience. I will pvo jut one instance of a pentlenian who had been troubled for years with a nasty, hacking couch. 1 ad vised Acker's KtiKlish Ucniedy. lie tried a rample bottle, and was cured before he had taken half of it, at no cost whatever. This is an exceptional c(w however, as it usually takes two or three bottle." (Signed) A. 15. . uoi.. llellcfontaine, Ohio. Sold at 2V.. .v . !! 1 a bottle, through out the I'niteil s- ,i. and Canada; and in England, at 1-. l,1 , -Js. :u.. Is. Cd. If you nre not .satisfied after buying, return tho bottle to your druggist, und get your Biouey back. H'c authorize the abort guarantee, W. ii, UQQXW & CO.. ttwicttr-, Sew York., For onto at Blakeley's Pharmacv. THE FAI$... ImMm mm At the Coiif;r4i;:iMiiial Oliurcli. A larye and interested congregation gathered at the services yesterday. The morning subject chosen by Mr. Clapp was "A Good Man's Mistake," which he treated in a concise and unique manner. Lot was the mistaken good man, and many practical lessons were adduced from his life. It was a life of compro misetherefore weakness. In the evening the subject was "Seek ing the Lost." This was perhaps the stronnest sermon of the series, and the large congregation present attes'ed its interest in an almost breathless atten tion. There will be services again tonight and each night during the week. Mr. Clapp will speak on "What Must I Do to Ue Saved?'' Prof. Landers will sing a gospel hymn during the service, as will also Mr. Poling. Song service com mences promptlvat 7:30. It Dazzles The Wot 111, iNO uiscoverv iti medicine lias ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It's severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousande of whom it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever. Hoarseness and Whooping Cough it is the quickest, surest cure in the world. It is sold by Ci. C. Blakeley, the druggist, who guarantees satisfaction or refund money. Lirge bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. 1 Among the tens of thousande whohave used Chamberlain'o Cough Remedy for colds and la rrippe during the past few years, to our knowledge, not a single case has resulted in pheutnoriia. Thos. Whitfield & Co., LMO Wabash avenue, Chicago, one of the most prominent re eail druggists in that city, in speaking of til in. -avs: "We recommend Chamber lain 'e Cough Bemedy fur la grippe in many cees, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also counter acts any tendency of la grippe tn result in pneumonia." For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. List In the Vogt opera houee, or be tween there and the Allaway residence, on Third etreet, a gold and yeliow enam eled class pin hearing the letters O., 1900." The finder will be suitably re warded by leaving it at this office. 2t Why pay $1.76 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James K. Patton'a eun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Fall;, agents. 'ml Quality and not quantity makes De Witt's Little K.irly Hirers such valuable little liver pills. Clarke & Fa Ik's I O. Pharmacy. Lots of New Goods just arriving. NEW HATS, NEW CLOTHING, NEW SHOES, NEW MUSLIN -WEAR, NEW SILK WAISTS, NEW CORSETS, NEW FURNISHING GOODS, NEW BONNETS, and lots of other new goods. Too busv to describe. Come and ...THE FAIR... Tho J 'lace to Save Mono v. jrtAjaiTliiTnTnxniliiiJutjLxixi-iAJtXAAA,a ,3E" :3c 'P SB 3E ,5? '3P nc I li as .as 135 3 3 ;ae as If !3E i3E 3r 3E SE 3E 8 t f t 7 to to v (Us t 'A 't The Dalles, Or. t The Chronicle, Job Printers. i 3c 3E St. 2e 3. ,3Ci 3S 2: is' f 3S 3C' i Is 2C 22' ' 22 1 I ,3 ,31 I 2: is! 3! I 32 ' -IK , Zlm 3C iimmr 'r: in Trn mt t !:' if m.'jjf.ojjiLU.' nminii imn urn m rrmrjn r. BE STRONG. Lincoln Soxual Pills restore natural strength and vigor, iney no not excuo or stimulate. Ttiev are a perfectly pure and certain nerve food, and every tablet is stanuarizeii to absolute uniformity. Use them and you w li rejoice in strength, nerve vigor and manly magnetism. Price, $1 00 per box buy of your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Ft. Wnyno, Ind. M. 'A, Donnell, Agent, The Dalles, Or. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. 1 ,...,,,, r,... 1. . . . ..u ,i I I.ANU Otril'K AT V.NCOfVJji, U'nsll, '.ntlfc it h,-rpl,v t.H-,.1, th r ilT.V fV.I l,'..clii ' ''t'1-'0 's llCTC-hj Klvi'll til (it till) Ioll(IWlll- iiHmed sittlM f.T.i 1 1 i ,f ' lm,ul K'ttlL'r lt-.l notice ol IilM.itwitloYi 01 lui n tnut 1, 1 1 'monf I 1 1 iV, . L . ' . : U,Ht mM '""00f ,vl11 inmlo heforo W. II. I'reh foru "tl ' n-Vl .1!. - J ,il w,-ivr .,t ti 1 11 J' i ''- U.S.cmmlhsIoiierfor Dhtrlutof WhsI.Ihk Ort'Kon, on fciiturdny, May 1, IWl.vl-!: , "'ji y, jjrji, ,vi.: ' ' nun v 111 nt in s, of MoMer, Orwiii, II. i;. No. for tlio NKi I f i.-w. i n w..i,ii,. ...u.i 11 i.- v 1, tp-i l 1'-' !; ". M. . ylivt. for thu NKU of no L'T. In 'I i. :i '. It' I' I'. IrvliiK II. Ititrliitv, Kirly Hose need iiotatoes for sale at the Studoliuiin Comm. Co. m5-lm 1 r r - . " ... - - - - , . , Jl iiu iiniiiff uiu iniiowing wiiucsM's 10 prove y, ij, I l)I.s foiitlinious icsiilcuce upon, unci cultivation Citation. In ilic County Court of the .itutc of Oregon for Whu'o Comity. Ill tlio muttor of tliu tstatu of ICnniia May Croin n'clhiK'C'UHutl' To KrcdviU'lv M. Cromwell, lidlth May Crom well, Helen Cromwell mul Meriltt I'. Croia well, (irectliiK: In the naiiioof the .ilatc of oieKon, you ami men 01 jou are ni-reoy emu 111111 ieiiiiuu to a iearlu the Comity Com t 01 thchtateof Oievoi lor Vwibco County, ilt tlio Mmeli term of paid court, at tlio couit room Uiereof, at Dulles (,'ltv. in hflld eomitv, on Tliuti.l.iy, the 'j,th day ol larcli. tlxJl,at'Jocloek In the afternoon of mi lit lay. then "ltd lliete to hhow caiixu, If any e.vlut, why an onk'i of Mile tlioiilil not Iju jiimiIu illicct iuti K, Dayton, tlm viliiihilntrator of the tato of Kiiiina May Cromwell, ileeeai-e!, to kH the lvnl iirocerty ilenciiUtl at. lieloiili!K to bahl citato as follows, to wit! Iot feven III the town of lleliiiont. Whk'o County, Orexon. W'ltiiehs tho Hon, Ueotu'u V, lllakeley, Juilt-e of ti'o NiiM roiuit court, with tlio fualotbahl com t utllxeil, thU 2.MU Cay of 1'ebi iiury, '.")l. seai.) A. K. J.AK1., Clerk. of k.ilil In ml U : Hut: Henry 11111 r:;(i 'JllW, for the HV.'i of ecu '.'T, hi '1 p ;i ,, K 1 K He names the followhnr witnesses lo prove ! Complete Cii7e of at M.Z. DONNELL, THE DItUGGIST. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business. Lt'ttere of Credit issued availahlo in the Eastern States. .Sitrht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers mjUI on New York; Chicago, Kt. Louis, .San Francisco, I'ortliiiul Ore gon , Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Itie Columbia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PQRKand BEEF MANUKACTDKKKHOH Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JUIKI) BEEF. ETC. Spring Suitings The time will soon ho here when every stvtisli (lrexseil mini wi wont im nn.i,.. dale Spring Suit. Those are the kind of patrons 1 am tailoring for. Coino in and look over my Spring line of .Suitings. aii 1110 latest novelties lor luui. Suits to Ordor, SIO.OO. John Pashek, The Tailor. SEEDS THE CELEBRATED i .. GOIiUlKBlA BREWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of thu product nf tliiH wcll-kiioMti hrewury tlio United HIiiIch Health UuportH for .lune "JS, 1000, say h: "A morii Hiipei lor hrew never (iiturvil the liihratory uf the lTniti'd Slates Health rnportH. It, ih nl)!ontey ilovold of tho HlighteHt trace of adulteration, hut on tint other hand it coir.po.xcil 0f the licst of malt and choicest of liopn. I tn tonic: iiialltii'H are uf the high, est and it can ho used with the greatest heinillt and Hiitlsfiicllnii hy oh) ulll young. Its use can conscientiously he prescrihed hy tho physicians witd the cersiiiiity that a hetter, purer or morn wIioIckoiiui heveragu could nm possibly hu found." m-..A. ci 1 CM. I IIITTW T ATT TOC ATI lTtn -vn-r PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi ? 11 kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Feed Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton FlOUr 1'"H '''"nr 1H ninnufuctnred oxpresuly for family use : every flnck iH guaranteed to give (satisfaction. Wa sell our goods lower than any lioiisu in the trade, and if you don't think eo call and get our priceH mid In; convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. xyxrrx'rxrx uiau i ai a: ai iiiri D The moat complete Htock of Garden, (irawj, Field and Vegetahlo Heeds in bulk in the luliiml'Em jiire at the Feed. .Seed nod Grocery Htoro of J. H. CROSS, THE DALLES, OR. E Kiitnk Liil'lvre, TIios. McCluro, nf MoMcr. (Jr., 1 llis coiiti'iuous renldwifo upon ami cultivation wiry .McKiiwey, Hubert TJiicl. 'J'lio Dallct, Or. 1 "f . yU: w 11 M,,; , Jewi J, ftnlilur mul Vernon T. Illiitlmw, eafh ....,. JA' '',V 'oflioldiMKlHlcl'. ()., Winh., Iiitrms (). I.yle mul Hu inur. ADMINISTHATOIfS NOI KJI I Iruli. Ilewttt, c-HfJi of l.ylo 1'. (,, SViixlilngtoii, I IM W. It, Du.sii.ui, HcKlhler. Notice Is licichy Riven that tho iitnluiMgiii'fl ' Iihs bfCli (July iipiiojntol liy the ciiiiiity court of tlio ,'tate of Oregon for Wat-co county, ii(iiilnl tratrlx of the (Main of John JJiiliyiiiilc.iccciiMl. rWl IHrMllU iiiivjiik Ciuims UK'llllkt sn 11 iMtnlc , arc licifhy rojuiwl to iiivt-vut the h.-mio t mo ir In tho Coiintv (Join t ol tho .Stan, nf () n 'm,,V, V . I., . ' J ' . . "V ' , ... uciii'u nil inu nil runirii. nv Jiiilluh Lily, or at iliCDlllce of Ilci witlilu kls iiioiiths f turn thoilate Uiitwl thih Jlst Oiiv of Kchru.iry. I'.wi AllNKS IMI.KV.MI'I.i;, Aihilliilxtratrls ol thu cstutu ol J0I111 IJalryw pic, ilcceasc'l. fcli jkj Jlf (IKISKNIIOUITKi; riiysician and Surgeon, Bpc-clal attention given lo surtfery. el. to itcoias n una w, Vogt Jllock NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. I.A.SJ) OlMUl AT Va.NCCCVUK, WikIi,, C-l). I Nollcu Is hereby Ivc-n that the fnllowhii; 11111110I settler has lilul notice of IiIk liileiition ; toruuKe liuitl proof in Mipportof his claim, and 1 II,,., u.,l.l ,,r,w,r ..'II I I...' I.. I..,f... It' II . M.l 1 1 .'!' I'lfkhy, I'liluvl states Coiiiinlhsioiivr for ilUtrict , 1. 1 1 I of Wathlimtoii, at his ollluti In (lolilemlalu, im'i i Wath., ou aaturilay, April i:i, JWI, vl.. . William A. l!iH, II. K, No. 10051, for IoIh r, , 8, 'J ami ID, Keutlon ii, tovviulilp - north, ratiKU l.'i vant, V. M, He names the following wiluusbcx to prove his coiithiiioiiH rcsWeiieo upon und cultivation of said laud, V): Amlrutv h. Jiiiiinell, (icorue I., lliiimcll, Alhy M. liiirinell mul Miles .Miillltfun, nil ol Center Vlllul. O., WicdihiKtoii. uicli'J W. It. DUNIIAH, Jtfglxler. Subscribe for Tin; Cmto.Niuj.ic. SEEDS Nasal CATARRH In all Its ptn"ns thero tliouiil hu clcuii!inua. i;iyJH Cream Halm :le.iiit-ci,P(K)tljcaiiillit'ali) I his diau.vcil incinliraiie, II cures lalarrli and drives away n cold hi llio head iiulcl.'iy. ('renin ISaliu Is placcil Into tho nostrils, spreads over tliu mcmliraiio and Is almorlied. Itelicf Is hu ini'dlalo and n cure follows, it Is not drying -does not jiroducu riieelng. I.irgn Sle, 60 tents at flra. gluts ir by mall; Trial l tents by mail. U.Y lAKJTHliitS.Otl Warren Street, Nuw York. ) m . . the UREASE C. J. STUBLilG, wnni.KH i,i. am) i:ktm. Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to Finn National Hunk. (illllllllll I'llOIIK 'ill 1 . l.iiliK lllil. 101)1. THE DALLES, OREGON. I f: I uirtvtriyi.Ti.ri.viirtri.rAiri.Ti.Tyi.Ti.T.i v.l-r i -r i.T i i.v.i ;V 1 t i.vj.vi BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE EDMUND S., Hay Stallion, '1 yours old; hoiht hiinds, weight 1050 pounds. Sirud by Zoinbro, 2:11, tho host Hon of iMt-Kin-noy, 2:1 U. First (lain, ISrideHiiiaid, hy ISoxwood, hoii of Nutwood. .Second dam, l.;iku ..V"H'.m'; ,II1U," Hf ' Al,("e - -:-- V l--tklHilH Ahdallah, hoii of llamhlelon Ian 10. Ihird dam, I'riinolla, by Allinmhra, won of Muinhrino Chief 11. ii-.h'I'm1 UN,) 'SMi" '""!JH t1'" BBUH0" of mi AT-Forter'H livery Htable, Tho Dallofi, On-Kon. Terms for tho Season, $20. For further parlieulara seo j.uio.fiwii.K. TRED FISHER, Proprietor. REGULATOR LINE. 1 road. helps the team. Bavcs wenrnml expense, nam cverywnerc. STANDARD OIL OO. Um, I'OIITUMI k JUSIOHIA. 8AV. COMI'AN Kleaineis ol Hit, I!e(julat(,r l.luo will run as per tin I"1 ow.id; t-eludule, tho C'oniiwiiy rm-ivliiK the rlKht to 'lni'.h h '.eilule wltliout notice. Str. Ihii.'iilatur ' JOl . I.v Dalles at 7 A, M. 'I'uesilay . . , Thiiikila , . , Katuidiiy. Arr. I'miiand , at l:lii) i', m, nr. M. I'oiii.umI Ml 7 .. M, MolHlay WcillM'MlMy . 1'ilday Arr. Dulles a ti r, m. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Diilloo City. nowN I.v. Dalles at 7 A, M. Miindny . .. WedneMlay... I'rlihiy Air. I'ortliiiul at l:au i. n, ! s7 I III'. I . Il.rllilllll iitV.iHi , i. i 'i iii'ti ay I .... Thilinlay . . Hatunl'O' Air. Dulli-s uUi r. FOR OOMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE. Travel hy tin; N'"'1''1 j' V'" ''''''''hir I.Iiiu, Tlio (ioiiiiaiiy will endeavor to Klvelt t .3 roiih tho hvht hervleit jiosslhle, Toi urther Iniormiitloii addicbH ,3 i oni-UM. (iiiice, Oak-Htreet Dock. W. c. ALLAWAV. n.,. a. A - ....... HMf tni y