The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 27, 1901, Image 1

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    21) c Dalles
NO. 72
.Mine is Discovered llenentli the Royal
I i lace Xeai SU'etcrsluirg Sever
al Noialtilities arc Implicated
Police arc Blamed.
I.omms, March 'JO A dispatch to tho
Kxcliange Telegraph Coinimny from
Paris statu mi tin: highest uiitliorlty tluit
a mint- i lua been discovered beneath the
pil.iceof Emperor Nie.holas at Tzearskou
Selo, 17 miles south of St. Petersburg.
Several notabilities, the dispatch
further Hiatus, nn implicated in the plot
aj.iiiiit tits Majesty. Tin; Russian preen
was nut permitted to mention tlio iillan.
I.OM- N, Mareli 'JO. A dispatch from
St. Petersburg to Reuters' Telegram
Aireney -;iy that in consonance with
what is believed to lie the Czar's ex
pressed wish, tin1 miuhtur of tho interior
has published instructions for thu uuthoi
ities of the towns and provinces, reeom
HK'niluit: preventive measures against
disturbances have been started.
Tlie iiirmingham Post, which is closely
in touch with Joseph Chamberlain, eays
nens reached in high (iiurterH in London
indicates that the Czar is. in a very
nervous state owing to thu condition of
the political hori.'jn. It is said that lie
fears the result of the policy of his
ministers In the far East, while tho
student troubles and threats uganiHt bin
lite, of uliich there are more than have
been published, have completely on
nerved His Majesty. His medical ad
visers have strongly counseled a yacht-1
inif erui"e, but the Czar lias rufused to ,
follow their advice. Those behind the
scenes in Russia take a very grave view
of the present agitation and think it is
the beginning of more serious troublu.
Si 1'KTKltSIH'KCi,
circular further says, can be called upon
when firing Is necessary, and the calvary
may be summoned upon any occasion to
clear the streets.
KunWiltdil In h Tlliiiuil.
Ki:.vtti.i:, March i0. The first serious
uccitlent tooecur In the new Grent North
ern tunnel, wliic'i was opened for truffle
about three months ago, took ulace yes
torday afternoon, and reHiilted In the
death of Engineer W. W. Bradley. IIih
death wub due to snfl'ocation, from the
poisonous gases in the lunnel. IIih fire
man, Jon V. Smith, wiih overcome, hut
recovered. Five other trainmun were
overcome, but recovured soon after roach
ing open air.
1 he train, which was casthound. bo
camestalled in the middle of ihe tunnel
i ho limes from thu engine soon filled
the place, and the men were forced to
leave the train and lie on the floor of the
tunnel for pafoty. When the train failed
to appear at the fat end of the tunnel
tho watchers there feared that soiiiethiini
had happened, and started in with
relief engine. The liody of the dead
engineer was found face down in a diteh
at thu side of the track. The other men
were found along the track. The rescuers
had a hard time getting into the scene
owing to thu pretioneu of smoke mid gas
All the men were taken to the hospital
at Everett, and are nearly recovered to
Their Main Objection
Manner or Its
to It Was in the
rresentation to
IIiium II I'uy tit Ituy i:iiiiti?
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right, hut you want something
that will relieve and cure the more se
vure and dangerous results of throat and
lung troubles. hut shall you do? Go
to a warmer and more regular climate"
Yes, if possible; if not possible for you
then in either case take the iini.v rem
edy that litis been introduced in all civil
ized countries witn success in severe
throat and lung troubles, "Bosohuu's
German Syrup." It not only heals and
stimulates the tissues to destroy the
germ disease, but allays inflammation,
causes easy expeetorution, gives u good
night's rust, and cures thu patient. Try
onk iiottie, necomuieuueil many years
by all druggists in the world, and sold
. oy VJiarKo iV faiK. Liet l-ireun e prize
iilmanac. i!
March -(. A circu
lar issued by the minister of the interior
blames the police for not crushing the
demonstrations at the outset bv the dis
persion of gathering crowds. It is said
flu. tuilliii inilJt l.iiivi. i. a.i.l .I'll.... I
mi. iiuikv ulna, ii uiii ti viu n iilii r i i rti i c . n .
. . ... Moki lea positively cures Sick Head-
ueiuoiisirauons are p anned, anil mass , ,, .. , ,. ,
., . , , ' ... i ache, indigestion and constipation. A
their forces there. Above a I, order must , ,. , , , , , . ,, ,,
. , .... .delightful herb drink. Removes all
v ICllJll.fl 11 L 1111 11131. U1IU 11111 U 11 IUUII-I .1 f.l 11 1 t t i
. I eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
ties must not n;ar to use the uecessary complexion, or money refunded. LTi cts
force and severity. Ihe military, tho and 50 cts. Hlakeley, the druggist.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought ami which 1ms been,
in use Tor over 30 years, Iiub borne tho ultfimtnro of
and has been made under his iier-
-y-jjz- Hoiml Hitpcrvittiuu Hlnee ItH infancy.
f-6CCX& Allow no nun ti flneni v vou in tills.
All Counterfeits, Iinltutions and " JuHt-nn-trowl lire but
lipcriiii:nts that trifle with and endanger tho health of
lnt'iuits and Children Experience aaliiHt Expurimuut.
C'ustoria is u harmless Htibstltute for Costor Oil, Puvo
Koric, Drops and .Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
WMilaiiis neither Opium, Morphine nor other Naruotio
wiltslaiice. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
mid allays Feverishuess. It cures Diarrhusa and AVind
Colic, it relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
mid riatuleney. It tisHiiuilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural Sloop.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Ttir ocMTouq uottmmi, rr ouniukv Tmrr, niw yown citt.
ISkw oiik, March Uf',. Keprusunta
tive Honry A. Cooper, of Wisconsin, the
the chairman of thu insular iifl'aiis com
mittee ot the house of representatives,
who tins jiiBt returned from Cuba, be
lieves that the chief danger in the Cuban
situation is the policy of depreciation of
the islanders which has been pursued in
some newspapers, says the Washington
correspondent of the Times, lie con
siders this as accounting for most of the
misiindurstaudlug and ill feeling.
"I went everywhere and talked with
uvuryhody 1 could find," said Mr. Cooper
"paniards and Cubans, men and
women. I found that thu Spaniards aru
annexationists. The Cubans are almost
unanimously in favor of independence,
uvun those of them who believe thut an
negation is inevitable in the long run
nicy want, to try it lor a while, any
way, because as they said to me, 'we
want to show thu world that we aru not
thieves, bandits and cutthroats.'
1 visited at thu house of a Cuban
family who were all educated in thu
United States. They took three of tho
Nuw York papers and one 1'hiladulphia
paper, and were perfectly informed on
Vuiericuu matters, They showed me a
collection of clippings from American
newspapers stigmatizing the Cubuus us
a worthless lot, and predicting anarchy
as u rusult of independence. I usked
what their views wure, mid they replied
that they were in favor of annexation,
and believed it whs sure to come ulti
mately, hut they wanted at least a term
of indepundunco. 'And wu want It,'
they said, 'just to provu that wu aru
civilized human buings.'
I behove thut thu Plait amendment
will be accepted. Theopposition to it was
as much to the way in which it was pro
Hunted to them as to what was in it. Its
Cuban opponents thought it was pre
sented somewhat as an ultimatum, and
that it could be better arranged by a
joint committee of Cubans and Ainuricuns
meeting in Washington. Hut 1 think it
will bu accepted, and J also think that
annexation will be the final outcome.
Many things have retarded it, and first
on the list I should place the wholesale,
indiscriminate denunciation of the
Cubans which has been so common in
the United States.
"1 went about all parts of Havana at
all hours ot the day and night, audi
never saw such an ordurly, peaceable
ity. It is one of thu cleanest cities in
the wofld. Washington is a clean city,
and yul I believe you could gather up
more dirt in Washington than you could
in Havana."
Work of Toriimlu.
BtKMiNUHAM, Ala., March L'll. Much
more horrible than thu first reports of
ihe tornado yesterday aru thu realities
which have thus fur come out this morn
ing. It is still impossible to compile thu
full list of the dead and wounded, hut it
is now curtain thut eighteou persons weru
killed and fifty more or lees injured in
Birmingham and vicinity. Thu path of
the storm was wide. It covers practical-
every hamlet In Jeirorson county.
The following cities wure especially
Isited: Birmingham, I'rult City, Besse
mer, lsnghlun, iMirtn liiriniiiguain,
Triissvllle, Wcuins, Irondale, Woodlawn
and Avondalu,
Thu majority of thu tornado sulforurs
are uugrous ami inu poorer classes oi
bites. Just how many people weru
hurt in thu storm will probably nevur bo
known. Many who sustained compara
tively trifling injuries paid no heed to
their wounds in thu anxiety to save their
scattered household cll'eetB, and to look
after their dead and those who wuro se
riously Injured. Thu names of about
fifty injured have boon abtained, hut
this number is thought to bu about half
those who wuro really hurt. Tho proper
ty loss is estimated In thu city at from
200,00 to $300,00. The death list iii
Ulrinuitthuiu and vicinity stands ut 18.
are wonderfully handsome, stylish garments. Per
fectly tailored, cut on entirely new lines and made
of the choicest materials of the seneon they fully
deserve popular attention.
Prices range from $1.75 to $12.50.
The materials nro sergee, cheviots, broad
cloths, Venetians, coverts and camel's hair mix
turesin tans, modes, black and oxford grays.
The most popular is the seven-goro flounce skirt, tiinnned with stitched bands
of same material ; silk folds or applique.
WK SHOW thu hitost styles of black silk Dress Skirts $lO to $20
(Jolf SKirt$:
The popular ekirt for spring is a gray ox
ford rough material, self back, in light, me
dium ami dark shades. They are made plain
five or Beven gore flare. others are cut with
all heavily stitched around bottom, and bavo cither strnpped or stitched
Prices range from $1.95 to $16.
ffeu drjdeirts...
The "princess nettrrjiel?."
Stylish gurmeuts ; everyone in thiB big new ship
muiit open this morning. Come and see them.
Made of mercerized sateens in thu following colors :
Purple, in six shades; red in three shades; and cerise,
blue and black. Made with deep accordeou plaited or
scalloped rullle, trimmed in cords, velvet ribbon or ruf
fles ot sarnu material. Select fiom this range oi prices:
$1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.50, $2.75
$8, $:j.50, $3.75, $4, $5 and $5.50.
Ue shouv Exqlusiue Styles in adis' Tailor-made Suits.
The nuw blouse and Kton eilects ure very handsome, and are shown in a large
variety of fushionuble materials $7.00 to $35,00
ffew Jies
All the latest shapes, in a
large variety of silks and pat
terns, in both light and dark
Tho Butterfly, Batwing,
Batwing Shield Bow, Narrow
Bias Teck, Narrow Four-in-Hand,
New Imperial Scarf,
and Band Bow.
Another shipment, of strict
ly high-grade Neckwear, due
this week.
ffeu Sprir Styles
in the celebrated
Benj. J. Brown, Jr., it Co.
(New York)
...Stiff Jiats...
now ready.
New shades
of brown and
Royal Wotcester
the Williams
guaranteed li Hat.
Notico is huruby given that there will
bu u meeting of Thu Dallus, Portland &
Astoria Navigation Con. puny, at the
company's office in The Dalles, ou Sat
urday, April (1, 1001, ut 'J o'clock p. m.,
for the purpose of electing seven di
rectors and transacting such other
business us may properly come before
said meuting. By order of thu president.
Thu Dallus, Oregon, March 5, 1901.
1 tn L. E. Okowe, Seu'y.
lull t'uuWlii't Iluvo St ii ml II,
If hu'd hud Itching Piles. They're
terribly uiinoying; butBucklen'a Arnica
Sulvu will curu the worst case of piles on
earth. It has cured thousands. For In
juries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it's
thu best salvu in thu world. Price 'Jfm
a box. Curu guaranteed. SoldhyG.C.
Blakeley, the druggist. 0
Wo oiler for a limited period the
twice-a-week CmtoNiin.K, price $l.G0,
and thu Weekly Oregonian, price $l.!i0,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this otl'or must bu paid in ad
vance. f
Early Itose Hued potatoes for sale at
the Stiulelmati Comm. Co. m5-lm
s Witch Hazel
Clarke &, Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated Janet h. Fatton
trlctly pure liquid paiuta
Counterfeits of DeWitt
Salvu aru liable to cause blood poisoning.
Leave them alonu. Thu original has thu
name DuWitt'u upon the box and wrap
pur. It is a hurmluHS and healing salve
for skin diseases, Unequalled for piles.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Phurmucy.
Why pay $1.76 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton's sun proof paints for if 1. 50 per
gallon, guruntuod for 0 years. Clark &
Falk, ageuts ml
For sprains, swellings and lameness
there is nothing bo good as Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, thu druggist.
Remember that you don't have to be
tin in : vou can teen vour hair uv us ue
Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. To be
had at Frazer'e barber shop, tf
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts ure
the beat. Ask your tt' Ker (or them.
Having received our complete line of
Household Goods which our manager
has purchased of eastern manufacturers,
and being crowded for store space, we
concluded to give special bargains in
Carpets, Mattings and Linoleum as
follows :
Ingrain Carpets.
Good Ingrain 40c per yard
Half Wool 50c " "
All-Wool, guarauted 00c " '
Extra Heavy 70c " "
Rajahs, heavy 00c " "
Flemish Tapestry $1.00 " "
The above prices includes sewed, laid
and lined.
Brussels Carpets.
8-wove Tapeetrv,
10-wove " ' ,
. . 05c per yard
..75c ' "
.$1.00 " "
Matting, Linoleum and Oil Cloth at
correspondingly low prices.
Remember our great line of Beautiful
Buggies and Reclining Go-Carts.
Great Northern Furniture Co.,
Second Street, opposite Obarr House. THE DALLES, OREGON.
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