The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 30, 1901, Image 3

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    Another MASTER-STROKE in Merchandising.
Tailor-Made Suits
Spring Styles
These are the most advanced that one of New York's best
Dianuiacturers could turn out. Every suit handsomely
tailored. Made from Zibelines, Broadcloths, Coverts and
Poplins. Beyond doubt this is the finest collection of suits
ever gotten together in The Dalles.
Silk Waists
Were received by express Thursday morning. Every
ment is a dream, in beauty and workmanship.
Every Waist different.
All Goods Mnrkod
In Plain FitfitroH
Mr. and Mr. McCoy Kntertaln.
Among the many pleasant parties
which.hve been giten this season none
lias surpassed that which took place at
the home of Mr. arid Mrs. K. O. McCoy
last night, when forty of their friends
spent the hours mftst happily at hearts.
In every arrangement of iheir hand
some parlors it Is very evident Mr.
and Mrs. McCoj intended that others
should share in its enjoyment, so admi
ably are they soiled lor such occasions,
especially eo last night with the cheery
prate fire and parnatiune, roses, hya
cinths and violet in abundance making
them doubly inviting.
The score cards were unique, being
heart shaped arid on one side hearing
the initial "Med," with the date and a
sketch of "heart! Brownies" in various
positions. At tile came Mrs. A. S. Ben
nett excelled and Mr. Peters received
the consolation prize as well as the most
During the games punch and caramels
were served, anu later earns gave piace
to something far more substantial and
pparently quite as fascinating. Follow
ing tnis least, was one 01 song, wnen
Miss Gambell and Miss Myrtle Michell
gave several soios, and at lengui an
joined in singing and 'dancing, the strains
of "Auld Lang Syne," serving as a part
ing song. '
Those who enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Mc-
Cov's hospitality were: MesBrs. and
Mesdames PetersHudson, Logan, Sen-
fert, Fish, Bennett, II. S. Wilson, faei
sendorfler, V. H. Wilson, Crowe, Ben
nett, Lueddemann, Pease, Hostettler,
Misses Gambell, Lang, Bessie Lang,
Rose Michell, Myrtle Michell, Lay and
Davis, Messrs. M. Vogt, II. Liebe, F. W.
Wilson and A. L. Gude.
HdliMil Report.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
.march :), nioi
(6) ' -
i i tfl served i
At Andrew Keller's.
All U'iikimi County wnrrnnt ruKlHlurnil
iirlnrto HiiiitiimlHir 1, 1HII7. will li pi, Id
on pi'imi-ntittliiii ut my nlllim, IntiiriiHt t
i'i'Iihiih urtiir No vi'iiilmr tiU, 1IMMI.
.ioiin r. ii ami'siiiki:,
County TrniMiirr.
Millinery sale next week at MiHS Ha
Vtlll's. Professor Sundvig's regular Saturday
night dance at the Baldwin.
The F.ndorHby school on Eight Mile is
now furnished with u new Kimtmll or
gan, which gives great pleasure to both
teacher and pupils. j
All sailors and Mexican liats at spo
eiul sale prices next Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday at The Leader, Miss
lluveu proprietor.
The Oregon Native Hon, an historical
iiuiga.iiio published in Portland for the
past two years, lias suspended publica
tion for lack oi support. ...
The contract for the power plant t
White itiver Kails and for the traiismiH.
hioii of the power from thence to The
Dalles was let today to the Pacific Bridge
Company, of Portland.
It. is expected Unit the steamer lialda
will be placed on Thu Dalles und Cas
cade Locks run next Monday. The Reg
ulator will nrobahlv be ready for The
Dulles and Portland
of next week.
A Sunday school
Nliunlko laHt Sunday
superintendent and
HiuUnt superintendent. Rev. Bracken
bury has arranged to preach there every
Sunday afternoon.
The fun-loving public will be properly
in it by attending the promenade con
cert on April 8th, for not only will Mr.
Percy Levin's dr.iuia be worth the price
of ad uiHtion. I in there will he attrac
tions galore to enti rtuiu the visitor.
Lost in the Vogt opera house, or be
tween there and the Allaway residence,
on Th'r I Mtreet, a gold and yollow enam
eled elasi pin bearing the letters "U. 0
ll)00.' The finder will be suitably n
wardod by leaving it at this ollice. 2t
Nearly oio-third of Astoria will he
Hold in a few weeks to satisfy the city
lieu docket for struct improvements.
Property owners who imagine they are
going to get nut of paying street assess
ments wll! find a large bill of costa add
ed. There are over $22,000 due the city
tin by the middle
was organized at
with F. T. F.sping
A, MacAdam as-
from delinquent street iiBbessmentP, and
the city proposes to collect it, says the
Messrs, Sharp, I'arr and Donnell and
Miss Maybel Mack, of this city, recently
purchased of the N. I. R. It. Co. twelve
suctions of lands in the Horse Heaven
country, Yakima county, on which, it
is said, they could already realize an
advance of a dollar an acre or a lump
sum of $7,1180. The lands, however, are
not for sale, at leaBt not at present.
Another interesting and instructive
sermon was delivered at the Christian
church last night by Rev.. Harding, on
the subject of "The Two Doors." His
able ell'orts were rewarded by the ac
cession of another member to the church
roll. Mr. Harding is able and lluent,
and a man ol marked ability as an
orator. Don't fail to bear him tonight.
The now $4 Mine. Angles, split
straw, double brim sailor, will be offered
during our Easter sale, at Thu Leader,
for $2.50. They are something entirely
now, chic and up-to-date, are being re
tailed in all the large cities at $4. Also
our Hyde Park sailors for 1001 will be
L'reatly reduced in price. Call and see
theur at Miss Haven's, Washington
street, between Second and third.
Mr. Levin returned from Dufur today.
"A Snmnior'n Fancy" was given there
last night to a -largo house. Miss
Blanche Dufur, as "Mercy Baxter," was
narticularlv nleasing. and Mr. Waldo
Brigham, as the old farmer, made
close second. Mr. Brigham will appear
before a Dalles audience ill "The Henri
otta, to be presented in the near future,
having accepted the pun of "Musgrave
Miss Mary Stewart, of Argyleshire,
Scotland, 110 years old, and said to bo
the oldest British subject, was brought
up to speak the ancient Gaelic tongue,
and she has got along so far without
learning any other. She has never mar
ried, and for more than eighty years was
consecutively employed in domestic ser
vico in the vlvinity of her birthplace.
She is still halo and hearty.
.lames ftewurt, a negro of Sterling,
Kan., who wiih killed by a train the
other day, was the father of twenty
seven children. At more than 10 years
of age he was left a widower witli thir
teen children. Ho married again, and
to tills second wife fourteen children
were born, the last a short time ago.
when Stewart had reached his (llt-t
birthday. 01 the twenty-seven only
four have died.
The engine of the passenger train
that Is due here from Portland at 0:20 p.
was derailed last night in the Snipes
Isobody was hurt ; in fact the passen
eers were not aware of the accident till
a few minutes after it had taken place
The Meneley Trio Concert Company,
of Chicago, will give an entertainment
in the M. 'S. church Tuesday evening,
April 2nd. For seven years the Meneley
Trio have given hundreds of concerts in
churches of e.ll denominations in Illinois
and other western states. Wherever
they go they are wanted back again,
They come here highly recommended by
the leading prohibitionists of the United
States iiB the beet combination of prohi
bition singers in America.
Mrs. Addie Ward, the beloved wife of
Captain A. II. Ward, of the Salvation
Army, died yesterday of consumption at
the residence of her mother, Mrs. W. II.
Steel, of this city, aged "1 years. The
funeral will take place tomonow ut 2:o0
o'clock and the services at the M. L.
church will be conducted by Majors
Cousins and Harris of the Salvation
Army division headquarters, of Portland,
assisted by Rev. U. F. Hawk.
Last night the Congregational church
was filled witli an interested and atten
tive audience. The service was one of
unusual interest. Mr. Clapp preached
from the words "I will trust and not be
afraid." The address was devoted to
voung people. Mr. Poling rendered two
solos, one before and one after the eer
inoii. The interest in these meetings is
growing, and from the first the services
haveallbrded much promise. Services
again this evening. The male quartet
will sing and Mr. Poling will render a
solo. Subject of address, "The Touch
of Faith." Regular announcements
Thu scientists are going to throw the
cooks out of a pb. The experiments in
condensing the essence of foodstull' into
capsules are very successful. Within
another decade the housowife'a entire
larder will consist of a box of food pills
and a bucket of water to waeh these
down. The electric invention which
produces music in the incandescent
globe will further enrich us. Wo can
take a couple of capsules and a glaes of
water for supper, turn on the electric
light, and lie down to dream under the
sphll of the most exhilerating music It
will be a boon for the bachelor. Board
ing house keepers will boon the "bum."
Piano peddlers will find their occupa
tion gone, and the cook will stand in
the Cairo corner with the spinning
wheel, thu ox yoke and the stau conch.
The following is a report of the End-
ersbv school for the month ending
March 29, 1901 :
No. of days of school taught, 19.
Number of holidays, 1
Whole number days attendance, :J40.
Whole number days absence, 20.
Average nn tuber pupils belonging, 20,
Average daily attendance, 18.
Number ot visitors 10.
The following names are on the roll of
honor: Ella Davidson, Lena Longren,
Alice EnderBby, Mabel Endersby, Clara
Williams, Miles Leabo, Charles Lon
gren, Ernest DicKEon, v imer jjicksoo.
Mahei, Ridijem., Teacher.
Minn ralterKon'i. AliagrauiH.
A very delightful party was given yes-
terdav afternoon by MieB Patterson in
honor of Mrs. Roger B. Sinnott. Ana
grams, the game oi me aneruoou,
proved very jolly and entertaining. Mrs.
H. S. Wilson was winner of the prize.
A most tempting luncheon was served u
to the guests.
Those present were: Misses Marden,
Lay, Schmidt, Davis, t redden, Georgia
Sampson, Harriet Marden, Cushing,
Laura Thompson, Sommerville, Vergilla
Cooper, Gilbert, Bessie Lang, Dawson;
Mesdames Moody, H. S. Wilson, tish.
Hostettler, Ed French, Lueddemann,
Joseph Bonn, M Z Donnell, Crosby, J H
ft n,i..;.. r .
Weigei, urowe, xoimie aim uurgei. .ji
The usual services will be held at St.
Peter'B Catholic church toniorrow.
The subject at the Christian church
tomorrow at 11 a. m. will he, "What a
Woman Can Do." At 7 :30 p. m., "Ob
jections Answered." All are invited.
Zion Lutheran church, Seventh and
Union struits Services at II a. m. and
7:30 p. m; Sunday school 12:15 p. in ;
German service at 2 tfO in the afternoon ;
Lutheran League meeting 0:30 p. in.
Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B.
Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11
a. in. and 7:30 p. m, in the new church
on Union street, Sunday school at 10
a. m.; B. Y. P. U. at 0:S0 p. m.
Methodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth and Washington, Rev. Ulysses
F. Hawk pastor. Morning service at
11a. m.; Sunday school at 10 a.m.;
class meeting at close of morning service ;
Epworth League at 0:30 p. m ; Junior
League at 3 p. in; evening service at
7 :30. Class meeting every Tuesday at
7:30. Morning theme, "No Disguises."
Evening theme, "Converted alone."
Strangers are made welcome at these
services. Gentlemanly ushers will con
duct you to seats.
Congregational church corner Fifth
and Court streets. Rev. D. V. Poling,
pastor. Services at regular hours. Mr.
Clapp will preach both sermons. At
11 a. m. tho subject for the discourse
will be, "A Good Man's Mistake."
Sunday Fcliool at 12:15. Mr. Merrill,
Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Sommerville and Mr.
Poling will speak from the Quarterly
Review. At 3 p. m. Here will be a rally
of the Sunday school and young people,
at which time Mr. Clapp will speak.
At 7:30 p. in. he will take for ins sub
ject, "Seeking the Lost." Special muBic
at both morning and evening services,
the male quartet singing the offertories.
Sbvh Two Fom Dralli.
"Our little daughter had an almost fa
tal attack of whooping cough and bron
chitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of
Armonk, N. Y., "but, when all other
remedies failed, we saved her life witli
Dr. King's New Diecovery. Our niece,
who had Consumption in an advanced
stage, aleo used this wonderful medicine
and to-day she is perfectly well." Des
perate throat and lung diEeasss yield to
Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other
medicine on earth. Infallible foi Coughs
and Colds. 50c and .$1.00 bottles guar
anteed bv G. C. Blakeley, the druggist.
Trial bottles free. 6
White Man Turned Yellow.
Great consternation was felt by the
friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington,
Ky., when they sasv he was turning yel
low. HiB skin slowly changed color, also
his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His
malady was Yellow Jaundice. He was
treated by the best doctors, but without
benefit. Then he wa9 advised to try
Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach
and Liver remedy, and ho writes : "After
taking two bottles I was wholly cured."
A trial proves its matchless merit for all
Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles.
Only 25c. Sold by G. C. Blakeley, the
druggist. h
New York
Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street
Spot cash gets more and better
bargains in a week than credit
does in a year.
v wax
Our Ladies' " Picnic " line
of Shoes---$2.25 per pair.
These are the best goods for the money
we have had the pleasure of offering our
patrons. They are made of plump don
gola stock, imitation, turn soles, eyelets),
button holes and nil stitching of best
silk thread. Only $2.25 per pair.
Notice is herebv given that the county
superintendent of Wasco county will
hold the regular examination oi appli
cants for county certificates, at the court
house, as follows :
Commencing Wednesday, Apil 10th,
at S3 o'clock a. in., and continuing until
Friday, April 12th, at -1 o'clock p. in.:
TIKIC'ATICS. Wednesday Peumanship, history, or
thography, reading.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, school law.
Friday Geography, mental aiith
.inetic, physiolgv, civil government.
PrmwnHnciiii? Wednesdav. Anril 10th,
at 9 a. in., and continuing until Thure-, mediate results.
day, April 11th, at 1 p. m. :
i'Hi.m ah v ci: it'll nc ati:s .
Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra
phv. reading.
Thursday Art of questioning, theory
of teaching, methods.
Dated ut The Dalles. Oregon, March
30, 19(11.
C. L. Gn.iiKiir,
County Supt.
Mow to Cure Croup.
Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenia,
i Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy is the best medi
cine I have ever used. It is a tine
children's remedy for croup and never
fails to euro." When given bb soon us
i the child becomes hoarse, or even after
j the croupy cough has developed, it will
nri-fitit. tho attack. This should be
bo'iie in mind and a bottle of the Cough
Ueinedv kent at hand ready for instant
! use as soon as these symptoms appear
' For sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
1 Tho lingering cough following grippe
I calls for One Minute Cough Cure. For
1 all throat and lunu- troubles this is the
lonlv harmless remedy that gives im
KlU Attfiillon!
All members of Cascade Lodge No,
303, are urgently requested to be present
at the regular meeting Saturday evening,
March 30th, as there will be election of
officers for tho ensuing year and other1
important business. By order of the
Exalted Huler. mch2!) 2t
pasture, about two miles below town.
A cow got on th track and ran before
the train a short distance till she fell
into the cattle-guard, when the engine
cut her to pieces, but was itself thrown
from the rails and had one of the drive
wheels ruined. A wrecking engine was
immediately hurried to thu spot, and in
about two hours and a half the train was
ready to proceed on Us journey eastward.
Sue that you get tho original DeWitt'e
Witch Hazel Salve when you ask for It.
The genuine is a certain cure ior piles,
sores and skin diseases. Clarke & Falk's
P. O, Pharmacy.
Why pay $1.76 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton's buu proof paints for $1.00 pur
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agents, ml
Clark & Falk are never cloBud Sunday.
Don't forget this.
For iuiatus and Chiidreu,
The Kind You have Always Bought
Prevents consumption
Clarke A Falk'e I. O. Pharmacy.
When vou are bilious, use those famous
little, nills known as DoWitt's Little
V.j.rv Risers to cleanse tho liver and
bowels. They never gripe. Clarke
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Wanted A girl or middle-nged wo
man to do cooking and general kitchen
work only. Address this ollice, or 1'. O
box 17, Dufur, Oi. Will pay fl per
week. m27-l md
The first consignment of 11)01 spring
' crawfish has arrived at the "Owl," J.
1 Fait A Co., proprietors. They will bu
served at all hours d.iy and night. m'".) 2t
Steam Wood-saw for sale. Can lie nought
for ij-201). Call at this ollice. ni23-lm
i Wo offiir lor a Hunted period the
' t wit'H. ii-week Ciiiiosu'i.K. mice l,f0,
and the Weekly Oregonian, price sfl.50, '''ai'ev
If you want a nice dressy shoe
at a medium price, be sure you
gpt a pair of our PICNIC Shoes.
We have them in lace or button.
Our 5lpoe8 are Guaranteed
Wo have m sale a lull lino ot
Eomli and Dressed Limta
Mouldings, Brackets, Laths,
Shinglos, Windows, Doors,
Which we will sell at live
and let live prices.
utvi) lib u tiinl mill vi will treat
you riKlit.
Third mill KtMtiri St.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone liill. Local, 102.
...Employment Agency...
Next door to Star Lodging House.
Positions Awaiting Men and
Bears tho
S-tfuaturo of
l.i'Klioru Vhk fr Siilu.
Single comb brown Leghorn eggs,
from imported stock bred by J. II.
v, of Denver, Colo., Iieeder of
lid.t.Li-i, annpimi I .wi, 1 1 nrn u 111 ttlt-1 WOl'lfl!'
hjih paoers for 2 a year. Subscriptions j t,r.,5 ,mr getting of 15.
Miiia ttlH mnur riu niiwi III tin ' i
f I
The Dalles, Or.
ounterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel
.Salve ure liable to cause blood poisoning.
Don't vou know that Cocoauut Cream Heave them alone. The original has the
- ... . .......a Tl.iWili'u niimi Him nnit And ivr:m.
Hair Tonic will save your anu your
children's hair? You can get it for 60
and 75 centB a bottle at Frazur's barber
shop, sole agent. tf
name DeWitt's upon the box and wrap
per. It is u harmless ami healing salve
for skin diseases, Unequalled for pile?,
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
M.iiiiini fur Sain or m Olvti Away.
have about 100 loads of rich horse
manure, well rotted, that 1 will give to
auk one who hauls it away, or 1 will do
liv uiv number of loads at 80 ceutB a
Ion.'. ' K. I. YouNii,
1,20-1 w KiftKnd Feed Yard.
:i ' n