The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY MARCH CG, 1901 MR. CARNEGIE AND PROUDHON. Two earnest socialists called one day upon the head of the Rothschild family in Paris, reminded him that property was robbery and demanded , that he should cease being a great, wholesale thief, and should permit' them and their fellows also to be thieves on a smaller scale in brief, that he should make an equal distri-j bution of his wealth among the mem- "bcrs of the community. To their J surprise and no little embairassment he did not demur nor call for the police. On the contrary, he readily assented to their demand. "Certain ly, citizens," he said, "with all the pleasure in the world. My fortune 1 is about o0,000,000 francs. There ' are about two million people in Paris. That is 25 francs apiece. Jfow, of course, ou are quite satis- tied. Good day, citizens!" History I unfortunately does not record the j sequel, so that we do not know! whether the two regenerators of so-1 ciety promptly drank themselves to I death with absinthe or renounced I the unsatisfactory Proudhon and j lived honestly forever after. The incident comes to mind, how ever with luminous significance at every so-called distribution of wealth, such, for example, as the superb and unsurpassed benefactions which Mr. Carnegie has just made to communi ties in which for many years he has been accustomed to hear himself harshly criticised for his great ac cumulation of wealth. In two or three major strokes he redistributes more than 10,0.00,000 among the people, and in scores of minor strokes probably as much more, and there ate intimations of tens of millions more to come. Recording to the strict interpretation of Proudhon's creed, he is thus merely disgorging the proceeds of robbery. "Well, granted so, for sake of argument. Then it will be difficult, surely, to draw the line between honesty and dishonesty. For, strictly speaking, if property is robbery, the possession of 1 is petty larceny just as truly as the possession of $1,000,000 is grand larceny. It is to be supposed that few socialists would approve so strict a construction of Proudhon's dictum. But if they do not, it will lie with them to declare how much property may honestly be held and beyond what line it becomes robbery. And it will not be easy, in the preseut case, to draw that line ac cording to the service of public welfare. Let us suppose that Mr. Carnegie, instead of accumulating profits into a great fortune, had day oy day re distributed all the profits of his business to all who were in any way connected with it. Each of bis empioj'es would have had a few more cents a day in wages, and each of his customers would have got his iron and steel for a traction of a cent less a pound. That is all. At the end of a year, or ten years, or fifty 3'ears neither the individual nor the community would have been perceptibly better off with such dis tribution than without it. There would have been no accumulation of reserve capital with which to create a vast loan and pension fund and to found schools and libraries without number, and these latter things, which are of simply incalculable beneGt to the whole community, would never have come into exist ence. Under the application of the socialists' rule the benefactions of Andrew Carnegie, of Peter Cooper, of George Peabody, of Stephen Girard and of innumerable other philanthropists could never have been made. Nor will it do to argue that such things should be provided by the state, as though the state were the custodian of some Fortunatus's purse. The stats would mean ouly the mass of workingmen. It is easy to ask tbe state to appropriate money now for public works, because the vast bulk of taxation falls upon the rich. But if there were no rich men to bo taxed, vould a city of poor men tax itself $5,000,000 or 10, 000,000 for public libraries? Had Xew York contained no man with an income of more than $1,000 aj year, would it have taxed itself for the new library building which iS now going up: Ana :or tue great, libraries which arc to be housed therein? And tor the sixty-five branches which Mr. Ccrnegie now; proposes to establish? The fact is, accumulated wealth may be "caviare to the general," but the taste for it is readily and not un willingly acquired. Whiit the two disciples of Proudhon wanted of Baron Rothschild was not $5 apiece, but $5,000,000 apiece. They did not want such a distribution as would bring him down almost to their financial level, but one which would raise them almost to his. They dream of an equal distribution which would make all men rich, and disregard the stern fact that if all the gold and silver that has been pro duced iu tbe world since tbe dis covery of America were equally divided each person would get only some $12 or $13, and in such distri bution the beneficence of wealth would be impossible. The down pouring ram is equally distributed, but it never could supply the wants of the people were it not collected and accumulated, here in a cistern holding a few hundred gallons and there in a reservoir containing many billion gallons, in one place to drive the wheels of mills, m another to quench the thir3t of a great city. It is precisely so with wealth. To serve its most efficient purposes it must be accumulated before it is redistrib uted, here to drive the wheels of industry, there to give schools and libraries and museums and all such blessings to the people; and then it must be distributed in a mass, not individually. Mr. Carnegie proposes to give New York $5,200,000 for sixty-five free public libraries scat tered about the city. Suppose in stead he should give $1.50 to each of the 0,500,000 persons in the city. In the latter case he would be giving fully as much as in the former. But in which case would his gift be of the greater and more lasting good to his fellow men? New York Tribune. A NEWSPAPERMAN TELLS THE TRUTH r "This week we begin publishing the advertising of the new coffee substi tute called Figprune Cereal. "We are using this article in our own home and find it the finest substi tute tor coffee we have ever tried. Just invest 25 cents in a package and try It. It makes a rich healthful drink." "W. s. RODGERS. Editor Mountain Echo, Boulder Creek, Calif. - i-rp t-t- -"-p The above appeared as a news item In Oi A Mnnntntn T" r li n i ti il licited. The editor was so well pleased I with Pigprune that he wanted all his fellow townspeople to try it. As Figprune is the most nutritious and nourishing of any of the cereal coffees it is but natural that the gen eral public should welcome the new breakfast beverage. All grocers sell It. Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, causing a far more nerious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, eniokes and snulTa and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Bahn is such a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the COc. size. Ely Brothers, CC Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or canse sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated uud ungry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inttawmution. with Ely's Cream Bui in you are armed against Kauai Catarth uud Huy Fever. Don't you know that Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic will nave your and your children's hair? You can get it for 50 and 75 cents a bottle at Franer'a barber shop, sole ntrent. tf Hee that you tret the original DeWitt's Witch Haeel Salve when you ask for it. The genuine it a certain care tor pile", ores and skin diseases. Clarke & Falk's P, O. Pharmacy. The Big Klickitat Canal. A small party of engineers arc quietly looking tip the practicability of divert ing the waters of the Big Klickitat to the Horse Heaven country for irrigating purposes, says the Agriculturist. This is the old fchome surveyed out and pronounced perfectly practicable in 1892, and is again taking shape. It seems that the dry itold placers about Cleveland is the moving cause of the in vestigation. For years miners have known of the existence of valuable dry diggings on Pine creek above Cleveland ; but the impossibility of getting water for washing purposes has caused these rich deposits to lie neglected and un worked. Now the old Smith survev is being carefully run down by practical miners and professional engineers. Thus far everything is very favorable and the undertaking does not seem to be as ex pensive as at first thought. If continued explorations and meas urements prove as flattering as those nl ready conducted, it is more than proba ble the canal will be at once excavated, the Cleveland placer mines worked and the Horse Heaven district irrigated. Catarrn I'aonut Be Cured, with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it vou must take inter nal remedies. Hali's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country lor years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous 'surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best 12 The lingering cough following grippe calls for One Minuto Cough Cure. For all throat and lung troubles this is the only harmless remedy that gives im mediate results. Prevents consumption Clarke & Falk's P.O. Pharmacy. i Quality and not quantity makes De Witt's Little Earlv Risers such valuable little liver pills. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. BUSINESS LOCALS. Yon will not have boils if von t, 1 Clarke & Falk's sure cure foi boils. Boy wanted to learn the blacksmith trade. Inquire at this office. mlo-lw Clarke & Fa'.k have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Bicycles at $25.00, $:J5.00, $-10.00 and $50.00, at Maier & Benton's. mSO-lw A full line of Eastman films and eup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure dandruff and all scalp diseases. Don't neglect your hair. For sale at Frazer's barber shop, sole agent. tf Hustling young man can make $60 per month and expenses. Permanent post tion. Experience unnecessary. .Writ' quick for particulars. Clark A Cj,, Fourth and Locust Streets, Philoiiel bpia, Pa, s8-t: FOR SALE.. Twelve head of work horEes, plows, drill, wagon and three sets of double harness. Approved notes taken. Ap ply to A, C. Kick, 2m-wtf The Dallee. 60 YEARS' Trade Marks Designs Copyrights 4c. Anyone rending a sketch and description ma' quickly ascertain our opinion free whether u Invention Is probably patentable. C'oimuunlcF turns strlctlyeoiifldeiitlal. Handbook on Puteutt lent frefi. Oldest neencjr for tecurtiiKputenls. I'atei.ta taken throutrh Munu & Co. reuclrv nxclalnotict, without charge, to tbe Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated wceklr. ettljitlfiri of unr sclentltln journal. Lamest elr. Terms, Vi a lewsdeulers. rear: lour months, f L bold Lrall newndealer. MUNN & Co.36B"a New York Branch Office. t2b V HU Wsshluittun. I,7' Sheriff's Sale. Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to an ex ecution issued out of tint Circuit Court of the Btute of Oirgon for Wasco County, fin the '..'1st dity of February, VMl, In a suit therein iwiidlug wherein Willlnin Kloid Is i.bitiitlll'Huil WIUIkiu K, Helm and Kllzubetli 11. ilelm slid K. W. Helm are defendants, to mo directed, 1 will, on Biitur day, the 'i'id day of Mnrcli. 1101, tit tbe hour of '.' o'clock . in., ut the court house door in Dulles City. Oreguu, sell at public sale to the highest bidder for tush In bund, al! of the following de scribed real properly situated in said Wus o County, to-wlt: iits 1 una uud the southeast 'luurlcr of tbe northeast quarter of section 4, township $ south, range 11 cast, uud the south east quarter and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 33,towiisblp2 south, range 14 east, YV, M., to satisfy a certain Judg ment rendered iu said court and cause on said 21st day of February, lUOI.ior tbe sum of 11730.37 and interest at ten per cent per annum, and t'4K) attorney' fees, and fib costs and disburse ments, and $70.15 uud Interest at six per cent per annum and !H1.C8 andlutereatat ten per cent per annum and accruing costs, KOWJKT KKIXV, Ib'.'3 St Bherltt ol Wasco County. ssssssjjHfe. EXPERIENCE Oregon Shot line amd Union Pacific time snn:nui.i:s riiOM T1IK D.U.l.KS. AiiRivr. IROM l'Oit OhirRKO- rortliinu Suit IjiVc, Denver, Kt. 1 Worth, Omiihn, Kan i SHS.01IV. St Umtsl'lil- 1 - n,..l .1,,, I"..., Siifcitil, 12:2.i p. m. l:C5p. in. via Hunt ington. AtUntlc Express, 12 :M n. in vih Hunt IliRton. i Stilt Luke, Denver, Kt. Worth, Oinnhn, Knn I mis City, St 1mlsCiii I piiro nnil the Knst. 4:l3n. in, St. l'nul Vh11h Wnllh, lAiwIston. Fust Mull, tMKiknncWtilliice.riill- 9:25 p. m. niHii, Minneapolis, St. vlu sipo- l'nul, Illlluth, MIIwru. 3::) n m. KHIie. j Kle, I MCHKOMIU OCEAN AND EIVEK SCHEDULE From I'Drtlnnd. (U srUIiir dntes sub I Jcct to ehttURe ) 1 For ?nn rrnnclseo, ! Mill every 5 dajs. S:00 p. m. 4:00 p. in, Daily except Minday, 00 p. m. Cnlutulila Itlver. To Astoria and Way Landings. 4 :00 n. m exrept Saturday, 10:00 p. in. Sunday Dally Willamette Jllvur. "ind'nv ' W CH' N1' eiec".t Tuesday, i 4:.'p. m. Thursday, Corvallls and Way- .Mouday, Saturday, landings. Wednesday 6:00 n. m. i many, Tuesday, , WilUiiiftttn anil , !):.' p. m Thursdav. , Yamhill Itlverx. .Monday Saturday, , Oregon City, Dayton and Wt'di'r?"lJ lit .umnttiir.. Friday Leave snot- in..r. Leave Kinarla Ix'wiston dully. i dally, 3:40 a. m. , "ipanu 10 i-cwisiou. S:30a.ui. Farties acslrhiir to co to nctinricr or pom is on i;omrama soumern via jukkx. snouia take No. 2. leavlDE The Dalles at 12:25 v. m. making direct connections at Hcppner junction mid IJiggh. Keturolug mukltiRdirectcoiiiiectlon at lleppner junction and WggB lthio. l, ar riving at The Dalles at 1:05 p. m. for further particulars, call on or address JAS. IRELAND. Acent. The Dalles, Oregon. Notice. By virtue of the order mid direction of the uouncu oi mines i;iiy, as uy resolution Hereto fore adopted, notice is hereby given that the Council of Dulles City has determined to estnb llsb sidewalks and crossw alks for Tenth street in Gutes' Addition to Dalles Cltv, and for Clay street, iu lllufl Addition to Dulles Clty.iis lollows: A sidewalk commencing ut a point where the east line of Court street would intersect the northern boundary line of the school property of school District Xo. 13, of Wuseo County, Ore gon, sum properly ix-iui; Known us me Hcuoemv grounds, if snid line would be extended to suld northern bouudury Hue, and running thence easterly to the northeast corner of sulil property of Mild school district and abutting on the nonuern line oi nuu property. A sidewalk commencing at the northwest cor ner of block No. 0, and running easterly to the northeast corner of suld block No. !. mid abut- ting on the northern boundary line of suld bio k No. r.. A crosswalk running straight ucro's II street and Joining on the west the sidewalk tibuttlug on tbe northern boundary line of said oloek No. 0, and Joining on the eust a sldewulk abutting on me nonnern Douiiourv line oi niocu No. (i. A sidewalk commencing h. the northwest corner of suld block, und running easterly to the northcaxt corner of suld block and abut ting on tbe northern boundary line of suld block No. G. A crosswalk running straight across C street and Joining ou the west the sldewulk abutting on tue Dortnern boundary line oi saw block No G, and Joining n sidewalk abutting ou the north, ern boundary line of block No. 7. A sidewalk commencing at the northwest corner of block No. 7, und running easterly to wie iiiiriuasi corner oi saia uiock ro. ,, una abutting on the northern boundary Hue of suld block No. 7. A crosswalk running straight across I) street und joining on the west tbe sidewalk abutting on the northern boundary line of said block No. 7, und joining ou the eust u sidewalk ubuttlng ou the northern boundary line of block No. H. A sidewalk commencing ut tho northwest corner of block No. S and running easterly ltw feet, anil ubuttlng on tbe northern bouudury line of suld block No. 8. That suld Tenth street und the property abut ting thereon being in Gates Addition to Dulles City, und all the other above described streets, blocks und roicrty being iu illull' Addition to Dulles City. Paid above described sldewulks to be six feet In width and to be ((instructed in au cordancu with the ordinances In relation to the construction of sidewalks, Huld crosswalks to he constructed In accord ance with the ordinances: of thuclty in relution to the construction Iheieof. That tliecoitof suld sidewalks uud crosswalks uio to besess d against tbe property bench ted thereby, according to the luws of Dalles City, in witness whereof 1 haye hereunto set my hunil and the corporate seal of tDallcs City this, the'J'Jiid dny of Murcli, l'JOl. skal.1 NKD H. (JATHS, mch'Ji'-l.'it itecorder of Dalles City. Notice No. 2 Is to all personH indebted to the late firm of E. J. Collins & Co. und H. L. Brooks to call and settle their account or note, as the case may be, bv the 1st of Anril : otherwim the accounts will ho put into the hands of our collector. You want the best, C. L, Phillips has it, in CHICKENS Bull' Legtf&rho ty'ftf'dj. JCttray. Came to my place, seven miles west of The Dalles, Orst of November last, a black Jersey iteer, two years old ; email plit in each ear; no brand visible. Owner caa have tame by proving owner ship and paying all charge. f IU 6t J. P. AuimvB, l Bicycles Our new J Columbias naruorus Videttes Largest lot of wheels ever brought to Ibis city. Call and see them. MAYS GIVE AWAY. With every dollar's worth of eoods purchased at my store for tho next Sixty Dave, 1 will Rivo'one chance on the following prices: 1 First p;lze 1 Gent's Gold Watch and Chain 2 Second prize 1 Ladles' Gold Watch and Chain M Third pilze 1 Smoking Set 4 Fourth prise 1 Silver Hutter Dish and lbitter Knlfa 5 Filtn prize 1 set Silver Knives and Forks In addition to giving awav these prizes I will sell goods as low as the lowest, anil guarantee my goods to he freh. Give me a trial. ROBERT TEAGUE. Speaking of Blood Medicine : Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing that cures. Dj not forget it; we have it, at 75c por bottlo (large bottlas); guaranteed, or you may get your money back if not satisfied. IN COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS we exercise the greatest enre. We carry the bes.t anil life the best in com pounding your phveicians orders. Our prices wo muke as low as is consistent with efficient service. We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything appertaining to Drugs, Patent Medicines, Sundries and Photograph Supplies, GEORGE C. BLAKELEY. ,F- S. GUYING, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker,,, -di;ai.i:ii i.v- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Agent for Itussell Co. Kuglnes, Threshers and Suw Mills. Telephone 157. Lone Distance 1073. J. E. FALT & CO., roprletors The Owl." t 9 t) Purest Liquors for Family Use 5 Delivered to any Phones: 51 Local, V 858 LonK Distance. L. Lane, GE.VKKAl. A N D r a Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Mcmd. Phone 159 I J, ti. HCHINCK, frciildeut. Max a, Vout. CHkhlei First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Bunking Business transacted Deposits received, etibjeet to Sight Draft or Check. Collections uinde and proceeds promptlj remitted on dav of collection. BlKht and Telegraphic Exchange sold o New York. Han Francisco an;' ort. land. n o r OIKfOTOK 2 1 Im r"SM0 J0. B. BCHIHCa. En. M. Williams, Gko. A. Lu&a. H M. Bbai.i. Floral lotion will care wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arlce A Falk. BiauiQ Horsesnoe - Bicycles stock received. Ramblers Stormers Pennants CROWE. Cor, Seuond & Lanolin Sts, THE DALLES, OR. V part of tho City. 173 Second Street. Just What You cuant New MeuB in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Heal imita tion creton effects at ordinary price' Good papers ut cheap paper prices. Klegant designs, tasteful coloring, yourt for a small price, at our store on riw street. Also a full line of house palnti- D. W. VAUSE, Third St mm Restaurant if? Jp L. Y. Hong, Prop'r. First-Class in Every Respect MKALH AT AM. IIOUK". Oystera Served in any Style- T Beoond Ht., Tue JJlle. Or.