Another MASTER-STROKE in Tailor-Made Suits These are the most advanced one of New York's best manufacturers could turn out. Every suit handsomely tailored. Made from Zibelines, Broadcloths, Coverts and Poplins. Beyond doubt this is the finest collection of suits ever gotten together in The Dalles. Silk Waists i$te ' Received by express this morning, Thursday. Every gar ment is a dream, in beauty and workmanship. Every Waist different. All Goods Marked In Pluln Figures The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TIM'li-l) Y MARCH UK. 1901 Oysters served in any style. At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All IVhuiiii County wurrHiit Dicinttirnil prliir to hxptitmltttr I, IHII7, will lm )ntlil on ii'Hiiiitllon lit my ittllrn, JuturtiHt 'miihhk urtur NovmiiiImii' Silt, 11MIO. JOHN I'. IIAMI'MIIUK, County TriiMiirr. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A full line of Hit) colebruted Dent gloves for ladies was received toduy by IVase ft Maya. A marriage license was issued today by County Clerk Like to Charles Bunn mid Florence Jordan. Ladles can have their goods accordion plaited at Pease A Mays'; any width up lo twtiuty incliHH. Antoriu han organized a new commer cial club, with A. Heherneekau no presi dent. The club starts out with a meiii neruhip of 150. Wus l'almateer, of Dnfur, Iibb routed tliu .!. W. Akin residence on Benton street and moved IiIh family to the city to get the benefit of our public hcIiooIh. Mr. I'almuteor baa gonu to work in the 1'ayotto fuud yurd. . l. II. Curl has sold IiIh house and lob on Kleveuth street, between Liberty and Lincoln, to Joe Knebol. Mr. Curl baa bought what ia known as thu "Sower" itrowu place on Thirteenth Htreet, be-, tweun Lincoln and Liberty. U TIuho who were ho unfortunate aa to maa hearing I'uloma last night, may consider themselves favored, in liaviiiK mi oiportuiuty to avail tbemuelvea of the privilege- atlbrded by a second con curt tomorrow night at tlio Vogt, L ist night the directors of the (Jen tloman'a Driving Association opened bida for the lumber for fencing the race track, when the bid of Joseph T. Peters k Co., of this city, was found to be the lowest and they were uwarded the con tract. An exchange saya Mint an editor was blessed the other day. Kather strange Htateinent. A baby boy came to his trmlt). furnished home. A little slater "xamined the tiny tot and asked tbo father: "Did you get him on advortis too, papa?" Since word came here of General I'uiiston'B capture of Aguinttldo, the local democratic war horses have it all fixed that Roosevelt aud Funs ton would 1,tJ u might? hard pair to beat. Just lw they know that Funston la a re publican we cannot tell, but we suppose FIRST SHOWING TODAY. PEASE it is from the inner consciousness that all good meu either are or ought to be republicans. The members and friends of the Methodist church are especially re quested to be preHeut at the prayer meeting this evening. This will he the first meeting since the revival. Matters of interest and importance will be pre sented this evening'. Philanthropic Portland women will establish a "Noon Rest" for working girls aud women near the business cen ter of the city. Their working' brothers find their noon rest about some cigar store or saloon. This Is the difference, says the Kugene Guard. The ladies of St. Paul's Guild are working hard over their approaching sale aud promenade concert, which comes oil" on Monday evening, April 8th, at the ISaldwiu opera house. It prom ises to be an aflair of unusual interest in these times of interesting ad'airs. There is wood in the Philippines so bard tiiat the natives use it for nails in br.lldlrig botiBeB of softer woods. For want of a better name the Americans call it "bullet wood." It is made into nails five inches long. It is said the natives have been using bullets made ol. this wood. The Portland Telegram saya the freight rate on wool from Arlington to Hoston has been reduced from $1.05 to $1.50 per 100. It alao aaya the tariff on wool from Arlington to The Dalles has been changed from 05 cents per 100 to !!5 cents per 100, or nearly cutting the former rate in two. - Mr. and Mrs. Iloer B. Sinnott will leave in about a week for Portland, where thev will make their future home and where Mr. Sinnott will resume the .practice of law, which has been inter rupted siuco the death of his father, winch made a temporary attendance on .i... ..r .. Mie inisuitian ui uiu muni u iiiJvunoiij. Senator Mitchell lias returned from New York to Washington, and is at the Dewey, where he will remain two weeka attending to department business, be fore returning to Oregon. Saturday livening a dinner was given him by Na thaniel McKay, which was attended by Jommissioner Hermann, Keprosonta Ives Grnsveuor, Dick and other mem- lbors of eongrosB. "Well, Maggie," asked a teacher of a little ulrl, "how it is you are so late in coming to school today V" "Please, sir," was the reply, "mere was a wee bairn cam' to oor boose this mornin'." "Ah," said the teacher, with a smile, "and wasn't your father very pleased with the new halivV" "No, sir; my faither is awa' in Edinburgh the' disnu ken about it yet ; but it was u guid thing ma inither was at hame, for gin she hud been awa' I wadna hue kent what tao dae wl't. St. Andrews Ga zette. This afternoon, at about 1 :15 o'clock, a lady living in rooms that overlook u Merchandising. 1 fl OSS5S&- Spring Styles & MAYS. good portion of Second street, saw a large volume of smoke ascend out of the big metal funnel of Much bakery, and, not waiting to see the source of the smoke, lost her head and telephoned the central office that there was a fire at the back of Hitch's grocery store. Of course the fire alarm was rung in and the usual hurrying to and fro followed ae the fire laddies responded to the call with their usual promptitude, and the net result iB that the city is about $20 poorer, all because somebody hadn't the fore thought to ask Mr. liuch what was the matter with the fire in the bakeoven. Jt iB beyond our power to write a technical criticism of the concert given last night at the Vogt by little Paloma and Karla Schramm. We do wish to say, however, that the splendid work of these two little girls more than met the expectations of tho audience, who were delighted with the masterly way in which the several numbers were ren dered. Paloma'e work is that ol a finished pianiste, while her little sister is not far beiiind, at. was demonstrated by the manner in which she played her solo number. The little performers de served a much larger house. As was announced last evening at tiie close of the performance, Paloma and Karla will give another recital tomorrow (Friday) evening, with an entire change of pro gram. At the Christian church last night the speaker commenced by calling attention to the fact that people were not saved by chance. God has a plan for every thing. The salvation of man is no ex ception to tho rule. The book of Acts is the only book in tiie Bible which con tains any account of this plan in operation under the Christian dispensa tion. The speaker then referred to the blackboard, on which lie had written six accounts of conversions, viz.: the l!,000, the Samaritans, the eunuch, Paul, Cornelius, and the Phillippian jailor. Kach case was taken up separately, and it was found that in God's plan man bad to believe, repent, confess and be baptized in order to receive the pardon of his sins. Good audience aud an in creased Interest every night. The sub ject for this evening : "Three States of Man, or Man in Time and Eternity." I'KltSONAI. MKNTION. Hd llanatlu ia registered at the Uma tilla House from Kent. Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Bolton are in the city from Antelope, Miss Currie Hutler, of Hood 1'iver, is visiting friends in tiie city. Mrs. Levi Clarke, who has been visit ing in the city, returned on the boat this morning to her home at Hood Kiver. G. W. Goodlake and family arrived here yesterday from Biltniore, North Carolina. Mr. Goodlake at once pro cured work in the Lane Brotheis' black smith shop. Coeoanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure dandruff and all scalp diseases, Don't neglect your hair. For sale at Frazer's bti ber shop, sole agent. tf 1 Klufteil the Cook. I klKxcd the cook. Ahmcl She wns divine Checks peachy, dnrlc-brown eyes, lips red ns wlncj IxinR npron with n bow, A rnr as white ah snow, Hy far too tempting, sol kissed the cook. I kissed the cook, this miRcl from the tklcs, And yet 1 did not take her by surprint. 'Twfis mean,. I will allow, Hut If you'll make the vow Tokeep It, Ml tell yon how 1 klsed the cook. I klsstd the cook, i'oor, hclrlC!" lltlla lnsx- Tho chance so Rood I could not lot It tuns. Her hands were In tho dough, She dare not spoil, jou know, My Su inlay suit, and so I kissed the cook. I klsvd tho cook. I might have been more strong, Hut then I guess It wasn't very wrong, Kor JuH 'tween you mid me, '1 he cook's my wife, Is she; So I'd aright, yon sec, to kiss the cook, Selected, At tlm Coiigr-i;it lonal Church. The service last night was well attend ed and a deep interest pervaded the con gregation. Alter a bright praise eervice, Mr. Clapp preached a manly, thought ful sermon based on the text "Lord re member me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom." This was the best service of the pres ent series, and much is expected of the meetings yet to be conducted. The con viction is gaining in the minds of all who have heard Mr. Clapp tiiat his method and spirit are exceptional. With him it is "Come, let ue reason to gether." There is nothing of the sensa tional order about his work. His is simply a plain, simple presentation of gospel truth as the truth appears to him. Mr. Poling sane a solo before the ser mon and Prof. Landers one after it last night. Tonight the subject will be "The Wedding of a Prince. The regular church quartet of male voices will sing a number this evening and Mr. Poling will sing as a solo "Saved by Grace." Service to begin promptly at 7 :30 o'clock. Assessor C. L. Schmidt expresees his determination to conform to the law in the matter of assessing the property of the county, and has so instructed all his deputies. The aesessors tnuBt, as far as practicable, inspect the property to be assessed and place their own values upon it, not allowing the owners to list the values as they do the property, as has been too often the case with all ae sessors lierelotore. iacn property owner, or agent, will be required to take oath that the list submitted "contains a full and correct statement of all property owned or controlled" by the affiant at 1 o'clock a. in. on the first day of March. As under the new law it does not matter, as far as the state tax is concerned, whether property is assessed at its full cbbIi lvalue or at one third, values will be increased to something bearing a nearer relationship to their equivalent in cash than has been the custom for many years. If this latter part of the program is carried out nobody need be surprised if the tax roll of 1901 shall show six million dollars' worth of prop erty in the county instead of three. The result, to the honest taxpayer, would be a decrease of taxes instead of an increase and a decrease in the rate that would make a good impression on would-be settlers or investors. Official announcement is made that the O. K. & N. Co., in addition to its experimental farm at Walla Walla and its cultivation of grasses in Morrow county, is about to establish a system of fruit warehouses in the Inland Empire. The first of these will be built at La Grande. The excavations for the foun- 1 If you are one of the men tuio believe that corns are . unavoidable, come in here! and J let's suriv you where you i are de-id vrong. Tfngree's "Governor" will do it, 1 Cost yc A. M, Williams $4. to fit d &c Company, out. Sole (Agents . " - - - dation will be made this week and the building will be completed in the fall. It will be of stone two stories in height, and will co6t about $10,000. The ground floor will bo for the cold storage of vege tables and general farm produce. ,The upper story will lie provided with mod ern facilities for keeping fruit cool and fresh. The fruit department will have a capacity of 0000 boxes of apples. These can be kept through the winter in good condition for tho most remunerative market in the spring. Other points, being considered aa suitable for the es tablishment of cold-storage plants are Hood Kiver, Tho Dalles, Hockford, Col fax, Waitsburg and Milton. The Dalles ia surely and steadily grow ing, both in business and population, in spite of all tho prophesies that we have been hearing for half a score of yearp. Old business houses have expanded and largely increased their stocks, while a list of the new ones that have started here in the past two or three years would surprise one who has never given the matter special attention. "There is hardly an empty house in town that is fit to live in," said Judgo Iirownhill, of the real estate firm of Hudson & Brown hill, to Thk Giiroxic'i.k, "and we have numerous applications that we cannot fill. Just to show you how it Ib let me tell you of a couple of incidents that happened, one yesterday and the other the day before. In each case a house was put in our hands for rent. In one case the house was rented and a mouth's rent received in advance in five min utes from the time the residence wbb placed in our hands. In the other in stance the time tor a similar result was just fifteen minutes. If we had a score of houses at from $12 to $20 a rronth we could rent them all in a week. TEN DOLLARSRiwARD. Are you interested in the protection of fish and game? If so, keep a close look out for those whom you believe to be ki'ling game or taking fish in close season, or by any unlawful means, and report same' to the undersigned. The League of American Sportsmen desire to prosecute all offenders against the fish anJ game laws of this state, and un derstand that constant violations are going on in this county. They take this mode of warning offenders that further violations will be prosecuted to the bit ter end. It offers the above reward for any in formation that wil tend to conviction. All communications will be regaided as confidential. Roiseut Kem.y, Chief Warden, Oregon Division, L. A. S. CASTOR I A Poj: Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of When you are bilious, use those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers to cleanse the liver and bowels. They never gripe. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Wanted A girl or middle-aged wo man to do cooking and general kitchen work only. Address this office, or P. O. box -17, Dufur, Oi. Will pay $4 per week. m27-lmd Wanted Board and rooms in private family for three, or furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Address, X. Y. care Thk Chbonicle. 20-2t Don't you know that Coeoanut Cream Hair Tonic will save your and your children's hair? You can get it for 50 and 75 cents a bottle at Fruiter's barber shop, sole agent. tf Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't, forget, this. Steam Wood-saw for sale. Can bo bought for $200. Call at this oflico. m'-Vvlin Cut Out This Ad. Enclose it to Me with Ten Dollars And I will furnish you all complete, readv for use, my 11)01 Model No. 7 SANDFN KLKCTIUC HKLT. It is su perior in make, quality and power to any belt offered bv other dealers for which they charge $-10. Dr, Sanden's Belt Ihh no equal for the cure of Ner vous and Physical Debility, Ex hausted Vitality, Varicocele, Premature Decline, Loss of Memory, Wasting, etc., which has been brought ubout by early indiscretions or later excesses. Dr. Sanden Electric Co., 107 South Fourth St., PORTLAND, OH. '.".'inchdikw Siao The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street WE SELL FOR CASH AND CASH ONLY.... Spot cash gets more and better bargains in a week than credit does in a year. drionips. SH0E Our Ladies' " Picnic " line of Shoes--$2.25 per pair. These are the best goods for tho money we have had the pleasure of offering our patrons. They are made of plump don gola stock, imitation, turn soles, eyelets, button holes and all stitching of best silk thread. Only $2. 25 per pair. aAMILTOMRQWN l'Cunrf7.V! e m y I If you want a nice dressy shoe at a medium price, be sure you get a pair uf our PICNIC Shoes. We have them in lace or button. OurStyoes are Guaranteed r NEW LUMBER and WOOD YARD. We linvo on Milo u lull line of Roili and Dressed Lumber Mouldings, Brackets, Laths, Shingles, Windows, Doors, OAK, FIR AND SLAB WOOD Which we will sell at live and let live prices. lilvu us a tilul iiinl u v.'IU treat you right. GILBRETH & SON Third mill Filrrui Sin. 4 WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone Local, 102. THE DALLES ...Employment Agency... Next door to Star Lodging House, Positions Awaiting Men and Women. I.tiyliiiin V'KK fur Sale. Single comb brown Leghorn eggs, frJiu imported stock bred by J. II. Huiley, of Denver, Colo,, I reeder of highest scoring Leghorns in the world; .fl, .'.") per setting uf 15, J as. Ii:i:i, in 111 in The ).tKes, Or, Minium Mr ,Suti ur tu (live Away, 1 have about 1D0 loads of lich horse in. mure, well rotted, that 1 uillgive to auk one who hauls it away, or i will de liver any number of loads at 50 cents u oai. K. I. YoiiNii, ii.'JO-lw Kst Km! Keed Yard. a lam f