1) c Dn II co VOL. XI J I THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1901. NO. 08 IS RUSSIA TRYING TO PROVOKE WAR? Conliict With England Would Solve Present Difficulties at Home Situation the Same. Srw Yokk, Mrtrcli '21. A special to thu Tiini'8 from Washington says: An interesting auggestlon, connecting tho lutrst developments of tre Chineee qnea tion with the riote in St. Peteraburg and other Russian cities, has been umdo by a public man of diplomtlc experience who ia well qualified to discuss Knropean atr.iire. His theory is that Kussia'B bellicose attitude at Tien Tsin and her apparent disposition to provoke Great Britain are directly connected with the conditions at home. Kueeht, he deolires, is not at present in a position to risk a war over Man churia or North China. She is un doubtedly in a better position than Great Britain, but she has not completed the Trans-Siberian railway, and is by no means ready for a contest in tho north. It is the general understanding of her policy that she does not wish a war until her preparations in the north are com pleted. Tills applies at the present time not so much btenise of Great Hrltain'a capacity for resistance, but because of possibleeomplicatione with other powers. "A motive lor Russia's warlike at titude must therefore be sought, and a suggestion is found in the apparently serious stale of things at St. Petersburg and elsewhere. It is a well-known axiom of statesmanship that when domestic disturb incis are becoming daiigsroui a foreign war will distract the attention of the people and produce a reaction in in favor of the government. It ia quite evident that the present disturbances in Russia are more serious than any since the death of Alexander II. It ia be lieved that the Russian rioters may have forced the hand of the government and compelled it to court war when it is un roidy, solely for the sake of weakening a domestic danuer. ItllNKli, rINHI',Hlin. Nkw Yokk, March 21. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: The China situation is well summed un In I.indley Samborne'a cartoon In Punch ' representing a Russian warrior in an Oriental boudoir, armed to tho teeth, whilo John liull and Germanv are look ing over the reed palings and cautioualy asking tho man in possession what he is doing. Tho moral applies equally to the small uhiur Bt tho railroad hiding at Tien Tain, and tho large matter in Manchuria, for Russia is in complete possession and baa nobody knows how tnnnv secret treaties in her well-Blocked pocket, and there can be no asauranco that thu allies are prepared to turn out the intruder. The railway siding dispute 1b so petty that suspicion Is excited in diplomatic circles tiiat the crisis has been brought on artificially by Russia for the sake of diverting attention from Manchuria, If this theory be correct, tho Tien Tsin die pnte will bo settled by u display of con ciliatton at St. Petersburg and Kngland and Germany will be allowed the satis faction of claiming diplomatic euccesa in duo time. Meanwhile Manchuria will become irrevocably Russian, and nothing wili be said about scuttling or loss of prestige. Doe It 1'uy to Ituy Cheap? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure tho more se vere and dangeioua results of throat nnd lung troubles. What shall yon do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if possible; if not possible for you, then in either case take the oni.v rem edy that has been introduced in nil civil ized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup." It not only heals and stimulates tiie tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and curea the patient. Try one hottie, Recommended many years by all druggists in the world, and sold by Clarke & Falk. Get Green's prize almanac. 2 New York Mooimliliinrfi An Arreateri. Nkw Yokk, March 21. Internal revenue officers havo raided an alleged illicit distillery in the basement of the seven-story tenement at 211 Eldridge street. Herman Loewcnstein. the land lord, and Joseph Levy, the janitor, have been arrested and arraigned before United States Commissioner Shields, who held them in $2500 bail each for examination. Two stills were tound in operation, eacli new anil capable of turn ing out :J50 gallons of liquor a day. In the basement 2,Q0 gallons of maah was found in various stugea of fermentation. YOUNG GIRL DISAPPEARS Her Garments Found On Chicago Lake Front Father Believes His Child Was Kidnaped. Tho Kind Toil IInvo Always Bought, and which 1ms boca in uso for over HO yvarn, lias liorno tho Hlgiiatnro of and has been made under his pcr-17-- Hoiml Hiiiicrvlttion since Its Infancy. 'GcdCLtMi Allfiiv nn nun to dnccivo von In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jitst-us-good" are htifc Experiments that trifle with and emliuitfcr tho licalth of lul'imts nnd Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Plcasaut. It ixmtalns neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotics Niibstaiice. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worm JUKI allays FuvcrishncHS. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipatiou aud Flatulency. It asHimllates thu Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy aud uaturul sleep. The Children's Panacea Thu Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tmt ctwrtua c0mmnv. rr muhiut tit. m vaw em. Cmc.uio, March 21. A woman 'e mack intosh, hat and gloves and a letter signed "May Comstoek" and addressed to Sarah L. Wright, 740 Park avenue, were found on the lake front at Sixty-third street The police learned from Sarah Wright that Miss Comstoek boarded witii Mrs Freeman, 240 North Union street. At the lattera house it waB learned that Miss Comstoek was a daughter of John Coin stock, of Benton Harbor, Mich,, i wealthy retired fruitgrower, formerly of Florida and California, and that she came here to study music. Tuesday afternoon Miss Comstoek left her board ing-bouse for the American Conservatory of Music, where she appeared and took her music lesson, but when she went away from there at 4 o'clock, she left be hind her umbrella and violin. Park Policeman Richards reports that he saw a woman enveloped in a black mackintosh walk on the lake front late that afternoon, but paid no particular attention to her, aa many persons stroll along thu beach daily at this point. The police believe the girl has drown,ed herself and the lake was dragged between Sixtieth and Fifty-sixth streets, but no body was recovered. A strong current BCts out into tho lake at this point and If the girl has committed suicide, her body has probably been carried out into deep water. The father of the girl reached Chicago last night. He is unwilling to accept the suicide theory that the police have formed from the finding of the outer garments of the girl. Mr. Comstoek has an idea that his daughter waa kidnaped and he will not accept any other theory. Mies Comstoek was taking a special course on the violin. She was au ac complished musician for her years, and aspired to perfection in her art. Her father encouraged her ambition. He wanted her to become an artist. He was impatient to have her advance rapidly and expected to send her to Paris to complete her musical education. Among the tens of thousands who have need Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and la grippe during the past few years, to our knowledge, not a single ease has resulted in pheumonia. Tbos. Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash avenuo, Chicago, one of the most prominent re eail druggists in that city, in speaking of this, says: "Wo recommend Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for hi grippe in many cases, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also counter acts any tendency of la grippe' to result in pneumonia." For sale by Ulukeley, thu druggist. I.u Ornuclti N)vierH Uoinltlnril. L Ghandk, Mar. 0. The LaGrande Semi-Weekly Journal wub' Bold yester day to Carrey Itrus,, proprietors of tho Hasten) Oregon Observer, a weekly pa por published tit this place. The Jour nal plant will he combined with that of tho Observer and tho former publica tion discontinued, The Observer, which has been populiatiu in politics, will iiBHumo thu politics of tho Journal, which has been the chief exponent of republicanism in Union county. Prof. Ivifion, of Loiiaeomlng, Md., siid'ored terribly from neuralgia of tho stomach aud indigestion for thirteen years aud after thu doctors failed to cure him they fed him on morphine. A friend advised thu use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and after taking a few bottles of it ho says, "It has cured iiih entirely. I can't miyftoo much for Kodol Dyspepsia Cure." It digests what you eat. Ghuko it Fulk'a P. O. Phnriuiioy. 0Tlllnl SI un U lluail, Amiuqi'kiuh'h. N. M., March 21, W. T. Hupp, the famous OBslfled man of Leb anon, Ky., ia dead In. this city. While still a child Happ's muscular tissues entirely wasted away and every joint in thu body except those of the left shoulder and uf tho hands became solidified, For !i(l yearB the helpless etatuo of u mini hua been on exhibition. Our entire Spring purchases in fine imported and domestic ..SUMMER WASH GOODS.. Cotton and Silks, are now open and on display in our Dress Goods section. Come early and select the material for your new summer gown. You will find here in delightful profusion, exquisite fabrics in the most tasteful and artistic color combinations, in weaves that must have taxed to the utmost the creative powers of the designers and loom artists ; and the right to pick from an assort ment that would do credit to a store in the metropolis does not cost you one whit the more. Our pricea, too, are, to our positive knowledge, as low and lower than are asked for the same goods elsewhere either here or there. A brief list here of what you may expect to find if you come eoon : A Large Importation of Kha Ki Wash Silks, Crepe de Chine and Foulard Silks. Cotton, and Silk and Cotton Materials. The New Russian BLOUSE SUITS. Crepe Zephyrs, Mercerized Silk Zephyrs, Huthven Lusters, Picot de Flanders, Lyons de Mousseline, Satin Stripe Dimity Sublime, Alexandra Foulard Silks, Cyprean Madras, Silk and Wool Challies, All-wool Challies, Embroidered Chambray, Embroidered Swiss Cords, Mirabel Dimity, Dotted Swiss Muslin, Irish Dimity, French Ginghams, La Alma Dimity, Indus Dimitv, Trieste Dimity, Sarine Batiste, Bijou Fancies, Japanese Foulard, Scotch Lawns, Galetea Cloths, Kha Ki Cloths, Reversible Covert Cloths. Just opened a choice line of these very fashionable lit tle garments. Come and see them. Easter Gloves. All the new and popular shades in 3. clasp Piques just received. $1.50. Visit our Suit Department. A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. New Parasols for Children. Plnyeil Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the hod v, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Keverishness, Pimples or Sores are nil positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Klexir has novel failed tocure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly u wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on u positive guarantee. Ulakeley, thu drug gist. law tu Cure Croup. Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenia, Duchess county, N. V., says : "Chamber- Iain's Cough Remedy is the best medi cine I have ever used. It is n fine children's remedy for croup and nevfr fails to euro." When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after tho croupy cough has developed, it will prevent the attack. This should be bo-ne in mind aud a bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready fur instant use ub soon as these symptoms appear. For sale by ltlakeloy, the druggiBt. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is herohv given that there will bo a meeting of The Dalles, Portland it Astoria Navigation Company, at the company's olueo in Thu Dalles, on Sat urday, April (I, 11101, at o'clock p. ior tho purpose of electing seven di rectors aud transacting such other business aa may properly come before mild meeting. Hy order of the president. Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 5, 1001. lui L. K. Chowk, Seu'y. Dyspepsia can ho cured hy using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One llttlo Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded, Sold In handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Hhikuley tlur druggist. See that you get the original DaWltl's Wileli HhkjI Salvo when you ask for It. The genuine is a certain cure tor piles, Bores and skin diseases, Olurkuot Folk's P. O. Phurmacy. Subscribe for Tun Ciikonk'I.k. Special Sale.... Having received our complete line of Household Goods which our manager has purchased of eastern manufacturers, and being crowded for store space, we concluded to give special bargains in Carpets, Mattings and Linoleum as follows : Ingrain Carpets. Good Ingrain 40c per yard Half Wool 50c " " All-Wool, guaranted GOe " " F.xtra Heavv 70c " " Rajahs, heavy i)0e " " Flemish Tapestry $1.00 " 44 The above prices Includes eewed, laid and lined. Brussels Carpets. 8-wove Tapestrv. , 10-wovo " ' . , Axmluibtcr 05c per vard Toe" '" ... . $1.00 " " Matting, Linoleum and Oil Cloth at correspondingly low prices. Remember our great line of lieuutlful Doggies and Reoliuiug Go-Carts. Great Northern Furniture Co., Second Street, opposite Ob.ur House. THU DALLKS, OUKGON. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle.