The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY 1901 ' The Washington correspondent of the Corvallis Gazette pays the fol lowing deserved compliment to Senator McUride: "While there is rejoicing over the reappearance of Senator Mitchell there is really regret at the departure of Senator McBnde, Nutritious Less V Sugar I Catarrh Cannot Be Cared, with local application, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it von must take inter ' nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Core in taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucons surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a qunck medicine. ' It wbs was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this countrv for veers, and The beverape made from FirpniDC is a repnlar prescription. It is composed CCreal i smooth, palatable and of the test tonics known, combined with Because of the large me nesi mooa partners, acting aireciiy who has won the warm regard of percentage of natural saccharine mat- . on the mucous surfaces. The jerfecl the influential senators and proved ter in figs and prunes, Figprune ' combination of the two lngredlente is himoclf i verv cimble and useful requires less sugar than any other what prodnces such wonderful results in uimseii a eJ capauie nun ustiui caring Catarrh. Send for testimonials, member of the upper uouse. much . ' 1 MVAU Grocers Sell It, that the senator has done for Urecon free. f Best I Cereal I V Coffee J will never be kuown, nnd will never be appreciated at home. His attitude in several matters has not pleased the Oregonian, and most of the news the Oregon people get from the national capital comes to them colored by the state's only newspaper. The president's appreciation for Senator McBnde's work in upholdins and, TM . . . .. . , , 1 s , Like Oliver Twist, children ask for carrying out the policies of the ad- more when piven 0ne Minute Cough ministration is shown in the prompt Cure. Mothers endorse it highly for and unsolicited appointment of the croup. It quickly cures all coughs and cnnninr c nnm mlccinnftr f colds and every throat and lunkr trouble. .. . . ... It is a speci&c for grippe and asthma and Louis exposition, a position which , . . , . i , has long been a well known remedy for carries a salary of 5,000 a year, for whooping cough. Clarke & Falk's three years." p- O. Pharmacy. For sale, on easy terms, a fine fruit, moorenouse, oi x-cnuieion, , har Bnd trnck (arm of about 200 acrM i wonld have the proposed 1900 cen- ten miles from The Dalles. Fine hn-' tennial called the "Sac-a-ja-we-a provements ; abont sixty acres bottom ; i Centennial." He thinks the name , creek through the place; an ideal home F. J. Cheney & Co., Prop., Toledo 0. Sold bv drrngcits, price 76c. HaH's'Family Pills are the best. 12 I A Poor Mllllunatre. ! Lately starved in London because he could not digest h'lB food. Early use of Dr. King's New Life Pills would have ' saved him. They strengthen the stomach, ' aid digestion, promote assimilation, itn j prove appetite. Sold by G. C. Blakeley, ' the druggist. The lingering cough following grippe calls for One Miouto Cough Cure. For all throat and lung tronbles this is the only harmless remedy that gives im mediate results. Prevents consumption. Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacv. Quality and not quantity makes De Witt's Little Early Kieers such valuable little liver pills. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacv. J. S. SCHENCt, President. Ma A. YouT. Outbid and income property. For further par-! ticulars see Gibons A Marden, The 1 First national Bank. Dalles, Oregon. m2iwtf , would be a graceful tribute to womanhood. The odd name, Sac-a-ja-we-a, was that of a Snake Indian woman who walked from St. Louis to the mouth of the Columbia river, and then walked back; :ave and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep : Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on birth to a child enroute, and walked i apd hW- Satisfaction guaranteed or . New York, San Francisco and ort- .... . , muuvv uuuk. o uie. unu ou cis. iiaKeiev, the remaining distance carrying the . THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Sick Headache absolute!? and perma-1 Deposits received, subject to Sight nentlv cnr-l bv using Moki Tea. A ' , .. Draft or Check. . " . , , . . . Collections made and proceeds promptly pleasant ht-rh drink. Cures constmation , remitted on dav of llctW y 3 child on her back, after the manner of Indian women. She served Cap- Tbeir promptness and their pleasant effects make DeWnt'e Ltttle Earlv tains Lewis and Clark, the century j Rjeerg m0Bt popniar mtle pills wherever ago explorers, as an 'interpreter, and i they are known. They are simply per gave them a vast amount of valuable ' fect lor liver and bowel troubles. Cli rke and otherwise unobtainable informs- & Falk'8 P' ' Pharmac-V-tion. Huslling young man can make 60 per S month and ezpeuees. Permanen.'. posi- Senator Simon and Representative tion. Experience unnecessary. Wrif Moody are more fortunate than their . quick for particulars. Clark & Co., colleagues, in one resoect. savs the . Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel- c Corvallis Gazette. Mr. Dunn, Ore gon's special correspondent, has as bpia, Pa, sS-t;' FOR SALE. Taelve head of work horopp. tilnnre. one of his duties a special cbronolos-i drill, wagon and three sets of double ing of the work and doings of (harness. Approved notes taken. Ap Senator Simon. Since his work is ' ply to A, C. Rice, 2m-wtf Tne Dalles. Lefhuru Eck fur Sale. reviewed from a friendly standpoint, the senator is free from anv ansietv ..... , . . ... L , single comb brown Leghorn eggs, that the people at borne will not be , . , , , , , . . , v, 1 from imported stock breu bv J. H. informed as to what he is accomplish-; Bailey, of Denver, Colo., breeder of ing. Mr. Moody's private secretarj, 1 bighe'st scoring Leghorns in the world ; r r -r t-. . . ' $1.25 per setting of 15. Mr. Brown, is Mr. Dunn s assistant, , JAs.Ir.ELA.vD and really does most of the special 1 ml4-lm The Dalles, Or. correspondence for the Oregonian. Manure for sale or t gi Away. """ I hove about 100 loads of rich horee The Oregonian is getting to be a manure, well rotted, that I will give to I great joker. It announced yester- iiver day that Jonathan Bourne, the iron-1 load. R. I. You.vo, ager of Corbett's hold-up harem in ' 1897, would probably be a republican candidate for United States senator ! land. DIRBOTOK9. D. P. Thompson. Jko. S. Scbkmcx. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liibb. H. M. Bkall. tU Restaurant L. Y. Hone, Prop'r. prst-CIass in Every Respect MEALS AT ALT. HOCKS. Oysters Served in any Style. ST Second St., The Dalles, Or. Notice No. 2 Is to all persons indebted to the late firm of E. J. Collins & Co. and S. L. Brooks to call and settle their account or note, as the case may be, by the 1st of April ; otherwise the accounts will be put Into the hands of our collector. m20-lw East End Feed Yard. Iiun't Hub It In, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, m 1903. "We expect to hear nest of , and the pain is gone. 5old by Clarke & Jerry Sullivan in the same role. I'alk' . You want the best, C. L. Phillips has it, in CHICKENS Buff Leghorns a specialty. The Chinese name for yellow journalists and journalism is said to be li li kel and so they do, remarks the Roseburg Plaindealer. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & Falk are never cloeed Sunday. Don't forcet this. Notice. By virtue nl the order and direction of the Council ol Ditlleh City, aa by retolutiou hereto fore Hdopted. notice U hereby Riven that the Council of Da'.Ieb City hnti determined to estnb Hib bldeualkk nnd croswalks for Tenth street In Gales' Addition to Dalles City, and for Clay htreet, in Mutt Addition to Daliei, City, an lollow A Hidewalk commencing at a iolnt where the east line of Court street would int-rect the northern boundary line of the nchool jirojerty of School District No. 12, of Wanco County, ie- New Law Uu Wflcht and .M-aure, The new state law relating to the standard weight of produce, provides that whenever wheat, rye, Indian corn, oats, barley, clover seed, buckwheat, dried apples, dried peaches, potatoes or pears shall be sold by the bushel, and no special arrangement as to the meat- butter com. said nronerty beine known a theucademv grounds, if suld line would be extended to bald T. , , , northern boundary line una ruuntni; thence tirly Kose Seed potatoes for sale at 1 eiiHterly to the northeast corner of ala property thu vtarlt,!,,,., rv,m nn r. i ... i of xald fcliool didtrict nnd abuttirif on the tbts Madelmati Umm, Lo. mu-lia . northern line of nald property. Pnr a-atitu.1 n loon .u 1.1 o c . v, A ldwulk eommeucinK at the northwest cor. l.ov wantej to learn the blacksmith , ,lur 0 lock No. s, and runuliie easterly to the trade. Inquire at this office. mlo-lw northeast corner of ald block No ;,. and abut- 1 tint; on the northern boundary line of tald Clarke Jt Falk have on sale a full line i u kXo.B. . . ..... A cromwalk runniiiK trullit across 11 street of paint and artiet'e brushee. i uud joiuinK on the west the Mdewalfc abuttiui; T,; i . J.. . , , ! " tho northern boundary line of said block No. Bicycles at $2o.00, f.Jo.OO, 40.00 and j 5, and joiniui; on the east a nidewalk abutting o-.A nn .;.. . i on the northern boundary line of block No. iv .ju.uu, at .uaier cc union s. nuu-iw I A dewalk etinmenclnt; a', the nortnwest corner of iiaid block No. 0, and riiuuliiK euiterly u mm uiikji aim iiijui boundary line of said Byrkett's choice full weight creamery I nol'SlVmTof ' liter for sale at J. H. Cross 6tore. 14 ! ll,UK,.(S Dlnl Oregon Shorj like and union Pacific IlSfA UT roi: f'lliCMRO- 1'orllHiid Sjh-'IhI. 12 ii p. in. via Uunt lnston. Atlantic Express, IS.oUn. in. via Hunt-lUKton. TIMK S('Hi:tl l.KS rnoM THK IIAI.l.i:i ARKIVK mow St. I'nul I'Hst Mail, t':SA p. III. via sy-kaue. alt lke. Denver. Ft. Worth, Oiniiha, Kan- , ... . , s.asCity,.-t UniisChl ICS p. in. eaRo mid the linst. Salt Lake, Denver. Ft. Worth, Omaha. Kali" 4 iSa. jn. shs city, St lxniis.Chi- ciiro and the East. 1 Walla Walla, U-wlton.' &lKikniie. ullBce.l'nll-1 iiiim. MlnneiipnllH, St.! s:s)a. m. raul,Dliluth,.Milwnu-i ki-e, Chicago and EhL OCEAN AND EIYEE SCHEDULE From l'ortlatiil. S:00 p. in. Daily excejit Mimlay, s:W p. in. Miturday, 10:l0 p. in. Daily except SundHV, t.'.W a. 111. (All Milling dates sub ject to ebaiipe ) For 5nn Francisco, Sail every 5 days. Columbia Hit nr. To Astoria and Way-Laudlngs. Willamette Klvrr. Oregon City. Newtierg, .-alem, IiuleiMMidenee, and V ay-ljindiugs. 4 .IX) p. m. 4 .w) p. :n. except stinday. I:RH p. m. except Sunday. Tue-day, Thursday, Saturday, 6:00 a. in. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7:U) a. in. li'nve HI puria daily, a :40 a. m. Corvallis and Way-Umduics WlllHiii.ttp anil Viiinhlll Klvcro. 4 p. m. Monday, Wedne-dcr Friaay. J 30 p. in. .Monday, Oregon City, Dayton nnd Weduesaay Way-Ijinaings. rrids. Snake Illvrr. Elpariu to 1-ewUtou. Leave l;wlston dally, :S0 11. 111. rarties aeslrinc to co to Hennner or points on uoiumma tiutnern via inggs, snouia take No. 2, leaving The lialle at 12.25 p. ta. making direct connections at Hcppncr Junction nnd iliggs. Ketumlng uiakingillreotcoiinectlon at Hepjincr JuncUon and Iliggs with .No. 1, ar riving at The Dalles nt 1 :05 p. m, For further pnrtlculnrs. call 011 or address JAS ICELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. ure or weight thereof shall be made bv a fnii li A A crosswalk runulnL' stralirht across f! strc-t the parties, the measure tLereof shall be plles just received by Clarke & Falk. ' Sll'tht'Serl! t n.da'ry e iblL1 ascBrtamed bv welcbt. and snail be , .MnujoiiiincasiaewaiKBiiuiiiiigoiittieiiorth I L. Lane, GENERAL I I j I I a BiacKsmiin ..AND... 4 Horsesnoe r Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TbLrfl and JefTcrnn. Fiione 159 dust What You uaant. em boundary line of block No A sidewalk commencing at the northwest! :r of block No, 7, and running easterly to Ynn will nn) liuvi. hnilci If vmi computed as follows : c,arke & Fakij gnre cure Joi ho isisty pounas lor a nnsnei oi wneat or ; ,10rlh.llHt corner of said hi, No. 7 'and clover seed. a n r "0UB(! H,ln Pa,ntB thal a abutting on the.northeni boundary line of said Fifty-six pounde for a bushel of rye or guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk MJZluk running stra.ght.icro., u,w, Indian corn. 1 nave them. and joining on the west the sidewalk abutting , , . . , , , , , I 1 on the northern boundary line of said block No. Thirty-two pounds for a bushel Of oatB. - - k.and Joining on the east a sidewalk abutting Fortv-tiz pounds for a bushel of bar- Drying preparations simply dovel-' ""rthern boundary line of bi.K.k no. b, iu"' bia jjuuuuo iur uubiici oi uar-, ., ., ' ... A tldeWH Ik commencliiv at the northwiii ley. "f-'V"? "J P fcecroiious, , corllt.r llf olo(jk Nl)i B ,, flumUlK eJ-tcrJv JM) Forty. two ponnds foi a buehel of buck wheat. Tbirty-elght pounds for dried apples or peaches. Sirty pounds for a bushel of potatoes. , and will cure catarrh or coldintLe head SrSan' with MltWXiMw to Z rorty-uve pounds lor a bushel of eaauy anu pieanuauy. a trim size win ne r construction oisiaewaiKs, apples or pears. , 'VJtJlW ' op dry catarrh ; they dry up the Becretious, wmen adhere to the meinbrauo and decoin- feet, und abutting on the northern boundary poee, causing r far more heriou8 trouble than line of said block No. s, . the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all drv- 1 .,lB.V'.a'''.:e,n.,1h..!,.tr,,,.!:!1.tI. .V.7''Hr.,'r.!,b.!It a bushel of iu8 "JhalauU, lutnes, smokes and snuffs city, and all the other above described streets, and use thut which cleanses, soothes and hlw.'ks and projrty being In It urt" Addition to heals. EIv'h Cream Balm in ntinli n rr-mA- Dalles City, fiald abovwdt scribed sidewalks lo r IfJz ?!rJi -IC!iaJ-iA U six feet In width and to be H.nstructcd ae Don't you know that Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic will save your and your children's hair? You can get it for 60 and 75 cents a bottle at Frazer's barber shop, sole agent. tf The ajin cures without Dain. does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated und uugry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammution. With Ely's Cream JJalmyou are armed against Kasal Catarru aud Hay Fever. Bald crosswalks to bo constructed in accord. aiice wllh the ordinances of the city in relation to the construction theieof. That the cost of said sidewalks aud crosswalks are to be.awess d egalnst the projierty benefited thereby, according to thelnurs of flalles (fltv. Ill witness whereof I have hereunto set my 1 New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore traced a single stock. Keal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheat) paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yourH for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full Hue of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKG JCSICNS Copyrights Ac. A nrone sending a sketch and descrlntlnn (iiilrkljr ascertain our opinion free wbutlier u- iiif ention Is Probably rmtuiilable. oiniiiutiip lions strictly confidential. Handbook on I'ateuU (iinesi avencr for stKrurinir Katents. ysr tent free. (Ilrtest iivency for securing patents, IVtai.ta taken tbrouith Muun k Co. ruccl hand and the corporate seal of iDallet City this. ineniu uav ui jiurun, iwj. aElL.1 mclc; i,',t NED II. GATES. Kecorder of Dalles City, A handsomely lllnstratad weekly. Irutit elr. latlou of any cleiitmn lourna . Terms. 13 a yoar: ilcajr ruutilbe. b Bold by all aewsdealirs. HiyHNlCo."'. New York GIVEH AWAY. With every dollar's worth of coods purchased at my store for tho next Sixty Days, 1 will Rive"one chance on the following prh:es: 1- Flrst p;ize e.n,1'8, .9.1(J JJch nnd Clinlr, 2- Pecond prize ; 1 I'allies (,ol1 h nnd Chain (5 Third ptlze . ; Kmoklne Set l-F.inrth prise ' hllver Butter Dish and HtUter Knife 5 Fiftn prize 1 set ;silvur Knives and Forks In addition tn pivinc awnv these prizes 1 will sell goods as low as the loett, and guarantee my goods to be fresh. Give me a trial. ROBERT TEAGUE. Speaking of Blood Medicine : Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing that cures. Do not forcet it; we have it, at 75c par bottlo large bottles); guaranteed, or you may get your nnney buck If not satisfied. IN COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS we exerrie the greatest cure. We carry the best and ufe the best In com pounding your phvsicians orders. Our prices we make as low as is consistent with ellicient service. We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything appertaining to Drugs, 1'atent Medicines, Sundries nnd Photograph Supplies. GEORGE C. BLAKELEY. F. S. GUYING, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker... DKAl Kit IX Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Aeent for Ilussell .V ( Knitiucs Thrcsners and saw Mills. Telephone 157. Lntn: Distance 10711 Cor. SecoDfl & Lanolin Sts, THE DALLES. OR. 3: ' 1 ? 1 The Deliea, Or. 1 t 1 The Chronicle, Job Printers. 3 iS ' a 3-1 IS 1 J J. E. FALT 3l CO., of " rne uwi, ' ? Purest Liquors for Family Use $ Delivered to any part of tho City. 9 rhoues: 51 Local, 858 Long Distance. 173 Second Street. Bicycles - Bicycles ' Columbias Jiarttords Videttes Our new stock received. U Ramblers Stormers Pennants Lnruest lot of wheels ever brought to this city. Call uud see them, MAYS CROWE. t t