The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 01, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 40
Sht Shouts
AVcgctaMe Prcparalionfor As
similating thcFood andRcgula
ung lite Stomachs and Bowels or
Promotes Digcslion.Checrfur
ness cintl Rcst.Conlains milliter
Opiuin.Morpiiine nor Mineral.
Not Xviicotic .
'.Yet iffil DrStWUKU'lTCIIEIt
Jmttkm Xtrtl'
lUKtllf Slls -
tfrinwif -Hi
CltattifJ Sugar
Hiittrrynvti flawr.
Apiiriecl;ily forConslipa
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrlioca
ami Loss of Sleep.
facsimile Sttfnnlurc or
V ."!
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
tilttirlir Will Not 1'iihli Tax.
Oiii.(,oN Orrv, March .'!(). Tax collec
tion and tux assessment in Clackamas
c unity lluvu begun Hiiiiultan ously.
Sliuriir .Iiilui J. Cooke ifi receiving taxes,
while four assessors art- scouring the
county making the new iieseeHinont.
Everything is running smoothly under
the law except the collection of the j
bicycle license feu of $1. The law pro-1
vid(!H that the shorih" Hhall collect the
fee and issue thot'.igs without enmponsa-
tiun lor the work. The average hheriH j
in Oregon in not infatuated with the idea
ol collecting bievcle license fees. The .
opinion of ShuriH' Cooke, of Clackamas
futility, throws some light on the sul jeet.
Sheriff Cooke Buys :
"I am ready to receive the taxes when
bicvelo-owners got ready to p.iy their
duos. If unyhody thinkB I am going to
hire men at $U u day and put them to
giurd hicyulo paths, they are fooled. 1
stand heru to collect tuxes and issue
tags, hut that 1h all."
"Hut what if nobody pays their taxes?"
wuh asked.
" That makes no dilforeneo to me,"
replied the sheriff. 1 don'l piopuse to
bother myself with it any (urllier than
to receive the money and Issue Hie tat:.
'IhiH hicycle business conc'erin hut a
small proportion of the people, anyhow,
and it in not right for a sheriff to i:et
mixed up in it. I know exactly the
position I occupy, and I'm going to stick
'riiiinliml lly llin I'KiHlilrul.
Wasiiimiton, March ill). The war de
partment today made public a portion
of the cablegram Bent yesterday to (ion
oral MucArthur, conveying the ap
preciation of the president and secretary
of war of General Funston's capture of
Aguinaldo. It iH an follows:
"Washington, I). 0,, March til). .Mac
Arthur, Manila : The president directs
me to exprusH 1 1 i h high nppreeiiition of
tbe gallant conduct of tieneral Funston
iid of the officers and men of the army
mid the navy engaged with him in the
1'alanun expedition. 'J lie secretary of
war personally joins in thin expression.
I'lllihtoii Ouch In Oiti;oii.
Oitijfiox Citv, March !ll. In lS'.KI or
IBM, General Frederick Funston, who
aptured Aguinaldo, was employed at
tbe Willamoito pill)) paper iuIIIh nun
pipelitter (or a couple of inontliH, lie
emtio hero from California with a force
"f men, who were fitting up buildings
with Gray atuoiuiUic sprinklers. Thu
foreman of the gang had a contract to
fit up lint buildings of the company with
automatic sprinklers. Vice-President
Johnston, of the Willamette Pulp it
Paper Company, who knew luinston
personally, says that he iH the same man
who worked here as a pipefitter.
"I have been troubled with indigestion
for ton years, have tried many thinn8
and spent much money to no purpose
until I tried Kodol Dyspespia Cure. 1
have tried two bottles and gotten more
relief from them than all other medicines
taken. I feel more like a boy than I
have felt in twenty years." Anderson
liltrnfl of Sunny J.ane, Tex. Thousands
have testified an did Mr. Kings. Clarke
it Fulk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
I'liiiKton l Uvw iirdt'd.
Wamiinuton, March 110 The follow
ing important army appointments were
announced at the White House tonight:
To tie imijor-general, United States
army lirigadier-General Lloyd Wheat
on, vice Milen, promoted to lieutenant
general. To be brigadier-generals in regular
army Colonel .'ucob II. Smith, Seven
teenth United States infantry, brigadier
general volunteers, vice Daguett, retired;
lirigmlier-General Frederick Funston,
vice Wheaton, promoted.
You will waste time if you try to cure
indigestion or dyspepfia by starving
yourself. That only makes it worse
when you do eat heartily. Vim alwoys
need plenty of good fond properly di
gested. Kodol Dyspep-ia Cute is the
result of years of mtentihV icsearch for
something that would dlge.-a not only
some elements of food but every kind.
And it is the one remedy that w ill do it.
Clarke it Fa Ik's P. 0. Pharmacy.
Notice is herehy given that there will
ho a meeting of the Dalles, Portland &
Ahtoria Navigation Company, iU the
compuuv's ollice in The Dulles, on Sat
urday, Apiil I), 11X11, at - o'clock p. in.,
lor the purpose of electing seven di
lectois and transacting such other
business as may properly come before
said meeting. Hv order -if I he president.
The Dalles, Oregon, March G, 11)01.
1 in L. 10. Chowk, Sec'y.
Those famous little pills, DeWitt's
Little Kurly Klsers will removo all im
p'ltities from your system, cleansn your
bowels, muke them regular. Clarke it
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Paint your house with paints that aro
fully guaranteed to lust. Olnrko it Fulk
have them.
Fnr-Kc'icliinK Fraud Discovered at
Manila In Commissary Department.
Manila, March .31. Interest in the
capture and fate of Agiunaldo is well
nigh overshadowed in Manila by sensa
tional developments, present and pros
pective, of frauds in the commissary de
partment. How widely these extend
Iiub not been ascertained, but enough is
known to justify the belief that they are
fur-renching. Captain Frederick .7.
Harrows, of the Thirtieth Volunteer
Infantry, quartermaster of tbe depart
ment of Southern Luzon, together with
several commissary sergeants, several
civilian clerks, n prominent government
contractor, the assistant manager of the
Hotel Oriente, the proprietors of three
of the largest bakeries in Manila, a num
ber of storekeepers and other persons
have been arrested. The investigation
has scurcely begun, but thousands of
Hacks of flour, a quantity of bacon and
wagon loads of other goods, all bearing
government marks, have been found in
the possession of unauthorized persons.
It is alleged that the contractor in
person, w ho has been doing a business
approximating iflOO.OuO a month, has
spent huge sums in euteitaiuing officers.
A prominent commiesary officer is ac
cused of leading a scandalously immoral
life. It is asserted that large quantities
of stores have been lost or stolen in
transit, and also that there is a shortage
In the commissary depot. New scaudalB
develop daily. Illicit transaction have
been traced back to June, 1900, and it is
possible there are others of earlier date.
The exorbitant tarill on provisions
makes the surreptitious sale of com
missary pupplies immensely profitable.
It is understood ttiat prominent officers
of the United States armv may be
Lieutenant P. K. Stieet, of the Forty-
sixth Volunteer Infantry, is prosecuting
the investigation under direction of
Colonel Wilbur, chief of police.
Kokih Surreiiiltir.
London, April 1. The war office has
received advices from Lord Kitchener,
dated Pretoria, March 30th, reporting
the capture of seventy-two Boers in
Orange river colony, and officially an
nouncing that General French has taken
fifty-one prisoners and received the sur
render of ninety-three Hoers as already
announced in the press dispatches.
Lord Kitchener also reports upon the
recent wrecking of trains at several
Trliul to Kill Czar.
London, April 1. A dispatch to the
Morning Leader from Kiell'says it is re
ported thai' au officer of the household
attempted to assasinatu the He
lired at Ilia Majesty, but missed. He
then shot and killed himself.
Caturrti Uuimot liti Vureri.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the neat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country lor years, and j
is a regular piescription. It is composed I
of the best tonics known, combined with !
tho best blood purifiers, acting directly j
on tho nuicoua surfaces. The perfect I
combination of tho two ingredieuts is i
what produces such wonderful results in
euring Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
free. '
F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 7i)0,
1 lall'B Family Pills aro the best. 12
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Kerned)' in any case of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
givo immodiato relief money refunded
25 ets. and 50 els. Hlakeley, the drug-
lltili't Kill) It III,
Juet wot the atlecteil part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain is gone, Sold by Clarke it
Subscribe for Tin: CuuoNicxii.
' fife
Raster Week specials J
" v "S
Next Thursday
from 10 a. m. to G p. in.
200 pairs of Ladies' Kid Gloves
in a great variety of shades: cream,
mauve, drab, tan, modes, browns,
blues, greens and black in 2-clasp
and 4-button styles thoroughly
up-to-date gloves, worth 1 and
$1 23 regularly
Special Thursday only,
from 10 a. m. to 0 p. in.-
A chance to prepare for Easter.
Entirely Ready ?
Rich, exclusive silks made up into
the very latest and most fashionable
shapes and styles, by New Vork'a
foremost maker of Fine Neckwear
Louis Auerbach ; whose productions
received the highest award of the
Paris Exposition, 1000.
Special assortment of this fine
pair I
All the new shapes.
Lasts V
MEN'S, :
: 5.00
Extra Quality
Pearl or Slate
Each $1.50.
The New GOLF Hat
blue-mixed, slate
or pearl.
Each $2.00.
See the
Corset Form.
Dues It I'ay tu Jtuy Cheap'.'
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right, but you want something
that will relieve and cure tho more se
vere and dangerous results of throat and
lung troubles. What shall you do? Go
to a warmer and more regular climate? I
Ves, if possible ; if not possinle for you,
then in either case take the only rem
edy that has been introduced in all civil
ized countries with success in severe
throat and lung troubles, "Doschee's
German Syrup." It not only heals and
stimulates the tissues to destroy the
germ disease, but allays inflammation,
causes easy expectoration, gives a good
night's rest, and cures tho patient. Try
osk bottle. Kecommer.ueU many years
by all druggists in the world, and sold
by Clarke it lalk. Oet ureen's prize
almanac. 2
H'layeil Out.
Dull Headache. Pains in vat ions narts
of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the j
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores are ali positive eviden
ces of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must be purified in order
to obtain good health. Acker's IMood
ISlexir has never failed tocuro Scrofulous
or Syphilitic, poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Hlakeley, the drug
gist. It (Siiillen 'Ihu tllitlie,
The fame of Hucklen's Arnica Salve,
as tho best in the world, extends round
the earth. It's tho one perfect healer ol
Cuts, Corns, Hums, Hruises, Sores,
Scalds, Doils, Ulcere, Felons, Aches,
Pains anil all Skin Eruptions. Only in
fallible Pile cure. 2oc a box at G. C.
H'akeley's, drug store. 1
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
and liappv. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money buck. 20 ets, and50cts. Hlakeley,
the druggist.
Twelve head of work horses, plows, I
drill, wagon and three sets of double
harness. Appioved notes taken. Ap
ply to A, C. Hui:,
2m-wtf The Dalles.
Dyspepsia can bo cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. Ono little
Tablet will givo immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes tit 25 ets. Hlakeley tho druggist.
mr-fi J. rri
J3i mm? l
1 ura
Having received our complete line of
Household Goods which our manager
has purchased of eastern manufacturers,
and being crowded for storo space, we
concluded to give special bargains in
Carpets, Mattings and Linoleum as
follows :
Ingrain Carpets.
Good Ingrain 10c per yard
Half Wool 50c " "
A II-Wool, guaranted 0e " "
ICxtra Heavy 70c " "
JJajahs, heavy 00c " "
Flemish Tapestry $1.00 " "
The above prices includes sewed, laid
and lined.
Brussels Carpets.
S-vove Tapestry 05c per yard
10-wove " 75o " "
Axminister $1.00 "
Matting, Linoleum and Oil Cloth at
correspondingly low prices.
Keinember our great lino of Heautiful
Ihiggies and Hecliuiug Go-Carts.
Great Northern Furniture Co.,
Second Street, opposite Ob.irr House. THE DALLKS, OIUSGON.
j Grandall & Bwget
DEALKIts IN jobeS,
All kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds
Funeral Supplies embalmers ntc.
The Dalles, Or.
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