Grand Display... OF SPRING CLOTHING Our Spring fashion show has commenced. Gar ments of every right kind are in our Men's Spring assortment. Our suits are made in the height of fashion, and the largest variety of new patterns. We are now ready to serve you with the best that money can buy. Suits $7.50 to $25 We have just received the very choicest patterns for the little fellow.. . . . Boys' 2-piece Suits, age 8 to 16 years, $2.50 up. Boys' Sailor Suits, age 3 to 10 years, $2.50 to $9.00. Vestee and Russian Blouse Suits in Great Variety. AH Goods Marked In Plain Figures PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Dally Chronicle. HillUY MAKCH 22. 1901 S C$ served i Oysters At Andrew Keller's. - . . TKEASUKER'S NOTICE. All Watco Cuuntr warrant x rrclntereil irlur to Mritembr 1. 1MU7. will l ialil un prrttriitatlon at my oltlrr. 1 lit err t after Niitfiiibnr !i0, 1MOO. JOHN I'. II A.MI'SIIIKK, Count Treitnurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The ladies of the Lutheran church will have a sale of pies and cakea for Kaster at the I. C." NicKeleen store. The fund being raleed in Salem for the erection of a V. M. C. A. buildinif excesds $7000 nnd the other $.'1000 will probably be forthcoming. The meetings at the Congregational church for tonight and Saturday evening have been withdrawn. Special services will begiu, however, on Sunday. The Oreiron division of the League of American SportBinen have aoout 1-50 in their treasury to be used in tho interest of fish and game protection and propa gation. Orand opening of new spring milli nery at Mrs. M. Periano's millinery parlors Monday afternoon and evening, Murch 25th, to which the ladies are cor dially inviied. m'-'l-td Meiiefee A Parkins yesterday shipped to the Warm Springs agency a magnili tent Orand Kimball piano, in fancy rosewood case, for the use of the Indian H-hc-olf at that place. A Denver girl who discovered a burg lar in her apartments recently sat on the intruder and jabbed him with a hat pin whenever he moved, and thus held him until the police arrived. From 10 o'clock on during tho day to morrow (Saturday) tho ladles of the (ool Intent will have on sale at J. Ji. Cross' store, cakes and all kind of pas try. Call und get something good lor Sunday. The ladies of St. Paul's Kplscopal Wld will hold their sixth annual sale woik at the Baldwin opera house on Monday, April 8th. An attractive pro Jffttm hus been arranged for a prome nade concert. Some mitcliieynus person substituted M'" Irish flag for the stars and stripeB "ver a Spokane echool house on St. ''.itrick's day, and the school authorities wrs indignant nnd are endeavoring to locate the perpetrator. The social evening which was to have given the ladies of the Good Intent "'"I their friends by Mrs. Smith French and Mrs. II. W. Wells at the home of the former this evening, has been in definitely poetponed on account of the illness of Mrs. French. The 10th of April has been finally fixed upon as the date for the rendition of the popular drama, "The Henrietta," which will be given under the auspices of the local football team and under the management of Mr. Percy Levin. A Salem paper claims that a Grand Army man of that town eupports him self and wife on a pension of $4 a month, and the Hood River Glacier remarks that part of the Btory is spoiled by the fact that Uncle Sam pays no leee a pen sion that $0 to old soldier?. The Astoria News says it is rumored that the steamer Bailey Gatzert, now undergoing extensive repairs at Astoria, will be put on the Dalles run to compete with tho D. P. A A. N. Co. Her own ers, however, give out no information as to wlmt they are going to do with her. For sale, on easy terms, a fine fruit, hay and truck farm of about 200 acres, ten miles from The Dalles. Fine im provements ; about sixty acres bottom; creek through the place; an ideal home and income property. For further par ticulars Bee Gibons A Marden, The Dalles, Oregon. m22wtf A Connecticut man recently addressed an audience brought together to discuss plans for booming the village. He rec ommended matrimony as the solution ot the existing stagnation and suggested that a monument be ere'jted to Kvc. The idea was received eeriously and much enthusiasm wa manifested. W. H. Ward, the Goldendale harneee maker, is now, bv ritht of free tfift, the undisputed owner yf Louis Comlni's goat. There is strong presumptive evi dence that very few teir will be ehed in The Dalles ovr this announcement, Tho appetite ofhat goat was altogether too vigorous for the vegetation of this part of the world. ' A correspondent of the Albany Demo crat, who siirns her communications "Little Koeo Hud," writes to her paper from Moro, where she was Bubptenaed as a witness in the Hicinbotham case, that Judge ISradshaw and Prosecuting Attorney Menefee are "real nice men." Now wouldn't that j ; wo mean waen't that very nice of her. Leave your order for the New York Sunday Journal with tho American Cigar Store nnd News Sund. The circulation of tho Sunday Journal in g'ealer than the combined clicnlatiou of the World, Tribune, Prcm and Times, Each edi tion has the cimlc Kat.i njaiiitner kids, the latest popular song and the Ameri can Magar.'ix: rUppinuiKiil. We deliver free. Both 'phones. m22,2t The lljga of the city are at half mast. President Lytle has ordered Chief of Construction Jack Sellers and a large crew (one man) who have been clearing right-of-way on the proposed railroad between Goldendale and Lyle for the last two yearn, to cease operations and . ship their large eupply of tools and con struction equipments to Shaniko. Ilk repultu. Hinc Ulx lacrimx. Goldendale J Sentinel. v Wheat touched 50 cents yesterday, J lor the hrst time in many weeks, and as a result a large quantity, probably over 100,000 bushels, that had lain in the warehouses subject to sale, when 50, cents was reached, changed hands. To day Alexander Strachan, of Dufur, sold at the same price to the Waeco Ware houee Company, his two yeare' crops amounting to over 9000 bushels. The eubject last night at the Christian church was "The Two Builders," Matt. 7 :24. Hearing alone made a poor build iDg on a poor foundation. We must do if we would have a good building on a good foundation. Every man's work is to be tried. We must respect the authority of Christ ; He has all power. Therefore let us not only hear but dn those sayings of His. Then our house will Btand in the day of storm and flood. Preaching again this evening at 8 o'clock. The party that went out Tuesday to make a reconnoi6sance of White river falls and the falls of the Deschutes at Sherar's Bridge, with the view of bring ing electric power from thence to drive The Dalles electric light plant and new flouring mill, returned to the city last night. No final decision on tho subject of their visit will be arrived at for prob ably a week or more. It is only certain that the desired power will be brought here from somewhere, and when a de cision has b "en arrived at tho work will be pushed as vigorously as money, can doit. " Tho jury at Moro yesterday, In the case of the state against George P. Hic inbotham for assault with a deadly weapon, returned a verdict of not guilty. J mine Bennett and H. S. Wilson, of this city, appeared for the defer) dan t . Tho case grew out of tho division of wheat for the rent of a farm, of which Hicin botham was the owner and David Jon kin the renter. In tho quarrel Junkiii picked up a fork and made towards Hicinbotham, who drew a revolver and shot .hi n km in tho abdomen, inflicting a wound that for u time it was feared vou!d prove fatal. The Goldendrtle Sentinel says: "If the boat company or The Dalles had (sufficient push in them, they would im mediately commence the construction of ' an electric line between the two burghs, J Brother (lourlay, if you will write and I talk as hard for this proposition as you jdid for the election of Mitchell, you might do some good. If you succeed, we'll hang your photo above the angel's case ami label it, 'Hon, Hugh Gourlay, formerly editor of the great and only Goldendale Sentinel, and the savior of theuiud-beseiged patriots of Klickitat.' " A Walla Walla court is trying to straighten out a domestic tangle, A few yeaia ago .'ininn Clark, a widow with a grown daughter, married William L. Brown. After two children were born the couple separated, and Brown mar ried his step-daughter, Susan Kotr.. As tho relations now stand, Mrs. Brown is tho present stepmother to her own half brother rnd half-sister, and the wife of hnr own stepfather. The children are in doubt whether they are sister and brother of their half-sister. Tho hut band is father-in-law of his ex-wife. Ho is not euro but that he will prove to bo his own father beforn the courts iret through with him. The Afitorinn says : The salute fired in honor of the late ex-President Har rison from Fort Stevens Sunday is hard ly tho proper occurrence upon which to hang an amusing story, but the follow ing has tho merit of being true, and for that reason, perhaps, the apparent in congruity of tho situation will I o for given: A citizen of Uniontown, who waa better posted on the date of tho celebration in honor of Ireland's patron saint than on current newi, heard the salute and grew visibly excited. He listened as the guns boomed out the tneasureti salute. Finally one of the crowd of bystanders inquired : "What's it all about?" "About!" yelled the, "About! The Irish run this country, that's what It is. Washington's birthday don't get a firecracker ex ploded hut St. Patrick's gota a salutu for fair. It'a pull that doeB it, boys, and the Irish have got the pull," and he turned away with indignation and dia gust mingle 1 on his milled countenance. The artist, a pretty little doll-like itirl, in shrimp-pink and lace, looking rather 7 or 8 than 9 years of age, played her numbers in an easy natural manner played for more than an hour and a half, with only two or three respites of not more than five minutes each. Im agine a little tot filling the entire pro gram of fifteen numbers! Why it would puzzle an old stager to do it ac ceptably, and yet she played as she would have made mud pies, or sewed doll clothes heartily, unaffectedly and with her whole soul played as if the spirit of eonu stood beside ber and guided her tiny hands over the key-board, bringing in the notes to make one think of crystals, diamonds', dew drops; ren dered Chopin, Beethoven, Bach and her own compositions without a note of written music before her; took a motif, sent up from the audience, placed it be fore her and improvised, all in a manner that held the audience spell-bound, and for an hour and a half at that. Herald, San Jose, Cal. At the Vogt Wedneaday, March 27th. Alnrrletl. A very pretty home wedding occurred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wen ner, of Hempstead, N. Y., on March 3, 1901, when their daughter, Miss May, was united in marriage to Mr. Charles Miller, of Brooklyn, New York. Miss Wenner will be well remembered as having visited for two years here with the family of her uncle, Theodore Seufert, several years ago. She waa of a sweet disposition, possessing those beautiful traits of womanhood which en deared her to all who knew her and gained for her a host of friends in The Dalles, all of whom wish her a long and happy married life. l'KKHONAL. MKNTION. Grant Maya left this afternoon for Portland. Mr. and Mra. B. S. Huntington were passengers on the noon train for Moro. Wilbur Bolton, the Antelope merchant, arrived hero today on the delayed No. ,'i passenger train. H. P. Brennan and S. M. Hutchinson, capitalists of Khinelander, Wisconsin, have made the Umatilla House th'iir headquarters for the past three or four days wtiile looking over the city and its surroundings with a view to investment. CASTOR I A For 'Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought t t Our new stock received. Bicycles - Bicycles t t v3 Columbias Hartfords Videttes Ramblers Stormers Pennants Largest lot of wheels ever brought to this city. Call and Bee them. MAYS CROWE I J. E. FALT & CO., I V Dnnnrlnra JJ WW- 99 Y Proprietors i YT a ftml W of ..: . m mr y Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. 0k Phones: y1 Di8lance- 173 Second Street. A Haglng, Roaring Flood. Washed down a telegraph line which Chas. C. E'.hs, of Lisbon, la., had to re pair. "Standing waist deep in icy water," he writes, "gave me a terrible cold and cough. It urew worse daily, finally the beet doctors in 0-iklantl. Neb., Sioux City Btid Omaha said I had Consumption and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's New Discovery and waa wholly cured by six bottles." Positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung troubles by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. Price 50c. 5 Tub Ciiiionicix has made arrange ments with the publishers of the New York Tribune whereby we are able to offer the Weekly Tribune, which alone is .$1.50 a year, and the twice-a-week Cinioxicr.E both papers for the price of one, namely $1.50 a year. By the same arrangement we can give the Tri- Weekly Tribune and the twice-a-week Ciuionium: five papers a week for $2. All subscriptions under these offers pay able in advance. tf The Heat Planter. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side orchest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One application gives re lief. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James h. Patton'a Bun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & balk, agents. mi Those in need of awnineB should ca'.l on Vic Marden, who will give good work at reasonable figures. lti-lw Kirly Itose seed potatoes for sale at the Stadelmau Comm. Co. in5-lni Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushep. Boy wanted to learn tho blacksmith trade. Inquire at Hub office. ml5-lw Boars tho S&uaturo of Cut Out The stomach controls the situation. Those who are hearty and atrong are tliosu who can eat and digeHt plenty of food. ICodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and allows you to eat all the good fooil yon want. If you suffer from indigestion, heartburn, belching or Buy other stomach trouble, thiH prepara tion can't help but do you good. The most eenatlv HtomacliH can take it.j Clarke A l'alk P. O. Pharmacy. J Counterfeits of DeWitlV Witch Hazel! Salve are liable to cause blond poisoning. Leave them alonu. The original has the I name DeWitt'a upon Hie box and wrap, per. It is u harmless and healing Halve for skin diseases. Unequalled for piles, Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy, Their promntness and their pleasant effects make DeWitt's Little Karly Risers most popular little pills wherever they are known. They are simply per feet for liver and bowel troubles. Gh rku A Fulk's P. O, Pharmacy. Ad. Enclose it to Me with Ten Dollars Ami I will furnish you all complete, reatlv for use, niv 1001 Model No, 7 SANDKN KLF.CTlilC BICLT. It is su perior in make, quality ami power to any bolt, offered bv other dealers for which they charge $40. The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street WE SELL FOR CASH AND CASH ONLY.... Spot cash gets more nnd better bargains iu a week thau credit does in a year. dHOElpS. PICNIC LACt oHOE Our Ladies' "Picnic" line 4 1 of Shoes $2.25 per pair. These are the best goods for the money we have had the pleasure of offering our patrons. They are made of plump don gola stock, imitation, turn solea, eyelets, button holes and all stitching of beat silk thread. Only $2.25 per pair. jamiltomown ,ShoeQ's. I kaV rJ Jt If you want : nice dresHy shoo at a medium price, be sure you yet a pair of our PICNIC Shoes. Wu have them in lace or button. o- Our$l?oes are Guaranteed Dr. Sanden's Belt h ih no equal for the cure of Ner vous anil PhvHical Debility, F.x hansted Vitality, Varicocele, Premature Decline, Loss of Memory, Wasting, etc., which has been brought about by early indiscretions or later excesses, Dr. Sanden Eleotrio Co., 107 South Fourth St., PORTLAND, OU. '.".'inch il.Vw Dun) WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third unil Washington Ste. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone Local, 10'J, Ci irk A Falk are never dosed Sunday. D 'ii'i forum this.