The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 30, 1901, Image 1

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    I) e D a II co
NO. 48
Kiioio ,iiiiMiiMfiTiT'inriiiitrititiiiiii.t!i.i
.w. timijii liimnnniritnsiBr.
AVefjclnblc PrcparalionforAs -.simiUiling
iing iticSluuutchs and Bowels of
Promotes Digc9lion,Checrur
ncss and Hesl .Contains neitlicr
Opium, Morphine nor Mineral.
Ts'ot "Narcotic.
."nipt oroM HrXMMELHTCHEfl
Jmifjcui Seal'
UarKtllt Sm(U -jlnurSrrtl
Jtmirnniitl -lliTiirtxintUfStia
Whtriyivtn rtaror.
Apcrfccl Ilumcdy forConslipa
lion , Sour Stonutch, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Siflnnlurc of
exact coFy or WRAPPER.
(iiestions Arising From AfiiinaliIo's
Capture Reward For (Jciieral
Fiinstoii Not Determined Upon.
W'AHiiixuroN, March 29. The cabinet
meeting today was devoted almost 011
tirely to a discussion of tlx) I'lipturo of
Aguinaldo, i t h effect upon tlx' military
situation in the Philippines, the dia
imVitiun to ho made of the insurgent
chief and the reward to liu given to
'iuuural FnriHton. Tlu) HubjVct whh
considered in nil its phases, tout no
dulinito conclusions were reached either
with regard to General Fuuiton's reward
or to the punishment of Aguinaldo.
Tin' president and all mem here of the
valniiui are in favor of the moHt liberal
and substantial recognition of the hoi vice
performed by General FuiiHtou. Tlieie
was boiiio discussion of the (jucHtioii nf
waking him a brigadhir-goneral in the
"'guhtr army, but it who thought Unit
full reports should be awaited before ae
tinn jo taken. The matter probably
will be allowed to rest where it is for the
present. General Fur.Hton is holding n
volunteer commission as a brig.uliei, whieh will not expire until
'one :;()th of this year, h& that as far as
honor and emoluments are concerned,
his standing would not pn judiced by
the delay
The disposition to be made of Aguin
aldo was a matter that could not he dis
Hosed of definitely. Whatever tuition is
taken in regard to him will originate
with the arniv oftichila in the Philippines,
and he passed upon finally here, There
no inclination to deal hittshly with the
loan who has led the Insurrection against
the forces of this country.
Some of tiie cabinet ollicers think it is
I'oeBlblo he may be used yith good effect
' 1 V the authorities of the Philippine com
iiiiuiiiou in the establishment of civil
government. General MacArthur's (lis
hatch buggesta that Aguiualdn mihl
1981,0 "it address udvlsing the inmrgentH
t accept the situation, mid this was
pointed to as indicating possibilities
"long this line.
t)n the other hand, Agnlnaldo'a record
ma not been such as to win for him
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Thirty Years
great confidence in hie constancy, and if
his influence cannot lie utilized safely he
undoubtedly will be sent to some place
where he can foment no further trouble.
Guam was mentioned us a possible
place for his detention.
Tlie president and his cabinet believe
that the capture of Aguinaldo will mean
much in the crushing of the insurrection.
Indeed, they are inclined to believe now
that it means tiie utter eollupse of the
opposition to the authority of the United
End or Kelielllon In Clone lit II unci., March 20. Another im
portant dispatch was received at the
war department today from General
MueArthnr, at Manila dated today. It
diil not refer to Aguainaldo or Funston,
hut in the opinion of tl e war department
ollieials', it went far to support the pre
diction made by General MncArthur in
yesterday's dispatch relating to those
two leaders, to the effect that the end of
the lehelliou is near at hand. This dis
patch chronicles the surrender of a con
sideraiile additional number of rebels,
and military arms and the important
feature of it is that the tin render marks
the complete stamping out of the insur
rection in the island of Mindanao, whieh
is, next to Luz n, the largest island in
the croup. The dispatch is as follows:
"Manila, March 21). Brigadier-General
William Kobb reports the sui render
at Sumuhio, Mindanao, of nine officers,
100 men, 187 rifles, 80 shotguns, Gapia
trano's command. This ends trouble i
Mindanao, as far as Filipinos are con
cerned. "ltrigadier General Robert P. Hughes
lesorts Alikpali and Ruiz, 34 guns, sur
rendered to Captain David Shanks,
Eighteenth Infantry, at Mamburao; 200
guns Fulton's command surrendered to
Lieutenant-Colonel William S. Scott,
Forty-fourth Infantry."
Kll'eol on TiikhI".
Waniiimiton, March 29. An import
ant dispatch received at the war depart
ment today from General MncArthur, in
the opinion of the ollieials, went far to
support the prediction made by General
Macarthnr yesterday that the end of the
rebellion is near hand. This dispatch
chronicles the surrender of a consider
able additional number of rebels and
military arms, and the Important feature
of it is that the surrender marks the com
plete stumping nut of the insurrection
in the island of Mindanao, whieh is, next
to Luzon, the lamest island in the group.
Subscribe for Tuts Ciiko.sioi.k.
M mum-
Mnny ItelittU Surrender.
Manila, March 29. Aguinaldo is now
detained in u comfortable room in a wing
of the Malacannn Palace. He is in charge
of Captain Benjamin H. Randolph and
Lieutenant Gilbert A. Youngberg, of
Battery G, Third Artillery.
When Aguiualdn was captured he wore
a plain dark blue suit with the coat close
ly buttoned up at the and a wide
white helmet with a leather band. He
takes his capture philosophcally. He ie
generally cheerful, but sometimes moody.
Hie health during the past year has been
very good. It is uncertain what attitude
ho will now aseume. Certain visitors are
permitted to see Aguinaldo, but newspa
per interviews with the prieoner are not
allowed. Since Acuinaldo has been
domiciled at the Malacanan Palace,
persons not provided with special per
mits have been denied admiF.sion to the
General TriaB, the commander of the
insurgent forces in Southern Luzon, who
recently surrentered to the American
authorities, visited Aguinaldo and told
the latter why he had surrendered.
Trias said that a continuance oi armed
opposition to the United States was un
justifiable and ruinous; that the inde
pendence of the Philippines was im
possible, and that the Filipinos had
better accept liberty, prosperity and
progress under American rule. The
capture of Agninaido, following the sur
render of General Trias, will probably
occasion the surrender of the insurgent
leader Malavar, in Batangas province,
Luzon; Bellarmino, in Albay province,
Luzon, and Lucboti, in the island of
Samar within a month.
Catarrh Cauiiot He Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the beat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in tbiB country tor yeere, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drruggista, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cts. and 00 cts. Blakeley
the druggist.
Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 23 eta
and 50 cte. Blakeley, the druggist.
1$ God's Good Blessing
" I feel that God has blessed Dr. Acker with special knowledge to prepare
that grand medicine called Acker's English Remedy for Throat and Lung
Troubles. It saves children every time wheu they are attacked by croup.
Every mother should know about
it, and 1 will tell about my expe-
rience. 1 had a darling boy of four
years to die with croup. My doctor
did all he could, but the child
could not be made to vomit. That
was before I knew of Acker's Iing-1
lish Remedy. After I did hear of
it, I got a bottle. When our little
eighteen - months - old gii 1 was
otricken with croup, I gave her
this medicine, and inside of twenty
minutes she vomited and was bet
ter right away. During the win
ter she had croup four times, and
it brought her through each time
nil right, I, myself, had bronchitis
pretty bad, ami Acker's English
Remedy cured me completely.
Before I close, I want to toll you
of my neighbor's boy, named Jobo Nana. Ho had bronchitis, too. Ho got
worse all the time. My husband went over to his house and told him about my
case. Then his mother wont to town, got a so-cent bottle of Acker's ISnglisli
Remedy, and he took it. He came over to our house a few days later and said ho
was all right, and also said two doses relieved him from the start. You can un
derstand by my letter why I think so much of Acker's English Remedy. I re
peat that God's blessing must surely have been bestowed upon Dr. Acker."
(Signed) Mus, John Yi:a(J-:r, Rochester, Pa.
Sold at 25c, soe, and $1 abottle, throughout tho United States and Canada;
and in England, at is, ad., ss, .id,, 4s. 6d, If you are not satisfied after buying,
return tho bottle to your druggist, and get your money back.
Vc nutliorl:c the above yuumuta: If. 11. HOOKER Jc CU, VrvirMow, Xtw l'yrt,
For sale at Blakeley's Pharmaoy.
Situation Kxplalned to Auulnalilo.
Manila, March 29. Aguinaldo today
conferred in the Tagalog language at the
Milacanang Palace with several former
members of his cabinet and other promi
nent. Filipinos whom he asked to see.
They explained to him the hopelessness
of the insurgent, cause, and advised him
to use his influence to establish peace
and for the recognition of American
sovereignty. Theteeult of the confarence
ie as yet unknown.
The first execution in Manila under
American rule took place today at Fort
Malate, where five natives were hanged
for the murder of Archibald Wilson, an
Englishman, superintendent of the
waterworks. The motive for the murder
was robbery.
Twelve thousand Filipinos have taken
the oath of allegiance to the United
States at San Vincente, South Ilocos
.loli Couldn't Have Stood It,
If he'd had Itching Piles. They're
terribly annoving ; but Buck len's Arnica
Salve will cure the worst caEe of piles on
earth. It has cured thousands. For In
juries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it's
the best salve in the world. Price 25c
a box. Cure guaranteed. SoldbyG.C.
Blakeley, the druggist. G
Does it I'ay to lluy Cheap?
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right, but you want something
that will relieve and cure the more se
vere and dangerous resulta of throat and
lung troubles. What shall you do? Go
to a warmer and more regular climate?
Yee, if possible; if not possible for you,
then in either case take the only rem
edy that haB been introduced in all civil
ized countries with success in Eevere
throat and lung troublee, "Boschee's
German Syrup." It not only heals and
stimulates the tissues to destroy the
germ disease, but allays inflammation,
causes easy expectoration, gives a good
night's rest, and cures the patient. Try
one bottie. Recommended many years
by all druggists in the world, and eold
by Clarke & Falk. Get Green's prize
almanac. 2
Your Fact,
SIiowb the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley, the druggist.
Remember that you don't have to be
bald ; you can keep your hair by using
Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. To be
had at Frazer's barber shop. tf
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your ar r for tbem.
Subscribe for Tuk CiiKoxiciiU.
...TJ"iE pflll...
Lots of New Goods just arriving.
and lots of other new goods.
Too busy to describe. Come and see.
...THE FAIf...
The Place to Save Money.
Great Northern
Second Street, opposite Obarr House.
j Grandall & Burget
All kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds
Fanepal Supplies embalmers Etc.
m The Dalles, Or. m
( wSmh
Having received our complete line of
Household Gooda which our manager
has purchased of eastern manufacturers,
and being crowded for store apace, we
concluded to give special bargains in
Carpeta, Mattings and Linoleum aa
follows :
Ingrain Carpets.
Good Ingrain 40c per yard
Half Wool 50c " "
All-Woo), guaranted GOc " "
Extra Heavy 70c " "
Rajahs, heavy SOc " "
FlemiBh Tapestry $1.00 " "
The above prices includes sewed, laid
and lined.
Brussels Carpets.
8-wove Tapestrv 05c per yard
10-wove " ' 75c " "
Axminister Jfl.00 " "
Matting, Linoleum and Oil Cloth at
correspondingly low prices.
Remember our great line of Beautiful
Buggiea and Reclining Go-Carts,
Furniture Co.,
If you are tiie unfortunate victim of lack of nerve
you know it, and it. would he useless to detail the synip
rouH to vou. You can depend upon it that Lincoln
Soxual Pills regenerate and build up the system of the
tued man, and give the proper functional actions to all
the vital organs. Be the kind of a man you out to be
yes, he a man 1 Price, $1 per box buy of your drug
gist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wraper.
M. Z. Douuell, Agent, The Dalles.