me wanes uany unronicie. whoso chiuf object is tho .,rolection MONDAY lbjeet APRIL 1, 1901. of game and Usli. PltlLlPPISE AS I) AMERICAS GALS. TA- When the lute Washington legisla j turc passed its law regulating salmon , fishing, some one connected with the Drying1 preparations Bimjily dovol op dry catarrh ; thoy dry up tho secretions, which atlhero to tho mciiilirano and decom poses, causing a far moro serious trbublo t hau tho ordinary form ot catarrh. Avoid alldry. ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and shuITh ami uio that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is Bitch a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head "This morninu," says an associ- engrossing committee was good ' casjjyrt pleasantly. A trial sizo will o e' J i mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho ated press dispatch from Manila, enough to leave out the section i COc. sizo. KlyUrothors. fid Warren St., N.Y. dated March :i0th, "Amiinnldo wns which prohibited Sunday iishiii". . ?hf 15nlm ourcs wiUiont pain, does not . irritato or causo sncozmg. It spreads itself by a crowd of natives Fish Warden Van Dusen is, there. ' over an irritated ami angry surface, roliov- !.,...., s., iii,t.. Tim .. .,.,!.., ., I ma immediately tho painful inllamnmtion. natives gazed on him a while in force the Oregon law so long as against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fovrr. cilnnnn n twl tlni lincron t r fnll (i .s 1 1 v w i ty nrt ivtiutl tnd fil ,- ' ' ing him Emilio and vile names in t the Washington side. lUit the Astoria ! the Tagal language. The guards 1 News comes Jto the warden's relief I quieted the disturbance and Aguin-' and savs : "The matter is of little i aldo left the window in disgust." consequence, and it is indeed OREGON Shot Line BUSINESS LOCALS. Tonight," says a Hoston dispatch fortunate circumstance that the laws of the same date, referring to a meet- of the two states do not agree. The tug at which Edward Atkinson, Rob- Sunday-closing feature of the Ore ert Treal Paine, Ex-Governor Bout- on is a delusion, so far as protecting well, Senor Sixto Lopex. Aguinaldo's the industry is concerned, and every-ex-secretary, and others were the , oue interested in the business will be speakers, "tonight President M'c- t happy to know that enforcement of Kinley's administration was de-; the Oregon law will be impractic nounced and Aguinaldo's name ' able." This may intimate how much loudly applauded by the large audi- respect the Astoria Ii;lierm?n have ence that listened to the speakers at fur the Sunday-closing feature of the anti - imperialist meeting in the fishing laws. Fanueil hall." rrrrr jeers in Aianna and cheers in ; Boston! This will never do. These American and Philippine Tagals should get together and agree about ' somethintr. You will not have boila if von I Clarke & Falk's pure cure toi boils. J Ciarko & Fall: have on ealo a full lino !l : of paint and artist's brushee. A full lino of Eastman lilms and sup plies just received by ClarUu & Fulk. Hustling young man can make .fOO per month and expenses. Permanen'. por tion. Experience unnecessary. Wrif (piiek for particulars. Clark i; C. j., Fourth and Locust Streete, Philadel hpia, Pa, sS-t: Clarke it Falk'i? flavoring extracts are the beat. Ask vour ctr cer for them. The Minnesota senate has passed an anti trust bill which specially 1 exempts the labor trusts from its provisions. And yet it is claimed ! that laws are made for the benefit of ' the rich, only, and never for the poor. There is not a law-making body under the American stars that ' would dare to pass a measure against , trusts and exempt from its provisions anything except labor trusts that sometimes do the most arbitrary and tyiannical things in the world. Take them toj day and you will be well tomor row. Baldwin's Allopathic Cold Ctsre Tablets, i Cold in Itca J) No.23B. 25c Ban Frakcisco. 12. L. n.i.mviN' co,. Your CoW Cure is the only remedy that reallv does cure in one iav. Hakry HoDOtks. Harry Rcdsers Co. SOUTH and EAST via aim Pacific Co. Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for 1'ortl.iuil and va stations ut l.Jj n. in. ami 3 p. tu. The Walla "Walla Union says: "No wonder settlers are looking for places where they can be safe from the elements, and where they can sit down to supper and know when it clouds up in the west there is no danger of being blown into eternity or being dropped a mangled, suffer ing mass a mile away in 3-0111' neighbors front yard." I. Sacbamento, Cal. n. l. HAi.mviN co. You Com Cure Tablets no. svn are i Leive Portland S::!0 a in I " Albany U.SOa m Arrive Ashland n m " Sacramento 5:00 in " San KraueUco T: 15 pin uleiidid for Cold in Head. With Adams., Uoothe fi Co. Denver, Colo. v i I1AI.DWIN CO. I fhul vour Cold Cure Tablets the afest Bud most convenient remedy for cold in the head. They cure sn every instance. it. 1'. COOIUOH Clarke v Falk, The Dalles. Oregon. For ?ile, on easy terms, a fine fruit, hay and truck farm of about 200 acres, ten miled from The Dalles. Fine im provements ; about sixty acres bottom; j creek through the place; an ideal home and income property, for lurtlier par- see Gibons & Harden, The rn2-'wtf lJrP9l'dont. Ali'irmlnv ilnrlnn liic i , ticulars see Gibons western tour, is expected to spend DalI(JS) Oregon. Sunday in bpokane and the bpokes- . r, , . 1 For sprains,, ewellinga and lamenesd man-Review suggests that a great, there is nothinir so Bood as Chamberlain's open air, religious service in one of , Pain 15lm. Try it. For salt) by Ulake tue city parks would be an nppropri- le' tlie Jrusriat. ate feature of Spokane's welcome. I 1 . t Arrive Ondon 5:45 a in " Denver u:00 a m " Kansas City 7:'J5atn " Chicago 7:15 a m Arrive Los Alleles 1:J0 m ' El Ph-o i:00 ji m " Fort Worth C:: a m " City of Mexico !):.Vi a ni " Houston 1.00 a m " New Orleans iMintn " Washlnston (5:lJa m " NevYork lJ:i:jin 7:00 i m 10:60 p in ll:::o a m I ;:!' a i;i 8:15 a til 11:15 a m 0:00a m 7;-5 a in M.'M am 7:00 a m 0:00 ji m a in J:.V n ni 1:00 a m C:S i in C-1 ' a in Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains Chair cars Sacramento to Otfleli and 321 I'aso, and tourist oars to Chicago, .St Louis, Now Or leans aud Wiihiinjtou, Connecting nt San Francisco with several steamhip lines for Honolulu, Jup.ui, China, Philippines, Central and South America. See agent at The Dalles station, or add.iss C. H. IYIARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oi AND DSl'AUT roit Cliieago Portland Special. I'J:25 p. in. via Hunt ington. Atlantic Lxpress. 1J..VI a. in. via Hunt Ington. St. Pan) l'Hst .Mall. J.'i"! i. m. via Spokane. TIM K St'lIlIIUM.I's KUOM T1IK DAI.I.KS-. i Salt Lake. Denver. 1't. ' Worth, Omaha. K'an min City. St . I.milf . Clit-! eago ami the Kast. I I Salt Lake. Denver. IT. ' Worth, Omaha, K:tn sasCily.St Louis, fill- j I rago and the ICast. 1 Walla Walla, Levviston, i 1 rpoUaiio,Wallii('e,l'nll-1 , in mi. Minneapolis, St. , Paul, 1 lulutli, M lUvi-ii l keo, Chleagoauil Kast. Aiiiuvi: VltOM 1:C5 p. in. 1.15 a. in. :;0n in. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE I'roin I'ortlaiMl. .00 p. Ill, Dally except Minday, .() p. in. Satuiday, 10.00 p. ni. Dally except Sunday, i. 00 a. in. Tuesday, Thursday, Satunlav, 6.00 a. ni. Tuesday, Thursday, .-aturda, 7:00a. in. Leave Uiparia dnllv, :!:10 a. m. (All sailing dates sub ject to change ) Tor ?an rranclseo, ball every 5 days. Colimililu Itlver. In Astoria and Way l.aiKti ii tVlllllllK-ttl. ItlVKT. Oregon City, Newherg, Milcm, lndei.'iiilcMlce, and iiy-Laudlngs. 1.00 p. in. 1.00 p. in. except Sunday. I.. 'XI p. in. except Sunday. Corvallis and Way-I-audiiigx. W 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 ami Yamhill I p. m. Monday, Wnliiesdc'v Krllav. ."J) p. in Monday, Otegon City, Davton and Wed"icsiia Way-l-indliigx. Miday. SlllllK- KItit. Ulpaila to l.ewhton. Leave Lewiston daily, s :D a. in. Parties desiring to go to ileppner or points on Columbia Southern via Iilggs, should take No. , leaving The Dalle.-, at l'.'.J5 p. in. making direct connections at Heppncr Juneticm and lllggs. Keturnlng inakingdireetcouncction at Ileppner junction and lllggs with .No. J. ar riving at The Dalles at 1:05 p. ni. For further particulars, call on or address JAs. lP.i:LAND,)Ageilt, The Dalles, ijregon. Notice. li en Fait Yellowstone Park Line. All the legal troubles of the Columbia Southern railroad have j been settled and the litigation in the 1 circuit court will be dismissed. Jiy the terms of settlement Drake C. O'Reilly gets par value for his 1147 shares of stock and another matter at! issue will bosubrritted to arbitration. , The first number of the Ashwood Prospector has arrived. The paper! Cut Out This Ad. Enclose it to Me with Ten Dollars And I will furnish you all complete, readv for iipo. mv lflOl .Mmlul 'o 7 Is edited by Max Lueddemann, of SANDEN ELKCTlilC I5KLT. It h mi the Antelope Herald, and is devoted j XSSi WtLrlti to the development of the mining ' which they charge $40. interests of the Trout Creek, Crook countv. district. i w , TIIK DINING CAI1 KOl'TK FUOJI POIITLAND TO TIIK i:ast. TIIK ONLY DIUKCT LINK TO TIIK YKLI.OW- rflONK PAUK lewe. tUnion Depoi, Filthand I sis akkivk. No. 2. No. FHst mall for Tacoma, Seattle, (Mympia, tiray'.s t naruor aim rouiii Jiemi iwnuts, Spokane, Koss-; I land, II. v., Pullman, i Moscow, Leulstoii, Hiif 11:15 A. M.'falolluiiiiiiiiiningcoun. 5j60 P. M. ! try, Helena, Miuneapo ills, St. Paul, Omaha, I Kansas City, St. Louis, i Chi cairo and all imint.s! No. 1, i east and southeast. Puuet .Sound Exnress 11;30 P.M. for THComa and Seattle 7;00A i and Intermediutu points No. 3. M Andrew Carnegie will give $100, 000 to the city of Portland for a free library building, providing the city will guarantee a site ami a sullicient annual income for its maintenance. The town of Glenelg, Aid., is re joicing in the remarkable fact that its name spells the same backward as forward. Well, what's the matter with Hannah? asks the Kansas City Star. Goldendalo celebrated All Fools' Day by holding a city election in which the issue was whether tho town should bo dry or wet during the coming year. Without waiting for any special call, several hundred ministers have applied to President McKinley for appointments as army chaplains, La Grande has taken preliminary Or. Sanden's Belfl has no equal for the cure of Ner vous and Physical Dcbilitv, Kx Initiated Vitality. Varicocele. Premature Decline, Loss of Memory, Wasting, etc., which has been brought ubout by early indiecretlona or later excesses. Dr. Sanden Electric Co., 107 South Fourth St., PORTLAND, OH. 2,'inch tlAiw 3mo Sheriffs Sale. Notice is hereby clven that (iiirMiitiit If) mi iiv edition issutd out of tho Circuit t ourt of tho, .State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the '.'1st day of KfbrimrjMlKil, In u suit therein pending ,' wherein William 1'loui is idalntlll iind Wllllxm . Jlclmand Elizabeth M Helm and U. W. Helm I aro defendants, to iiki directed, I uill.ou Siitur- I day, thuSid day of March, J'.wi, at tho hour of J nciocK ii. in,, at mu court iiouso door In Dalles Pullmun ilrst-class and tourist sleeix.'r.s to Minneapolis, ht. l'nuland .Missouri river polnto ivilhout change. Vestlhuled trains. Union depot connections In all principal cities. Haggagc checked to destination of tickets, For handsomely lllnsiinted descriptive matter, tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. a,V Morri mn iitreet.coiner Third, Portland (Jregon. CO YEAR8 EXPERIENCE mm in,. City, oreg jii, sell at public milo to the hlg iest ui'nivi iur eiisn in jiuuu, ai. oi ino louowing do scribeil real iirojiertv situated In mild Was-o County, to wit: Iits 1 and mid tho southeast iuarler of tho northeast iiarter of section i, townthlp a south, range II cast, and tho Miuth east ipjurter mid the noiitheimt ouartcrof tho northeast oilurler of section :atownsbp: soutii, range II east, VV. M , to Hallsfy it certain Juilg meiit rendered In saM court and causo on sahl 'Many of abruary, IWl.for tho turn of ?17;.:i7 inia ititerent at ten per cent per milium, and K'(X) attornev's fees, and tlA coaU ami ilitl. menu, mid $70.15 and Interest at six per cent Trade Marks Jksigns Copyrights &c. Anronn pending n fkelch and description uin1 inieitly ascertain air opinion free wfiHlier a Invention Is probably patentable, ''oimminlw I loin m itctly comident lal. Handbook on I'ateutt tentlrvu. Oldest iiuviiny for securing iiatents. Palei.ta taken tlirouih .Munri & Co. recelvu d'ccial notice, without, charge, In tlio Scientific flmcrican. A linmlroniply ilhislr.itcd wePkly, J.nrront clr iiilallon of any selenium Journal, 'i'erina. t3 a i"ir: four riioiitlm, fl. Kold Uyall riuwidealer. IVIUNN & Co.361Croad-ay. Fgw Yorff lliaueh tilllcQ ii V ft. Waclilugiori. V. Ily virtue of the order mid direction of the Council of Dalles City, as hv resolution hereto fore adopted, notice is I creby given that the Council of Dulles Citv has determined to etah lih sidewalks and crosswalks .for Tenth street in (lilies' Addition to Dulles City, and for ( lay street, in llluil Addition to Dalies Ultv, as lollows. A sidewalk commencing at a point where the east line oi Court street would Intersil!! tin. northern boundary line of the school proix-rty of school District No. 1J, of Wasco County, Ore gon, said proK.Tty being known as theacademv gr ounds, if sidii line would ho extended to said northern boundary line, and running thence easterly to thu northeast corner of said property of said school district and abutting on the northern line of said property. A sidewalk commencing at tin nortlnvestcor ner of block No. 5, anil running easterly to the northeast corner of said block No, :. ami abut ting on the northern boundary line of said bio k No. ". A crosswalk running straight across I! street and joining on the west the sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary lino of said block No. 0, anil Joining on the east a sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary lino of block No. ll. A sidewalk ccmmeiiclng a', the northwest corner oi said block No. 0, and running easterly to the northeast comer of said block and abut ling on the northern boundary line of said block No. ti. A crosswalk running straight across O street and Joining on the west the sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary lino of saH block No 0, and joining u sidewalk abutting on the north, ern boundary liuuof block No, 7, A sidewalk commencing at the northwest comer of block No. 7, and running easterly to too northeast corner of said block No, 7, anil abutting on the northern boundary Hue of said block No. 7. A crosswalk running straight across D street and joining on the west the sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary lino of said block No. 7,and joining on thoeast a sidewalk abutting on the northern noninjury lino of block M). b. A sidewalk commencing at the northwest corner of block No. 8 anil running easterly llio feet, and abutting on thu northern boundary lino of said block No, 8. That saidTi'iith stieet mid thu property abut ting thereon being in (iates Addition to Dalles city, and all tho other above described streets, blocks and property being in illull' Addition to Dalles City. Haid abovo described sidewalks to bo six feet in width mid to bofonstrucled in no cordanco with thu ordinances in relation to the construction of sidewalks Paid crosswalk!) to bo constructed In accord mice with the ordinances of thucityln relation to thu construction thcieof. 1 hut tho cost of said sidewalks and crosswalks are to bo asfess d against tho property benellted thereby, according to tholnws of Dull). ill v. I In witness whereof I have heieunto set my linn', mm inuLuiporaio seal oi .IMllcs l.lty tills, no; .ui jii) ui .nuii'ii, lyui. Ma.. ni;d ji. (iATKS, uichL'.'.i.'it Kccoriler of Dalles City. Notice No. 2 Ih to nil purPoiiH indebted to the late (Inn of K. J, Collins A Co. tuid S. L. UrookH to call and tot tin their account or note, bh tho chhc, by the lt of April ; otherwitu the accounta will bo put Into the hantlH of our collector. $ Bicycles - Bicycles Our new Htock received. Columbias Hartfords Videttes Ramblers Storxners Pennants Largest lot of whet'lh over brought to this city, ('all anil .see them. MAYS CROWE, t t t 4 GIVEH AWAY. With every dollarV worth of irondH pnrchaci'd at my Htoru for the next Sixty Days, 1 will ive onn chance on the follow inj; priiPM: 1 Kirnt pii.e 1 (ieni.'H Ciold Watch and Chain 2 Second prize I L idica' Ciold Watch anil Clmiti ; Third t'th'.e 1 Smoklnt; Sot I -Fourth nri:'.i' I Silver Muttir DiHh and Butter Knifo 5 Filtn prize 1 net Silver Knivea anil Forks In addition to iiivinj.' awav then" pri:'.i' I will hi'II onila ns low iib the lowoat, am! (tuaraiiteu my odiIm to tic fri'Hii. Ciivo me a trial. ROBERT TEAGUE. Speaking of Blood Medicine : Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing that cures. I) nut loriret it; wo have it, nt 75c por bottlo 'laro bottles) , Utiarantei'il, or you may net your m nu'v hack tf Hatiified. IN COMPOUNDING- PRESCRIPTIONS we exorei"!1 tbn threat est can1. Wo carry tlio bent anil uc (lie lict in com pounding your pti v s-iiMtina orders. Our prices wo make an low iib in coiiHiatcnt w',h cilicient service. We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything uppertainiiii; to DrtigP, Patent Medicine", SnmlrieH and Photograph Suiplies. GEORGE C. BLAKELEY. F. S. GUJWfiG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker,.. fu. M.nit in Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies AKcnt for liussell .V Co - I.imliies, Tlireslu-rs anil haw Mills. Cor, Second & Laibliii Sis., THE DALLES. OR. Telephone 157. Lone DiHtance 107.'!. 9 1 J. E. FALT & CO., "The Owl." Proprietors of . Purest Liquors for Family Use Doliverod to any part of the City. 173 Second Street. PhoneH: Til Local, 858 Look Distance 9 IUrariTo Pliiinr, Pmvent t "ni "'lll'il, tntlwlioim.i lwm..tiB. per aimuin and 0tl fiS umJ Interest at ten per o,,TViP,',n.U':'. '"''"'. mU lx li uf.-Ti cent per milium mm ueeniliiK costs. ' ,V,V; Vh 'lt"'J!'!'i ;1nr''' ,'""'1Tpo5 r IHl' li lot fwajt Jt'lHKKT K1M.I.V. SherlU'oI WttS'jot'oitniy, PILLS ONC POR A DOSE. ii, "u You want the best, O. L. Phillip ban it, in CHICKENS Hull' Legliorns a specialty. L. Lane f Just What You u-tam. (ilvNKKAl, q1 ,3 ! ...AND... h it IriTV mm 1 B w Plione 159 'S ; WK, m V Mi 1 ' 1 Wagon and Carriago Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. Third and JclTcrnii, L-- ...... , 'fl ' Now idouB in Wall puner bore. Huch zwMiY, r i Tn.yMroj .m,d.T.r- vvhlo variety itH wo are Hliowingnevor be i for graced a Hiiiflo Block. Keul iuiitu- iion oroton olIuctH ut ordinary prices, (iood paporH ut choim tmiier nricee. Klt'Kant doHijsiiH, tiiHteful colorinjfB, yonrH J.B. HCIUNCK, President. -May a. Volt. Cashlet First National Bank. Katruy. Camo to my place, Hcven tnilos west of Tlio I)allen, llmt of November last, it black Jemoy atoer, two years old ; omull split in cacb ear; nn brand yieiblo. Owner can bavo enmo by proving owner ship and paying all charge?, HO fit J. 1', AdlDIUK, THE DALLES - - - OftEOON ' A General Banking liusineHB transacted i DepositH received, aubiect to HiKbt, i Draft or Glieek. ' I Collections made and proceed promptly ! nwiiuciion, H't "I1.'1 ''lfrrtyIii Excliange sold nn 1 New York. Kan Francisco an.' "or(. i land. ! I). P. Tiiompbon. Jno. H. Bijhknck, hf), M. WltMAMH, Uko. A. Lihiik. U M. Bkaii, Clarke & Falk have received n carload of tho celebrated James K, Patton itrictly pure liquid paints ; for a Htnall price, ut our store on Third i street. Also a full lino of house paints. 'D. W. VAUSE, Third St. U Btslaoiail L. V. Honiti PropV. First-Class in Every Respect MKAI.H AT A I.I. HOtlltH. Oysters Served in any Style. 87 HecoinJ 8t Tho IJiilk'H, Or. t