The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 01, 1901, Image 3

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    The Easter Store
is ready
lit never before from onn end to the other
Urn Htoro iH fiiirly iftnniri with the moat
fashionable goods on two continenta snita,
gloves, waists, htcea, wash fabrics, novelties
in nilk iln.'BH goods, and nil tho other things
designed to become part, of your Easter
toilet. A variety ho fast, ho comprehensive,
ho complete in itH minutest details Unit to
attempt ii description dooms 11 hopeless tiiak.
The Easter Windows are Get
ting in Readiness, and so
is the Store.
We won't Hiiy hero nil of tho things wu lmvo
to ahow yon we roaervo tho pleasant aur
iiriso fur von until vim c-i 1 1 I'.m u .iii
p:iv tliin-i,ii! Hum total rojin-HiifitH our moHt ennHoliiiitioiiH" efforts to please vou,
unit we liopo that whon you null wo may find our reward in your approval.
For Easter
Viur K tutor Hiiit will he incomplete
without gloves to match it, ho hero iH an
Our Celebrated OLA IMS.S K Hold every
where at $1.25 our prion ttiiH
week 900
Special I'IQIrK SKA M RI.OVK nn
Lli ih wool: only fc)UC
UKNT Celebrated English glove, - QQ
fur ladies ; all shadeH loo
Ladies' Dressing Jackets
and Komonas
M.uli' of fancy dimitie", whites lawns, or
gandies and pongee olntli. Ask to Hi'o
75c, $1, $1 50 to $3.50.
All GoocIh Mnrkocl
In Plain FUrurtiH
Wo aro showing tho latest creation" a
vii"t assortment to choose from, in lace
and ribbon harbes, at ,r()c, Too and $1.
Fancy atook collars in ailk and laci at
7w, $1, $1. ''), up to $:i.
Hvisry ono ih a ducided novelty.
Area reality, not a dream. We have
them in the faiiiou" "W. I!." and at
prieiia that are extremely rea"onahlu
when oompared with those of other
W. I!. Straight Front. . .$ 1 .'Jo, $1 .,-(), $2
W. I!. Matiate, Special $l.2.ri
We hIho carry stock of the
Famous LaVida, $4.50 and $5
men's Shoes....
Tho workingman must have
well-made shoes no other kind
will do. We have Rpeoial val
uoH in workingmim's ahoes
ahoea not to he found in every
Here's satisfaction
for the
Kangaroo kip lace,
double aole, seamless
Kangaion kip, enng,
double Hole, seamless
Seal grain, flCPi
double aole, seamless
Heavy calf, lace,
double sole, calf lined
Kangaroo kip, buck
le shoe, double sole. .
Oil grain, lace, dou
ble aole, Iliortra
3.00 j
2.75 I
It will take yon only two
miuutea to read this ad, and it
will pay you at the rate of a
dollar a minute in the money
yon will save.
The telles Daily Chronicle.
MOM'AY .... APRIL 1, 11101
it tb m served i ,
Oysters k..
At Andrew Keller's.
All IVikmm. County warrant ri;lMteril
prior tu htiitiiilMir I, I HUT. will lm palil
mi pi I'Mimlitt Inn lit my nlllee,
rtlii after November "II, 1 !MIO.
County 'J'
Four million pouuda of unsold wool
remain on Hlorago in The Dallea wurc
liiiiiH(!H and half u million more in the
Shaniko warehoiiBe.
If anything ails your hair, go and aee
Fraznr; he's tho lumilquarterH for all
hair remedies. Ilemuinber that he
(nukes a aiecialty of those goods, tf
Water was today turned into the
Htand pi pea for tho use of the Htreet
sprinkler man, ami that functionary will
probably commence work in the morn
ing. Sheriff' Kelly this morning turned
over thu tax roll to the county clerk, and
Mrs Kddoti ami Mr. John Filloon were
put to work to maku a list of the dol'm
uuents. If this kind of weather continues, and
the probabilities are favorable in that
direction, the street sprinkler cannot
start a minute loo soon. It was sadly
nueiled today.
A Washington dispatch, (luted Match
Hist, says Senator Mitchell, of Oregon,
is in better condition than he was the
day before, and it is beliovud he will be
out again in u week.
The Waaco Wureliouso a few days ago
"old all the sheep pelts on hand, amount
ing to 50,000 pounds, at ten cents a
pound. Homo of these wore purchased
lust fall at twolvu cents u pound. "v-
liuu F. Foley was arruiiu'il in Justice
lirownhill'H court today on the charge
of assault mid battery committed on
lames H. Hridgur. Foley was sentenced
to a Hue of $10 or live days in tho county
Mrs. 0. M. Norman, ot this city, has
1'oen seriously ill of typhoid pneumonia
lor tho past two wuoks. Today the
fwver had slightly abated, and by tho
consent of thu attending physician she
was taken to thu city hospital.
Special Weat'inrOliHorvorS. I.. Ilrooks
ivrts thn following suinmary for thu
month of March: Mean tomporature,
10.1 dugruoH. This is exactly t'otir-tetiths
lower than thu uvumko for twunty.eevun
yean. Tho coldi'Bt day was theiVith,
wlion thu thormomotur touchud 28 uhovu
zero. The highest temperature was ti(i
j decrees on the loth and Kith. The per
; cijiitatiou for the mouth wa? ,(iS of an
1 inch.
i "Sweet Dreamland Faces" is the title
of the drama composed by Mr. Levin,
which will be put on at the promenade
concert and (iuild sale next Monday
ovonine, at the Haldwin. It is one of
the brightest, liitle plays ever Been here,
laud is acted in bj our best talent.
On Saturday, March liOlh, the Order
j of Washington was organized by Dr. W.
Hose, ot Portland, deputy supreme
organizer. The Order of Washington
will meet hereafter on tho first and
' third Katurdavs in catch mouth, in
K. of I'. hall. Paul Kruger was elected
secretary by acclamation.
J If yon want to retain your hair you
! have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
' tit! 1 1 tii Knur 1 1 ii i t 1 1 n tuli Iff ti i rl
i(4ii tuttnv ui hi ihii on l4'. J
irisjiy. Now we liave two of the very
icst preparations for cleansing the
scalp Egg and l'ine Tar Shampoo. It
! ...Ill 1........ ....... I...!. .,(! .....I ..
Will ICtlVU lflll llllll CUli illlt lTOf.
I'rice, ''." and ."id cents a bottle, at Fravu'r's
barber shop, The Dalles. tf
Tiik Ciiuonici.k is indebted to tho
courteay of the publishers, Messrs. A.
J. Reach & Co., for a copy of lieach's
ollicial baseball guide for 1001 ; an an
nual compendium of baseball records,
containing reviews of all baseball asso
ciation?, ollicial records ot all players,
the officials playing rules, the League's
1001 schedule, and all statistics.
The great Kastur number of tho New
York Snnituy .Journal will surpass any
thing of its kind. Ten monster sections.
Six supplements in colors. Six hun
dred columns of reading matter. Special
separate Easter carol. Full sheet music,
folio size. Thu American Oit'ar Storo
und Nows Stand, agent-. I.eavo your
orders with us. Wo deliver freo. I-!
At a meeting of tho hoard of water
commissioners held Saturday night it,
was ordered that there be laid 500 feoti
of six inch pipe on Second Btreet from
Taylor street to tho now (louring mills ;!
also 800 feet of four-inch pipe from I'ed
ural street on the hlull to thu City Hos
pital j also 100 foot of six-inch pipe from
Union street to Liberty and Sixth, cross-!
ing thu sohoolhouBU property west of
Union. Fire plugs nro to bo placed on
the new nines whuravur necessary.
Mr. Otis Patterson, receiver of the
United States land olliito of the place,
received wonl yesterday from Washing
ton that Ins brother, Carl U. Patterson,
of Indianapolis, Indiana, had been ap
pointed to a position in the census bu
icau. Mr. Patterson is a medical stu
dent unci spent his vacation in Washing
ton last year, but did not anticipate
lielug so fortunate this season. How
ever, Senator John II. Mitchell took up
thu matter for thu young man and laud
ed him without (lillicnlty.
Thu Monuley Trio Coucerl Com puny,
of Chicago, will give an entertainment
In thu M. . church tomorrow ovoning,
April "ml. For seven years tho Munuloy
1 Trio have given hundreds of concerts in
! churches of all denominations in Illinois
land other western states. Wherever
j they go they are wanted back again,
1 They come here highly recommended by
the leading prohibitionists of the United
States as the best combination of prohi
bition singers in America. Admission,
25 cents for adults and 15 cents for chil
dren under 15 years.
The force of men at work on the new
(louring mill Bite are expected to have
everything ready for the masons to com
mence laying the foundation next Mon
day. The main "building will be 50x80
feet, four stories high, with a lean-to
14x80, three stories high. Thus the build
ing will cover a space of ground G-IxSO
and the main building will reach a
height of 50 feet. The superstructure
will be frame. It is the intention of the
milling company to have the electric
power here from White river tails and
the flouring mill in operation by the
tirst of September, or at lateBt the first
of October.
A Heppuer paper eaye : "The Avers
Cattle Company last week bought of
Lone I'ock parties twenty 2-year-dld
steers at sfLH) 50 per head, and sixty yearl
ing 6teere at $18.50 per head. They
also bought eight head of 2-year-old
steers of W. P. Dutton at if 25 per head.
These cattle will for the present be
turned in witli the 2.'!0 head which the
company hue been wintering on the Sal
ing place in Sand Hollow. After the
sale of Dutton's cattlu was made, M.ith
owa & Bock, the butchers, ofl'eied the
Ayers' Cattle Co. if:! per head Tor their
bargain, hut the oiler was refused. Cat
tle are cattlu these daye.
About Thursday next the magnificent
new hardware and implement Btoro of
Sexton & Walt her will be fully open and
ready for business. It is crammed with
goods now, and the tirm is ready to do
business ; but a large amount of goods
has not yet been openod and arranged
in placu. The bicycle repair shop and
the plumbing and tinning shop are both
ready for business, with the former un
der charge of Chas. Hurchtorf. This now
store is really a credit to Thu Dalles, for
it is ono of the handsomest stores in a
town that boasts of more handsomo
stores than any town of its size in Ore
gon. Says tho Astorian: "W. W. Whipple,
proprietor of thu Palace restaurant, re
turned last night from a trip to Ska
mania county, Wash., where ho wont
with a party to inspect a ledge of copper
ore in thu development of which a
number of Astoriiius are interested.
Among the local stockholders, in addi
tion to Mr. Whipple, who is president
of thu company, aro Charles liurghind,
10 linn Carlson, Charles Palmherg and
others. Five claims are in thu group
and thu discovery .wiiB made, by J. II.
Stecklur, who is recorder of Skamania
county. Development work to a depth
of forty feet has already been dor.o and
thu ore taken from thu workings assays
as high as $80 to thu ton, which Is richer
in value than the famous copper mines
on Lake Superior. A large force of men
will shortly be put to work and the
necessary machinery will be metalled."
A city ordinance went into effect this
morning in Walla Walla making the
use of nickeltin-thc-elot machines a
The I'.ist Orogonian admits that Pen
dleton has eleven cases of email pox,
with a twelfth in diepnte bb to whether
it is varioloid or the seven year's itch.
Antelopo has sold to a Chicago broker
city bonds amounting to $.'5,500 at 5 per.
cent interest - less 2 per cent of face
value for commission and legal expendi
ture. Judge Miller, of the district which in
cludes Skamania, where Benjamin was
murdered, has announced that ho will
immediately call a jury for the trial ' I ,j jutng,
Tim Dentji rr Mr, A. I.or Cauteil liy
nit Ae.
On the 4th of March Coroner W. G.
Cole, of Pendleton, received a telegram
from J. Swart, of Gibbon, asking him to
j come up and hold an inquest on a body
that had been found near that place.
The coroner went to the scone accompa
nied by Deputy Sheriff" Joe Blakuley and
Superintendent Jos. B. McDil). They
took a coffin with them and 'vere ready
for emergencies. The body proved to tie
a pine log and Ihu people up that way
have since had many a hearty iaugh at
the trio's expense. Tlie coroner at last
gets back on the jokers with the follow
ing "verdict," winch wo copy Irom the
East Oregonian :
To the Honorable county court of Uma
tilla county :
I have examined into the cause and
New York
Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street
After April 1st a $.'! poll tax is to he
collected by the road supervisors ol the
( different districts of every man between
21 and 50 years of age, to be expended
j in the district in which it is collected. A
refusal to pay the lax is a misdemeanor.
A Washington Dispatch, says: Sena
tor Mitchell, of Oregon, is confined to
j bis bed with an acute attack of the grip,
and lias been prohibited by his physician
from giving any attention to corres
pondence or business. He is not con
sidered seriously ill, but it is necessary
that he should keep quiet for a few days.
An exchange tells of a contest between
an editor and a lawyer as to the relative
merits of the mem hers of theto profes
sions. The following settled it. It was
found that there was one editor in
heaven, who probably rode in on a pass
or the blind baggage. They tried to get
him out, but not a single lawyer could
be found to take charge of the ejectment
caEe, and the editor remains without a
lawyer in sight.
manner ot deatli ot .Mr. A. Log, and
it unnecessary to hold an in
quest. The deceased was a native of
Umatilla county, Oregon, aged about
100 years, and died in this county at
Gibbon station, on the line of the O. H.
& X. Tho cause of death, in my opin
ion, was from natural conditions. This
body was found in an old log cabin
about one mile east from Gibbon station,
this county; from indications he bail ap
parently been a resident of the Blue
mountains for a gieat many years.
During life this resident has stoi.d
ready to render every service in its
power to shelter the early pioneer; has
contributed without stint to the comfort
of tho homeless, protecting from the
heat of summer, and alwavs rendering a
warm welcome to whoever cared to
share the hospitality in the winter.
There were marks of violence evident on
the body, indicating that death un
donbtedly w.n canted by the use of a
weapon, presumably an axe. The party
or parties, not content with tho taking
of life, hud mutilated the body to such
an extent that it was impossible to de
termine the sex, and decomposition was
so far advanced that it was impossible
to find witnesses having any recollection
of the time when thi-i dastardly deed
waa committed. No one in the neigh
borhood could be found capable of ident-
, ifying the body. The only clue was an
! old red quilt, which had been carelessly
ieit covenni! the hody. Ueputy Jsheritt
George A. Young, the sheep king of Joe Blakeley and County Superintend
Bakeoven, is in the city
Harry I'atton, a gentleman largely in
terested in mining in Ilosslaud, B. (J.,
spent the past three days in the city
visiting with his old-time friend, II. D.
Parkinp, and left for home vesterdav
morning by way of Spokane.
Attorney H. S. Wilson left on the
noon train for Goldendale to attend to
business before the superior court, which
opened there this morning. He was ac
companied by Simeon Bolton, who was
summoned as a witness
II. D. Parkins has returned from a
ten-days business trip into the interior.
Mr. Parkins save there has been some
exceedingly good work done on the roads
ent McDill rendered valuable services in
the transportation of the corpsp.
W. G. Coi.i:i Coroner.
St rims A Klch Find.
"I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion and nervous de
bility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancas
ter, N. II., "No remedy helped me un
'til I bejah using Electric Bitters, which
did me more good than all the medicines
I ever ueed. They have also kept my
wife in excellent health for years. She
says Electric Bitters are just splendid
for female troubles ; that they are a grand
tonic and invigorator for weak, run
between here and Dufur, which has left , down women. No other medicine can
them in fine condition for the summer take its place in our family." Try them.
rave ' Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by
Mr. Henry St. Arnold was a passenger o. C. Blakelev, the druggist. 1
on last night's train for Spokane, from : :
which point he leaves todav on thej The He,t I'luster.
Great Northern on
home in Minnesota.
A piece of flannel dampened with
a visit to his old
T 1 1 !f.
ji lino ueen imeeii n, i. !:.,!., r.... n..i ,i i, i .
years since Mr. St. Arnold has seen his i "J" r 0 1 a'". """" ",u uul""-' lu
mother and relatives in the east, and 1 affected parts is superior to any
during his long residence in this city plaster. When troubled with lame back
this will be his first rest from the cares 1 or pajng in the side orjfchest, give it a
and strifes of this busy world.
'For Infants and Children. ;
The Kind You Have Always Bought j
guature of
The Biggs hotel and store, both doing '
a good, paying business. The receipts
of the hotel alone for March were $500. i
For sale only on account of sickness in
tho family. Apply to
la-lmd James Haui-ham, Biggs.
"Last winter I was confined to my bed
with a very bad cold on tho lungs. Noth
ing gave me relief. Finally my wife
bought a bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure that affected a speedy cure. I can
not speak too highly of that excellent
remedy." Mr. T. K. Houseman, Mana-
I trial and you are certain to be more
than pleased with the prompt relief
which it affords. Pain Balm also cures
I rheumatism. One application gives re
' lief. For sale by Blakeley, thu druggist.
tawney, Pa.
, Pharmacy.
Clarke & Falk's P. O.
When vour hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to givu it life and vigor. We have what
tho hair needs when it gets In that con
dition. We have thu Crown of;
Science Hair tfSSjtESfe Grower a n d j
Cocoanut CreamSggt Tonic. They
will euro dand 'fcP' rulf and all
scalp diseases. For sale at F''s bar-'
bur shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle. i
Skin troubles, cuts, burns, scalds ami I
chafing quickly heal by thu uso of De-,
Witt's Witch Hazsl Salve. It Is imitated. ,
Be sure yen gbt DeWittV. Clarku &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy
cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver
is sluggish and your bowels clogged. De-1
Win's Little Early Hiseis cleansu the
wholo system. They never gripe. Clarke f
& Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Spring coughs aro specially dangerous j
and unless cured at once, serious results I
often follow. Ono Minutu Cough Curu
acts like magic. It is not u common
mixture but Is a high gradu remedy.
Clarku A Falk's P. O, Pharmacy,
ISIiiu-ii To Atoms.
The old idea that tiie body sometimf s
needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill
has been exploded ; for Dr. King's New
Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless,
gently stimulate liver and bowela to ex
pel poisonous matter, cleanse the system
and absolutely cure Constipation and
Sick Headache. Only 25c at G. C.
Blakeley's srug store. 1
"I had piles so bad I could gdt no rest
nor find a cure until 1 tried DoWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. After using it once,
I forgot I ever had anything like Pilos."
E. C. Boice, Somers Point, N. V. Look
out for imitations. Be euro you got De
Witt's. ClarkeA Falk's P.O. Pharmacy.
Mow lo Curt) ('roup,
Mr. H. Gray, who lives near Ainenia,
Duchess county, N. V., says : "Chamber
lain'B Cough Remedy is the best medi
cine 1 have ever used. It is a fine
children'a remedy for croup ami never
fails to cine." When given as soon as
ttie child becomes hoarse, or even after
thu eroupy cough has developed, it will
prevent the attack. This should bo
bo-no in mind ami a bottle of the Cough
Remedy kept at hand ready for instant
use as soon as these symptoms appear.
For sale by BUkelev, the druggist.
Wanted A girl or middle aged wo
man to do cooking and general kitchen
woik only. Address this office, or P. O.
box 17, Dufur, Or. Will pay $4 per
week. m27-l md
Steam Wood-saw for sale. Can be bought
for $200. Call at this office. m25-lm
Wo offer for a limited period the
twice-a-week Ciiuo.sil'i.k, prlco $1.50,
and thu Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance. f
Clark A Falk are never closed Sunday,
Don't forget this.
Spot cash gets more and better
baigains in a week than credit
does in a year.
Our Ladies' "Picnic" line
of Shoes--$2.25 per pair.
These are the best goods for the money
wo have had tht pleaFtire of offering our
patrons. They are made of plump don
gola stock, imitation, turn soles, eyelets,
button holes and all stitching of best
silk thread. Only S2. 25 per pair.
If you want a nice dressy shoe
at a medium price, be sure you
get a pair of our PICNIC Shoes.
We have them in lace or button.
OdrSoes are Qiiarar;teed
We Inn e on snlo a full Hue of
Romli anfl Dressed Lumber
Mouldings, Brackets, Laths,
Shingles, Windows, Doors,
Which we will sell at live
and let live prices.
Live us ii Hint and we Vi III treat
jnu rilit.
Third ami feiifrui Sin.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone WYA, Local, 102.
...Employment Agency...
Next door to Star Lodging House.
Positions Awaiting Men and
l.i'lili'H n i'tiK fur Siilu.
Single comb brown Leghorn eggs,
from imported stock bred by J, II.
llailey, of Denver, Colo., heeder of
highest scoring Legliorns In the world;
$1.25 pur setting of 15.
J . I ma isi,
iiiH lm The Dalies, Or.
M..IHHU for Mtln or to (ilvn Away.
I have about 1U0 loads of lich lioree
manure, well rotted, that I will give to
unk one who hauls it away, or I will de
live any number of loads at SO cents u
iiimi. ' K- J. Yot vii,
m20-hv HistKnd Kced Yard.