The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 22, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MARCH C2. 1901 '
The Junction City Times gives its
readers a well-timed lecture on the
habit of sending to extensive Kastern
"mail-order" houses for every article
they need in the household as soon
as they get $10 ahead in cash to send
away. The Times says that the
people rcho rail the most persistently
against trusts and the evi'.s thereof
form the class most addicted to the
mail-order business, while as a matter
of fact those immense department
bouses which are thus patronized ae
the worst kind of trust in existence.
The practice of which the Times
complains is prevalent all over the
United States and is certainly in
jurious to local interests. There is
too much disposition to save a few
dimes in the purchase of articles
which can be procured in Chicago
and such cities for cash, and to pur
chase on credit from the local mer
chant the things of staple price upon
which there is little margin. In this
way the ready cash goes out of the
country, while local enterprises lag,
and the very farmers who watch the
Chicago bargain counter most closely :
through the catalogues are the loud-!
est declaimers that "there is no mar-!
ket here;" "there are do factories;"'
"there is no enterprise:" "there is no;
price for property." These exclama- j
tions can be heard the loudest just
after they have bought a money 1
order to send to Chicago to pay for ,
a sewing machine, or an organ, or a i
stove, or a baggy, or a mower, or a
suit of clothes, or a watch, a bicycle '
or a pair of shoes. j
This habit is not so prevalent
among old residents of Oregon as!
amorg new comers from Iowa, Ne-'.
braska, Kansas, etc. Those people ,
know the price of every article in ,
the big catalogues and are always,
talking about how much they can '
save by purchasing the things the'
want m Chicago. We cannot imag-
ine what liDe of reasoning is followed .
by farmers, mechanics and laborers
who practice that kind of financier- !
ing. How can a farmer expect a ,
decent market for his produce un
less by his patronage he encourages
the merchant and the manufacturer
of his immediate neighborhood?
How can the mechanic expect profit
able employment if the branches of ;
industry in bis community are
crippled for want of customers?
And the laboring man in the same
way. It seems to us that the prin-
ciples of self-interest and self-protec- !
tion would dictate a policy of home
patronage in order that all enter- '
prises might prosper. Salem States. !
The London "Statist" was frank 1
enough to admit a few days ago that :
the effect of the Dingley tariff was ,
to put the country on a sound finan
cial basis by practically converting ,
it into a creditor nation. It urges,
however, that, having accomplished (
this resnlt, it should be repealed in '
order to give other nations a show to
sell goods in our markets and help '
them to again undermine our posi
tion. There are some fools in the
United States who think this is good
advice, and are urging that we should
repeat the folly of the Cleveland
administration and give the foreigner
a chance to again place us under
obligations so that the old-time,
process of squeezing us could be
resumed. The economists are all .
pretty well agreed that in the years '
gone by it wag possible for .England
to take advantage of our position as
& debtor nation to compel us, when
ever it was deemed advisable to do
o, to part with our raw materials
and foodstuffs at ruinously cheap
rates in order to meet demands upon
us. Ik there an American insane or
unpatriotic enough to desire to
revert to this condition? If there
is he should be placed in an asylum,
or be urged to leave the country for
its cood. San Francisco Chronicle.
The faculty of Pacific College have
very propeily exonerated Elwood
Mincbin of plagiarism in his speech
on "'Wendell Phillips, Agitator,"
which won first honor in the re;ent
intcr-collesiate oratorical contest.
Take two to
night and you
will be well to
morrow. Bald
win's Health
Tablets. They
cure sick-headache,
constipation and
make sick people
well50 doses 25c
Tins;", the Chicco re in ion aire dsn
ca (of Ttnsill's punch e Oe&r r'arae ssvs:
B12win'. Health Ti!-: are e-'t
meiy far cuailipatios. teUicujuef s iid lot
pii iiTsr I have ever used."
I 2nd your Health Tablets excellent for
unsripatioa,sic-heacUche &sd dv.pepia.
Geo. IjAtL
Of Geo. Biker & Co., Aueticreer.
Clarse & Falk. The Dilies. O.-tgon.
Lrzhoru KRS" fur sale.
Single comb brown Lechorn eges
from imported stock bred by J. H. j
Bailey, of Denver, Colo.. Ireeder of j
highest scorinc Lezborns in the world;
$1.25 per setMag of 15.
Jas. Ieelano,
ml41rq The Dal:e?, Or. !
3v virtue o! tie order ar '. direction of the
Council of Dalles City, a by i eolBtlon hereto
fore adopted, notice is ereby iriven that the
Council oi Dalle? Citv has. determined to estab
lish sidewalks and erostwalts for Tenth street
in Gate?' Addition to Dalles City, CEd fcr
Clsy street, in Eicfi Addition to City, as
A sidewalk emnmencins: tit a po-nt where the
east line oi Court street would intersect the
northern boundary line of the school projierty
of School District No. 12. of Wawo County, Ore
pon. snid property twins; tnown as the academv
cronnds, if said line would be extended to said
northern boundary line, and runnins: thence
easterly to the northeast corner of said property
of said school district and abutting oa the
northern line of said projerty.
A sidewait conatnenclne at the northwest cor
ner of block "o. 5. and runnlnr easterly to the
northeast earner of sold blocfc No ft. and abut
ting on the northern boundary line of said
bio fc No. 5.
A erOi'Walt runninc stralcht ncrO'S B street
and jointer on the wtrst the sidewalk abutting
on the northern boundary line of said olock No.
5, and jolnlnc on the east a sidewalk abutting;
on the northern boundary line of block No. C.
A sidewalk emmencinc ' the northwest
comer of said block No. u. and runninc easterly
to the northeast conn oi suld block and abut
tine on the northern boundary line oi said
block No. C.
A cro-swalfc runninc straight across 0 street
and Joiains on the west the sidewalk abuttine
on the northern boundary line of sai l block .So
0, and joininc a sidewalk abutting; ou the north
ern boundary line of block No 1.
A sidewalk commencing at the northwest
comer of block No. 7, and runnins easterly to
tie northeast comer of said block No. 7, und
abutting on the northern boundary line of said
blcck No. 7.
A crosswalk runnins stralcht aero" D street
and joininc on the west the sidewalk abutting
on the northern boundary line of said blocfc No.
7, and joininc on theeuit a sidewalk abntting
ou the northern baundary line of block so.
A sidewalk commencing at the northwest
corner of blocfc No. S und ruuninc easterly 10O
feet, und abuttine on the northern boundary
line of said block No. t.
That said Tenth street and the property abut
tine thereon being in Gate Addition to Dalles
City, and all the other above described streets,
blocks and property being in IS'uff Addition to
Dalles City, said above described sidewalks to
be six feet in width and to be constructed in ac
cordanee with the ordinance in relation to the
construction of sidewalks.
eald crosswalks to be constructed in accord
ance with the ordinances of the city in relation
to tne conurucuou tnereoi.
That the cost of said sidewalks and crosswalks j
are to be,ases d t gainst the proper?) benefited t
thereby, according to the laws oi Dalles City. I
Jn witness whereof 1 have hereunto set my '
hand and thecorjorate seal of Dalles City this, '
the 22nd day of March, 1S01. i
m-hJ-j Wt Kecorder of Dalles City, j
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an ex
ecution i.sufd out of the Circuit l ourt of tbe
otate of Oregon for Wasco County, ou thei'lst
day ,i February, VMM, in a suit therein pending
wherein Wiillura Kloid is pluintlirand wlllicm
Helm and Elizabeth M Helm and K. W, Helm
are defendants, to me directed, 1 nil), on Satur
day, the 2yd day of March, 1SWI, a; tbe hour of 'j.
o'clock p, rn -, at the court house door In Dalles
'Jlty 'regon, sell at public sale to trie hlgjcst
bi liter lor eush In hand, all of tbe following de
scribed real property situated in said Wus'-o
County, to wit; Lots 1 and 1! and tbe southeast
rjuurter of the northeast quarter of section 1,
township 2 south, range 1 1 east, and tbe south
east quarter and tbe southeast quarter of the
northeast quarter of section X!.towiisblp2 south,
range H east, W. M., to satisfy u certain Judg
ment rendered in said court and cause on said
.'istdayof ftbruary, 1901, lor tbe sum of tl720.S7
and interel at ten per cent per annum, and
attorney's fees, and t!5 costs and disburse
ments, and 70.15 and Interest at six per cent
per annum and rtl to and interest at ten per
cent per annum uud accruing costs.
fbSi St! Was:oConnty.
Chicten Lice Conprel
Carbolineum : Avenarius.
The mint cfliflent Wfd l'reervinB
1'uiiil H a Kudlcul Keinedr ncuinst
Chicken I.iee. It cj'jllfatlori to In
tide wiilUof poultry home-, will ir.
manently extvrmlnHte ull lice. Ke
ulu heultliv chlckena, ji.euty of
eirK. N rite for clrculun und nricei.
ileutlon this iuer.
jleutlon this iiuier. 0
i Jos. T. Peters & Co., i
Catarrh Cannot lie Cared,
with local application?, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to care it yon mu: take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
i the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Care is not a quack medicine.
1 It was was prescribed by one ot the best
physicians in this country for veers, and
is a recnlar prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood pnrifiets, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces snch wonderful results in
enrinp Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Che.vey A Co.. Props., Toledo 0.
Sold br drruceist?, price "Sc.
Hail's "Family Pills are the best. 12
A l'oor .Millionaire.
Lately starved in London because he
could not digest his food. Early use of
Dr. King's New Life Pills would have
saved him. They strengthen the stomach,
aid digestion, promote assimilation, im
prove appetite. Sold by G. C. Blakeley,
the drnpeist.
I The lingering cough following grippe
calls for One Minute Congh Care. For
all throat and long troubles this is the
only harmless remedy that gives im
mediate results. Prevents consumption.
Clarke & Falk's P.O. Pharmacv.
Hustling yonng man can make 60 per
month and expenses. Permanen' posi
I tion. Experience unnecessary. Writ-'
i quick for particulars. Clark A C j ,
, Fourth and Locust Streets, Phi'ai!el-
hpia, Pa, sS-t
I Came to my place, seven miles west
of The Dalles, first of November last, a
black Jersey steer, two years old ; small
split in each ear; no brand visible.
Owner can have same by proving owner
ship and paying all charges.
H9-5t J. P. Acimi-s.
Twelve head of work horses, plow?,
drill, wagon and three sets of double
harness. Approved notes taken. Ap
ply to A, C. Rice,
2m-wtf Tbe Dalles.
Like Oliver Twin, children ask for
more .when (riven One Minute Cough
Cure. Mothers endorse it nigbly for
croup. It quickly cures all coughs and
colds and every throat and lung trouble.
It is a speciSs for prippe and asthma and
has long been a well known remedy for
x-hooping cough. Clarke & Falk's
P. 0. Pharmacv.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cared by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, eleep
and bappy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back. 2-3 cts. andoOcts. Blakeley,
tbe dregtrst.
lion't you know that Cocoanut Cream
Hair Tonic will eave your and yonr
children's hair? You can get it for 50
and 75 cents a bottle at Frazer's barber
shop, sole agent. tf
Quality and not quantity makee De
Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable
little liver pills. Clarke & Falk'e P. 0.
Byrkett'e choice full weight creamery
butter for sale at J. H. Cross store. 14
Max a. Voot.
First national Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remniea on aav oi collodion.
Sijrht and Telegraphic Exchange sold c
New York, Han FranciBco anc! ort-
D. P. Thompson. Jno. B. Bchemce.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liiui,
L, Y. Hone, Prop'r.
pirst-CIass in Every Respect
Oysters Served in any Style.
V, Second St., The Dalles, Or.
Notice No. 2
Is to all persons indebted to the late firm
of E. J. Collins & Co. and H. L. Brooke
to call and settle their account or note,
a the case may he, bv the lnt of April ;
otherwlte the accounts will be put into
the hands of our collector.
You want the best,
C. h. Phillips has it, in
Butr Leghorns a specialty.
L. Lane,
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
I Third and Meim Phone 159 i
mm m
Shot Like
ahd union Pacific
T'lir sr HF ' T I.K
ri:ox 7 HE DAUXs.
I'ortlaud Stiecial.
12:25 p. m.
vln Hunt
Express, a. m.
via Hunt
ington. St. 1'au)
Ka.t Mail,
9.25 p. m.
via Spo
kane. -iatt Ijifcp. rwsrp-. Ft.
Worth, Omaha. Kan-j ,
sa City. : Uniis. Chi- 1 M In-
cago und tlit- Eat.
salt Lake, Denver, Ft.
Worth, Omaha. Kan
sas City, si Loul', Chi
cago and the East. i
Walla Walla, U-wiston.
man, Minneapolis, St. .
Paul, Duluth, Milwau
kee, Chicago and East. 1
i IS a. in.
3:;Ma m.
From Portland.
(All sailing dates sub
ject to change I
00 p. m. M))p.m.
For sac Francisco,
sail every 5 days.
5 CO p. m.
10:00 p. m.
C:0O a. in.
Columbia Hirer.
To Astoria and Way
Landings. I. 00 p. m.
WUUtnvttr Hirer.
Oregon City, Newberg,
salcm, Independence,
and M ay. Landings.
4 'CO p. m.
C:(Xa. in.
I .SO p. m.
Corvallis and Way
Landings Tuesday,
7:Wa. m.
30 ti. a
Vaiulilll litrer.
Oregon City, Davtoa and W'ednesdny
Wuy-Lunaiugs. rrlday.
:SM0 a. m.
Snake Hirer.
Klparia to Ivewiston.
i SO a. ni.
Parties desiring to go to Hennner or
points on Columbia southern via Biggs, should
tale No. 2, leaving 1 he Dalle b: Vi-.'ib p. m.
making-direct connections at Heppner Junction
irid Biggs. Keturnlng mEitlngdircctcoiinectlon
at Heppner Junction and Biggs with No. 1, ar
riving at Tbe Dalles at 1:Uj p. m.
For further particulars, call on or address
JAs. IRELAND, Agent,
Tbe Dalles, Oregon.
Jast "What
You want.
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety ae we are uhowing never be
fore uraced a single stock. Real junta-
, tion cretun eflects at ordinary pricee.
! Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, taeteful colorings, youm
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full line of house paints.
D: W. VAUSE, Third St.
trade marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anrone tending a nkelrli und deacrlutlon inn'
ouktlr uscertaln nnr opinKni free whether a
liiveiitl'iii probaLljr luitttiitable. Oiinniunlei.
tliHintrlctlycoiindential. Jlundbookon I'ateuU
)uut I urn. )llest opener fur ucurlny pateuu.
I'utei.U taken tnrouuu Munn ft Co. recelT
tptetal tiotkt, without crmrue, lu tha
Sckniifk HmrkM.
A liandcnmelr lllotrted WMklr. Ircett dr.
tulatloii of unr clntino Journal. Ternn, tli a
reart t our monttn, L bold tij ell ticiradealeri.
MUNN iCo.,B New York
Hrancli Oflloe. tab V HU WatblOKtou, U.7'
With every dollar's worth of coods purchased at my store for tlio next Sixty
Days, 1 will give one chance on the following prizes:
1 First p;ize 1 Gent's Gold Watch and Chain
2 Second prire 1 Ladies' Gold Watch and Chain
3 Third ptire 1 SmokincSet
1 Fonrth prtee.r 1 Silver Butter Dish and Butter Knife
5 Fifth prire 1 set Silver Knives and Forks
In addition to giving nav the prizes I will sell goods as low as the lowest
and guarantee my goods to be fresh. Give me a trial. '
Speaking of Blood Medicine:
Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing
, that cores. Do not forget it ; we have it, at 75c por bottle ( large bottlesi,
guaranteed, or you may get your in aney back if not satisfied.
i up exerrie the greatest care. We carry the beet nnd ute the best in com
pounding yonr phvsicians orders. Oor prices we make as low as is consistent
with erlicient service.
, We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything
Appertaining to Drnc?, Patent Medicines, Sundries and Photograph Supplies.
p. S. GUjHIjG,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker...
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Agent for Kussell a. Co k Engines, Threshers and saw Mills.
Telephone 157.
Lone Distance 1073
i-n r7TiT7! : . it:--. m
t ! ,
? ?
t i . t
I lie jfcUlltS o pilullill r dill 1 1 U fluW bplJijI
To all old and new eubBcribers paying one year in advance we oiler
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for S2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for 81.50.
i'utilliiliHi Mondcy,
Wcdneviuy und Fri
day, In lu n nllty u line
and fri'Mli cvery-otlier-duy
Dully, kIvIhk the
luteit neu s on dnj ii of
lnHUe, unci coverlni:
riewii of the other !i.
It con tul iik j in ), ,r
tant forelKil euble
IICHK willed utijieara
in the Pally Triliuiie
of hiime date, ulno do
ineatlc and forelKil
i.'orieh)ioiirleii(e, iort
Morli'f, i-U-Kiiiit hitlf
tone llliinttittloiih, liu
liioroUM IteiiiH, lnduii.
trial Information,
futlll Oil IWltlK. Iilrli.l.
tural iiiallitra, and
financial uwl
market reort,
Kcgular huUcrlo
Hon j.rlte, f 1.50 per
, We furnlali it with
heml Weekly Ulironl.
cle for iz.ou jier year.
Send all orders to Chronicle
Cor, Second & Lanolin Sts, THE DALLES. OR.
rr.V r. rTr-rr rrr n m--r ; nrrr r. rr -TrrT-rrr Vl R1 1
dob Printers
l'ubllKhed on Tli 'irk
day, and known fur
nearly Mxty year In
eery part of the ' i"
tei SUiton an a na'lun
al (umily iif dj.ujt'r
of the lilKhcH
for farmer" and lll'
Bern. Jt eontiilii" "
the most iuirtiint
Kciieral newn of U"
Jiully Trlhuiif up u
the hour of i:"'K ".'
liren. an ai;rU'ulluriil
ilepartiiieiit of inn
hlKhent order, ha
terwllllnt? readlliK""
every nieinhtT of l"c
market reiort W"
are iieceiitetl imuutl
orlty hy farintrii a'"
merchant) ,,
eleaii, up-lo-rtate. I"
terentlngand intru -five.
KeKular kul-icrip'
tion price, II pr )'
We furnUli If w'1,".
rrk-ini-Wc4'kly Ulirunl'
fie forl.iO iiei'Jf"
Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or