The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 18, 1901, Image 1

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1) e Dalles
NO. G4
HiH Concourse of Mourners President
McKinlcy and Many Other Notable
Men in Attendance Services at
the (Irate and Church Simple in
the Extreme.
iNIMANAfOMK, March 17. In the cen
ter i)( 11 hollow square composed o( fully
15,1100 of Iiib fellow-citizens, tlio remains
of lii'iijiiiniii HiirriHim were this after
noon interred in tho family lot in Crown
Hill cemetery. Close by the grave wore
this members of liia family, President
McKinley and other visitors ol diBtlnc
tion, mid tin' "ions intimate friondH "f
General Harrison. Hunk iv distance of
fit) yards, liuliind ropes guarded zealously
by largo forcu of police, Btood with un
covered lunula tho groat multitude, who
kiimv him not ho well us did tlii'y who
stood himidii the froshly upturned uurtii,
but ho honored nnd ndmirod him fully
tie much. It ih doubtful if any public
liiiin ut least in this generation was
borne to hit) hint resting place among ho
iminy manifestations of respect. There
wiih no exception anywhere to the ex
prestiion tlitit tlit! Nation hnd lout one of
itB iililt'Bt men, nnd tin; greatest umn of
his generation in ti i r own state.
Thu weather, like tliut of yesterduy,
wan uiiBurpuBnnbl(, with bright sunlight,
tho wiirm breuth of spring in every
breeze, and yet in the air a tou"h of
winter that brought the blood to the
cheek and u spurklu to tho eye.
The services nt tiie eliuroh und grave
were Him pie in the extreme, und in most
excellent tattle. Like the proceedings
yeeterday, there was an utter absence of
friction in everything Unit wiih done. All
was well ordered und well performed.
Hiniin Yimi-H in Unit.
"Will wonders ever cease?" inquire
the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence,
Kim. They knew Hlie had been unable
tu leave her bed in seven years on hc
fount of kidney and liver trouble,
nervous proHtratiou and ueiionil debility ;
but, "Three bottles of Kleetric Hitters
enabled me to walk," she writes, "and
in three moutiiB J felt like u new person."
Women Hull'ering from Headache, Back-
ache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan
choly, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will
find it a priceless blesBing. Try it.
Satisfaction is guaranteed. G. C. Blake
ley, the druggist. Only 00c. 5
I'oiiiilatloii fir OttriiiHiiy.
Washington, March 1(1. The census
office has received through the state de
partment a consular report on the popu
lation of the German Empire and its
changes during the past century. The
population is now about 50,000,000 or
larger than that of any country in Europe
except Russia, which has in Europe
nlono over 100,000 subjects.
Since 1871 when the modern German
Empire was organized, the population of
Germany has increased about 115 per
cent, a growth extremely rapid for an
old country and for one Bending out large
and steady streams of emigrants. Tho
Germans feel u natural pride in the
rapid growth in their population, says
the report, compared with that of their
rival across the Khino. In 1 8-15 France
had 0,000,000 inhabitants and Germany
84 ,000,000. Now France has about 38.
000.000, or oniy two-thirdB the number
of Germany.
A Uucli'Ci KoumiB Flood.
WaBhed down a telegraph line which
CIiah. G. Ellin, of Lisbon, la., iiad to re
pair. "Standing waist deep in icy water,"
lie writes, "gave me a terrible cold and
cough. It grew worse daily. Finally
the best doctors in Oakland. Neb., Sioux
City and Omaha said I had Consumption
nnd could not live. Then I began using
Dr. King's New Discovery and was
wholly cured by six bottles." Positively
guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all
Throat and Lung troubles by G. C.
Hlakeley, the druggist. Price 50c. 5
I'artlul Ar'itnue.
Havana, Murch 10. It is stated that
in a majority of the individual reports of
the members of the constitutional con
vention's committee It will be recom
mended that the United States be given
the isle of Pines und allowed to establish
sanitary measures under the direction
und control of the Washington govern
ineut, but ttie other provisions outlined
in the Piatt amendment will not be
agreed to. The report of the committee
will he nn extensive document, giving
reasons in detail why ihe amendment
cannot bo accepted. It is expected the
report will be submitted next Tuesday
or Wednesday.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies jtiBt received by Clarke & Falk.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, aud which has hceu
iu use for ovor 30 years, has horuo tho signature of
aud has been ntado under his per
sonal supervision since its Infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good " are but
iivporim-viiits that trillo with and endanger the health of
lultuits and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Cnstoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
uontnins neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Mubstance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nd allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
uud Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Oral rail TliroiiRli.
Nkw Yoiik, March, 16. A special to
the Times from Washington says:
The arrangement by which tho sultan
of Turkey was to pay his debts to the
United States under cover of tiie pur
chase of a cruiser from the Cramps has
fallen through. The Cramps have not
begun work on the Turkish cruiser, and
will not do so. The prime cause of the
failure of the device so ingeniously con
trived by the sultan was the shrewd
move of Germany, recorded in European
dispatchce last December. Germany was
determined that if the American claims
were paid hers should be paid as well.
It was impossible to assume that the
American claims would be paid, for the
sultan had so cleverly contrived the pay
raent that he would be able to reply to
the Germans that he was merely buying
a waiship, and was not paying any dabtt.
Germany therefore flanked the sultan by
making her demand, for the payment of
an indemnity, but for the payment of a
bill owed the Krupp concern for armor
before Bhe bought nny more war material
This move of Germany, it is now
learned haB been completely successful.
The sultan was able to pretend that he
was not going to pay the American in
demnity, but he could not pretend that
he was not negotiating with the Cramps
for a ship. The negotiations with the
Cramps therefore had to fail.
Get Out of China.
BmtM.v, March 1G. The most striking
feature during Friday's and today's de
hate in the Keichstag was the unani
mously manifested feeling of weariness
over the "China adventure." It was a
regular chorus of "let us get out from
China." The socialist speakers said:
''Get out at any price."
The Radical left and Center eaid :
"Get out as eoon as honor permits."
Even the conservatives said as much,
though all parties recognized the fact
that the 123,000,000 marks demanded bb
a third installment of the expenses must
be voted. Indeed, the entire nation is
thoroughly tired of China, even the
government and the reigning Princes, as
the toast of the heir to the Bavarian
throne at the Munich festivities showed,
when he said: "We all desire a speedy
and successful end of the China war."
Union of KuiiluytirH aud Employes.
London, March 10. John Burns, M.
I',, Thomas Burt, M. P., and other
labor leaders, ere conferring in regard to
the feasibility of the proposed federation
of the employers and employee unions,
to be known as the Natioual Federation
of Masters' Associations and Trades
Unions, the object being to "educate tiie
minds of employers aud employes con
cerning the grave responsibilities winch
rest with them in respect to the expan
sion of British trade, to device means to
meet foreign competition, to Bend joint
deputations of capital and labor abroad
to inquire into the conditions of other
countries and to provide u federation
where employers and employes may
meet on the same plane."
HU'iniKl Iutu Live C'oalH.
"When u child I burned my foot fright
fully," writes W. H. Eade, of Jouesville,
Vu., "which caused horrible leg soreB for
30 years, but Buckleu's Arnica Salve
wholly cured me after everything else
failed." Infallible for Bums, Scalds,
Cuts, Sores, BruiBes und Piles. Sold by
G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. 23c. 5
Notice is hereby given that there will
be u meeting of The Dalles, Portland &
Astoria Navigation Company, ut the
company's olGce in The Dalles, ou Sat
urday, April 0, 1901, at 'J o'clock p. m.,
ior tho purposo of electing seven di
rectors and transacting such other
business as may properly come before
said meeting. Bv order of the president.
Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 5, 1001.
lm L. E. Chowk, Sec'y.
A I'nnr Millionaire.
Lately starved in London because he
could not digest his food. Early use of
Dr. King's New Life I'llH would have
saved him. They strengthen the stomach,
aid digestion, promote assimilation, im
prove appetite, bold by G. (J. Blakeley,
the druggist;
Their promptness and their pleasant
effects make DeWitt's Ltttle Early
Risers most popular little pills wherever
they are known, They are simply per
fect for liver and bowel troubles. L-li rke
& Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Clarke & Falk's favoring extracts are
tho best. Ask your 8' xser for them.
New Stiff Hats.
An advance shipment just arrived. The
new block- is built on new and very grace
ful lines; has just the right dip to suit the
most people. Come and see them.
New ehade of brown and black ; dA ff
guaranteed unbreakable ipr.vV
Stylish Suits
for Young Men.
Sizes 33 to 36 chest.
The first of the Spring
Suits are now ready.
Come early and select
your suit for Easter.
If we shouldn't have the
style of your choice today
we may have it next week
more to come.
Here is a suit we would
like for you to eee. It's
made of a good weight Blue Serge; war
ranted not to fade, shrink, or slip at the
seamB; with round-cut -l-button sack coat
and double-breasted collarlesB vest; styl
ishly cut trousers. Worth $15; rfH A
our price pX.
Three-piece Knee-Pant
Suits of blue serge
now ready.
The Dress Goods section is
alive these days with eager
shoppers. New goods are the
order of the dav.
Our West Window shows
the following new arrivals:
Lansdown Sublime,
Panne Batiste,
Printed Wool Challies,
Crepon Batiste,
All-over Laces,
All-over Embroideries,
Puffings, Galloons,
Silk Waist Patterns
in exclusive designs.
Embroidered and
Printed Henriettas.
Suitable materials for Separate Skirts
New line Black Goods
just in.
Don't fail to see our latest arrivals in
the Cloak Department. Exclusive de
signs in
Tailor-made Suits,
Silk Dress Skirts,
Silk Waists,
White Mohair Waists,
New Spring Jackets
and New" Wrappers.
Come in at any time
and look over our new
Curtain Goods.
New Silkelenes,
New Lace Cur
tains, New Rugs,
New Sofa Pillows.
Spring Styles ready.
a shoe for men.
The world's richest
is the natural leather
for a "strenuous life"
This particular style
has heavy soles and
plump uppers. No shoe
can stand more wear
and weather and b e
swell looking nnd com
fortable fitting. We are
exclusive sellers.
New Styles
for Ladies, Mieees,
Boys und Children.
The Heat Planter.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to
the affected parts iB superior to any
plaster. When troubled with lame back
or pains in the side oCchest, give it a
trial and you are certain to be more
than pleased with the prompt relief
which it affords. Pain Balm also cures
rheumatism. One application gives re
lief. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
The stomach controls the situation.
Those who are hearty and strong are
those who can eat and digest plenty of
food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
what you eat and allows you to eat nil
the good food yon want. If you suffer
from indigestion, heartburn, belching or
any other stomach trouble, this prepara
tion can't help but do yon good. The
moet eoneatlve Btomachs can take it.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
1'luyeU Out.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverialmee?,
Pimples or Sores ure ali positive eviden
ces of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must be purified in order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has uevet failed tocure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly u wonderful
remedy und we eell every bottle on u
positive guarantee. Blakeley, tho drug
gist. Don't Uub It In,
Just wet Mi affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
uud the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke A
See that you get the original DeWitt'e
Witch Hazel Salve when you ask for it.
The genuine is a certain cure tor pile?,
sores aud skin diseases. Clarke!!: Falk's
P. O. Pharmacy.
Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure
dandruff and all Ecalp diseases. Don't
neglect your hair. For sale at Frazer's
barber shop, sole agetit. tf
Consider vour dollars and cente, how you can save them, and there is onlv
one wav to Mive'money and that is to trade with the G HEAT NORTHERN FUR
NITURE STORE. Their method of doing business has met with tho approval of
both rich and poor, and only n moment of your time will eoon convince you of
the fact.
is called to our Carpet anil Linoleum Department, which are composed of most
elegant patterns and pricen that will tempt the most skeptical ; also our White
Enameled Malleable Iron Beds are awaiting your inspection, and also our Buggies
und Reclining Go-Carts, tin; price will make them go if nothing else will.
Wo are sole agents for the Celebrated
, This fancy ctrnnge, rubber 4fHA TA
CHARTER OAK 'VL.1:..8.1!" oIU.JU
Stoves end Ranges.
Others as low as $5 00.
Great Northern Furniture Co.,
Second Street, opposite Oh.ur House.
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