The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 27, 1901, Image 3

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Our Magnificent Spring Display.
SprinR is knockiiifi loudly, and wo avo ready for tho biggest, liveliest and best spring we have
(,v,r had, representing the best of everything new, stylish and handsome that has yet been pro
duced, is now ready lor your inspection.
Spring Skirts
Tliuro were received Puliirday and have
been only Htjitri by a few customers, ami
already thfv urn the lull: of the town. Tim
Hlvlt'Hiirc tho luti'Ht New York can produce.
Wo nfl'er Home extraordinary values. See
our windows.
$2.50 to $16.00.
Tliere is notliinir I hat a iady is more
careful in selectlne; than her Hosiery.
Our line of drop stitch and fancy ho9e
are the hitoet importations.
About your
Spring Suit
for Easter...
. .
It, is generally known that
Wo carry tbe Largest Stock
We show the Greatest Variety
Wo sell at the Lowest Prices
We are showing cravats for Spring that are
radically different from last season. The nar
row 4-in-hand, the Butterfly and the Bat
Wing will be the favorite shapes among care
ful dressers. Our largo variety embraces
many novel and striking patterns.
Ladies' percale wrannere. nhenomenal I
values, fit perfect. New spring color- t Will certainly be found in our grand assort-
mire llirht sirii! (lurk .flwrfo. Kv in frill . J . n
ment of new shapes and shade in fedoras
and low crowns.
inire liptit arid dark effects. Kxtia full
skirts, trimmed with rallies and braid.
Notice the corset lining. Good values at
Our line of Spring Shoes for
Men is now ready. No finer
footwear has ever been seen
in The Dalles.
Patent Leathers
For full dress in kid and
box calf, $4.50 to $5.00.
Business : Shoes
Stylish footwear in vc
lour, viei kid and russia
calf, $3.00 to $4.00.
Working Men's Shoes
Solid serviceable shoes in
kangaroo kip, colt skin
and heavy calf, $150 to
95c, $1 00 and $1.25.
I )
The styles are correct. In fine
and fancy straw. See oar val
ues at. . .".
50c, 75c, 89c,
1.00, 1.25, 1.50,
2.00, up to 3.50.
Muslin Underwear.
25c to $6.00
See Wiudow.
There lias been a few more arrivals of SPRING
FABRICS, making our stock now complete. Such
an array of fine goods the people of The Dalles have
never had the pleasure of viewing before.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MAKCII 27. J01
-jZ "
n served i
llll ATAPA m
At Andrnw KolIor'K.
"I'alniua's r-onoort"
Tonight nt the Voyt opera house.
Received today our full line of ladies'
Hpritij! Hiiits, exclusive styles. Tease &
Professor Sandvig announces that
(here will be no dance at the Baldwin
Today K. F. Sharp surveyed the
urouudH for the location of the new
UmiriiiK niill.
The Fortnightly will meet with Mrs.
A. .1. Tolinio Saturday afternoon, in
Htend ol Thurday, ut 2:!!0 o'clock.
Wanted A Kirl or middle-aged wo
inun to do cooking and general kitchen
work only. Address Huh ollice, or I'. 0.
hx 17, Nufur, Or. Will pay $1 per
week. m27-lmd
Cards are out for a whiat party to he
given by .Mrs. K. 0. McCoy Friday
'ight, and also for an afternoon given
bv Miss Patterson to the friends of Mrs.
Honor B. Sinnott Friday.
The city council of Wallu Walla will
he nsked to make a propoeitioii to Mr.
Carnegie that if he will make u dona
tion towards u public Hbrary'for Walla
Walla, tho city will assume a laie
Hharo of the burden.
Eminent scientists and physiologists
"laim that with proper foods, and all
"Uier things being equal, the skin may
last HUG years ; the bones may endure
1000 years ; the heart may endure .".00
yearn; the liver '100 ye.irs ; the Htomuch
nearly T.OO years ; the kidneys 200 years
"r more; tho lungs 1500 years.
Mrs. Mary Gushing received a draft
ywsterduy for $'.'000, the amount of Insur
'"ice carried in the Modern Woodmen by
her son, Maurice, who lost his lile in an
''xplosloii at Sumpter last fall. Maurice
had thoughtfully had the policy made
payable to his mother. Mrs. Uushinu
fools very grateful to the order for their
Tho Oorvallia Gazette saya a scarcity
of buef is ropurted throughout tho val
la,' and butchers are experiencing some
trouble in securing beef to supply the listed with us the greatest bargain of
local markets. Lust week fieoige Smith j the year : A magnificent full two-story
canvassed the county as far south as
Eugeno in search of beef cuttle and did
not havo very good buccbbb. MesFrs.
Smith & Taylor have been obliged to
ship some beef from Portland to supply
the demand of their patrons in this cit
i .. i i.. .. - ...i . i 1. r i . : N
nts tmeiiuy iiiiuuuiiut-u, nit' fuiui mim
dispatclier's ollice of the O. R. & N. will
be removed from Portland to Tho Dalles
April 1st, as a matter of convenience in
dispatching trainp. Chief W. M. Glee
son and "Trick" Dispatcher W. E. Har
den, 11, Roes and F. F. Kpatilding will
come here from Portland and have
charge of the work., This office was
taken from here to'Albina about ten
years ago, and from Albina to Portland
in 180-1.
The meeting at the Christian church
last evening was well attended. Rev.
Jlardinir's subject was "The Infallible
Way," which was handled in a very
clear and logical manner. His black
board diagram, showing the various
ntepB from earth to heaven, illustrated
his subject in such a clear and concise
manner that "a wayfaring man though
a fool, need not err therein." The sub
ject for tonight is "Il.umony of thoGos
pel in the Hook of Acts." All are in
vited. Gumbert's popular cigar and tobacco
house has another surprise for those in
terested in a beautiful cigar ribbon sofa
pillow. To advertise our periodical de
partment wo havo decided to give
chances on tho pillow with every period
ical sold, tho drawing to take place
April 27, 1001. A ticket given on any
periodical purchased from this depart
ment. Don't forget the great und only
New York Sunday World, including u
chance on pillow, five cents, Local
'phone L'.'il.
The following is going the rounds of
tiie papers: A lady school teacher, 18
years of age, und pretty, in one of tho
district schools in California, has adopt
ed a novel method to oncourairo punctu
ality anions her pupils. She oll'mcd to
kiss the lirst pupil at school in the
morning, and it worked like a charm.
Every hoy in the school, over 12 yearH
old, urrived an hour before tho time fur
opening the morning after tho oiler was
made, and two of them who were Hi
yearB old, which is only two years
younger than the teacher, were on hand
several hours earlier.
If you can't rent or sell your property,
it ie your owu fault, because nil you
have to do Ie to list it witli Hudson &
Brownhill, and they are tho men that
can do it tor you, We havo Just had
and basement house, containing nine
large rooms, closet in every room ; stone
basement, -lOs-JO, which alone cost $500;
large pantrys; bath-room, hot and cold
water; and all modern conveniences.
It cobt .$:J000 to build this elegant
dwelling limine There sire aiv fine lnta
Ismail orchard arid line barn .'10x100.
This elegant city property is all in good
condition, faces on Eleventh street, and
is to be sold for any reasonable oiler.
Remember this beautiful property cost
ifoOOO. It will be sacrificed. If you
want a bargain, now is your time. The
up-to-date real estate agency. Hudson
& Brownhill, The Dalles, Or."
At tho suggestion of Rev. U. F. Hawk,
who since his residence in The Dalles
has taken particular interest in locating
points of historic interest in their rela
tion to the first Methodiet missions, a
company ol about twenty-five persons,
members of tho M. E. church of this
city, pioneer residents and members of
the Oregon Historical Society, accom
panied by Rev. Dr. Hines, paid a visit
yesterday afternoon to the site of the
first building erected on the Methodist
mission grounds at this place, which
was used as an Indian school. The
building dates back to 1838, a time when
Daniel Lee had charge of the work. All
that remains of the structure is a part
of the foundation that is on a level with
tho surface of tho ground, but is easily
traced. The site is in the enclosure im
mediately across the street east from
the academy ground, or about twenty
feet west of what is known as sugar loaf
At tho Congregational church last
evening the services wore instructive
throughout. The theme of the address
was "Naauian, the Leper." While the
topic was an old one, tho applications
were new and practical. With all this
great Syrian's accomplishments and
victories, he was (lying of a loathsome
disease. The greatest general in all
Syria, soon he was to take his place
among the company of tho unclean.
The speaker set this great earthly cap
tain over against the modest, unassum
ing prophet of the Lord, who bade him
go wash in the Jordan seven times.
Obedience, tho touchstone of success,
was tho dominant lesson deducted from
the subject of Nuaman's relation to God,
through his servant, Elisha. The speak
er had the undivided attention of tho
congregation throughout his address.
The number given by tho male quartet
was plendldly rendered, and much en
joyed, One person announced allegiance
to God in the after service. Mr. Clapp
will' speak tonight on tbe "Two Thieves."
Mr. LanderB and Rev. Poling will sing
solos. A cordial invitation is extended
to all to attend these meetings.
Murderer Jren Arrested.
Jamee Green, who murdered Edson
V. Benjamin near Underwood's Laud
ing last Saturday night, was arrested
yeBterday by Sheriff John T. Totton. ot
Skamania county, Pros. Atty. Moor and
a third man whose name we could
not learn at a point about a mile
and a half from tbe scene of the murder.
Sheriff Totton had been on the trail of
the murderer from tho moment he first
learned of the commission of the crime.
While following Green's track over a
trail the murderer stepped out from be
hind the trunk of a largo tree and quiet
ly permitted himself to be placed under
arrest. Green was armed with a 45.1)0
rifle, besides a six shooter and forty or
fifty rounds of ammunition.
Sherff Totten would have taken him
to the Weudorf ranch, the place of the
murder, but Green protested that he
would never be taken there alive,
and the sheriff, in consideration that
tbi man had given himself up quietly,
llowed him to havo his way, and the
party went direct to tho residence of the
justice, where Green waiyed examina
tion and was bound oyer without bail.
On the way to the justice, in answer to
a direct question by the sheriff, Green
confessed that he was tlio man who shot
Benjamin ; but when asked why he did
it he teplied that he would tell later on.
Green denied emphatically that ho had
intended to kill Mrs. Nellie Brown.
As Skamania county has no safe jail
accommodations, Green was brought
across tho river to bo taken to Vancou
ver, but as tho stay at Hood River in
volved a delay of six or eight hours, the
sheriff thought it best to take tho first
passing train and come to The Dulles,
where the prisoner was ulloted a cell in
the county jail till tho arrival of the first
west-bound passenger, when he was put
on board and taken to Vancouver.
The I(-oliutf tn Ilii Iliiriit'Xhttil,
Articles of incorporation of the Inter
state Power Company were tllud in the
otHce of the county clerk yesterday. The
incorporators are E. Kurtz, W. H.
Moody, J. P. Mcluerny, Max A. Vogt,
II. L. Kuck, L. E. Crowe and E. M,
The business of the corporation is to
construct and operate an electrio light
plant on the Deschutes river for the pur
pose of generating electricity and to con
duct the same therefrom to The Dalles
and to other points in Wasco and Sher
man counties and Klickitat county,
Washington ; to establish an electric
light system in DalleB City anil at other
points in the territory above named ; to
build and construct mills and factories
of various kinds, and to operate the
same by electricity produced as above
mentioned ; to let electric power to all
persons desiring tho same for manufact
uring, commercial and other purposes,
and to do and perform all other things
that may bo necessary for carrying out
tho objects of the corporation.
The principal office of tho corporation
will be in The Dalles. Tho capital
stock is ifuOO.OOO, and the number of
ono ruin ... -i.. t ji .. ..i.
cuuics tjuu,ijuu ait n im viiiud ui Ti cuuihi
(url ur ilutnks.
Mrs. E. Benjamin, widow of the late
E. V. Benjamin, and Mr. and Mrs. F.
Clark, brother-in-law and sister-in-law
of the deceased, desire to sincerely thank
the many friends who have extended to
them their kindness and sympathy in
the great a filiation by which they lost a
husband and brother. And in this con
nection they would specially mention
the brethren of tho A. O. U. W.
is, the
a woman
libit' t
tiyvn i
do so
piling it
too thick.
shoes cost
They are
We have on sale a full line of
Romii and Bressed Lumber
Mouldings, Brackets, Laths,
Shingles, Windows, Doors,
Which we will sell at live
and let live prices.
Give us a trial nml wo will treat
you right.
Thlril iiikI Federal Stt.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All ordors attended to promptly. Long
distance phono 133. Local, 102.
...Employment Agency...
Next door to Star Lodging House,
Positions Awaiting Men and
A. M. Williams & Co.
Sole cAgtnts.
l.t-Kluirii Kkkh for Sulu.
Single comb brown Leghorn egi!8,
from imported stock bred by J. H.
Hailey, of Denver, Colo., kieodor of
highest scoring Leghorns in the world;
l.L'j pur setlint! of 15.
J.s. IUKI,..l,
iiil-Miii Tho Dalles, Or.
.Manure for ftulu nr to (five Away.
I have about 100 loads of rich horse
manure, well rotted, that 1 will civo to
I auk one who hauls it away, or I will do-
liver any number of lo.ubi nt f0 cents u
load. 1. 1. l oiiNCi,
iii20-l w Kast ICnd Feed Yard.
WantedHoard and ioiiiiih in private
family for throe, or fiiruiahe I rooms for
litrht housakeepimr. Address, X. Y. Z.,
care Tin: Oiuionicw:. 20-2t
Oocoanuf Oream Hair Tonic will cure
drtUilruU'aiid all scalp diseases, Don't
neglect your hair. For sale at Frazer'a
b.t ber shop, sole airent, tf
Steun Wood-saw for sale. Can be bought
for -i-'OO. Call at this ollice. m25-lu