The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY - MARCH '28, 1901 A CANAL COUP. The San Francisco Call describes a possible condition of affairs that would bring much joy to the Pacific coast. The subtility of the enemies of the isthmian canal, the subserviency of certain senators thereto and the nnfnrtmvttp tnmtanpv nf n nnrtinn nt the people to be led off the main j scent by the men vho know how-to draw a herring across the track have combined to bring in sight a possible coup by the administration which will paralyze all these devices and leave their originators in the lurch. It will be remembered that there was a brief but heated discussion last spring over the employment m republican platform of the term "isthmian" instead of "Nicaragua" canal. It is evident now that the more general term was adopted and the more specific one omitted with the wise and deliberate purpose of providing for just the emergency that has arisen in the butchery of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty and the ; consequent arrest or proceedings i under the protocols with Costa Rica and Nicaragua. The administration has it in its power to have two strings to its canal bow, and it will undoubt edly improve the opportunity by u coup that will bring the canal in sight by rendering further sinister! .i ,.,,i;... ... : ,0;m , . . . ; Ihe last canal commission ex- amined the Panama route, estimated j the value of the work accomplished and the cost of what remains. The result entirely justified the genius of De Lesseps and the economy and feasibility of that route. The Panama canal is unaffected by the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, and is free from any possible European complication. In its concession and consturction ouly two sovereignties will be concerned, the United States and Colombia. There are indications that Colom bia is willing, and President McKin ley and Secretary Hay may shortly open communication with her upon the subject, with the view of negoti ating a treaty giving this country a perpetual lease to the strip of land occupied, to be compensated by a royalty on the proceeds of the canal's operation. The rights of the French company will be equitably ex tinguished, and for a sum vastly less than the actual cost and value of (he work already done. The cost of operating will be greatly less than tbat.of the lockage j system necessary on the Nicaragua .... 4, route, and therefore the profits will I be greater. Parallel with this plan ( runs the intention to negotiate, if possible, with Great liritain the ab- j rogation of the Clayton-Bulwer r. , J I treaty. So that wuen congress meets ! .1 the desire of demagogues to twist' . . the lions tail will have to go unsatis- j fled. The administration can then 1 present the two plans, measuring one j against the other, and the agitators who have toiled to put it in a false ... , ' , , , . . position will be disappointed of their Pry The set purpose of the administra- tion to build an isthmian canal will be put out of reach of further mis-1 representation, and congress will have j nothing to do but pull one udminis-1 tration string or the other and go ahead with the work. I We do not hesitate to say that fliU lmld ,.nl l,onn,.5nl .l.nU lo fl.n i equal of tho great coup of Disraeli, when ho bought for England a ma- jority of the Suez canal stock anil i made hor the chief owner in that . j waterway. I Compared to the petty squabbling , that has disgusted the nation this ,, . , . . , , . . win oeastioKe oi statesroansnip on a scale of grandeur, and usqfulnesa to 'and wLich this country has heretofore been a stranger. It will make the canal not only sure but its completion speedy, and if President MoKinley's Inst nrimln. istrution docs nothing else to imbxjil it in history ns great, this coup will be sulllcicnl. Oregon will :iy its commissioner . to IUiffalo $5)0 nor month. Wash- I ington has set the figure at $20. If 1 the gentleman from Oregon gets hungry, for the gentleman from Washington to help him out a little occasionally would only be fraternal, Tacomsi Ledger. FlGPRUNE CereeJ A Perfect Food Drink Made from the choicest trilltS and cereals grown in California. Possesses a delicate flavor and aroma not found in any other Cereal Coffee. All grocers sell it. wmt.juniurwuY.iiow Great consternation was felt by the frieuds 01 M. A. Hoyarty of Lexington, Ky( when hev mv hp wag tnrning ve,. iow. His l;in slowly ch-inged color, also his eyes, ami he suffered terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He wa treated by the beat doctors, but without beneht. I hen lie was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, and he writes : "After taking two bottles I was wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 25c. Sold by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. 0 Save"! Two I'loni Dentil. "Our little daughter had an almost fa tal attack of whooping cough and bron chilis," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Armonk, N. Y., "but, when all other remedies failed, we eaved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had Consumption in an advanced stage, aleo used this wonderful medicine and to-day she is perfectly well." Des perate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible foi Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1.00 bottles guar anteed by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. Trial bottles free. G How In Cure Croup. Mr. 11, Gray, who lives near Amenia, Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is the best medi cine I have ever used. It is a fine children's remedy for croup and never aila f,0,11" When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough ha8 developedf it wi prevent the attack. This should be bo-ne in mind and a bottle of the Cough Hemedy kept at hand ready for instant "seas.80n j180 ymPt appear. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist, Your lace ..... , ,. Shows the state of your feelings and the 8tate o vour healUl ad well Immre blood makes itself apparent in a pale ""'J sallow complexion, Pimples .and Kkin Kr"PlionB- If .vo11 re feeling , ', T, 'healthy appearance you should trv i Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood ; diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and j 60 called purifiers fail; knowing this we ! ?f,11lfv,ery .Hottl,B on ? P08ltivo R'wantee. Blakeley, the druggist, among die lens oi thousands who have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coids an(1 la L.ri,pe during the past few years, to our knowledge, not a single case has resulted in pneumonia. Thos & Co., LMO Wabash avenue w" ,v" "'" prumiimni. re eall druggists in that city, in speaking of this, says: "Wo recommend Chamber lain's Cough Remedy lor la gripne in tnanv c,,se8' "H " "ot "v iflves prompt and ''lt recovery, but aleo counter- acts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia." For eale hy Hlakeley, lt,e 'Iniggisu , V""'1 Jtub u Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure. A K.ntoli ritmnilv the pain is gone. Sold bv Clarke & Falk. V.. II. Quality and not quantity makes De Witt's Little Early Hilars such valuable little liver pills. Clarke & Falk's P, O. Pharmacy, 54X I Fruit 1 1 46; G rains Drying- preparations simply ilnvol op dry catarrh; thoy dry up tho secretions, which adhere to tho mcmbrnuo nml decom pose, causing n fur inoro serioun trouhlo than tho ordiunry form of catarrh. Avoid nil dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snnlfa and uio that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Grenm Balm is such a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo mniled for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho r.0c. sizo. Elyltrothors, fid Warren HI., N.Y. Tho Balm euros without twin, does not 1 irritate or causo sneezing. It spreads itself over nu irritated and angry surfaco, roltov ing immediately tho painful intlammntion. With Ely's Cream liului youaro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fover. BUSINESS LOCALS. You will not have boils if von t Clarke & Falk's euro euro tin boils. Clarke & Fnlk have on sale a full line of paint and nrtiet's brushes. Bicycles at !f25.00, .flij.OO, $40.00 and $50.00, at Maier & Benton's. m20-lw A full line of Eastman films mid but plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Hustling young man can make $60 per month and expenses. Parmanen.'. poai tion. Experience nnnecessarv. Writ quick for particulars. Clark Cj Fourth and Locust Streets, Phihuiel hpia, Pa, sS-ti SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains leave The Dulles for Portland and way Minions in a. in. ana a p. m. Leave Portland " Albany Arrive Ashland " Sacramento... " Kan Francisco .... S:.H)a m ....1-J;00a in ....12:.THnm .... i:C0nn . ... ":V ti m 7:00 p m 10:o0 p m UiSOii m 1 a ni s:15 a m Arrive Ogdon ft: IS am " Denver ... .'.:0O. a ni " Kansas i:lty ":'.!. nni " Chicago 7:-T a in 11: IS a m y:00ii in 7 "Jo n m 'J::;0a in Arrive Los Angeles 1:'J0 t m " El Faso fi:oo p m " Fort Worth 6::am " City of Mexico 9;o.i a ni " Houston 1:00 a in " New Orleans Giii'min " Washington liMJnm " New York I'J : 13 p m 7:00 a ni 0:00 p m ii::u a m U:.Vii in 1:00 a ni 6;J5 p in 0- 12 a in l'J-t:) p in Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains Chair cars Sacramento to Owlen and Kl I'ajo, and tourist nars to Chicago, st Louis, New Or leans and Washington. Connecting at Snn Francisco with sew steamship lines (or Honolulu, Japan, China rmiippmes, central aim souin America. See agent at The Dalles station, or C. H. MARKHAM, Cieueral Passenger Agent, Portland, O Yellowstone Park Line. THK DINING OAK itOt.'TK KKO.M POP.TLAND TO THK 1CAST. THE ONLY DIKKirTMNK TO THE VKI.I.OW SIONK I'AKK. iea.vk. Union Depot, Fiftli and I Sis AI1KIVK. No. ! Fast mall for Taconia, No. i Seattle, Ulymplu, uray's 1 Harbor and Kouth Hem! 'points, fipokane, Ko--s-land, li. C, Pullmnn, .Moscow, Ulston, Huf 11:15 A. M.'faloIIuriipmiiiingeoiiii- 5:W P. M. 1 try, Helena, Mlmieapo. ' Ills, St. Paul, Omaha,1 ' Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all points No, 1. i eat and southeast. No. 3. Puget Sound Express 11;30 P. M. for Taeoma unit Seattle 7;00 A. M. and iiitermeiiate points Pullman first-class and tourist sleepers to jiiiiiieimuiis. hi. i-mii anil .Missouri river noints milium uuiiiixe. Vostlbuleii trains. Union depot connections in mi principal eiues. Uaggago cheekiil to destination of tlnkets. For liaiidsoinely lliusmited descriptive matter, tickets, sleeping car ruvervations, etc., call on or WIIHJ A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. &V -Morri ton Street, corner Thlnl, Portland Oregon. NOTIOK FrNAY'sE'rTKEilk JfT. Notlre Is herehv Blven 111 it tho nndcrsliMieil has filed, with the clerk of Die county court of uiurjuuuoi uregou lor hsco couuiy, his nnal Hceuiiiiias ceeuior oi wie lasi win aim team meat of MuryJ. lleeley, iloceused, and said county court lias, by mi order tnado on tliofith day of Marcli, 1001, lixed tho 8th day of April, I' the hour of 1 o clock u. in., as tlm tfm uiiu iiiu couuiy court room oi sunt couuiy, in Dalles City, Oregon, as the place for tliu hearing of objections to said liiml account, m'J 11. S. HUNTINGTON, Executor. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm trade marks Ucsiqns copvriqht8 &c. A nrono tending a iketrti and dercriptlon ma' quickly oirertalri our opinion free nlietiier a Invention Is probably patentable. Coimiiinlcf Hons n!rlctly(nddentlal. Handbook on i'ateiiti lent free, lildeit uuencv for lecunuv uatenti Patent! taken tiirouub Mumi & Co. receive tynvu noiut, wimout, coargo, in inc ScieMitlc Jimcrtcai. A liandtomelr llluitrated weekly. Mraeit clr- riilutloii, of any olentUlo journal. Trun, J a rear; inur ruoniui, f i. Dom uyau newiaeaier. Coi8,B"ndWTQrk loo, 0S5 V 8U Wablog1on, I), r Brnncii OSIoe. uinern Pacific Co lien Flic MUNN& OREGON Shot line and Union Pacific DSl'AUT roil Clitcago Portland .Speciiil. l'J:2." p. m. via Hunt ington. Atlantic lCxpre., 1J :.") a. m. via Hunt ingtou. t. Paul Fast -Mall. l):2.' p. m. via Spo kane. timh scni:i)i'i,i:.s KIIOM THK DAI.I.KS. .uinivi: VKOM ! Suit bike, Denver. Ft Worth, Omaha, Kan sasfity.St l.nub, Oil I cago and the llMt. 1 :0r p. in. Salt l.-ilso, Denver. Ft., Worth, unialia, Kau-1 .-asClty.St bmlst'hi-l cago and the l-.'n"t. I Walla Wnllu, lxswistou.. . Bpokaiie.Wnllace.Pull-1 man, Minneapolis, St. i Paul.lluluth.Mllwau kee, Chlcagoand ICast. I t'i a. m. i::Ma m. OCEAN AND EIVER SCHEDULE From I'nrtlaiiil. (All Milling datc .uh Ject to change ) For San Francisco, Sail ever B days. vS.OJ p. 111. I:(X) i. m. Daily except Mimlay, .lO p. in. Satiinlav, !0:lX) p. m. Dally except Minday, li.oo a. m. Tuesday, ThuiMtny, Saturday, 6.00 a. m. Coliuiililii ltlvr. To Astoria and Way- JjllllllllgS. 1:00 p. m. except Sunday, Wllluniftto 1(1 vim-. Oregon City, Neivberg, .alcm, Independeiiee, and s ay-ljiuiiing. 1:50 p. in. except Sunday. l:."Ji p. m. Monday, Weduedey Friday. :!.nn p. m ("orvallis and Wuy bindlng. Tuesday, ThurtdHV, Saturday, 7.10 a. m. Vi'lllHiuitttit nml Viuiililll ICIvorN. .Monuay, Oregon Citv, Davton and Wedne.-imy Way.IjiniU'ng!,. hilday. Leave Kiparia dally, a: 10 n. m. Sniiko Klver. lllpaila to l.ewhton. Leave I.ewMou dally, S CI) a. in. Parties deMring to go to llennner or poims on i.oiumoia souinern via Jilggs, miioiiui take No. J, leaving The Dallc at l'Ji'J.'i p. in. making direct connection. at Hcppuer Junction and Higgs. Hcturnliig ma'ningdirititcoiinectlon at Heppner Junction and lllggu with .No. 1. ar riving at The Dalles at 1;0.'j p. m. For further particulars, call on or nddress JAS. IKKLAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. Notice. lly virtue of the order mid direction of the Council of Dalles City, as hy resolution hereto fore adopted, notice is liereliy given that the Council of Dalles City has determined toestab llsh sidewalks ami crosswalks for Tenth street in dales' Addition to Dalles City, and for Clay street, in Illull Addition to Dalies C'itv, as lollows; A sidewalk commencing lit a point where the east line of Court street would lntcreet the northern boundary line of the school property of School District No. 1J, of Wasco Countv, Ore gon, said property being known ns tho ac'ademv grounds, if s.ild line would bo extended to said northern boundary line, ami running thence easterly to the northeast comer of salo property of said mjIiooI (list t let ami abutting on the northern line of said property. A sidewalk commencing at tin; nortlnvestcor ner of block No. r,, and running easterly to tho northeast corner of said block No. .). and abut ting on the northern boundary line of said hlo A crosswalk running straight across li irri.r and Joining on the west the sidewalk abutting on the northern boiindarv linn nl hum m 0, and joining on the east a sidewalk abutting uh nil.- iiuiinuni oooiioary iinu oi onici. r.o. li. A sidewalk commencing a' the northwest corner of said block No, o, nml running easterly to tho northeast corner of said block and abut ting on the northern boundary line of said block No. li. crosswalk running straight across c street and Joining on the west tho sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary lino of sain block No 0, and Joining a sidewalk abutting on the north. ern uoumiary unooi mock m. 7. A sidewalk commencing nt the north corner of block No, 7, and running easterly to iKJimrnii turner oi saiu oiock no, 7, ami abutting on the northern boundary line of said block No. ", A crosswalk running strnli-lit immx n and Joining on the west the. sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary lino of saiil block No. 7, nml joining on tho cast n sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary lino of block No. h. A sidewalk commencing nt tho ni,rtiiu-..t corner of block No. hand running winterly I on ice i, ami aoiuuug on mo northern boundary line of said block No. 6. That said Tenth street and the property abut tillg thereon being In (iatna Aililltlmi m iiuin.u City.iind all thoother above dcscilbed streets, blocks and property being In Illull' Addition to Dalles City. Said above described sidewalks to bo six feet ill width and to horonstrncleil in ni eordaiice with thu ordinances In relation to the construction of sidewalks. said crosswalks to bo constructed In accord ance wiui mo ordinances oi uiucltylu relatioi to the construction theieof. That thucostof said sidewalks ami mo io uo hsk'ss n against thu property benefited uiuieoy, uceoriiing io ineiaws oi jjhuvh City, in ivi wiifrtfii i inivft iif.ri.imr,, ki.t mt. mum. nun inn uuriiuraiu real oi .lollies uiiy mis the '.".'ml day of .March, 1W)1. INKAJ..I meh'.'J-l.H NHI) II. HATHS. llecorder of Dalles City. Notice No. 2 Ih to all persons indebted to tho late firm of E. .1. Collins it Co. and fi. L. IlrookH to call and nettle their account or mite. as tho case mav be, bv tho lHt of April ; othurwim tho accounts will b nut Into il... l 11 . uio naiiiiH oi our I'oiicotor. You want the best, G. L. Phillips buH it, in CHICKENS Hull' LenhornB a specialty. Katray. Came to my place, eevun miles west of The Dalles, tirst of November lust, a black Jersey steer, two years old ; small split in each ear; no brand yiaible. Ownor can havn same by proving owner ship and paying all charges. NO'Bt J. P. Animus. I Bicycles Our new 5 Columbias Videttes Pennants 5 l.itrgest lot of wheels over brought to this city. Call nml sue them. J IHAY5 t GIVEM AWAY. With every ilollur'n worth of goods puruhnsed at my store for thu next Sixty Days, 1 will ki'vu'oiio cliiiiici! on the following prb'.es: 1 First p;izc 1 fient's Gold Wntch tind Olmin 2 Second prie. I Iidies' Gold Watch mid Ohiiiu I! Third ptlze Kiiiokint; Set I Fourth nri:a . 1 .Silver Buttor DiHh and llutter Knife f Filto prize 1 Met Hllvur Knlvee and Forks In iiddition to givinir uwav them; prizi'H I willful I gooda hh low uh the lowest, and guarantee my gooda to bu frenh. Give me a trial. ' ROBERT TEAGUE. Speaking1 of Blood Medicine : Dr. "Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing that etireH. Do not forget it; wo Imvii it, nt 75c per bottle (largo bottles); guaranteed, or you may got your money hank if not Hutinlled. IN COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS wo exereioe the greatem euro. We carry tho heHt and net) the befit in com pounding your plivcieianH orders. Our prieeH we make ih low uh in coiiHiflteiit with elliuient service. We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything appertaining to Drugn, Patent MediuineH, SundrieH and Photograph Supplies. GEORGE C. BLAKELEY. ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker... -ih:.u,i:i: Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axlea, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Agent for llns-ell .V Co. s Knglnes, Threshers and haw Mills. Telephone 157. Lout; DiHtiuifi! 107.'!. J. E. FALT & CO., 9 9 Proprietors of Purest Liquors for Family Use Doliverod to any part of the City. Phones : 61 Local, 858 Long Distance. P L. Lane, UICNKKAh Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Mcon, Phone 159 J. H, HCIIRNCK, I'resldent. -Max A. VoiiT. Gishloi First National Back. the dalles - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Bight Draft or Cheok. Collections made and Drocefla nrnm litis remitted on dav of ooflMn. ' hi... iuiujmmm; AXUIIHngn 801(1 ( New York, Han Francisco anc! Port land. DIHIEivrnui D. P. Thomson. Jno. H. Huhunoi. d. M. WiwiIamb, Gho. A. Lina. ti M. liKAfl, Floral lotion will cure wind uhanniiiK and sunburn, Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. llacksitu ImANDiii N Horseshoer - Bicycles stank received. j Ramblers t CROWE. t nor, Second & Lausliliu Sis., THE DALLES, OR. 9 "The Owl." 9 173 Second Street. Just What Yoa uiant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Huch wide variety an wo are allowing never be fore grueeil a single stunk. Keal imita tion ereton elleutB at ordinary priccB. Good papers at cheap paper prires. Klegant deslgtiB, tasteful colorings, yourH for a small price, at our store on Thin! street. Also a full line of house pniutH. j D W. VAUSE, Third St. " .. i l UVM1 VflniT Ri4iiiiAnt urn Minn huviuiiisii i 2S 1IUUIUU1U11 L. Y. HonKi Prop'r. First-Class in Every flespect t HKAIiH AT ALT. HOUICM. Oysters Served in any Style. A7 Second Ht Thu Da Hen, Or.