The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 19, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MARCH 19. 1901
Catarrh Cannot n cared,
with local applications , as they cannot
reach the Beat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to core it yon must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
, . , , , Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
The most wholesome and 1 It wa8 was pre9crlbe(1 bv ono of tbe beS,
nutritious substitute for COf-! physicians in this country for yeers, and
' is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined "with
The Washington correspondent of
the Globe-Democrat says there
wasn't a day from tbe first week in
December to the close of the session fee and tea.
of congress when a vote would not Made from the choicest the be8t blood PurifietB acUnK directly
have passed tbe ship subsidy b.ll by ... . - b o . on th? nucou Th
, . , . . . . . California figS, prunes and , combination of the two ingredients is
a substantial tnojority. This is con- ' - what produces such wonderful results in
trary to tbe general belief, out the Selectefl grains. I caring Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
rnrrnenrnr!ont fnrtifine stitpmfnt. A Jal.'nim.r rMnn4Vininn ' free.
, T - - ,, aUuiSiui.UU.6 1 F d ClIBSKY & Coi props( Toledo o
uy reaming uie laci tuiu test uu.- UMC :ro H-K-at.
Uk.vk.iagw iiu J
flavor to the bottom of the;
forced the bill before tbe senate for
consideration several times in the
proportion of two to one. Tbe
simple refusal of tbe minority to
permit a vote on passace coupled
with insistence on time for further Figprune.
debate postponed final action week . All grocers sell it.
after week. Heroic measures were. ; :
1 Seven earo in Itrd.
suggested and tried to bring the wm wonders ever ceafe?" inquire
minority to terms. The senate met the friendsof Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence,
earlier than tbe usual noon hour and Kan. They knew she had been unable
nttPtniitPrl nioiit. Pion. Th rvw to leave her bed in seven venrs nn ac-
pacity of the minority to kill time
Sold bv drrucgists, price 7ftc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Like Oliver Twist, children ask for
more when given Ono Minute Cough
Cure. Mothers endorse it highly for
croup. It quickly cures all coughs and
cold? and every throat and lung trouble.
It is a specific for grippe and asthma and
has long been a well known remedy for
whooping cough. Clarke & Falk's
P. O. Pharmacv.
count of kidney and liver trouble.
nervous prostration and general debility ; .
;i , i hi .
wuniaih. was exuausieo. iue ses- , bat) ,.Three bottles of Eectric Bitters
s'ton approached tbe last days with enabled me to walk," she writes, "and
the minority in control of this meas in three months I felt like a new person."
ure. and the Gr?b.t was abandoned bv Women suffering from Headache. Back-
the champions of tbe bill. Only one
ache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan-
rhnlv. Fnintinp and D177.V Snell9 will
-condition "lves the senate majority ; finf,- k ft priceieS8 blessing. Try it.
tbe advantage over the minority in a ( Satisfaction is guaranteed. G. C. Blake
case like the shipping subsidy bill. , ley. tbe druggist. Only 50c. 5
That is public sentiment
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constioation
and indigestion, makes you eat, Fleep
H?d happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
j money back. 25cts. andoOcts. Blakeley,
the druggist.
Quality and not quantity makes De
Witt's Little Early Kisers such valuable
little liver pills. Clarke & Falk's P.O.
Byrkett's choice full weight creamery
butter for sale at J. H. Cross store. 14
A Kastuc, HoarliiK rimicl. ,
Washed down a telegraph line which !
Chas. C. E bp, of Lisbon, la., had to re-1
pair. "Mat nine waist deep in icy water,
If popular
opinion becomes aroused to tbe
point of demanding legislation which
- t ue wruw, jjave me lernuie uutu nun
minority of tbe senate the latter eoQBb. It Brew wor9e daliy. Finally
yields. Again and again this has J the best doctors in O.ikland. Neb., Sious
been demonstrated. Tbe country at ! City and Omaha said I hud Consumption
larop manifested little interest In the I and coul not live- Then 1 beeRn nsInB
Ur. Kings ew Discovery
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
bill. There was division of views
among newspapers of the dominant
party. This affected the republican
senators to the extent that, while all
of them would have voted for the
bill as a party measure, some of
them were lukewarm when it came
and was
wholly cored by six bottles." Positively
guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all
Throat and Lung troubles by G. C.
Blakeley, the druggist. Price 50c. 5
The lletit Planter.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to
' fV.o aPFniaA nnrta la onnormr in nnv
to the adoption of means to wear ( plagter when troubled with lame back
out the minority. The democrats ; or pa;n9 ;n the side or. chest, give it a
were not of one mind on the wisdom trial and you are certain to be more
of the minority's course. Several than pleased with the prompt relief
rtv were 1 waicn it anorus. fain caim bifo cures
ief. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
former senators of that
in Washington urging enactment of
tbe bill, and from sis to eight demo
cratic senators stood ready to vote
with tbe majority whenever final
action could be reached. The situa
tion afforded the American people a
curious object lesson in the incon
sistencies of majority rule, which is
supposed to be fundamental in law
making at Washington. And on the
closing day of the session this was
emphasized by one man controlling
the United States twelve hours and
preventing enactment of a $50,000,
000 river and harbor bill, simply by
talking against it to the exclusion of
an opportunity to vote.
The secretary of the interior is in-
The stomach controls the situation.
Those who are hearty and strong are
those who can eat and digest plenty of
food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
what you eat and allows you to eat. all
the good food yon want. If you suffer
from indigestion, heartburn, belching or
any other stomach trouble, thiB prepara
tion can't help but do yon good. The
most Eeneative stomachs can take it.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
We offer for a limited period tbe
twice-a-week Cheonicle, price $1.50,
and tbe Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
nnder this offer must be paid in ad
vance, f
Notice is hereby given that there will
hft n mpptincr nf Th DaIIhb. Pnrtlanrl A-
clined to call a halt in the making of Astoria Navigation Company, at the
new foreRt reserves or enlargina ' company's office in The Dalles, on Bat
T . ,, urday, April 6, 1901, at 2 o'clock p. in.,
those already made. It 18 pleasurable , (or the purpose of electing seven di-
to see a gleam of practical sense in tct.or6 and transacting such other
biieiness as may properly come before
the department at Washington on Baid meeting. By order nf the president,
this subject. There is a great deal i Tu(s Dalles, Oregon. March 5, 1901.
. .. , . . ilui L. E. CnowE, Sec'v.
of sentimental foolishness in the ,
Among the tens of thousands wbohave
used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
colds and la crippe during the past few
national forest reserve proposition.'
Salem Statesman.
We have quite reluctantly given ,yeare' to onr knowledge, not a single case
..... . .... . ,, . i has resulted in pneumonia. Tbos.
space to the letter of "Quiz' in WhItfleld & Co.( 40 Wabaeb avenUBi
another column and only admit it i Chicago, one of the most prominent re
because Mr. Green's private charac-' tail druggists in that city, in speaking of
ter has been unnecessarily attacked ; this, says: "We recommend Chamber-
and he is narharn entitled to a re ' lam s uougu nemeay lor ia grippe in
, . , , . , . many cases, as it not only gives prompt
J"""""' XU,D' wuow anj C0IDpete rec0verv, but also counter,
the controversy, so far as the pagts BCl8 anv tendency of ia grippe to result
of Tin; Cmto.NiCLK are concerned. I in pneumonia." For eale by Blakeley,
, m the druggist.
Subscribe fur Tim Ciu:o.n'ici..
Max a. Voot.
First Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to cignt
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on aav oi collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
land. D1RBOTOK8.
D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Schihck.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbb.
H M. Beau..
In all Its stages there
should be clcauline's.
Ely's Cream Balm
c!canc8,sootbcsand hcala
tlie diseased membrane.
It cures catarrh and drives
away a cold in the head
quick ly.
Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrile, Bpreads
over the membrane and ia absorbed. KellefU Im
mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying doci
not produce eneezins. Large Size, B0 cents at Drug
cists r by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall.
ELY IHK)TUEIiS, 55 Warren Street, New York.
Administrator's Notice.
In tbe County Court of the State of Oregon for
tne county o! uheo.
lu the matter of tbe estute of Emma May Crom
well, deceased:
Notice lb hereby given that the uiiderslened
has been appointed by the Countv Court of
Wusco County, of the State of Oregon, the ad
ministrator of the estute of Emma May Crom
well, deceased.
AH perwjiiK having claims ugainbt t.ald estate
ure hereby required to present the same to me,
properly verified, as by law required, at First
and Taylor btreets, at my place of business,
within fix tnunihb from the date hereof, at
roruanu, uregon.
Dated 7th day of February, A. D VM.
Administrator of the estate of Emma .May
Cromwell, deceusfd.
J. A. btrowbndce. Jr.. attorney for adminis
trator. No. -1)7, Commercial block, i'ortland,
Oregon. leb'J-mcli'
Notlfe is heieoy elrenthit the undersicrned
has tiled, with the clerk of the county court of
tne tsiaie oi uregon lor w hsco county, nu Ilnal
account as executor of the last will and testa
ment of Mary J. lieezley, deceased, and said
county court has, by an order made on the 6th
day of March, 1901, fixed tbe Mb day of April,
liKj, at the hourol 2 tt clock p, in., as the time
and the county court room of said county, lu
uaiics uuy, uregon, as me piace lor tne Hearing
of objections to said II mil account
my it. S. HUNTING TON, I
Notice Is hereby itiven that the underslirned
has bven duly uiipolntcd by the county court of
Trie mine oi ureuou tor usco county, aauunik-
irairix oi tne esiate oi joun iiairymple.aeceaseu
Steppfd Into I.lre dials,
"When u child I burned my foot right
fully," writes W. II. Eads, of Jonesville, 1
Va., "which caused horrible leg sores for
30 years, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve i
wholly cured me after everything else 1
failed." Infallible for Burns, Scalds,
Cuts, Sores, Bruises and Piles. Sold by
G.C. Blakeley, the drugu'ist. 2oc. 5
Their promptness and their pleasant
effects make DeWitt's Ltttle Early
Kieers most popular little pills wherever
they are known. They are simply per
feet lor liver and bowel troubles. Cli rke
4 Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
u Restaurant
L, Y. Ilone, Prop'r.
First-Class in Every Respect
Oysters Served in any Style.
87 Boeond BU, The Dalles, Or.
All tierbons having claims: aiialnst said estate
are hereby required to piesent the name to me.
properly verified. s by law required, at my resi
dence on the Floyd ranch, live miles from
Dalles City, oral iheotllcoof licu'iettiVr-lnuo'tt,
within six mouths from the date hereof.
Dated this '.'lst day of February. Y.M
Afi.NK.8 DAI.KYMI'l.K,
Administratrix o! Die estate ot John ualrvm
pie, deceased. feb 'JJ
Land Ornci at Vancouveu, Wush., J
Fchiuary lh, jyoi. )
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice ol his intention
to make linal proof In support nl Ills claim, und
that said proof will be made hcloru W. II. I'res
by, U B. commissioner for District of Welling
ton, at Ooldendale, Wush,, ou Wednesday,
April u, 1101, viz.:
Irving II. Uarlow,
of f.yle I'. 0., Washington, who made II, K. No,
UiraIor the NEJi of coc 'J7, III Tp a N, K 12 E
Ho namei tbe following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vlx.:
Jesse J. Holder and Vernon T. Hinshaw. each
of Cioldendsle f. O., Wash., James O. Lylu aud
Ira B. Hewett, each of Lylu F, O., Wusbiugtoti.
IX) W. K. DVM8AB, Ueglster.
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Third and Mcwn, Phone 159
Shot Lime
and Union Pacific
VI p. m.
via Hunt- ,
12:o0 a. in.
via Huntington.
timi: ?titi:i)i'i.i:ri
THE I)A1.1.1.S.
5lt ljikc, Denver, Ft.
Worth, Omaha. Kan
sas City, St. Ixiuls. Chi
cago aud the Kast.
Salt Lake, Denver, Ft.
Worth, Omaha, Kan
sas City, st UuiK Chi
cago and the Kast.
St. 1'au)
Fast Mall,
U:'i") p. m.
via Spokane.
Walla Wnlla, Ixiwlston.
Minneapolis, St.
I'aul.Duluth, Milwau
kee, Chicago and East.
1:05 p. m.
4.15 a. in.
:!:110 a m.
From l'ortlauri.
.00 p. m.
(All sailing dates sub
, Ject to change ) 1
For San Francisco,
Sail every 5 days.
Columbia Hirer.
"OOji'in To Astoria and Way
Paturday', Landings.
10:00 p. m. 1
0:00 a. m.
WIllumettK Itlver.
Oregon City, Newberg,
I rialem, Indetiendence, 1
' aud ay-Umdlngb.
1:00 p. in.
1:00 p. m.
4:30 p. m.
Tuesday, l:"0p. in.
Thursday, Corvallis and Way- Monday,
Saturday, I-andings. Wednesdty
6.00 a.m. Friday.
Tuesday, AVlllHinrttti anil 3 30 p. m.
Thursday, VhiiiIiIM Itlver. Monday,
-! . , y' ()H'en Citr Iyton and " ff"?
a. 40 a. in.
Snake Klrer.
KIpuria to iwUton. kilo'iu'iu.'
Parties deslrinc to bo to nennner or
points on Columbia Southern via Higgs, should
take No. !!, leaving The Dalles at 12:'.'5 p. m.
making direct connections at Hcppner Junction
slid Biggs. Returning maklngdirectconiiectlon
at Heppucr Junction and Illggs with (No, I, ar
riving at The Dalles ut 1:05 p. m.
For further particulars, call on or address
The Dalles, Oregon.
Just "What
You want.
New ideas id Wall Paper here. Such
w ide variety aa we are allowing never be
fore graced a single Block. Real imita
tion creton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yourB
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full line of house paints.
D. W. VATJSE, Third St.
trade marks
Copyrights &c.
Anyone sending a sketch mid description ma
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether a'i
Invention Is probaoljr patentable. I'oriimurilcs
Hons strictly confidential. Handbook oul'atenu
tent free, oldest aceiiry for securliiK patents.
1'atui.ts taken through iluiin It Co. recelw
tpecial notice, without charge. In toe
Scientific flwrkait
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest eir
euletlon of uy MilejiUila liatrual.. 'l'erius, t:i
year i mur muuiui, m oviuvyaii newsaeaiers.
ceTln . Wubiogfou, U. (
With fvery ilollnr's worth of (mods purchased at my storo for the next Sixty
Days, 1 will k'ive ono chance on the following
1 First p;lze 1 GJj Wtcli nn.l Chain
2 Second prize 1 I-H-'8 Ctold Watch and Clinin
Third riir.e Smokinc Set
4 Fourth prize ' Silver Mutter l)ish and Ilutter Knife
5 Fiftn prize 1 !3"vur Knives and Forks
In addition to giving away these prizes 1 will soil goods as low ns the lowest,
and guarantee my goods to bo freuh. Give me a trial.
Speaking of Blood Medicine :
Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla is the thing
that cures. Do not forcot it; wo have it, at 75c per bottlo (lnrge bottle?);
guaranteed, or you may get your m )ney buck If not satisfied.
o esercioe the grenteet t:aro. We carry the best and ue the best in com
pounding your phtHdans oiders. Our prices we make as low aB is cunsigtent
with efficient service.
We Carry a Very Complete Line of Everything
appertaining to Drngf, Patent Medicines, Sundries and Photograph Supplies.
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker...
-ni:.u.i:n i.s-
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
A cent for HnsM'U A (.'n.V Knglni-.s, Thieshors anil saw Mills.
Cor. Second & LangWiu Sis,, THE DALLES, OR.
Telephone 15".
Long Distance 10711.
Job Printers. I
Tne People
pionai Family Newspaper
To all old and new subscribers paying one year in advance we oiler
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50.
l'utillkliud .Monday,
Wiilni'Mjay and l'rl
(lay, Ik In reality a llnu
and fri'dli i-very-othcr-day
Pally, glvliiK the
latest new on diiyti of
IhtiUf, II II (1 I'OVt'lllIK
liewa of the other :!,
Jt coiitnlna all 1iiimu
taut foreign cahlu
mnvN ulilch iipin-ara
In the Pally Trlhuno
of miiiio date, iiImi do
intihtlo and foicliin
i'oriekiondence, ahort
Horli. i'l'nnt half
tonullliihtratloiik, tin.
nioroub Uciiifc, IihIiin.
trial Information,
faahlim iwiti.. iuHkuL
tnral inalierK, and
.oni.ri'heiiilviiaiid re
llablo tinanclal and
market reioita,
(tegular NUhacrlii
I hm Jirlte, .W per
We furnish It with
hem I Weekly Ohionl.
clu!or.WJ perjeur.
(nhllkhed onTlmrk
day, aad known for
nearly klxty nim In
eery pari of the fill
ted Htatea aK a na'loii
al family nei'ia'l'f
of the hlKhekt clank,
for farmerH und WH
i;era. It eoiitiiln "
the moat lm'ortaiit
Keneral lieu of tin'
Dally Tribune up u
the hour of koIiik ,l!
Iireka. an tiBrluiiltunii
department of Hie
hlxhekt order, link en
tertalnltiK readlni! for
every member of mi
market report which
lire uieepti"! anautli
orlty by larmem "
merchant, and
clean, up tn-diite, ,11
tereslliiK and lliblrut
the. (tegular auUfilp
tlon price, 1 per j cur.
Wo furnlkh ,t lt'
Heml-Wcekly C'lirolil
ele forfl.W jm.t)
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or