Suits We have just received the very choicest patterns for the little fellow. . . . Boys' 2-piece Suits, age 8 to 16 years, $2.50 up. Boys' Sailor Suits, age 3 to 10 years, $2.50 to $9.00. Yestee and Russian Blouse Suits in Great Variety. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures The Dalles Daily Chronicle. KUTKDA V MA ltd I '-"L 1901 At Anrlrniv Kftllor'pi. TREASURER'S NOTICE. AH Waaco County warrant rrciter-cl irliirt N-iteinbrr I. 1K1I7, will be ilil un prt-nrtitittloti at mjr iirHre, I lit erf" t ipiii ftr NoTftiibxr Mil, UMIO. .lOIIN r. IIAMI'HIIIKK, Cnii n ly Trvunurrr. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. I'rofeeBor Sandvig'a regular Saturday night dunce tonight at the Baldwin. Remember tho services at the Chris tian church tonight. The attendance is increasing and the interest mowing. Be sure and hear Evangelist Harding tomorrow at 11 a. rn. and 7 :U0 p. m. at the Christian church. See announce ment in another column. The Dufur Dispatch understands that (ieorge Friend, the Kinsley blacksmith, h Koing to start a saw mill on the flat west of Kiugeley, near what is known as Mud Springs. Ooldendale will have a city election April 1st, and the main question will he license or no license. At present the town Iiuh two saloons which pay an annual tax of $500 each. The Christian Scientists will hold ser vices at the residence of Mrs. W. Lord Hiinday morning at 11 o'clock anil Thurs day afternoon at 15 o'clock. All are made welcome at both these services. From the Pendleton Kant Oregonian nam that Judge V. 11. Kills has "old his home property in Heppner to W. Phelps, with the intention of making hip future home in Pendleton. Oraud opening of new spring miili "fciy at Mre. M. Periano's millinery parlors Monday afternoon and evening, March 2.5th, to which the ladies are cor dially invited. m'-'l-td Secretary of Agriculture Wilson esti mates that over $1,000,000 worth of young live stock throughout the coun try whs saved during 11100 by the prompt '" of medicine for blackleg sent out by "ie department. Peven wheat ships, carrying curgoes of over 800,000 bushels of wlieat, sailed out of the Columbia in the forty-eight '"Hire ending Wednesday afternoon. J '"1 Couillebank and the Colony sailed ahoiit 1 o'clock Wednesday, completing the list. Oregon hue had lt Nesuiiths, Jmb Powells and Pennoyers, but it takes Kansas to present more odd chaiBctere ''an most of the elates. For Instance, Itdier, Jngalle, Rev. O. M. Sheldon, () (&) I ani served i Oysters Grand Display, - OF SPRING CLOTHING Our Spring fashion show has commenced. Gar ments of every right kind are in our Men's Spring assortment Our suits are made in the height of fashion, and the largest variety of new patterns. We are now ready to serve you with' the best that money can buy. $7.50 to PEASE & Jerry Simpson, Gov. Lewelling. John Brown, Mary Ellen Lease and Mre. Na tion. Some very wood and bright peo ple among them, by tho way Democrat. Albany J I u a luugmeui. ui lureuiucure nenii r . t t l . pi tip Kelly today sold what is known as the Chicken Spring ranch, in the Nansene precinct. The property was hid in by the mortgauee, William Floyd, for the amount of the debt and costs, tome $2,000 odd dollars. ' W. T. Fogle. formerly of Itoseburg, has purchased the Prineville Journal and will assume the management the j firet of April. Mr. Fogle is a practical j culturist : One grindstone, 0-inch, hoi newspaper man of a good many years ! low ground ; one 150 incii grub hoe, one experience, and the Roseburg Plain- j 37-inch grub hoe, one good axe, one dealer predicts that lie will make a euc-! D00r axe. " can of axle grease, cesB of his new venture. . J Frier's; one cross-cut saw of 18-19; one There yet remain three headgear and w' pants belonging to the football associa tion, which have not been turned in. Those having the same are requested by the manager to please return them to the I.'. S. land office. They can all be useil in next season's games, if The Dalles supports a team. " y C. It. Smead, the fruitgrower of Bla lock, Gilliam county, is now in Minne sota organizing a colony to bring out to Blalock and start fruit raising and gar dening. He expects to locate a family on eacti ten-acre tract now covered with orchard and a little further back to make the family tracts 1(H) acres each. An exchange tells of a subscriber to a certain paper who died and left fourteen years of subscription unpaid. The edi tor appeared at the grav- as the lid was being screwed down for the last time and put in a linen duster, a thermome ter, a palm leaf fan and a recipe for making ice. Editors, us a rule, are not prosperous, but they are klnil-hearteil and considerate. eave your order for the New York j Sunday Jouninl with the American Cigar j Store and News Stand. Tim circulation of tho Sunday Journal is greater than the combined circulation of the World, Tribune, Prets and Times. Each cdi- j tiun has tho comic Katzt njamnier kids ,the latest popular song and tho AmHrl-1 can .u..Knsmc 0,i,,,i.cim:.ii.. free. Both 'phones. m22-2t Sunday's services at the Mothoditt church will be of unusual interest. At i 1 o'clock new ineiiibers will be re ceived. Itev. If. K. limes, I). I)., will assist the pastor in the nervier and will deliver a twenty-minute address to the new members. At7:."0 o'clock will oc cur the anniversary of the founding of the mission by Jasou and Daniel Lee. Dr. Hines will preach the sermon arid will impart some valuable information in refoienco to the early missionary wo-k In The Dalles. Speaking of Palouia Schramm's con certs along the route East a few years ago the Walla Walla Union says: "Her concerts at Spokane on Monday and Thursday last were the most successful musical affairs ever held in that city. $25 MAYS The press notices of little Paloma'e con certs wherever she hns appeared have been of the very highest order. The editor of the Victoria Colonist, although somewhat skeptical as to Paloma's abil- ty before he heard tier, afterwards said. justice." Tack Sellers, chief of construction on the Lytle-Goldendale railroad, having Received ordere to suspend operations and Bhip all tho company's tools to Shaniko has complied with the order and shipped the following, the inventory o which appears in the Klickitat Agri- ii I road spike. Under dato of March 21st Henrv E. Dosch writee Emile Schnnno asking him if he thinks it possible that a bale or two of raw and scoured wool could be (obtained for the Oregon exhibit at Buf falo. Mr. Doscii recalls the effect made by a similar exhibit at the Portland street fair last fall. The 'Oregon com mission will nay all expenses connected with the exhibit, and at the close of the exposition will return it here or dispose of it there as t he owner may direct. Mr. Dosch very justly thinks this would be a good advertisement for The Dalles. Hudson & Brownhlll, the leading real estate dealers of the Inland Empire, closed a deal today with Levi Chrismau for the W. I. Johns place near tho fair grounds. Consideration $1350. This was indeed a bargain; but they have numerous others. They are the Kind I that get them; they are rustlers ; nt 1 tend to their business, and of course I they sell. Why not? Don't you bo I lievo it? If you don't, calj and see I them ; find out for yourself and bo con vinced.. They have a few farms that must be sold, if they do go at u sacri fice. Also a number of vory desirable city properties; beside chicken plants and fruit farms of the most approved kinds In Eastern Oregon and Washing- i ton; some near J ho Dalles, Don't do yourMjf U,j jMj11Htil. ,y ,,IiyIlIK eIa8. , , , , .. r - . . j - 1 - jerty taken charge of, rents collected, property kept insured, loans negotiated. Do you know they have all their city property rented to detirablo tenants. I They haven't houses' enough. Do you want to rent your house? if you do, call and see them, They have custom ers for a few desirable modern dwellings, near by. Call or write to Hudson A Rrownhill, postofllce drawer No. 11, The Dalles, Or. CASTOR I A For JUiiauts and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the tttfuaturo of 1 OUR CHURCHES The usual services will bo held at St. Peter's Catholic church tomorrow. Zion Lutheran church, Seventh and Union Btreits Services nt II a, in. and 7:30 p. in; Sunday school 12:113 p. in; German service at 2 :30 In the afternoon Lutheran League meeting 0:30 p. in. Calvarv Baptist church Itev. W. B. Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 n. m. and 7:.".0 p. rn, in the new church on Union street. Sunday school at 10 n. m.; 15. Y. P. U. at tl:S0 p. in. Methodist Episcopal church Corner Fifth nnd Washington, Itev. Ulysses F. Hawk pastor. Morning service at 11 n. tn. ; Sunday school at 10 a.m.; class meeting at clo9e of morning service ; Epworth League at 0:30 p. m; Junior League at 3 p. tn; evening service at 7 :30. Class meeting every Tuesday at 7:30. Reception of members, at morn ing service nnd address by Dr. Hines. Anniversary service in the evening and sermon by Dr. Hinea. At the Congregational church. Itev C. F. Clnpp, home missionary for Ore gon and Washington, will preach both morning nnd evening. He will also con duct special services in the church every evening during the week. The musical program for tomorrow is ne follows : In the morning a mixed choir will render the anthem "In the Night Watches,'' and the regular male quartet will Bing the offertory. In tho evening a mnlu chorus will sine an anthem nnd the of fertory will Ixj rendered by Miss Gam bell. Young people'e meeting at 0:30 p. in. will be led by the pastor. Klectrlc I'otrer Fur Th llallns. At a meeting recently held in this city the directors of the Wasco Ware house Milling Company determined to increase their capital stock from $150, 000 to $300,000. The company has just closed a deal with Joseph Slierar, of Sherar's Bridge, for the purchase of White river falls, a distance from here of probably twenty-five miles on an air line. These falls are capable of generat ing 3000 horse-power at low water. Of this quantity of power the milling and The Dalles electric light plants will re quire from 000 to 800 horse-power, leav ing the surplus to be disposed of to any one who may desire it. The preliminary work will oommencn immediately, and the project will be completed in time to operate the flour ing mills. The company has already let ttie contracts for the machinery for the flouring inillB and are awaiting tho arrival of the plans for the mill build ing, these plans having to conform, in it large degree, to the character of the plans of the machinery. The company expects to have the power brought here and the 500-barrel flouring mill in operation by the first of September, or, at futheet, the first of October. The mills will be so arranged that their capacity can be increased, at any time, when it is considered desirable, to 1009 barrels. As to the falls where the power will be generated, it may be interesting to know that thei have a sheer drop of 1-11 feet, and that by going n very short dis tance further down the river a drop of about 170 feet could lie obtained. l'KHHONAI. MKNTION, Dr. O. C. Ilollister, of Portland, is in town. Mrs. L. E. Crowe returned today from a week's visit will) friends in Portland. T. A. Hudson left today for the Bake oven precinct to adjust the recent fire loss of Wallace Fargher, of Dead Dog. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Collins and family left on this morning's boat for Pasadena, Calif., to be absent about two months. A. M. F. KirchheiiiHT, of Antelope, spent last night in the city, on his way home from a business trip to Portland. Miss Esther Brooks, who lias been visitinii with tho family of her uncle, Mr. S, L. Brooke, for tho past two weeks, left for her home in Portland on this morning's boat. "Tim llt-ill'li'llit." It may bo iiioro or 'use interesting to the public to know that previous to the production of "The Wife" the Indebted ness of the football team amounted to $H0.13, not including the expenses of the minstrel, which Mr. Patter son, tho football manager of last year, hits assumed as a sort of u pouiuico for his mistake in selectiuig a manager of the proposed minstrel show who couldn't maiiiige himself. Tho net results of tho recent performance, so fur as the football team are concerned, wore .fSI 115, leav illii tiio present indubtednes $01.18. Mr. Percy Levin is preparing to pre sunt "The lloiiileliu," a very line drama, with splendid comedy, on April 10th, Ho will lie assisted by some of our bust local talent. The play will be well wortli seeing, Whatever amount is realized will he turned over to the football team, Iteiueiuber that you don't have to bo bald; you can keep your hair by using Cocounut Cream Hair Tonic, To he had at Frazor'u barber shop, tf yiriirictPiinPtnTliPllillP(!"C t i t t t IIUIUIIHUUIIIUIU 111UUU11UI) ft Is the Subject on which Evangelist Harding will speak in the First Christ ian Church Sunday even ing, March 24th, at 7:30. l sabjeet, 11 a. jj., "The Toio Salvations" C a " Aclverttaeil l.ottem. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoflice at The Dalles un called for March 23, 1901. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Burden, Euphrates Barnard, Rosalie Benvan, C E Benit, William Brown, Frank V DaieB, Wilhelm (2 Davidson, B Evans, DUIard Harpin, Henry Lnrpson. Abraham McKwan, W B Ortby, Lewis L Randolph, Mrs C A Rothery, Mrs L E Shaffer, Ada Wheeler, Pearl Van Antwerp, E E Gibson, George I vie, W F Morev, C G McDevitt, T S Pratt, Ciias Roslin, Will Stafford. Orlofl' Thomas. E C Wheeler, Mrs C I J. M. P.VTTEI1S0N", P. M. riayeit Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, FeverishneBS, Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter bow it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed tocure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug- gist. The Citito.Nici.E has made arrange ments with the publishers of the New York Tribune whereby we are able to offer the Weekly Tribune, which alone is $1.50 a year, and the wico-a-week CmtoNicu; both papers for the price of one, namely $1.50 a year. By the same arrangement we can give the Tri- Weekly Tribune aud tho twice-a-week Cmio.vioi.i: five papers a week for $2. All subscriptions under these offers pay able in advance. tf The litiHl l'lnitter. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side orchest, give it a trial and you are certain to he more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One application gives re lief. For salo bv Blakeley, tho druggist. See that you get the original DnWitt's Witch Hazel Saivo when you ask for it. Tho genuine is a certain cure tor piles, sores and skin diseases. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Cut Out This Ad. Enclose it to Me with Ten Dollars Aud 1 will furnish you all complete, readv for use, my 1001 Model No, 7 l I lltl.Ut 11 vn I I I DIM 'II i i perlor in make quality and power to , any bolt uttered bv other deiileis fori which they charge $-10. Dr. Sanden's Belt has no equal for the euro of Ner vous and I'liybical Debility, ICx -liausted Vitality, Varicocele, Premature Decline, Loss of Memory, Wasting, etc, which has hmu brought about by early iiidiscretioiiH or later excesses, Dr. Sanden Eleotrio Co., 107 South Fourth St., PORTLAND, OIL .'.'iiifli- & ;)mu 5 j C The New York Gash Store... 133 and 142 Second Street WE SELL FOR CASH AND CASH ONLY.... Spot caBh gets more and better bargains in a week than credit does in a year. CHOC IDS. PICNIC LACfc SHOE Our Ladies' " Picnic " line of Shoes $2.25 per pair. These are the best goods for the money we have had the pleasure of offering our patrons. They are made of plump don gola stock, imitation, turn soles, eyelets, button holes and all stitching of best silk thread. Only $2. 25 per pair. dAMILTONROWN If you wunU n nice dressy shoo at a medium price, be sure you get a pair of our PICNIC Slices. We have them in or button. Our5hoes are (juaraijteed WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and (1103111 opr. Third nnd Washington Stu. All orders attended to pioinptly. Long distance phone -133. Local, 102. Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's DyHpepsia Tablets, One littlti Tablet will give immediate relief or i n ' i y lefniidcd. Hold in handsome tin buK-d at 25 cts, Blakeley the druggist, Coaianut Cream Hair Tonic will euro dandrull'aiid alt eualp discuses, Don't iii'i''Ct your hair. For sale at Frar.or'H li nrr shop, soe a.'eiit, tf 1 Picnic j f