Chronicle- VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 29, 1901. NO. 47 Z)c Dalits HERMANN WILL NOT REMAIN Retention Made Impossible by Friction With Hitchcock Tendered Another Position.!iN(inN'i March -8. It Iiiih prac tically been determined that Hermann will not nun u in commissioner of thn m'iinral liiml oflice, Wlillu thu president spunks well of Hermann, Ins cannot have liim a subordinate to Hitchcock, in view nf the friction tlmt cxistB. Hermann has bi'un tendered u place on tho Civil Ser vice CominiHHion, lint us lliiH is a re duction both in salary and importance In: (Ini'H not like to make the chance. Tin' president (1oih not want to dninp i lurniaii ii mil in the cold, and the Civil 'crviee CnniniiHsifiiii'rHhip was suggested to let liim dow n easy. George I). Meiklfjnhn, cx-assistant secretary of war, is mentioned today hh fIe.rinanii'H successor, fie lout hiii former place in making a tight for the i-cnate, lint it ih iinderHtood lie contributed hifl full Hliare in the choice of two republi can", and may be recognized for hit! party loyalty. Willi Tln-y Am. Omaha, Neb., March J8. Joseph II. Millard and Charles II. Dietrich, who wureulected today United Stales senators from Nebraska, are both huukcrH and neither had been prominent in polities' until within the IiihI half year. .loHuph II. Millard wuh born in Hamil ton, Canada, in lHIKi, and went to Ne braska at the age of "0 years, since which time he Iiuh been a resident ol Omaha. He wuh the minder o( the Omaha Nation al Hunk, of which iiiHtitution he in still the president. Ho was for many years director of the Union Pacific Railroad, but Iiuh not been connected with the road under the new organizittiim. Liu liriH never held any olllce of any kind be fore, and hiivh he Iiuh not been iiiHide the state capitol for lli years. He will leave for Lincoln Huh afternoon. CharleH II. Dietrich, who was elected for the abort term, iH governor of Ne hrinka, and preHideiit of the German National Bank of Hastings. He was born al Aurora, 111., in 1851!, and came to thiH Htate in 18S7. Prior to his 4 Tho Kind You Have Ahvnys Bought, and which has beeu in use for over 30 years, has horno tho signature of and has been made under his per-iy- sonal supervision since its infancy., 7Z &cc&t Allow no ouo to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trillo with nnd endanger the health of Infants nnd Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstorin is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It vuontalns neither Opium, Morphine uor other Narcotic Mibstance. Its ago is its guaraute'e. It destroys Worms and allays Fovorishiiess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Coustipatiou nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS SI Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TUT OINTAUH COMMNV, rt muhway tiuit. wtw vow CITY. nominiition for governor on the re publican ticket last year he hud never been in politics. He had been a promi nent nnd respected citizen and one of the best-known bankers of the state. Governor Dietrich's election to the United iStates senate will raise Lieutenant-Governor Savng'i to the office of governor, which the former will vacate on bin qualification as senator. Nnw I'liimr Fur HnHttln. Si:a'jtm:, Murcb 2S. Every newspaper man and every politician in the Htate of Washington is watching with eager eyes the outcome of the present movements of Leigh S..1. Hunt, who, it is persistently rumored, is soon to start, a morning daily paper in Seattle. Articles of incorpora tion were filed in the superior court yes terday for the Wiishinirtonian Publish ing Company, of Seattle, to publish in this city a daily, weekly or monthly newspaper. The filing of those papers bus canned the lonu-Htniiiiing speculation iih to whether or not Mr. Hunt would Htm t a new paper to break out with new vigor. Hot on the heels of the filing of the articleH comes the information that Mr. Hunt's paper iH to be started in a very short time, about four months, and that he will support S. H. Piles, of this city, for United States senator in the coming campaign. This has caused the political warriors to don their war paint, and to scrutch their heads in an endeavor to think up some teheme to thwart this thing becoming an accomplished fact. I.OHNt'H III A rotit!nn. Hrr.xos Avuns, March 28. A bulletin just icMied by the chamber of commerce says that the foot and mouth disease and the inundations have caused more losses to Argentine farmers than has bu'ju the general believe. It te estimated that in the last year ubout 14,000,000 sheep perished, including aluiOBt the whole product of lilUU. The loss in wool is estimated at 35,000,000 kilos. Cattle also suflered, but leso than sheep. Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. L'o cts and 50 els. Blakeley, the druggist. See that yon get the original De Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo when you ask for it. The genuine is a certain cure tor piles, sores and skin diseases. Clarke A Talk's P. O. Pharmacy. mmm Signature of Ilcrlmrt Spnncor an Invalid. Ni:w VoitK, March 28. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: Tho health of Herbert Spencer remains very poor. Ho recently wrote a pathetic letter to a friend in which fie savs that fie can not work, can write only a few lines and reads little. His days are spent on a lounge near a window looking out on the sea at Brighton. The philosopher lives quietly and seldom leaves his room. His income is mainly drawn from the sale of his books in America, his copy right there having yielded him $4730 in tho last six months. The works of four leading scientific writers in England in the last quarter of a century now have a steady sale in America, whereas the demand for them has fallen off here. The publications have paid in the last six months royalties amounting nearly to $10,000 to Herbert Spencer and the heirs or executors of Darwin, Huxley and Tyndall. Thesales of Spencer's and Darwin's books lead tfiose of Huxley and Tyndall. Catarrh Uumiot lie Cured, with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hali's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucouB surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country lor yeers, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifierB, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. .1. Chkney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 75c. Hall'B Family PillB are the best. 12 To Iteclalm Arid Lauds. Washington, March 28. Several parties from the geological survey, com prising in all about 100 men, will begin about April 1st work on the California Nevada border what is expected to involve an immense amount of labor and the ultimate expenditure of about $10,000,000, distributed over a period of about 10 years. This is a pioject to build large reservoirs on the California side of the California-Nevada border line and the reclamation oi the tertile lands on the Nevada side. Chief Hyprographer F. H. Newell said today that the lack of conservation of the water sources ac counts for h steady loss of population in Nevada. The parties which will begin operations shortly will work mainly along the Truckee, Carson and Walker rivers. They will measure the volume of streams, thecupacity of reservoirs and estimate the cost of building them. In the valleys the water which can be used to best utl vantage will be ascertained. White Alan Turned Yellow. Great cousternation was felt by the frieuds of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington, Ky., when they saw he was turning yel low. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he sutlered terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He was treated by the best doctors, but without beuefit. Then he was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, and he writes : "After taking two bottles I was wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 'Joe. Sold by G. C. Blakeley, the druggiBt. 0 Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in tsvelve home, or money refunded. 23 cts. and 50 cte. Blakeley the druggist. Pa! n I your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Nasal CATARRH In nil ltd BtaccB tuero should lie cleanliness. Ely's) Cream Dahii clriuiM'8,flootui'4 anil heals tho diseased mt'iiibrniio. It cures catarrh anil drives away a cold hi tlio head nl..Lrlv. I! ream Balm U placed Into tho nostrils, spreads over tho membrane, and Is absorbed. Itellof la im mediate and a euro follows. It Is not dryhi;-loci not produce sneering. I.nro Size, DO cents at Drug gists r by wall; Trial 8Ue, 10 cents by mall. M,Y 1KK)TUES, 50 Warren Street, New York. You can't help but admire the perfect fit of our new spring suits. Such tailor ing is rarely equalled never surpassed. Our Pure Worsted Suits at $10.00 are world-beaters. Made in the pre vailing 4-button sack style ol blue serge (plain or with a hair-line stripe,) black diagonal clay worsted, or of Amer ican crepe worsted all guaranteed pure worsted, and fast color all sizes from 35 to 44. $10. a Suit Onestlon AuMweredi Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything elsn for indigestion and biliousness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regu late the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and orgauic action of the sys tem, and that is all they took when feel ing dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doees of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there iB nothing Berious the matter with you. Get Green's prize almanac, Clarke & Falk's. 1 STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING- Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company, at the company's otfice in The Dalles, on Sat urday, April G, 1001, at '' o'clock p. in., lor the purpose of electing seven di rectors and transacting such other business as may propel ly come before said meeting, liy order if the president. The Dalles, Oregon, March 5, 1901. lm L. E. Ciiowk, Sec'y. Iiil Couldn I lliive Mood It, If he'd had Itching Piles. They're terribly annoying; but UucUen's Arnica Salve will cure the worst case of piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For In juries, Pains or IJodily Eruptions it's tho best salve in the world. Price 'Jot! a box. Cure guaranteed. SoldbyG.C. Blakeley, tho druggist. (5 The stomach contiolsthe situation. Those who are hearty and strong are those who can eat and digest plenty of food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and allows you to eat all the good food von want. If you sutler from iiiiliirectiiiii, heartburn, belching or any other stomach trouble, this prepara tion can't help but do you good. The most suneative stomachs can take it. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Cleveland IHcyi'lex, The 1001 models of Cleveland bicycles just received, Call and see them. iu20-lw Maikh & Bknton. Olarke & Falk have received a carload of tho celebrated James E, Pattou Btrictly pure liquid paints Suits ar?d Suit made nf an Ox ford gray Venitian, trimmed in bl'k braid, ellk lined jack- p. et; price plO Golf skirt made of a plaid-back gray Oxford, rough-faced all-wool material; heavily stitched around bot; n torn ; price, q3.0U 1 A. M. WILLIAMS & COMPANY. Great Northern Second Street, opposite Olwrr House. Wo oiler for a limited period the twice-a-week Chkonicu:, price $1.50, and the Weekly Oregoiiitui, price $1.50, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions under this oiler must be paid in ad vance. f Early Hose seed potatoes for gale at the Stadelmaii Comm. Co. lufi-lin' Counterfeits of DuWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve are liable to cause blood poisoning. Leave them alone, The original lias the name DeWitt's upon the box and wrap per. It is a harmless and healing salvo for skin diseases. Unequalled for piles, Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. Skjrts 0k Walking Skirt of a beautiful light brown Venitian, he a v i 1 y stitched around bot tom, stitched seams; pocket; price The SAHLIN Perfect Form and Corset Com bined Something New Come in and see it. Special Sale.... Having received our complete line of Household GoudB which our manager lias purchased of eastern manufacturers, and being crowded for store space, we concluded to give special bargains in Carpets, Mattings nnd Linoleum as follows : Ingrain Carpets. Good Ingrain 40c per yard Half Wool 50c " All-Wool, guaranted 00c " Extra Heavy 70c " " Kajahs, heavy 00c " Flemish Tapestry $1.00 ' " The above prices includes sewed, laid and lined. Brussels Carpets. 8-wove Tapestrv G5c per vard 10-wove " " 75c Asminister $1.00 " " Matting, Linoleum and Oil Cloth at correspondingly low prices. Ilemember our great line of Beautiful Buggies and Heclining Go-Carts. Furniture Co., THE DALLES, OREGON. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy Janiea E. Patton's sit a proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. "il For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sain by Blake ley, the druggist. Remember that you don't have to be bald ; you can keep your hair by using CocoautH Cream Hair Tonic. To bo had at Frazer's barber shop. tf Olarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your a' 'cer for them.