The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY MARCH 30. 1!H)1 MR. THOMPSON'S STATUS. IN THE MORNING D. P. Thompson, n defunct Tort land politician, goes to Pendleton to get his views into n demouratiu news paper concerning the political men and measures of his home oity, and of the state. Mr. Thompson's nature is so badly soured and his disposition has become so cynical that there is little attention paid to his expressions any more. Salem Statesman. How about this, anyway ? is little attention paid to D. P. Thompson's views on public questions in Oregon? Isn't it true that Mr. Thompson's views, and the views of those who think as he does, have been attended of late with considerable interest by the people of Portland and Multno mah county? Isn't it true that these views found expression by the elec tion of a Multnomah legislative delegation almost solidly opposed to those who oppose Mr. Thompson? Isn't it true that the legislature re fused to elect the senatorial candi date who represented opposition to Mr. Thompson and his friends have not a newspaper as an exponent in I (,(J 1'ortland, the slate s metropolis, and hence have no means of conveying to the public their viercs on public questions? Isn't it true that for all the time Major McKinley has occu pied the White House he has paid more heed to what were obviously With your breakfast a cup of hot FlKPrune, the perfect food beverajfc, will start you rlRht for the day. TNOON FiKPrune will Invigorate the body and steady the nerves. AT NIGHT 'A bevorape that is both nour ishing and invigorating will aid in making ready for the morrow Figprunc Cereal is its name. AT AI.Ti GTtOCEUS. Prof. Iviton, of Lonacomine, Mi., suffered terribly from neuralgia of the stomach and indigestion for thirteen years and aftpr the doctors lailt-d to euro him they fed him on morphine. A friend advised the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and afler taking a few bottles of it he saye, "It has cured ma entirely. I i can't eayjtoo much for Kodol Dyspepsia i Cure." It digests what you eat. Claike & Falk'a P. 0. Pharmacv. Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; tlioy dry tip the- secretions, which sdhcro to tho mombrnno ami decom pose, causing n far moro sorious troublo than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. iug inhalanU, fumes, smokes and snuiTa and uio that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will euro catarrh or1 cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho fil)o. sizo. Ely Brothers, fill Warren St., N. Y. Tho Balm curca without pain, does not irritato or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, roliov ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed against Nasul Catarrh ami Day Fovcr. BUSINESS LOCALS. You will not have boila if von Clarke & Falk'a euro cure tut boils. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Bicycles at $23.00, .f.Ti.OO, $40.00 and $50.00, at Maier & Benton's. in'.'0-lw A full lino of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Hustling young man can make $60 per month and expenses. Permanent', posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Writ quick for particulars. Clark A Cj., Fourth and Locust Streets, Phihidel bpia, Pa, sS-b SOUTH and EAST via Soui w Pacific Co. For sale, on easy terms, a fine fruit, hay and truck farm of about 200 acres, ten miles from The Dalles. Fine im provements ; about sixty acres bottom; creek through the place; an ideal home and income property. For further par- Shasta Route Oregon Shot line and Union Pacific nai'.wiT id it ('llll'HKO- Portland Hlioctul. i:'i: , ni. via Hunt ltiKtou, Atlantic Kxpri'M., a. in. vtii Iltiut-liiKton. Mt. l'llll) Knst Mn II, y:A v. in, Vlll spo il ii tie. tjmi: senium. i:s VKOM TllK PAI.I.KS. &'iitt I .ii ice, Denver, Kt. ' Worth, Oiiiiilin, Kiin- nin City, St. l.ont, Chi i cupi mill tin' KiiM. nlt ljike, Denver, I't. Worth, Oiiuiliii, Iwin-MisCity.St.lxm.Chl-ciiro mill the lut-d. Wnllii Wnllh, I.uvitoii. Minneapolis, St. I 'mi I, Dulittli, .Mlluuii keo, ClileiiKonml Kast. .vnitivi: ritox 1;Ci . in, 1. 1.') a. in. :::0ii in OCEAN AND EIVER SCHEDULE From I'.irt IiiiiiI. s.oo ). in. i (All MtllliiK dates vub I ject to ohutigo ) Kor Sun l-'rnru'lsco, Sail every ,'i iiis. Trains leave The Dalles (or Portland and wnj stations at J: A, u. m. ami I! i. m. Leavt Portland S:.H) a in Albany 1J;S0 n m timilur -f- fi-.hrms ,t Miirden. TIih the wishes of Mr. Thompson, and . Dalles, (Won. m22wtf those who think like him, than he has to the obvious wishes of Mr. Thompson's political enemies? A newspaper continuing to print all .the potential "Isn't it true?" in this connection, would need to ob tain some new "sorts" to suppl the letters spelling the query. The facts spoken of by Mr. Thompson are generally known to all who pay any heed to politics in Oregon. What statement of D. P. Thompson's in bis interview will the Statesman deny? Mr. Thompson stands oeforc the people of Oregon as one of its most prominent figures. lie is potent in the commercial, financial and political affairs of the commonwealth. He is a truthful man, as nil will concede. And his assertions were only the public saying of what most well informed men think. East Ore- The Hum I'luuer, A piece of tlaunel dampened with Chambarlain's Pain Halm and bound to the affected parts N superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains iti the eide or chest, give it a trial and you arn certain to be more than pleaeed with the prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One application gives re lief. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Don't it lib It In, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Dunn (fc Oo.'s trade review for the present week says the bottom prices for wool have been reached at last, as is evinced by the growing un willingness of holders to make con cessions, the greater nativity of deal ers, and indication that purchases for speculation are of considerable volume. Transactions show n ma terial gain at the leading markets, while shipments from Boston exceed tho3e of preceding weeks. Efforts to secure even fractional advances in quotations, however, end negotia tions. Manufacturers are not in clined to accumulate stocks. The new clip moves very slowly, con signors accompanying shipments with instructions not to sell at current figures. The Shaniko Leader Is reliably in formed that two years from now will see Simon, Corbett and Jonathan Uourne, all candidates for the United .States senatorship, "Friendship be tween these men," says the Leader, 'as far as the eenatorship is oon cerned, has ceased and already their managers aro laying plans for their favorites to win. Time will prove we are correct." Quality and not quantity makes De Witt's Little Pearly Kieers such valuable little liver pills. Clarke & Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy. For sprains, swellings and lameneea there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, the druggist. Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure dindrtift'and all tcalp diseases. Don't neglect your hair. For sale at Frazer'i b.irber shop, sole agent. tf Arrive Ashland " Sacramento . . . " San Francisco ....Ui.fSii m . ... 5:00 )m , ... 7:15 i m Arrive ORdon " Denver " city . " Chicago 5:45 a m u:00 u ra T:'J,') n ni 7 : 15 u m Arrive ixis Angeles 1:20 yi ra " Kl Phm) GsOOpra " Fort Worth S::so u m " City of Mexico u:,Vi ii m " Houston 1:00 a m " New Orleans fi a m " Washington tiilJum " New York 1'.: i.i p in 7:00 p ni 10:fO j in lliHO.-i m l;.'l" a in s:15 a in 11:15 a m 0:1X1 a in 7:J5 a ni 'J:'M ii ui 7 :0o a ni ii:00 ji in ij;.X) a ni 0:55 it in 1:00 a in C:2o ii m li-tt it m l'J'4:( i m Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains Chair cars Sacramento to Otfden and I'l Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, St I-ouis, New Or leans and Washington. ConnectiiiK at Pan Krnnclsco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South Auieiiea. Sec agent at The Dalles station, or add. its C. H. MARKHAM, General Passentjcr Agent, Fort. and, Oi lira PA Yellowstone Park Line. Cut Out This Ad. Enclose it to Me with Ten Dollars And I will furnish you all complete ready tor use, my 1001 Model No. ' SANDEN ELECTWC BELT. It ie eu perfor in make, quality and power to any oeit oiiereu oy other dealers lor which they charge if-JO. A striking peculiarity about the next session of the United States senate will bo that it will not have a Dr. Sanden's Belt has no equal for tho euro of Ner vous and Physical Debilitv, 'Ex hausted Vitality, Varicocele, Premature Decline, Loss of Memory, Wasting, etc., which has been brought about by early indiecretiona or luter excesdes. Dr. Sanden Electric Co., 1(57 South Fourth St., PORTLAND, OK. '.'.'inch ditwOmu Sheriffs Sale. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an ox edition ikiinl out of tho Circuit court of tho hlate of Oregon for Wasco County, on the '.'let day of Febrmuy, I'.mij, In a mlt therein pending wherein milium Moid is jiliiliitllfiind milium I aro defeiidinity, to inu directed. I will, on Sutnr. I day, tho 'Ail day of March, 1U01, at tho hour of -J o'clock p. in,, nt tlio court house. door In IJalH'K I Cltv. Uiei:jn. sell at nnhlln hxIi, in tin. hi..ii..t single democratic scnttor from anyi(b!'VW''V,,sM 8ttto north of tho old Mason and Dixon line, except from a fow rnin log states out here in the far West. That's tho harvest the democracy lias reaped from the seeds of popu lism and free silver, Subscribe for The Gjiiioniclk, THK MINING CAP. KOl'TK I'UOM POltTI.AND 10 THK j:ast. THK ONLY IJIKKCT LINK TO THK VKI.I.OW- STONK PAIIK ! Union Depot, Fjrth and I sts AltltlVE. No. No. a. Fast mail for Tacomn, cvniitv, uiympiu, i,ray s i Harbor and South Iiend ' I points, Spokane, Hoss., I land, Ii. C, i'ullmaii,, IMom-qw, LeiDton, Huf 11:15 A. M.ffalolluiiipmlniugcoini. 5:50 V. M. try, Helena, Minneaiio-, 11b, St. Paul, Ornahu, Kansas City. St. Umls. iChiCHtrn nni! nil i.nlntu No, 1. ieat and Kjuthtafit. ' No. 3. Ptnret Sound K.xpress 11;00 P. M.for Thcoiiiii and Seattle 7;00A. .M. i and intermediate potiitd Pullman iirt clais and touritt fcli-eiiers to -Minneapolis, Ht. Paul and Mlwourl river points without change. Vostibule.1 trains. Union depot connections in all principal cities'. Uhkkhku chcokwj to destination of tickets, for handsomely llliutiatcddohcrliitlvematter, tickets, uleepiiiK-car rekervutious,-etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General PaiK'UKer AKtmt.. W .Morrl kou street, corner Third, Portland Oreifon. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Daily except Sunday, M p. in. riaturdfiv, 10:00 p. in. Daily except MlMlillJ , ii:lXl a. in. Tuewlay, ThurMlay, Satiirday, 0:00 a. in. Tuesday, ThuiMlny, Biiturday, 7:00'u. m. Leave Kiparia daily, ;1M0 n. m. Colllllllllll ItlVlT. To Astoria and Wiiy-l.aijdlnK's. ' WllliiuiflttK Ulvor. 1 Ort-Koii City, Nowhere, Salem, Independence, and v ay-ljiiiiiltiKs. I:f p. in t .1X1 p. 111. except Hutiuay 1:91 p. m. except Sunday. CorviiltN and W'ny-l.audlUKs. I::w p. m. .Monday, Wednesday Friday. wiiiiiniHtti, nnii :i:rjiD. m Viiinlilll ItlvitrN. Monday, OreKon Cltv.Davtonand "ednesiiay Wiiy-ljimUuKK. Iriday. Nuiiko Klror. Hlpatla to Lewlston. Leave Lowiston daily, :;jih. in. Parties Jeslrini: to iro to lleniiner or iMiui.suii I.OIUIIIUII1 coiiiiicrii via iiijrK!,, biioiiiu take No. 2, leaviin; 1 he Dalle at V.':J.' p. in. making direct connections at llcppner junction mid I1Iks. He'.iiniliiK makiuKdirectcoiinectloii at Hepimer Junction and HIuks with No. 1, ar rival; at The Dalles at 1:0. p. ni. For further particulars, call on or address J AS. IltKLAND, AKvnt, The Dalles, Oregon. County, to wit: 1itK 1 and ' und tho Koiitlumii iiuarter of tho northeiut fUtirter of hcctlon 1. townchlp south, ranifo II e.nt, and the south' cant (jiiurtcr Hint the Miutliemt quarter of tho northeast quarter of hcctlon a3.townshli2 i-oiith, IdUKO U east, W. M to satisfy u certain Jiidir "lent rendered 111 said court and caimi on said KM day of February, iuoi,or tlio kiim of 17J0.:i7 ana interest at ten ier cent ior milium, ami f4MJ attorney's fees, and fib costs ami disburse ments, and $70.1,', and intercut at tlx pur cent per annum and tm.M and Interest nt ten per cent kt annum and accruing costs. , W'HKI' KKLLV, baa-st Bherllt of WakcoCouuty. trade Marks CopyRIQHTS &.C. lulckly ascertain our opinion fret) whether u Invention u probably imtcntut.lo. Couiiiiiinlc tlniisrirlctlrcoiiildeiitlal. Handbook on Paluti sent. free. Ol'Jeft niceney fur socarJnr ualnts. 1'Atei.ta i Ukcm,tiroui.'U Muini 4'CU recelvw tvrctal notice, wltliout cliarso, in tbo Scientific flmcrican. A handsomely illustrated weokly. Larcest dr. lulatloii of uny clenilUo juuruul. 'IVrms, 13 a riviri four montbs, tl. Loldbyall newsdealers. MUNIi & Co.30,B',New York Brujcb. (itflce. tBi V Wasblouioii. V. V ONt FOR ADOIE. nffi' iropl, PriTeat K.ih.l, tun l,ow,iH mcTTHT c tibld by dr 'I' I cou. for Notice. Ily virtue of the order and direction of the Cou:r it of Dallis City, as by resolution hereto fore a.: ,,ted. notice is I erehy Kiven that the (.oitncllof Dalles City has determlntH to cstab lhli stdewulks and crosswalks for Tenth street in fiales' Addition to Dalles city, and for Clay street, in illull Addition to Dalles Citv, as lollows A sidewalk eommenciiiK at a point where the east line of Court Mieet would Intersect the northern boundary lino of tho school property of .School District No. 1'J, of Wasco Conntv, ore K'on. said property beitiK known as tho academy Kiounds, If siid line would bo extended to vild northern boundary lino, and ruiiiilin,' thence easterly to tho northeast corner of .said property of said K-hool (llstiict and nbuttlnir on the northern line of said property. A sidewalk commeueliiK at the northwest cor ner of block No. S, .'iiid runnliii; easterly to the northeast corner of said block No .1. mid abut titii' on the northern boundary line of said bio k No. 5. A crosswalk riinnini; stralKht across l street and joining on the west the sidewalk abnttliiK on tho northern boundary lino of said block No, j, and joIhIiik on the east a sidewalk abuttiiur on the northern boundary lino of block No. ii. A sidewalk cuiimeiieliii; the northwest corner of said block No.ii, and runnliiK easterly to the northeast corner of said block and abut tinir on the northern boundary line of said block No. 0. A crosswalk ninninc stralKht across ( street and JoinuiK on the west tho sidewalk abuttiuir on the northern boundary lino of sai.i block No 0, and Joiiiltn; it sidewalk abuttlinr on the north, em boundary iineof block No, 7. A sidewalk coinmencini; at the northwest corner of block No. 7, and ruiiiilnir easterly to t'uj uorthrast comer of said block No. 7, and abuttlnijoii the northern boundary line of t,ald block No, 7. A crosswalk runnliiK stralKht across I) street and joliiliiK on the west tho sidewalk abiittliiK on the northern boundary line of said block No, ,an! JolulliK on thoeast u sidewalk abuttiiiK ..... ..ui iiiiiM ijuiiiiuiiry nuu oi oiock ro. 8. A sddewulk coinmencini; at the northwest corner of block No. Sand runnliiK easterly lll feet, anil abuttiiiK on the northern boundary llnu of Kidd block No. S. Tluit said Tenth street and tho property abut tlllK thereon bciiiL' In riiilim AiIiIIHi.m t nuii..u Llty.and all tho other above desctlbeil streets, blocks and iiroiiertybcliiK In flluir Addition to Dalles City. Said above described sidewalks to bo six feet in width anil to ho rimstni,.i..ii in ,. cordaiico with the ordinances in relation to the construction of sidewalks. paid crosswalks to be constructed In accord ance with tho ordinances of thoeltyiu relation to tho construction Ihi-ieof. That the cost of said sidewalks mid crosswalks uio ni oo.Ms,ess u BKiiinst the properly benellted tun vm) HieoriiiiiK i mo laws oi mines City in it i mens wiiert'oi i nave Hereunto set mv imnu nuu too corporate seal oi .Danes City til s. thcjand day of March, lyoi. NKI) H. GATUS, mch'.'-'-Ht Itecorder of Dalles City. Notice No. 2 Ih to all perfone indebted to tlio lato firm of K. J. Collins & Co. and 8. L. HrookB to call and enttlu their account or noto, an the cane may be, by tlio lnt of April ; otherwlMi tho accounlfl will bit put Into tho liandH of our collector. You want the best, C. L. Phillips has 11, in CHICKENS Hull' LeglioniR a upeelalty. pv. I Bicycles - Bicycles f Our new dock received. J Columbias Ramblers 4 Hartfords j Stormers Videttes ! Pennants 0 I.arntiHt lot of wliet'lf ever brought to t Ii Ih city. (JT' Call and hud tliein. t MAYS t CROWZS. GIVEN AWAY. With every dollar'H worth of uooiIh purchaoeil at my atoro for tbu next ixty Dave, 1 will yhts one chance, on the following pri.-.'j?: 1 First p;izo I flent.'n Gold Watch anil Chain 2 Second prize 1 LitHea' (told Watch anil Clinin II Third piste 1 Siuokiiu; Set I Fourth tiri.t! I Silvur Huttnr Dinb and lluttor Knife, 5 Filth prize 1 set Kilvor Knivea anil Forks In addition to nivhm awav these prizea I will Hull ooda na low na the lowest and guarantee my j;i)oiIh to lie fre-i'n, (live inu a trial. ROBERT TEAGUE. Speaking of Blood Medicine : Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing that curea. I).) not forgot it; wit have it, at 75c per bottle 'largo hottlce); guaranteed, or you may gut your m mey haelc If not (Mtiiliud. IN COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS we exerciee the greatest care, pounding your piivsiciaiiH ordcre. with ciliciuul service. We carry tin; heat ami uso the best in cnni Our prit:eb wo make na low aa ia coiiHistunt We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything appertaining to Drugs, Patent .Medicines", Hunilriea and l'botograpb Supplies. GEORGE C. BLAKELEY. F- S. GUWlflG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker... -DKAI.IMt t.V- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith 'Supplies Axent forltu-sell ,V Co. . KiiKliies, Threihers and bmv Mill.-. Telephone 157. Long Distance 107.'i. Cor. Second & LausMiu Sis,. THE DALLES, OR. 5 9 J. E. FALT & CO., X " i ne uwi. Proprietors of Purest Liquors for Family Use 9 Delivered to any part of the City. I'Iiohhh: b Local, r r- 85s Loon Diaiaucc. 173 Second Street. J V T. L. Lane, Jast What You uaant. (IIINKHAI, BiacKsmitn ...AND... Horsesfioer Wagon and Carriogo Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. t liiuu dUU dUUuP'iiii, rilUllU 109 "1 Katruy. Came to my place, ven miles weitt of The Dalles, tirat of November last, a black Jersey 8teer, two years old ; small uplit in each ear; no brand visible, Owner can have snmo by proving owner ship and paying all charges. M0 5t J. P. AmmuH. . New idciifl m Wall Paper bort). Kuch rvA wjtlo variety uh we are HhowiiiLr never be- - - fore Braced a miitfU) Htook. Keul itnit"- J.B. hciibnck, .m a a Voiit t'on urut,,n ilclo ut ordinary prices. Prenldent. " canilui I Good papotH at obeup paper prices. . . . KleguntUeaiKiiH, ttt8tefulfoloriin,'B,yoiird HltfCr Narinhal Dnnb for a amull price, at our Htore on Third fUfai JlallUildl DCi UK. I trut- AlHotifull line of Iiouho jmiiitH. THE DALLES - - - OREGON W VAUSE, Tllird. Ol A General Banking Business transacted i " uapuniB received, nubjeut to Higbt Draft nr fllmot OollectionB made and proceedd projnptlj remitted on dav nf unllunilnn ' Higbt and Telogranhio Exchange sold r.B New York. Ban Francisco an;' orl. land. n n m DIHBOTOKH 2; T,iM,,BON jN0- H- Hmwoif. bO. M. WjU.IAMB, Gko. A. Lmhk. H M. ItKMI. Clarke & Falk baye received a carloa( of tbo celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints an Best aurani L. V, llonis, Prop'r. First-Class in Every Respect A1KAI.H AT AM. HOI'ltM. Oysters Served in any Style- H7 Hcconrl St., The DmIIw, Or.