The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 26, 1901, Image 3

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    Our Magnificent Spring Display.
Spring is knocking loudly, and wo aro roady for tho biggest, liveliest and best spring wo have
over had, representing tho best of everything new, stylish and handsome that has yet been pro
duced, is now ready for your inspection.
i set- r nv
8 fimr
Spring Skirts
There were received Saturday and have
been only seen by u few customers, and
already they are the talk nf the town. The
ptyleflare lliu latest New York pan produce.
We offer Home extraordinary values. Sue
our windows.
$2.50 to $16.00.
Fancy '
There is nothing that a iady is more
careful in selecting than hor "Hosiery.
Our line of drop stitch and fancy hose
are the latest importations.
Ladies' percale wrappers, phenomenal
values, fit perfect. New spring color
ings light and dark effects. Extiafull
skirts, trimmed with ruflles and braid.
Notice the corset lining. Good values at
95c, $1 00 and $1.25.
'I 'h
The styles are correct. In fine
and fancy straw. See our val
ues at....
50c, 75c, 89c,
1.00, 1.25, 1.50,
2.00, up to 3.50.
Muslin Underwear.
25c to $6.00
See Window.
About your
for Easter...
It is generally known that
Wo carry the Largest Stock
We show the Greatest Variety
We sell at the Lowest Trices
We are showing cravats for Spring that are
radically different from last season. The nar
row 4-in-hand, the .Butterfly and the Bat
Wing will be the favorite shapes among care
'ful dressers. Our largo variety embraces
many novel and striking patterns.
Will certainly be found in our grand assort
ment of new shapes and shades in fedoras
and low crowns.
Our line of Spring Shoes for
Men is now ready. No finer
footwear has ever been seen
in The Dalles.
Patent Leathers
For full dress in kid and
box calf, $4.50 to $5.00.
Business : Shoes
Stj'lish footwear in ve
lour, vici kid and russia
calf, $3.00 to $4.00.
Working Men's Shoes
Solid serviceable shoes in
kangaroo kip, colt skin
and heavy calf, $1 50 to
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
There has been a few more arrivals of SPRING
FABRICS, making our stock now complete. Such
an array of fine goods the people of The Dalles have
never had the pleasure of viewing before.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MARCH -0, 1901
At Andrew Keller's.
Col .
All M'aic dimity tviirrmit H reeUtorril
prior tn Ntilt-iiitirr 1, 1K1I7. will be ialil
on prraentatlnii it injr olllcn, Iiiterext
tfim, after N'ovenilmr iSV, 1000.
Vouuty Treasurer.
The Dalles Hospital is at last fully
equipped and (urniehed and ready to
receive patients.
The ladles of St. Paul's Guild will
meet witli Mrs. W. I. Morris tomorrow
afternoon at 2:110 o'clock.
Mrs. Jessie 8. Voit, tho worthy grand
matron O. K. S., 1b in tho city and is tho
gtiist of Mrs. W. S. Myers.
Rev. Mr. Luke, of Portland, will hold
servless in St. Raul's Kplteopal church
tonight, commencing at 7 :.'!0 o'clock.
Wanted Hoard and rooms in private
family for three, or furnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Address, X. Y. 'A.,
ctro Tin: Oiikonil'm:. 2(J-'.'t
The Pendleton Kuet Orogouian advo
cate the sprinkling of the streets of
that city ut tlm expense and under tho
supervision of tho city government.
Columbia Chapter, No. .'ID, O. K. R.
Kegular meeting litis (Tuesday) availing
at 7:150 o'clock. The worthy grand ma.
iron will make her ofllclal visit at this
The cervlcn last night at the Chris
tian church was specially interesting.
Tonliiht the ml.jVct whl he "The Infttlll
Iile Way," illiiHtrated by a diagram on
the blackboard.
Mr. A. MoAdam, manager of the
l'nae& Mays' branch store at Shaniko,
after spending nearly a week here Be
lading goods for tho spring trade, re
turned to Shaniko on the noon train.
The !ScliHiino building, immediately
H ot A. M. Williams' atore, is being
handsomely fitted up for occupancy by
the gents' furnishing department of that
'Inn. When occupied, as It will be
shortly, the firm will have a store front
age of over one hundred feet, or a floor
space on the ground floor of over 10,000
square feet.
Say, are you looking for a bargain? If
you are, here it is: A tine farm in
southern Sherman county, two and a
half miles from tho railroad; 100 acres
in cultivation and thirty acres more
good plow html; good house; large barn
nnd other out buildings. For further
particulars call on or write to Hudson &
Rrownhill, The Dalles, Or.
Murilnreil Ity rumen Unknown.
The jury in the case of the man found
dead Sunday near tho summit, seven
miles or so east of The Dalles, met this
morning pursuant to adjournment and
rendered a verdict in accordance with
the meager facts brought out during the
inquest. Meanwhile a message had
been sent to the family of John Court
land, who live on a farm a few miles
from Moro, and reeultedin the discovery
that Mr. Courllnnd, whom a number of
people supposed to be tho dead man,
was alive and well and with his family
on the ranch. The verdict is as follows :
We, tho jury impaneled by W. H.
Hutts, coroner of Wasco county, Oregon,
to inquire into the cause of tho death ot
the body now before n", lifter careful
consideration come to I In: following con
clusions: That the name nf the deceased is tin
known to us; ttni' his ago is about 50
years; height, 5 feet 8 Inches; weight,
about 100 pounds; gray hair and
whiskers; dressed in a brown duck eo.u
and blue overalls, and heavy minors'
shoes, about No. 0, said shoes known aft
Iv'onilike shoes ; anil that he came to
his death about seven miles east of The
Dalle's, in Wasco county, Oregon, and
about fifty feet north of tho railroad
truck of tho Oregon It lil way & Naviga
tion Company, on or about the '.'2nd
day of March, 1001 .
That said deceased came to his deatli
from n gunshot wound; that said do
ceaeed was shot under tho left eye, and
that tho bullet of said gun pierced tho
base of said deceased's brain and
fractured the spinal column.
That said death was instantaneous,
and from all the evidence produced said
deceased was murdered by a party or
parties unknown to this jury.
Dated at. D.tlles City this l-'lkh day of
March, 1001.
lloiiJiiniiiN laauatu Still at l.itrgn.
The remain? of Kdsou V. Ronjauiiii,
who was killed ut the Weudorf ranch
near Underwood's Lauding, Saturday
night, were hroiight here on the noon
train and the funeral took place at
12 p. in. from the undertaking parlors of
Crandall & Rurget. The funeral ser
vices were conducted by the A. O. U, W,
There is hardly any room for doubt
that lienjumlii's aisasein was a logger of
the neighborhood, named James Green,
who has been suspected from the
moment tho shot was fired, and wh o has
since disappeared. Green bad threatened
Benjamin's life as well as that of Mrs.
Nellie Brown, who was sitting beside
Benjamin when tiie fatal shot was fired,
and who received a part of the fatal
bullet in her shoulder after it had passed
through Benjamin's head. Green's
motive appears to have been jealousy ot
anyone who spoke to Mrs. Brown. Mrs.
Brown had been engaged to Green, but
about three months ago the engage
ment was broken oil. Sinco that time
Green baa been heard to say repeatedly:
"I have nothing to live for now. I will
kill myself but tome one else will go
No very vigorous search appears to
have been made for Green, nor did any
active search begin till the assassin had
abundant time to get out or the way.
One would have supposed that the
authorities hero would be promptly
notified, but no notice of the murder or
the escape of the murderer has reached
them other than what came to every
body. An unsupported rumor has it that
Green was seen half a mile from the
place of tho murder shortly after it was
committed. Another rumor has it that
he was seen Sunday in the neighborhood
of Shell Rock mountain on the south of
tho river.
WtlllllllK llfllH.
We copy tho following marriage no
tice from the Randon, Coos county,
Recorder. Tho bride is well and favora
bly known In this city, and especially so
in the Dufur neighborhood, where Bhu
lived for many years. Mr. and Mrs.
Kverson are at present visiting friends
fu The Dal'es :
Married On inauguration day, March
I, 1001, at tho residence of Stephen Gal
tier, at Coqiiillo City, at 1 1 o'clock a, m,,
Colonel 8. S. ICveraon, of llandiin, and
Mrs. I.. Catifleld, of Dufur, Wasco coun
ty, were united in the holy bonds of
iiiatiiuiouy, Judge Harlocker nflluiatlng,
After the'eeremuuy was over the bride
uud groom departed for their beautiful
home at iiaudou, where they were cordi
ally received by a host of warm friends
anil acquaintances. After icceiviiig con
gratulations upon the arrival ot tho bri
dal party at Uaiidon, the bride and
groom repaired to their home, where tho
Ilaudon brass band uud uleo club put in
an appearance about 0 o'clock in the
evening and contributed to tho pleaure
of tho occasion,
Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, Indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptlom of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 eta
and 50 cte. Rlakeley, the druggist.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday,
.Don't forget this.
Mm. Hudson1 AThUt.
A delightful afternoon was that spent
yesterday with Mrs. T. A. Hndeon, who
entertained in honor of tiie birthday of
Mrs. Orion Kinerely. "
The parlors were beautful with eatniP
tions nnd violets, while a profusion of
Oregon grape, rock lilies and buttercups
made tho rooms a veritable bower.J
Hospitality filled the air, and if canter
and laughter aro signs of enjoyment, a
gay afternoon was spent. .
Six tables had been arranged, and
after sixteen games had been playml,
two very pretty books were awarded
Mrs. Bennett aud Mrs. Schenck as
Throughout the afternoon salted al
monds and pir.ochee were served, and
at the close of the games a splendid
lunch was enjoyed, followed by several
musical nunibors.and just before parting
the ladies all joined in an old-fashioned
Virginia reel, making a happy climax to
a most happy afternoon. ' " i
Present were Mesdames Thornbnry,
Kinerely, Crossen, Seufert, Sitinott,
Fish, Logan', Peters, Pease, Schenck
Sheldon, Delhi!!', Morgan, Bennett,
Kuck, Morris, W. H. Wilson, H. S.
Wilson, M. Z. Donnell, Marden, Tolmie,
Ilostettler', McCoy, Misses Marden,
Schmidt, Lay and Kinerely.
At the Concri'gatlniiul tiliiudi.
Tho meeting at tho Congregational
church last night was ouo of more than j
ordinary interest. After an inspiring i
praise service, led by Prof, L'uidere, Mr, ;
Clapp, under whoso leadership these ,
sorvicoa are conducted, spoke on "The!'
Report of Spies." He chose as a text
the words "There wo saw the giants."
Tho treatment of tho subject was most;
unique. 'The ability to present old
truths, clothed with presf nt day life, is '
an accomplishment to be coveted. This i
Rev. Clapp possesses to an unusual de
gree. There was not a dull moment
dining the entire meeting. The speaker
dwelt on the inliioilty and majority re-,
ports of the twelve men cent into 0i-(
iinaii, uud o! the lar-reiicliiug ellects
which these have had, not only upon
Israel, but upon the world, At the con
clusion of the sermon Mr. Poling sang,
with splendid etTeet, a solo entitled "Re
deemed." There will bo services again tonight
and each night during the week, The
subject fur tonight will be "Naaman the
Leper." Tho regular church quartet,
Messrs. Landers, Davenport, Northup
and Puling, will sing a number this
evening, and in addition Mr, Poling
It', flH,JiA9t;
. V II .T. . t1
s .;.5iVf'.i-'tf
.FC Corsets
The F. G.
is the only high-grade
Girdle sold in this city,
at $1.00.
There are other makes
that cost you more
money but there are
None Better!
and few ns good. Also
carry a big line of Cor
sets at 4Se nnd our $1.00
lines are equal to others
sold at ifl.'.'o and 1.50.
The Place to Save Money.
Leghorn Kgs fur Sale.
Single comb brown Leghorn eggs,
from imported stock bred by J. H.
Bailey, of Denver, Colo., breeder of
highest scoring Leghorns in the world;
$ l.'Jo per setting of 15.
J.S. Iltlil.ANU, The Dalles, Or.
Muiiurn fin- Suit. ir to Clive Auy.
I have about 100 loads of rich horse
manure, well rotted, that I will give to
auk one who hauls it away, or I will de
liver any number of load at 50 cents a
load. It. I. Yotrmi,
mSO-lw Kast Kud Feed Yard.
Master fashions A magnificent dou
ble page of charming gowns and hats
for the season of 1001 in tho next Now
York Journal. Leave your orders with
the American Cigar Store and News
Stand. We deliver free. Both tele
phones. 25 2t
Wood-saw for sale. Can be bought
forf-'OO. Call at this ofllco. m'Jo-lm
In all its et.iyea tbero
should bo clcuiiliucid.
Ely's Cream Balm
cli;ui?cs, soothes mid hoala
tho ilisua.-al membrane.
It cures catarrh ami drlu'd
uuay a cold lu tho bond
Cream I'.alm ts placed Into tho nostrils, spreads
over tho incmbratio and is absorbed. Keliof la lui
lucillato ami a euro fo:ioiH, It Is not drying doc
not nrodiico biiee.Inj;, Larue Si.e, 50 cents at Drug
gist r by mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
M.Y IMOTIIKUi), oil Wam-u Street, New York.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
AH i ders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone -133. Local, 103.
1 1