4 I) c D n II cg VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY. MARCH 19, 1901. NO. 05 The Kind You Have Always Bought and which has been iu use for over 30 years has borne the signature of and has been made under his pcr- jylfejfcy 8onftl supervision since its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of lnliMits and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castnria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It dfltntuins neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic HibHiancc. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tbo Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TIV CCNTMIII COMHNVi TT MUHRHV TOUT. NtW YORK CITV. work on the lower; river Northern Pacific Said to He Preparing to Huild A Semi-ollicial State ment Great Northern's Stock. Sr. Pai'i,, Minn., March 18. It is Eemi-oftidally stated here today tliat the real motive for building from Kalama to Vancouver and bridging the Columbia river, which is credited to the Northern Pacific, is but preliminary to u short line from Wullula Junction to Portland on the Washington side of the Columbia river, which the Northern Pacific does not care to build until tho river is bridged opposite Vancouver. The Great Northern oflicial ci'culur eigned by J. J. Jfill, announcing (lie terms of the issue of ifL'o.OOO.OOO in new Hock, was issued today. The circular recites that the capital stock of the Great Northern will be increased to tin OUTLAWRY IN THE PHILIPPINES Methods Pursued by Tagals to Ter rorize Peaceful Natives. amount of not less than $25,000,000 for tiie purpose of "acquiring additional lines that will add more than 500 miles to tiie railroads now controlled by the company, and to acquire coutol of the ocean steamships of the Great Northern .Steamship Company, of which two, of very large carrying capacity designed for the Pacific trade, are now under con struction at New London, Conn." The terms of issue of new stock are described thus : "Stockholders will be entitled to sub scribe for .f 25 of new stock for each share of their holdings of the stock now out standing, payment to he made as fol lows: Twenty per cent each on May 2d, June 25th, July 25th, August 20th, and September 25th. Four dollars per month will be credited upon each in stallment on account of the subscriber's interest in said bonda released to this company by tiie subscription." A Poor Mllll on it 1 rf. Lately starved in London because he1 could not digest his food. Karly use of Dr. King's New Life PilW would have saved him. They strengthen the stomach, aid digestion, promote assimilation, im prove appetite. Sold by (5. C. Blakeley, j I he druggist. ' Washington, March 18. The recort'e in the cases of thirty-tour Filipino natives, charged witli various offenses against military discipline in the Philip pines, including murder, treason and other acts of violence, have been received at the war department. These records make plain the methods pursued by the insurgents to terrorize the native in habitants of the islands, and show cases of atrocities committed upon the latter where they declined to comply with the demands and exactions of the so-called Filipino government. In one caee nine insurgent svmpa thizere, tuily armed, seized in the night a family or five persons and killed them with bolos. The motive for the murder was the punishment of the family for refusing to pay taxes in support of the insurgent government. The guilty natives were sentenced to hard labor for thirty years. In another case, under the orders of an insurgent lieutenant-colonel, a native was seized, bound and made to sit down while a soldier "held his head and with a knife cut his throat." The murderer was condemned to be hanged. Most of the other cases were the murder of innocent Filipinos by alleged soldiers and officers of the insurgent army, several of whom are described as notori ous bandits and outlaws. The most atrocious, according to the records, ia that of Eusebio Rojas, who was sentenced to be hanged, styling himself a lieu tenant of infantry in the insurgent forces under the command of Alejandrino. Kojas claimed to exerciee summary power over the lives and property of the natives who did not bear arms against the United States, and conceived it to be his duty to murder peaceful and law abiding people living within his so-called military jurisdiction, Pet Dob Kill lU MlHtreRD. New Youk, March 18. Mrs. Carrie Cobus, living on West Eighteenth street, mtt death in a shocking manner tonight, being killed by her dog. Mrs. Cobus, her husband, her son and her mother lived together. Mrs. Cobus was 3S years old and subject to epileptic fits. Her con stant companion was a fox terrier of un usual intelligence. Mrs. Elizabeth Broadhead, Mrs. Cobus mother, says her daughter went out into the kitchen about 7 o'clock. A few minutes later Mrs. Broadhead heard the dog barking ex citedly. The mother ran out and found her daughter lying on the floor. She knew it was an epileptic attack, and dashing a pitcher of water into her daughter's face she ran into the hall and screamed for help. Philip Rockefeller, living near by heard her and ran to her assistance. Tluy went into the room where Mrs. Cobus lay and there saw a horrifying spectacle. New Stiff Hats. An advance .shipment just arrived. The new block is built on new and very grace ful lines; haB just the right dip to suit the moat people. Come and eee them. New shade of brown and black ; tA ff guaranteed unbreakable Cpr.Vv Stylish Suits for Young Men. Sizes 33 to 3G chest. The first of the Spring Suits are now ready. Come early and select your suit for Easter. If we shouldn't have the style of your choice today we may have it next week more to come. Here is a suit we would like for von to see. It's AN IDEAL SUIT, made of a good weight Blue Serge; war ranted not to fade, shrink, or slip at the seams; with round-cut 4-button sack coat and double-breasted collarless vest; styl ishly cut trousers. Worth $15; jH A our price ipXx. Three-piece Knee-Pant Suits of blue serge now read'. The Dress Goods section is alive these clays with eager shoppers. New goods are the order of the day. Our West Window shows the following new arrivals: Lansdown Sublime, Panne Batiste, Printed Wool Challies, Grenadines, Crepon Batiste, All-over Laces, All-over Embroideries, Puffings, Galloons, Silk Waist Patterns in exclusive designe. Embroidered and Printed Henriettas. Suitable materials for Separate Skirts Venetians, Homespuns, Cheviots. New line Black Goods just in. Don't fail to see our latest arrivals in the Cloak Department. Exclusive de signs in Tailor-made Suits, Silk Dress Skirts, Silk Waists, White Mohair Waists, New Spring Jackets and New Wrappers. Drapery Department. ( rl II CO" won Come in at any time and look over our new Curtain Goods. New Silkelenes, New Lace Cur tains, New Rugs, New Sofa Pillows. Shoe Department. Spring Styles ready. Pingree's "Vogue," a shoe for men. The world's richest Footwear. "BOX CALF" is the natural leather for a "strenuous life" This particular style has heavy soles and plump uppere. No shoe can stand more wear and weather and be swell looking and com fortable fitting. We are exclusive sellers. New Styles ready for Ladie?. Misses, Boys and Children. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. flillinery! Jlillineryl JBlltowyl Grand Display of Millinery! All the Latest in Ladies' Sailors, Walking and Trimmed Hats and at prices that will surprise you. Ladies' Sailors, Walking and Trimmed Hats, at 23c, 35c, 48c, 55o, 70c, 80c, 90c and up. Udies' nicely trimmed Hats, all latest styles, at $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.70, $1.90 and up. Also imported French Pattern Hats at $5.25, $5.50, $0.00 and $6.25. , in fact wo sell thorn at about one-half regular price. Como and see how much money wo can save you on your New Spring Hat. The pet terrier, seeing his mistress in agony, appeared to have gone mad. He flew at tho postratu woman as she writhed on the floor, nd repeatedly at tacked her, burying his teeth in her throat and severing the jugular vein. When Rockefeller tried to tear the maddened brute away it clung to the lying woman with terrible tenacity, lie finally got the animal loose. It then at tacked the mother and the man, but tliey beat it olT. A physician was summoned, but Mrs. Cobus had bled to death. Tho dog disappeared in the streets. Tien ThIii Iliuta Will Itn Settled. London, March 18,5:40 p. m. On the highest oflicial authority the Associated Press is authorized to announce that the difficulty at Tien Tain between the Russians and British over tho construc tion of u railroad siding in territory claimed by both, probably will he solved by the withdrawal of both the British and the Russian troops from the ground in dispute. I'lnyrit Out. Dull Headache, l'uins in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishiu'ss, Pimples or Sores are uli positive ovidon ces of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must bo puritied In order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Eloxir lias uevui failed tocure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases, It is certuiuly 11 wouderful remedy and we sell uvery bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug gist. lluit't Kuti It III, Just wet the nllectud part freely witli Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain ia gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. See that you get the original DeWitt'a Witch HhzuI Salvo when you ask for it. The genuine ia a certain cure tor piles, sores and skin diseases. Clarke & Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy. Subecrlbe for Tuu Cukoniclk. STOP AND THINK! Consider your dollars and cents, how you can save them, and there is onlv one wnv to save money and that is to trade with the GREAT NORTHERN FUR NITURE STORE. Their method of doing business has met with the approval of both rich and poor, and only a moment of your time will soon convince you of the fact. PARTICULAR ATTENTION is called to our Carpet and Linoleum Department, which Bre composed of most elegant patterns and prices that will tempt the most skeptical ; also our White Enameled Malleable Iron Beds are awaiting your inspection, and also our Buggies and Reclining Go-Carts, tiie price will make Hiem go if nothing else will. We are sole agents for the Celebrated . This fancy cunaire, rubber fTW A PTF.W O A K i tires, rattan b.tsket, tills Stoves and Ranges. p. riiBol Others as low as $5.00. $10.50 Great Northern Furniture Co., Second Street, opposite Olurr House, THE DALLES, OREGON, Subscribe for The Chronicle. The Place to Save Money., THE FAIR. F. C, Marquardsen, Prop THE DALLES, OR. Advertise in The Chronicle.