r? vol. xm THE DALLES. OREGON, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 20, 1901 no. no Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the Riematnre of and has been made under his per- -Vz- Honal Kiipcrvisioh since its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ( Just-as-good" are but Experiments that triile with and endanger the health of InltHits iind Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It 'lumtuiiis neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Miihslaiicc. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms mid allays Fcverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMT CENTAUR OOMMNVi TT MURRAY BTBICT. NEW VOKK OITV. 1'uul iMiilir'n N c-1 1 f i i f Full. Si'okaxk, Wash., March 18. Archi bald A. Hutchinson, holder of $700,000 mortgage- bonds in the old Columbia Railroad it Navigation Company, filed papers in intervention ut Goldendule to day in the suit of Winters and Chapman against the Central Navigation & Con struction Company. He aekH that all Hujts, liens and claiina against the property he diHtnieeud. He ahkB that tiie entire contract transferring the Columbia company's rights in the portage road at Celilo to the Central company be declared void, thus returning the prop erty to the Columbia company and clear ing the way for foreclosure under Mb bonds, which fall due June 1, 1001. TliiH hu it if taken as indicating Paul Mohr's failure to secure now capital in New York to complete his new trans portation line from Spokane to Portland. Thvy I.llm tli IIiiIkkI NtuliiH, Ti nil, a, Samoa, March G. The fol lowing in a tranHlation of a letter ad dressed by the people of Tutuila to I'lesident McKinley : To Hih Kxcelleney, the President of the United StateB of America : Your Kxcellency Our Good and Ji- teamed Father, Greetings : The people of Tutuila wish to express their thanks for your re-election to the most honorable position of president of the Uuited States of America. It seems now that with that election our great anxiety of the past is at an end. We willingly ceded our country to your government und we ure greatly re joiced with the annexation of this portion of Samoa to the United Statee. Our hope in the United States is now strengthened, we feel that as you have considered us kindly, so you will do like wise in the future. We are deeply grateful for all that has been done. On account of youi good will to lis, you gave us a leader, a gover nor., a liiuh chief whom we have learned to love and to respect. Leghorn Hck" fur Kale. Single comb brown Leghorn eggs, from imported Block bred by J. H. Bailey, of Denver, Colo., breeder of highest scoring Leghorns in the world; sfl.'-'o per Belting of 15. JAS. IltKl.AXl), mH-lm The Dalles, Or. You will not have boils if von u , Clarke & Falk'a sure cure toi bolls. MUTINY OF CONVICTS Three Hundred Desperate Prisoners Overcome Guards Holding Them in Coal Mine as Hostages Will Kill Them Unless Demands Arc Complied With. I.KAVKNWOitTii, Kan., March 10. In the Kansas state penitentiary coal mine at Lansing, 284 prisoners ho went down into the mine Monday morning have mulined and are holding fifteen guards hb hostages. They retuseto let the guards come to the surface until Warden Tom linson promises to give them better food, and threaten to kill the guards if their demands are not complied with. The mine is run by the worst cla9s of prisoners in the penitentiary, and among those who have mutined are twentv life prisoners. Warden Tomlinson has re fused to grant the requests of the con victs. Many complaints have been made at the penitentiary by the prisoners be cause of the grade of food furnished them, and to this dissatisfaction have been added allegations of mistreatment. The first trouble was displayed last night, when the miners who had entered the mine in the morning refused to come to the surface unless their demands were granted. Warden Tomlinson refused, and the prisoners remained in the mines all night, preventing the fifteen guards over them to go above, and additional guards to enter the mines. They killed mules used in the mine, and are living on this meat. Most of the prisoners are desperate men, and Berions trouble may result before they are compelled to sur render. There is wild excitement in Lansing among the families of the guaids as it is feared eome of the guards will be killed. All the penitentiary shopB are closed, and the convicts are held closely to their cells. This is in order to have the guards in teadiness for emergency to handle the convicts should they attempt to rush from the mine. The mouth of the shaft of the coal mine is inside the walls of the prison. It goes down to a depth of about 750 feet. The convictB are allowed to talk while at work in the mine, ae it would hardly be possible to carry on the work without speaking. The guards never go into the mines with firearms, on account of danger of an insurrection below the sur face. They carry clubs, so that in the event of an outbreak by the convictB and the loss of their arms, the work of overpowering the convictB would not be so great. Dou't Hub It In, Just wet the a dec ted part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arke & Falk. Millinery! flillinery! JBlltowyl All the Latest in Ladies' Sailors, Walking and Trimmed Hats and at prices that will surprise you. Udios' Sailors, Walking ami Trim mod Hats, at 23c, 35c, '18c, 55o, 70c, 80c, 90c and up. Radios' nicely trimmed Hats, all latest styles, at $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.70, $1.90 and up. Also imported French Pattern Jlats at $5.25, $5.50, $0.00 and $6.25. In fact wo sell thorn at about one-hall' regular price. Come and see how much money we can savo you on your Now Spring Hat. New Stiff Hats. An advance shipment just arrived. The new block is built on new and very grace ful lines; has just the right dip to suit the most people. Come and aee them. New shade of brown and black ; tA ff guaranteed unbreakable SpTT.vJL Stylish Suits for Young Men. Sizes 33 to 36 chest. The first of the Spring SuitB are now ready. Come early and select your suit for Easter. If we shouldn't have the style of your choice today ,we may have it nest week more to come. Here is a suit we would like for vou to see. It's AN IDEAL SUIT, made of a good weight Blue Serge; war ranted not to fade, shrink, or slip at the eeams; with round-cut 4-button Back coat and double-breasted collarless vest; styl ishly cut trousers. Worth $15 ; d a our price tpXTC. Three-piece Knee-Pant Suits of blue serge now read7. The Dress Goods section is alive these days with eager shoppers. New goods are the order of the day. Our West Window shows the following new arrivals: Lansdown Sublime, Panne Batiste, Printed Wool Challies, Grenadines, Crepon Batiste, All-over Laces, All-over Embroideries, Puffings, Galloons, Silk Waist Patterns in exclusive designa. Embroidered and Printed Henriettas. Suitable materials for Separate Skirls- Venetians, Homespuns. Cheviots. New line Black Goods just in. Don't fail to see our latest arrivals in the Cloak Department. Exclusive de signs in Tailor-made Suits, Silk Dress Skirts, Silk Waists, White Mohair Waists, New Spring Jackets and New Wrappers. Drapery Department. Come in at any time and look over our new Curtain Goods. New Silkelenes, New Lace Cur tains, New Rugs, New Sofa Pillows. Shoe Department. Spring Styles ready. Pingree's "Vogue," a shoe for men. world's richest Footwear. The "BOX CALF" is the natural leather for a "strenuous life" This particular style has heavy soles and plump uppers. No shoe can stand more wear and weather and be swell looking and com fortable fitting. We are exclusive sellers. New Styles ready for Ladies, Misses, Boys and Children. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO 2'layeil Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Lobs of appetite, FeveriehneBS, Pimplea or Sores are all positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter how it became bo it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed tocure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug gist. How tu Cure Croup. Mr. H. Gray, who lives near Amenia, Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is tho best medi cine I, have ever used. It is a fine children's remedy for croup und never fails to euro." When given hb soon aa the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has developed, it will prevent the attack. This should be borne in mind and a bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready for instant use as soon aa these symptoms appear. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. S T O C KH O L DERS 1 MEE TING- Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company, at the company's office in Tho Dulles, on Sat urday, April 0, 1901, at o'clock p. in., for the purpose of uluctiug seven di rectors and transacting such other business aa may properly coiuu before said meeting. By order nf tho president. Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 5, 1001. lm L. K, Chowk, Sec'y. Dyspepsia can bo cured by using Acker's Dyspepsiti Tablets. One little Tablet will givo immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 eta, Blakeley the druggist. See that you get the original DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve when you ask for It. The genuine is a certuln cure for piles, sores and skin diseases. Clarke & Falk's P. O, Pharmacy. Subscribe for Tun Ciikoniclk, Special Sale.... Having received our complete line of Household Gouda which our manager has purchased of eastern manufacturers, and being crowded for store space, we concluded to givo special bargains in Carpets, Mattings and Linoleum as follows : Ingrain Carpets. Good Ingrain 40c per van! llulf Wool 60c" Al-Wool, gnaranted tiOc " " F.xtni Heavy 70c " " Rajahs, heavy 00c " " Flemish Tapestry $1.00 " " The above prices includes sewed, laid and lined. Brussels Carpets. S-wove Tupestrv 05c per yard 10-wuvu " ' Too " Axniinister $1.00 " " Malting, Linoleum and Oil Cloth at correspondingly low prices. Remember our great line of Beautiful Buggies and Ueclining Go-Carts. Great Northern Furniture Co., Second Street, opposltn Olurr Houso. THK DALl.KS, ORlXiON. Subscribe for The Chronicle. i The Place to Save Money.. THE FAIR. F. C, Marquardsen, Prop THE DALLES, OR. Advertise in The Chronicle.