The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY MAllOH 29, 1901 AN UNPARALLELED llECOlll). Exports from the United States J continue to increase, nml the fiscal i year 11101 seems destined not only to break all records, but perhaps touch the billion and a half line. 1 For the twelve months ending with ( February the total is 81,490, l!U,9Sf, ( and for the eight months of the fiscal year is si,ui),ik.),oi 4. urns mc record presented by the February statement of the treasury bureau of statistics at least suggests a billion I and a half record for the fiscal year U)0l, since the twelve months ending with February arc less than $10,000, 000 below that sum, and the eight' months of the Gscal year are &1.V; 000,000 above the proportion which eight months of the twelve included in the fiscal year would be called upon to furnish of a 81,f00,000,000 total. No eight months' period in the history of American export trade shows so large a total of exports as the eight months ending with Feb ruary, 1001. The total exports during that period are, as above indicated, $1, 015,185,074, against $919,4:73,471 in the corresponding months of last year, and $G02,GGG, 871) in eight months of the fiscal year 189G, having thus increased more than 50 per cent in five years. The favorable balance of trade, or excess of exports over imports, shows an even greater increase, being 492, 224,904 for the eight months ending with February, against 304,219,897 in the same months of the preceding fiscal year, and $61,472,0-10 in eight months of the fiscal year 1S9G. No eight months' period in the History of this country's export trade has shown as large exports or as large an excess of exports over imports as that ending with February, 1901, and no twelve months' period end ing with February shows exports so large or so large an excess of exports over imports as the twelve months' period ending with February, 1901. ALLEGED EDITORIAL WIT. The next time Admiral Sampson blows down the muzzle he should take more care to ascertain whether it is loaded. The next time Secretary Hay opens negotiations with Great Britain on the canal question he should do it with a spade. Ella Wheeler Wilcox asks: "What is platonic love?" But why tell her? 8he wouldn't understand it anyway. Times -He raid. Tammany's band of purifiers has decided to abandon its work. This must be a staggering blow to purity. Montana Record. It is little enough reference to the president s Second inauguration, that one good term deserves another. Brooklyn Eagle. I An Oregon lir log is soon to be taken to Buffalo to be exhibited. It will be about G2 by ;) feet, and will have on one side, "Put Me Off at Buffalo." Besides this it will take fifteen freight cars to carry the Oregon exhibit. Guess people will know where the Oregon rolls after awhile, says the Albany Democrat. Now that President Lytic, ot the Columbia Southern, has withdrawn his entire force of grade's (one roan) from the projected Lyle and Golden dale railroad, word comes to tho Sentinel that certain Boston capital ists are figuring on an electric line over the sarre route. mmmmmi There is a newspaper war in Gol-! dendalo and "Hrainless Hilly Byars" and "Nonothing Bahble Brooks" arc IUO COUllUimuiHluy UimilOIS villli are , , local politicians who used to he us "thick" as two blind Bisters. Quality and not quantity makes De Witt's Little Early Kieers such valuable little h?r pilla. Glarke & Falk'e P. O, Pharmacy, Take two to night and you will be well to morrow. Bald win's Health Tablets. They cure sickhead ache, chronic constipation and make sick people well50 doses 25c U. V. Tnnsill, the Chicago millionaire cljrar man (of Tansill's Punch jc Cinnr fame,) mu-s: 'llaldwiu' Health Tablets are the best remedy for constipation, billloujness and tor pid liver I have ever ed." Portland, ost. EDWARD I.. BALDWIN CO., I find your Health Tablets excellent for constipation, sick-headache and dvspepsia. GKO. llAKlilt Of Oeo. DaUer & Co., Auctioneers. Clarke it Falk, The Dalies. Ortpon. M.J. Shields & Co., ('rowers and Iriporter!- ol nil kinds of Grass and Field SEEDS Wc can name seed for evergreen pasture in your section of the country. Why prospect with untried seeds? With lifteen years' of perconnl experience In Browing, also with the experience of the Agricultural Colleges at Moscow and Pullman, we submit the followlnj list of seeds out of u hundred different kinds tried: Bromns Inermus, Tall Meadow risque, English Blue Grass, Tall Meadow Oat Grass, Italian Eye Grass, English Rye Grass, Plat-Stemmed Blue Grass, Orchard Grass. Those them nro r'r.KSH SKKDs wo are (-rowers of aud will guarantee icsults aud prices. We are also growers and importers of Clovers, Alfalfas. I'eiid, Corn, Wheat, liusginn Spoil:, Millets ami ull kinds of Field Heeds. Try our Mixed Grass Seeds for evergreen pasture on ury grounu, f 10 per iuu, or -,vc per pouna. For references wo cite you to W J Spillman. Professor of Agriculture at the Agricultural Col lege at Pullman, ash., and 11 r trench. Pro fessor of Agriculture at the Idaho State Univer sity, Moscow. Idaho. I 'or prices and further information address 31. J. SHIELDS & CO., 9feb3m MOSCOW, IDAHO, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vaxcouvkh, WiuOi., Fcbiuury is, laoi. i Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice ol his Intention to make tiual proof in mpport ot his claim, aud that said proof will be made before W. li. Pre by, U. S. commihiioner for District of Washing ton, at (ioldendale, Wash,, on Wednusduv, April a, l'JOl, viz.: Irving II. Iturlmr, ofl.ylo P. O., Washington, who made II. K. No. 'Jira, for the N'KJi of tec 'J7, in Tp 3 N, P. l'J K W. M. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. : Jesse J. snider and Vernon T. Hinshaw, each of (ioldendale P. O., Wash., James O. I.yle and Ira 15. Hewett, each of I.yle P. O., Washington. fJO W. P.. Du.VBAB, Ueglster. Sheriff's Sale. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an ex ecution issutd out of tho Circuit Court of the .State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the'Jlst day of February, 1901, in a suit therein pending wherein William Kim d is plaintlll and William 1', Helm and Elizabeth M Helm and E. W. Helm are defendants, to me directed, I will, on Satur day, the'i'd day of March, 1901, at the hour of i! o'clock p. m., at tho court house door In Dalles City. Oregon, sell at public sale to the highest bi'lder for casli in hand, all of the following de scribed real property situated in said Viisu Counts, to-wlt: lts 1 and ' .-mil the sonth(a-it quarter of the northeast quarter of section t, ( township 3 south, range II east, and the touth to Sav With east 'I'mrter and the southeast quarter of tho J . northeast quarter of section W.townshinJ south. "'nxo chs, . .'i.,iosaiist)- u certain jm'g I went rendered In said court and cause on said 1 .'1st day of February, H01, for the sum of ?17J(i.:;7 and interest at ten iter cent ner milium, nii.1 f-??,,',,t0" ' co,,t', ,au!1 """"' Ier annum and fill Aft and Interest at ten per cent ner annum and uccrulni? enstx. I KOIU'UT KI'I.LY. Sherlil'ol WascoCounty. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lanij Office at Vanccuvkb, Wash,, ( eh. '16, 11)01 ) Notice Is hereby given that tho following named t-ettler has Hid notlco of his Intention to make final nroof in Miimortof his claim, mid I that tmld proof will be made beforo W. II. riesoy, uimed states commissioner for district of Washington, at his office In (Ioldendale, Wush., on Saturday, At'ill 13, I'M, viz.: William A. Keen, II. K. No. loan, for lotsfi, C, 8, 9 and 10, section 10, township 2 north, range is east, V. M. He nameK the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz; Andrew L. iiiinnell, (,'eorge I., Iiuniiell, Alby M. Hunnell and Miles Mulligan, all of Center ville P.O., Washington. I'lCli'-' W. It, DIJNIIAlt, Ueglster. Citation. In the County Court of tho State of Oregon for Wasco County. In the matter of tho estate of Emma May Crom. well,deceaeil: To Frederick M. Cromwell, JMIth MavCrom- weH1'reeu'ng-ronuvcl1 ""a ilvt'iu ',r"," In tho name of tho state of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby cited mid iciinlred to ap iiearin the County Court of the State of Oregon Inr Wukfii tVinritv. 11 1 lliri Vfurth .i.rni ..f ..l.i court, ai inocomi room -ncrvoi. at Dalles city. 1" said couutv, on Thursday, tho 'Jijth day ol March, 1001, at 2 a clock In the afternoon of said day, then aud there to ihow cause, If any exist, why an oidei of sale should not bo mudu direct lug F, Dayton, the administrator of the estate of Kinmu May Cromwell, deceased, to sell tho real property described as belonging to said estate as follows, to wit: Lot neven In tho town of lielmout. W asco County, Oregon. Witness tho Hon, George C. lilakeley, Judge of tho said county court, with the seal at Mid court afllxed, this 2.1th qay of February, IK) I. (ska. A. E, LAKH, Clerk. 27 Drying preparations simply devel op dry cntnrrh ; thoy dry up tho secretions, which adhcro to tho incutbrnuo nud decom pose, cnusingnfnr moro serious troublo than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes nud snuffs nnd uso Unit which cleanses, soothes aud heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such n remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily nnd pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho COc. sizo. Ely Jlrothors, fit; Warren St., N. Y. Tho ltolm cures without paiu, docs not J irritate or causo snoozing. It spreads itself over an irritated nml angry surmco, roliov ing immediately tho painful intlanimiition. With Ely's Cream Halm you nro armed against Nasul Catarrh nud Bay Foyer. BUSINESS LOCALS. You will not have boils if you L Clarke & Falk's sure cure tot bolls. Clarke & Fulk have on sale n full line of paint and artist's brushes. Biovcles at $23.00, $:?3.00, $-10.00 and toO.OO, at Moier & Kenton's. ni20-lw A full line of Eastman films nnd sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Hustling young man can mako ftiO per mouth aud expenses, Permanen.1. post tiou. Experience unnecessary. Writ quick .for particulars. Clark A C: Fourth and Locust Streets, Pliilailel- hpia, Pa, sS-ti SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland aud way stations ai -i: jo a. m. aim a p. m. Leave Portland S:S0 a m " Albany PJ.SOa m Arrive Ashland 12:Siii m " Sacramento 5:00 p m " San Francisco 7:4) pin 7:00 p m 10:i"O p m lliHOa m I ;.'! a m it: 1.1 a m Arrive Ogdnn " Denver " Kansas City. . " Chicago 5:4") a m 9:00 a m 7:'J." :i m 7:4.1 a in 11:1.1 a m u:00a m 7:'J.l a m 9::X)nm Arrive Los Angeles 1 :J0 p m " El Paso 6:00 p m " Fort Worth 6:ftn m " City of Mexico U:,V a ru " Houston 4:00 a m " New Orleans tirJonm " Washington fi:jam " New York iMpm 7:00 a m 0:00 p m fi;: a m y:;V a m 1:00 a m OrJo m t',- a a m l'J'43 p m Pullman nnd Tourist cars on both trains Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso, anil lourisi cars to (.nicago, st .louis, ftew ur leans aud Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, central and south America. See agent at The Dalles station, or add. cms C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAP. KOL'IE FKOM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIP.Et'T LINK TO THE YELLOW SI ONE PAP.K. tEiVK. Union Depot, Fifth and I sts . akrivk. No. 2. Fast mail for Tacoma, No. 1 Peattle, Olympia, (Iray'K ! Harbor and South lieud I points, Spokane, Hoss-, .land, li. C, Pullman, .Moscow, Lewlston, liuf 11:15 A. M.tfalol lump mining conn-' 5;M l',.M, try, Helena, MlnueaiH- Ills, Ht. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all iioiuts1 No. I. least and southeast. No. 3. ' Paget sound Express U;30 P.M. for 'I'acoma and Seattle 7;00 A. M. and intermediate points Pullman first-class and tourist sleejerii to Mlnne.ipolK St. Patiluud Missouri river points without change. Vostlbuled trains. Union denot connectloiiH in all principal cities. Haggago cnecKeu to destination of tickets, For handsomely lllimiatcd descriptive matter, tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call ou or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 'AV MorrI son Street, corner Third, Portlund Oregon. NOTICK FINAL SETTLK.MKNT. Notice Is hereby given tint tlie uudersigned has tiled, with tho clerk of theconntv court of tho State of Oregon for Wasco county, his final account as executor of the lust w III and testa ment of MarvJ. lieuley, deceased, and said county court lias, by an order made on the 5th day of March, 11)01, llxed tho fcth day of April, 1001, at the hourol 1 o'clock ii, in,, as the time and the county court room of said county, in Dalles Citv. Oregon. as the nlacu for tho heariiiL' of objections tosiild final account. my ii. s. uu .Mi.Mi ion, Kxccuior. BO YEARS EXPERIENCE L trade marks Designs Copyrights Ac. A nyono tending n iketch and deicriptlon im' nnlcklv ascertain our onlnlon free wlitllicr u , Invention In probably patentable. C'oniiuunlrf I Ions ntrlctlr coiiUdentlal. Handbook on t'ateuti lent tree. reo. Oldoit agency for securing patents, ii.ta taken through iluriu ft to. rttelvu I notice, without cbariio. In tbo raiviii ilit clan scieNfliK American. A handtoinelr lllntrt1 weekly. lUrgMt lr. culaUuii of .nnr (cientllln journal,. Teriiui. $'i a rear t foil r nionl bi, L bold by all newsdealer". fiUNNCo.h. New York Branch Ottloa. tBti V BU Waihloulon, Ii. C Souinern Pacific Co lin Paci mm Oregon Shot lime and union Pacific DHl'AUT f'Ol! TIME SCHEDULES I KKOM THE DALLES. AlllttVK ntoM ("hioago Portland Special. p. in. via llunt iugtou. Salt Lake, Denver, l-'t. Worth, Omalia, Kiiii sasClty, St. Uiuls, Clil cago aud the East. 1;0." i. in, Atlantic lCxpress, PJirt) a. m. via 1 1 ti 11 1 ingtou. St. Paul Fast Mall, ' in. Via Spo kane. 'Salt Lake, Denver. Ft, i Worth, Omaha, Kail- sasClty.St. Louis, Chi cago aud the East. l:l,ln. m. Walla Walla, Lewistou, 1 hpokano.Wallace.l'ull i man, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Dulutli,.Milwnii. kee, Chicago and East. a. in. OCEAN AND EIVER S0HEDULE From rortlunil. (All sailing dates suli j Ject to change ) i For San Francisco, Sail every 5 i!as. 0:00 p. in. 1:00 p. in. Daily except Sunilay, 6:011 p. in. Satiirdnv, 10:oo p. in. Dally Columbia ltlvnr. To Astoria aud Way Uiudings. 1:00 p. m. except Sunday. Wllliimettii ltlvnr. Oregon City, Newberg, Salem, Independeiu'e, aud Nay-Uiudiugs. except Minilay, ti:00 a. m. :;ui p. in. except Sunday. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, C:00 a. in. t::U) p. m. Monday, Weilnesdcy Friday. !I:S0 p. m. (,'orvallls and Way landings. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7:00 a. m. AVIIlHinotKt nml VhjiiIiIII Ittvurs. Monday, Oregon Citv, Davtou aud Wednesday Way-Ijindlugs. r-rlday. Leave Klparla dallv, .1:40 a. m. Snuki) KlTor. Leave lewlston daily, S:IJ0a. in. HIparia to Lewistou. Parties Jeslrlng to go to llennner or (MjinLs on Columbia Southern via lliggs, should take No. a, leaving The Dalle at Vi;'2: p. ni. making direct connections at llcppuer junction and lliggs. Returning makiui'dirttcoiiiiectlon at Heppner junction ami lliggs with tNo. 1, ar- uvtug hi ine uaues ar i ;u,) p. 111. For further particulars, call on or address JAri. IltELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. Notice. Ily virtue of the order and direction of the Council of Dalles City, as by resolution hereto fore adopted, notice is hereby given that the Council of Dalles City has determined to estab lish sidewalks and crosswalks for Tenth street In Gates' Addition to Dalles Citv, and for Clay street, In lllull Addition to Dalfe.s City, as lollows- A sidewalk commencing tit a point where the east line of Court street would Intersect the northern boundary line of the school property of School District No. 1J, of Wasco County, Ore gon, said property being known as the academv grounds, if nld line would be extended to said northern boundary line, ami running thence easterly to the iinrtheait corner of said property of said school district aud abutting on the northern line of said property. A sidewalk commencing at the northwest cor ner of block No. .1, and running easterly to the northeast corner of said block No. .1. and abut ting on the northern boundary Hue of said bio kNo.-i. A crosswalk running straight across li street and Joining on the west the sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary Hue of said block No. 5, and Joining on the east a sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary lino of block No, ii. A sidewalk CMnmeucing a', the northwest corner of said block No. r, aud running easterly to the northeast corner of said block arid abut ting on the northern boundary line of said block No. 0. A crosswalk running straight across C street and joining on the west tho sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary line of said block No C, and joining a sidewalk abutting on the north, em boundary II no of block No. 7. A sidewalk commencing at the northwest corner of block No. 7, and running easterly to tno northeast corner of said block No. 7, and abutting on the northern boundary line of said block No. 7. A crosswalk running straight across I) street and joining on tho west the sidewalk iihiitiini. on tho northern boundary lino of said block No. 7, and Joining on thoeast a sidewalk abutting uu iiie iiorineru oouuiiary nnooi mock Mi. t, A sidewalk commencing at tho northwest corner ol blook No. Sand running easterly 100 feet, ami abutting on the northern boundary line of said block No. 8. That said Tenth street anil tint nnim.rlv nl.nt ting thereon being In dates Addition to Dalles City, and all tho other above desetlbed streets, blocks and property being In Hlull' Addition to Dalles City, h'ald above described sidewalks to bo six feet in width ami to hit niistriicled In ue cordancn with the ordinances In rclatlmt in ilm construction of sidewalks. Halt! crosswalks to be constructed In accord ance with tho ordlnancesof thoclty in relation to the construction theieof. That the. cost of said sidewalks and crosswalks are to bojasn-ss d against tho property benefited inereoy, ucconiing 10 mo laws 01 Dalles City. Ill witness whereof I have licn-iiiitn un hand and tho corporate seal of .Dalles City this, the '.".'nd day of March, 11)01. ISKA'-.I MSI) II. (i A TKh, meh'.V-Mt Itecorder of Dalles City. Notice No. 2 Is to all perPoiiH inilobted to tlm late firm of K. J. Collins A Co. nnd H. L. UrookB to call anil eettlo thoir account or noto. hb tho ctaen may bo, by the lot of April ; otlicrwim tho uccoiiiHh will bu put Into tho IhuiiIh of our collector. You want the best, C. L. Phillips has it, in CHICKENS Hull' leghorns u apccinlty. Kttrity. Oamo to my -jIoco, etwon miltta woat of Tho Dttllee, tint of Novouibor laat, a black Jersey ateer, two yours old ; email split in each ear; no brand yieiblo. Owner, can bavo same by proving owner ati i p and paying all obargec NO Gt J. P, AomiuB. I Bicycles Our now Columbias Hartfords Videttes Lurncat lot. of wIipoIh over brought to (IiIh city. Cull nnd huh tliom. MAYS t GIVEH AWAY. With ovory dollnr'H wortli of irondH purehnBtul t my Htoro for tho next .Sixty Days, 1 will ivo ono clinnco on tho following pri.oH : I First p;izt' 1 Ohiii'h Gold Watch and Chain o StM'iiud prize 1 1'idioiT Gold Wntidi nnd Chain II Third rrizi' 1 Kiiiokintr .Set Fourth priKti I Hilvor Huttor Dinh nnd lluttor Knifo 5 Filtu prize 1 wot Silver Knivea nml Forks In addition to givinu' iiu'iiv tlu.'Hi' (irizen 1 will noil uoods hh low uh tho lowoat, nnil (uurnnleu my (nods to be frt'-ih. (iivo mo u triul. ROBERT TEAGUE. Speaking of Blood Medicine : Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing that ciiroH. Do not fortriit it; wo huvo it, nt 75c por bottlo Murt-o bottles); imruntood, or you may (jot your iii'iney bunk if nut H.itinliod. IN COMPOUNDING- PRESCRIPTIONS wo oxornpe tin L'rontoHt oaro. Wo carry tbo tit'Ht and uso tbo bunt in com puundiiiK your pliveiciittiH ordorH. Our priccK wo mako iih low uh iw ciniHiHtuiit witii cllicionl fiorvico. We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything iipportainini to Drue, 1'atout Modiuinoa, SundricH and Photograph Snpitliue. G-EORG-E C. BLAKELEY. F- S. GUNfllflG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker... i)i;.M,i:u in Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Alien t for lini-soll Co, s ICnulnes, 'I'hreihers and haiv Mlih. Tolopliono lfi". I. DHL' Ib'Htauco 107o. J. E. FALT & CO., 5 Proprietors of Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of tlio Oily. Phonos : 51 Local, 858 l.otiK Distance. 1 L. Lane, UKNKKAI, Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothors Wagon. I Third and JclTeron. Pfioiic 159 J.K. HCUHNCK, Prenldent, Max a, Voot. t.'axhlu) First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREC.ON A General Banking Busineaa tranaacted Depoeite received, aubiect to Hlirlit Draft or Check. Collection! matin and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Nhw York, Ban Francisco am! porl 2and. 2 ?a"0 JNO. B. BOMMUX, Eo. M. WauAMB, Gko. A. Liang. H. M. Bkaii. Floral lotion will, cure .wind oliapplng and sunburn, Manufactured by O'arke & Falk. BiacKsmnn ...AND... Horsesnoer - Bicycles Btonk rocuived. i Ramblers Stormers Pennants CROWE. Cor. Secouil & Lauslilin Sis., THE DALLES. OR. "The Owl." 9 173 Second Street. Jast What You want. Nuw ideas in Wall 1'apor hero. Such wide variety m we are showing novor bo foro (jrucod a single stock. Reul imitrt tion croton oHocts at ordinary prict-H. Gootl pupurs at choati paper prices. Klcgunt deaigiiH, tasteful coloriiiKH, yoiirri for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also.a full line of house puintH. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. U Resiauram h. Y, HonK, l'rop'r. FiPst-CIass in Etey fiespect UKAI.H AT ALT. IlOIIUIt. Oysters Served in any Style. n- H(ond St., The Dalle". Or.