The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 26, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 71
American to Succeed Father Martin
Possible That Head of Jesuits Will
He Removed.
Ni:w Yoiik, March 25. The Herald
pays : Anions tho possibilities suggested
by reports from Koine is that of nn
American becoming "the Black Pope."
There are according to an old saying,
three Popes in Home "the White Pope,"
who sits in the chair of St. Peter; "the
Red Pope," who is tho Cardinal Perfect
of the Propaganda; and ''the Black
Pope," who is the general of the Jesuits.
Cardinal Gibbons' name has often
been mentioned for the first named office.
That of Father Rudolph F. Meyer, ulbo
nn American, is also spoken of in con
nection with the latt of the trio. Ac
cording to tho reports in reference, Leo
Mil has determined to remove Father
Martin, general of the .Society of Jesus,
on the grounds that tho recent popular j
demonstrations againBt the order of
I' ranee, Austria, Spain and Portugal, are
due to mismanagement, for which Father
Martin is held responsible by liiH
Members of the Society of Jesus in
this city are inclined to doubt the ac
curacy of this report. They believe,
however, that in view of Father Martin's
hud state of health an assistant may be
appointed with every likelihood of sue
feeding him eventually.
"If any action had already been taken
by the holy father," said the Kev. Father
J. J, Wynne, S. J., last night, "it would
hnve been reported to us by cable by
our representative in Home, Father
Meyer. Nothingon the subject, however,
has been received. On the other baud,
there is a possibility that a vicar has or
may be appointed as assistant to Father
Martin, who will take charge of ti is work.
The general has been in bad health for
n year or more, Buttering seriously, I fear,
from Bright' disease. Though be is
comparatively a young mau, about '54
years of age, and has several assistants
and advisers who huve charge of different
suctions of the world under his direction,
Kev. Father Meyer, representing this
country, bis work is very onerous. Under
the circumstances I think it probable
that the holy father has given him an
Culm 1 1, Kejett Amendment.
Nkw Yohk, March 25. A dispatch to
the Tribune from Havana sayBi Con
gressman Brantley has had u conference
with Senor Nunez, lie learned that the
convention relations committee's report,
to he made Monday, will state that the
Piatt amendment is vague and Indefinite,
that it does not define the area of land
wanted for coaling editions or state
where they are to be located.
The intervention clause Is likewise in
definite, the committee will further say.
If the convention should accept this
clause tliu United States could intervene
on any pretext, oven if a stable govern
ment existed. It was not satisfactory
because the United States could raise a
point and the president could send
troops to Cuba without the action of
congress on the plea of enforcing an net
of congresB.
Mr. Uhamberlain will begin the work
ol raising the wreck of the Maine Mon
duy. Knirtuiiil Ami Hi i) 'J mi 111'.
London, March 25. In the commons
today, Chancellor Hicks-Beach was
asked whether, in viuw of the oiganiza
tiun of thu steel trust in America, the
British govemmeut proposed to Impose
duties on foreign steel. He answered :
"Wail for the budget. The question
In answered there."
it is rumored that England is about
to abandon its free trade principles in
fuverul directions, notably as to sugar
nd steel, and post u registry on wheat.
Lord Cranberne aunounced that Huesla
had agreed to accept the result of an in
'1'iiry Into the Tien Tsln disputes.
Hurrlt'ituit In Knulli Hvh,
Vktoum, B. 0., March 25. The mull
h-om Suva brluga details of a great bur
ridne which receutly wrought much
Havoc III the Knnfli l'mifl.. 'I'l...
which swept over New Caledonia, and
especially on the East Const, was tb
-. rrt
worst, in yrars. iwo large sailing ves
scls and a steamer were lost. The steam
er Hero was driven on the rocks at Kou
nona, and together with several barges
loaded with nickel, she foundered. The
bark Emile Galline was swept to dis
aster on the coast at Tihoo, and the new
four-masted ship Ville du Harve, partly
loaded with nickel ore, was stranded at
Tsonmea, where she soon broke up. The
loss of life, it is feared, was large.
Tonga and Fiji also suffered, tho for
mer island the most. At Nukulofa
among the small craft wrecked was the
King's yacht. The master lost his life
in the attempt to Bave. A good many
coast vessels wore wrecked on the Fijis
and other damage done. The island of
Maluku was swept by a tidal wave and
over juu noiiBes were blown down or
swept away by the incoming waters.
Many lives are reported lost.
Swept by a Cj clone.
Bin.MlNoiiAM, Ala., March 25. A cy
clone which swept over Jones valley, in
which Birmingham is located, between
! and 10 o'clock this morning, resulted
in immense damage to property and con
siderable loes of life. The number of
dead is not yet definitely known, but up
to noon today it was estimated at 25, of
these at leaBt seven beini: killed at Iron'
dale, about fifteen in the city of Birmiug
ham and tho others in suburban towns,
New Appointment for 11. It. .Miller.
Wahiiinoton, March 25. The presi
dent has appointed Henry B. Miller, of
Oregon, to be consul of the United States
at Niu Chwang, China.
(Mr. Miller whb originally appointed
consul at Chungking, China. Recent dis
turhances made It impossible for him to
reach that point, which is doubtless the
reason he was given another post.)
White Mull Turned Yellow.
Great consternation was felt by the
friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington,
Ky., when they saw he was turning yel
low. His skin slowly changed color, also
his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His
malady was Yellow Jaundice. He was
treated by the beet doctors, but without
benefit. Then he waa advised to try
Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach
and Liver remedy, and he writes: "After
taking two bottles I was wholly cured."
A trial proves its matchless merit for all
Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles.
Only 25c. Sold by G. C. Blukeley, the
diuggiat. 0
flow tn Cure Croup.
Mr. K. Gray, who lives near Amenia,
Duchess county, N. Y., Bays : "Chamber
lain's Cough Kemedy is the best medi
cine I have ever used. It is a line
children's remedy for croup uud never
fails to cure." When given as boou ub
ttie child becomes hoarse, or even after
thu croupy cough has developed, it will
prevent the attack. This should be
bo-nu in mind and a bottle of the Cough
Kemedy kept at hand ready for instant
use as soon as these symptoms appear.
For sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
The Item 1'lunter.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to
the all'ected parts is superior to any
plaster. When troubled with lame fyack
or pains in the side or, chest, give it a
trial and you are certain to he more
than pleased with the prompt relief
which it allbrds. Pain Balm also cures
rheumatism. Que application gives re
lief. For sale bv Blakeley, thu druggist.
Why pay if 1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton'a sun proof paints for $1,50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Ka'k, agents. ml
Twenty well-broke mares and geldings,
weight from l.'JOU to 1050 pounds. In
tjuire of Fki:i Fisiiuit,
fllS-lmw The Dalles.
Iluu't Kub It In,
Just wet the all'ected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain ie gone. Sold by Clarke &
For sprains, swellings and lameness
there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
Keuiember that you don't have to be
bald ; you can keep your hair by using
Cocoa u ut Cream Hair Tonic. To be
had at Fruzer'a barber shop. tf
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the beat. Ask your B' er for them.
Town Will Not Accept
Library Workingmen
Ask Justice, Not Charity.
NkwYokk, March 25. A special to
the World from Newcastle, Pa., says:
Owing to the attitude of the labor unions
the city council will, in all probability,
reject the $50,000 offer of Andrew Carne
gie for a public library for this place.
Following the action of the trades as
eembly, division 89, Amalgamated As
sociation of Street-Railway Employes,
has adopted a resolution protesting
against the acceptance of the gift. A
committee to whom the matter had been
referred at a previous meeting, reported
the following :
"That such donations are inimical to
that independence American 'manhood
is assumed to poseesa (on general prin
ciples), and especially bo in this caee
when such flagrant injustice, even to
tnutdet, has been done to those whoee
toil is represented in every dollar of the
money thuB tendered.
"To erect such a library here, and by
its silent or its partisan outspoken Influ
ence, induce our children to look upon
it as a logical, necessary and unavoid
able method of obtaining certain benefits,
tends to destroy in their minds any idea
of National justice or human rights, and
make of them willing supplicants at the
mercv of this system of corporate greed
which deals out a part of the sum iu
charity it originally appropriated from
the producers to whom it alone rightfully
belongs, which sum, if they had fully
received, would have enabled them to
bave owned a library instead of now be
ing, aa are all others who are similarly
robbed, the objects of charity. It wonld
be something like a semblance of justice
these donations were made to the
widows and orphans of Homestead. We
deem them as worthy of remembrance
as the Maine.
"A city will enrich enormously a few
men and then be itself an object of char-
ty. We, therefore, condemn this library
move as an insult to him it is said it
will benelil most, the workingman; he
does not want charity, but justice."
Haven Two Fiom Death.
"Our little daughter had an almost fa
tal attack of whooping cough and bron
chitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of
Armonk, N. Y., "but, when all other
remedies failed, we saved her life with
Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece,
who had Consumption in an advanced
stage, also used this wonderful medicine
and to-day she ia perfectly well." Des
perate throat and lung diseases yield to
Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other
medicine on earth. Infallible foi Coughs
and Colds. 50c and $1.00 bottles guar
anteed by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist.
Trial bottles free. (J
For sale, on easy terms, a fine fruit,
hay and truck farm of about 200 acres,
eu miles from The Dalles. Fine Im
provements; about sixty acres bottom;
creek through the place; an Ideal home
and income property. For further par-
iculars see Gibons & Marden, The
Dalles, Oregon. m22wtf
Their promptness and their pleasant
fleets make DeWitt'a Little Early
Klsers most popular little pills wherever
they are known. They are simply per
fect for liver and bow el troubles. Cli rke
A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
.lull '(illllll I Huve St (icul It,
If he'd had Itching Piles. They're
terribly annoying; but Buck len'u Arnica
Salve will cure the worst case of piles on
earth. It has cured thousands. For In
juries, Pains or Bodily Eruptlona it's
thu best salve in the world. Price 'J5o
a box. Cure guaranteed. SoldbyG.C.
Blakeley, the druggist. 0
When you are bilious, use those famous
little pills known ae DeWitl's Little
Early Risers to cleanse the liver and
bowels. They never gripe. Clarke A
Falk's P. O. Pharniav
Wo ol.Vr for a limited period the
twice-a-week Ciikonici.i:, price $1.50,
and the Weekly Oregouian, price if 1. 50,
both papers for (2 a year. Subscriptions
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance. t
Early Koee seed potatoes for sale at
the Stadelmau Comm. Co. U)5-lm
The most popular is the aeven-gore flounce skirt, trimmed with stitched
of same material ; silk folda or applique.
WE SHOW the latest styles of black silk Dress Skirts $IO to
(Jolf Shirty.
flounce; all heavily stitched around
Prices range
ffeu; dijdeirts...
Tl?e "princess nettrpiel?."
Stylish garments ; everyone in this big new ship
ment open this morning. Come and see them.
Made of mercerized sateens in the following colors :
Purple, in six shades; red in three shades; and cerise,
blue and black. Made with deep arcordeon plaited or
scalloped rullle, trimmed in cords, velvet ribbon or ruf
fles ot same material. Select fiom this range of prices :
$1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.50, $2.75
$3, $3.50, $3.75, $4, $5 and $5.50.
Ue slpou; Exclusive Styles in
The new blouse and Eton effects
variety of fashionable materials
Royal Worcester
OueKtlcin AnHwereil.
Yes, August Flower still baa the largest
Bale of anv medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers ami grandmothers
never thought of using anything else for
indigestion and biliousness. Doctors
were scarce and they seldom heard of
appendicitis, nervous prostration or
heart failure, etc. They used August
Flower to clean out tho system and stop
fermentation of undigested food, regu
late the action of the liver, stimulate the
nervous and organic action of the sys
tem, and that is all they took when feel
ing dull and bad with headaches and
other aches. You only need a few doses
of Green's August Flower, in liquid
form, to make you satisfied there is
nothing serious the matter with you.
Get Green's prize almanac. Clarke A
Falk's. 1
Notice ia hereby given Hint there will
be a meeting of The Dalles, Portland A
Astoria Navigation Company, at the
company's office in The Dalles, on Sat
urday, April 0, PIOl, at ' o'clock p. in.,
for the purpose of electing seven di
rectors and transacting such other
business as may properly come before
saidimeeting. By order of the president,
Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 5, 1901.
1 in L.'E. CitowK, Sec'y.
Counterfeits of DoWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve are liable to cause blood poisoning.
Leave them alone. The original has thu
name DeWitl's upon the box and wrap
per. It ia u harmless and healing salve
for skin diseases, Unequalled for piles,
Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Prof. IviMm, of Lonacouilng, Md.,
suffered terribly from neuralgia of thu
stomach and indigestion for thirteen
years and after the doctors failed to cure
him they fed him on morphine. A
friend advised the use of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure and after taking a few bottles of it
he aaya, "It has cured me entirely. 1
can't saytoo much for Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure." It digests what you eat. Claike
& Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Subscribe for Tiik Ciikoxici.k,
aro wonderfully handeome, stylish garments. Per
fectly tailored, cut on entirely new lines and made
of the choicest materials of the season they fully
deserve popular attention.
Prices range from $1.75 to $12.50.
The materiale aro serges, cheviots, broad
cloths, Venetians, coverts and camel's hair mix
turesin tans, modes, black and oxford grays.
The popular skirt for spring ia a gray ox
ford rough material, eelf back, in light, me
dium and dark shades. They are made plain
five or seven gore flare others are cut with
bottom, and have either strapped or Btitched
from $1.95 to $16.
ladies' Tailor-made Suits.
are very handsome, and are shown in a large
$7.00 to $35.00
Great Northern
Second Street, oppoalto OUrr House.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Advertise in The Chronicle.
ffeuz Jies
R 25C
All the latest shapes, in a
large variety of silks and pat
terns, in both light and dark
The Butterfly, Batwing,
Batwing Shield Bow, Narrow
Biaa Teck, Narrow Four-in-Hand,
New Imperial Scarf,
and Band Bow.
Another shipment, of strict
ly high-grade Neckwear, due
this week.
feu Sprir Styles
in the celebrated
Benj. J. Brown, Jr., & Co.
(New York)
...Stiff J4ats...
now ready.
New shades of brown and
the Williams
guaranteed $3 Hat.
Having received our complete line of
Household Goods which our manager
has purchnsed of eastern manufacturers,
and being crowded for store space, we
concluded to give special bargaiua In
Carpets, Mattings and Linoleum aa
follows :
Ingrain Carpets.
Good Ingrain 40c per vard
Half Wool 50c " ""
All-Wool, guaranted 00c " "
Extra Heavy 70c " "
Rajahs, heavy 90c " "
Flemish Tapestry $1.00 " "
The above prices includes sewed, laid
and lined.
Brussels Carpets.
S-wove Tapestrv ,05c per vard
10-wove " ' 75u " "
Axmlnister $1,00 " "
Malting, Linoleum and Oil Cloth at
correspondingly low prices.
Remember our great line of Beautiful
Buggies uud Reclining Go-Carts.
Furniture Co.,