The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 16, 1901, Image 3

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    Mr. Moody' "Heart.1
Hign-CJass novelties and wast) Faies
On Tuesday, March 19th
Wo will have on exhibition one of the finest collections of novelties for Spring
nnd Summer wear ever got together. As every wearer of educated taste quickly
discards all that is passe and common-place, the progressive merchant strives
to secure only that which is original, exclusive and of the latest mode. The
ability to command the selection of whatever is distinctively meritorious, justi
fied us in assuming the exclusive ownership of all the novelties in our offering
for the approaching season, a manifest advantage to our customers, which they
fully appreciate.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Flpures
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wumm County warrant rcltrtKl
prior tn Hoptuiuliur i, 181(7, will lie iltl
hi iirimmitutlon ut my olllmt, IntnrttHi
:UHim urtiir Novtunlinr ill), IIMHI,
County Ti'iiuHiirnr.
"Anton Schotl's concert."
At tliu Vogt opera house tonight.
Circuit court opens in Sherman coun
ty next Monday.
Kuiuumuur l'rofuasor Sundvig'H dance
tonight ut the Hiildwin.
Got your shumroek ready. Tomorrow
is Saint l'atrick'H day in thu moruin'.
Hoy wanted to learn the blacksmith
truth. Inquire ut thiH office. mlfi-lw
J. W. Hon, of the Ochoco valley, Is
tliu owner of u strong, healthy calf thnt
wiih horn without eyes.
W, II, Harding, of Boston, will oc
cupy the pulpit of the First Christian
church tomorrow, both morning and
ovuulii. Kvorybody invited.
In tho circuit court yesterday Emma
Cress was ranted a decree of divorce
(rum her husband, John A. Cress, on
tint Kround of desertion. N. H. Gales
was the attorney for the plaintill'.
I Grande is said to have a Law and
Order League, whose miHsion it will he
to seo that under the new mayor the or
dinance against gambling and all games
f chance shall bo strictly enforced.
I. E. Adcox & Co. will toniglit,at7:!10
''clock, count the stones In thu glass jar
tliat has been exhibited in'thuir show
window for weeks and award n wuteh to
tlai person who has come nearest gut'SH
ing the number of stones in the jar.
General Harrison's wealth is various
ly estimated. Those best informed sny
li waa wortli about .f'JoO.OOO or jf!IO(),000.
Ilia fee in the Vent's-unlii boundry ilia
PHI'', in which he represented thu South
American republic, was $100,000, . ,
Mm. Mmy Vaudorpool, widow of the
"r. iHiderniiol. of Dulur. and a
I'li'iieer of 185'J, died ut Dufur on the 8th
liiHtunt, aged (11) years. She leaves two
"'i, Win. t. and YUlard L. Vander
and one daughter, Mrs. Rebecca
IIhOII. r,f I I.I,. ..!...
i " hiij uiiy, vi
Tin. .i.t ... . . "Ti
"mihk oi any kiiiu oi troui,
""" or other, in any stream or lake
" tbis state between tliu lat,of April in
u!b year and the 1st of November, Is
made leg by the new game law;
Spring Opening
provided, however, thnt salmon trout
may be caught in the tide water of
Btrcams that border on the ocean
The Rt. Rev. B. Wistar Morris will
bold services at St. Paul's Episcopal
chinch in this city tomorrow morning
at 10:110 o'clock.
Call at A. M. Williams. & Co.'s this
evening, at any time before 8 o'clock,
and get a shamrock for tomorrow's wear,
with their compliments.
It would be to the credit of Dalles
poople were the Vogt crowded tonight
when Anton Schott and his splendid
assistants appoar in our city for the
first time. Thoeu who have heard him
before will not fail to attend, and others
should by no means miss it.
Mrs. S. A. Hutton, who has been a
resident of Hood River valley for twenty-five
years, last week sold her farm of
ninety-six acres to G. D. Woodworth
at $50 an acre. The place is on Indian
creek, about a mile and a half from
Hood River town. It is considered a
good bargain ut the price.
A reporter on the Salem Statesman
has it on the authority ol a well-known
physician of that city that there is an
aged Grand Army man in Salem who
actually lives and supports hie wife on
his pension of $-1 a month. He has no
rent to pay, but this $4 is the only in
come. Tiie physician promises to have
the old soldier tell how he does it.
The Colorado Sun prints the follow
ing "hisc love lettlier" from Mary
O'Brien to Patrick MrGinty: "This is
me last lovo letther to you, Paddy Mo
Ginty. You've jilted me. You think
I'm goln' to cry the eyes out av mo
head. I'm not duin' that. There's lots
of good llshjin the say for by lobsters, and
you're a lobster. The policeman on this
bate has been uftlier me for a month
to go skatiii' wld him, an' I'm goin' to
morrow. You tear mo fotygraf up.
Yours is in the ash barrel. May the
(iivvil fly away wid you. Yours wid
out respect."
The Curtis Publishing Company of
Philadelphia, which publishes the ha
dies Homo Journal and Saturday Even
ing Post, sends the Spokane police in
formation that without authority u man
giving the namu of C. E. Morris is work
ing through Washington, Idaho, Oregon
and Montana as a solicitor for their pub
lications, thereby victimizing many peo
ple. Morris is described as six feut
high, brow n hair, complexion dark. A
distinguishing mark is a disligured eye.
Thu company announces that Morris
was arrested in Great Fa I In, Mont., in
February and that he claims to be a
night oi Pythias.
Hustling young man can make fill) per
nonth mid expenses. Permanent, posi
tion. Experience unnecessary, Writ'
.quick for particulars, Clark A ("a,,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philudel
hpia, Pa, s8ti
You will not have boils if you t, -.
Clarke & Falk's sure cure (oi boils,
Itoiinil Over to the Grand .lury.
In Justice Brownhill's court tbiB
morning Al Ganger was bound over to
the grand jury in the sum of $500.
Ganger's examination took place yester
day afternoon and the justice reserved
his decision till this morning. Ganger,
it will be remembered, ib accused of
having "received and concealed" the
brass castings alleged to have been stolen
from the O. R. & N. Co. by Ganger's
brother-in-law, Ike Moore.
In giving his decision Justice Brown
hill held that the following facts had
been proven: First, the stolen goods
were found on Ganger's premises. Sec
ond, Moore brought them there. Third,
Ganger warned Moore that he (Moore)
must take the goods' away, else they
would get Gamier and Moore into
trouble, leaving the inevitable inference
that Ganger knew or believed the goods
were stolen. Fourth, there was a plain
effort at concealment. The brass was
transferred to sacks), which were put
into covered boxes, which, in turn, were
concealed from public view behind
closed doors. Fifth, when Mathieu went
to the Ganger ranch to buy the brass
Ganger quit his plowing in the field,
went to the shed where the brass was
concealed, helped to weigh it out and
kept account of the weights; all of
which tends to show that he had an
interest in the sole and disposal of the
property. There is no evidence that
Ganger gave the least intimation to
Mathieu that he (.Mathieu) was buying
property concerning whose ownership
there was any doubt or (piestion. And
lastly, when Ganger was accosted by
Marshal Driver and Detectivu Riley he
afiirmed that the place on which the
stolen brass was found was his and that
he had warned Moore to take the brass
away or it would get them into trouble.
Curd of TliaukH,
I desire through The Chronicle to ex
press my deep gratitude and thanks to
mv friends uud neighbors for the many
acts of kindness manifested toward my
self and family during the sickness and
death of my beloved wife.
Cuius Paui.skk.
yoi." Inlanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Fruit trees ornamental trees, shrubs,
ruses, herbs, etc., for spring planting.
W. E. Payne, representing the Oregon
Nursery Co., Salem, will be at the Co
lumbla hotel the remainder of tho week
and will be glad to see any one wanting
anything in this line, 13-1(1
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your ic cer for them.
Subscribe for Tub CiiitoNioi.t,
The progressive hearts party given by.
Mrs. William Moody yesterday after
noon to twenty-eight of the lady friends
of Mrs. Roger Smnott was a most.bril"
llant affair. V"The rooms were very beau
tifully arranged for the occasion. Tall
vases of pink carnations, strewn with a
lavish hand, were beautiful against tho
gray tone of the walls of the parlors.
The dining room was yellow with jon
quils. The always entrancing game of hearts
was enjoyed for two hours, when the
lucky contestants proved to be Mrs,
Joseph Bonn and Mrs. J. A. Geisen-.
dorfTer. Cards then' gave way to some
thing far more tempting in the way of a
most delicious lunch beautifully served.
A deliciously cool and refreshing punch
was served at intervals during the after
noon. -
Mrs. ivioouy was very amy assisted nys
Mrs. H. S. Wilson, Misses Marden atidfl
After an impromptu musicale, which
was very enjoyable, the ladies took a
late leave, thanking Mrs. Moody for one
of the most charming afternoons in the
social history of The Dalles.
Besides the hostess and Mrs. Sinnott,
the ladies present were the Misses Lang,
Begeie Lang, Lay, Davis, C. Lord, Doro
thy Fredden, Patterson, Michell, Roee
Michel), Marden, Harriet Marden,
Schmidt, Annette Michell, Myrtle Mich
ell, Georgia Sampson, Mesdames George
Blak-ley, Fred Houghton, J. C. Hostet
tler, Alfred Bennett, I. X. Jones, Ed
Williams, Judd S. Fish, Ernst Luedde
mann, T. J. Seufert. Hugh Logan, Joseph
Bonn, M. '.. Donnell, J. A. Geisendorf
fer, H. S. Wilson, J. T. Peters. E. O.
McCoy, Edward French, A. J. Tolmie.
J. X. Fordyce. j- -
An KuterprlHliiK Firm.
Spring is here and gardening will be
in order and your lawn will need rnow
inc and sprinkling and your fruit trees
will need spraying, while, in the inter
vals of labor about the ranch and home,
you will want to steal away quietly to
the shady brook or glassy lake or rough
mountain top and engage in sports that
vigorous, healthy manhood has enjoyed
since the days of Nimrod. Now let us
give you a pointer: When you want
anything to fit you for these seasonable
labors or recreations call on Maier &
Benton. These gentlemen have now on
hand the largest and finest stock of the
newest and best goods that the market
affords, and they guarantee that in
prices they will meet any and all hon
orable competition. In addition to an
unuBual large display of hardware,
stoves, tinware, granite ware cuttlery,
and other Btaple goods of this class,
they are agents for the SteaniB1 ball
bearing lawn mower, the best lawn
mower ever invented ; they are sole
agents for the Maltese Cross rubber
garden hose, the same brand the city
has been using for fire purposes for
twenty years ; they are sole agents for
the Cleveland bicycle, which has no
superior, and over a score of which are
in use in tho city; they are sole
agents for the Garland stoves and steel
ranges, whose name alone is a guarantee
of their quality ; they carry a good line of
Winchester and Marlin rifles, and Smith
and Weston revolvers, a complete line
of ammunition, and last, but not leatt,
they have the most complete line in the
city of splendid bamboo fishing rods
and tackle, comprising flies, hooks,
reels, baskets and every ordinary fisher
man's requisite.
The firm is prepared to do bicycle re
pairing and all kinds of plumbing and
tinning work.
Growth of Shanlko.
As soon as the weatlisr permits build
ing will begin here in earnest. The
warehouse company will build an addi
tion to their warehouse of 150 feet, as
well as make improvements in the old
portion. When completed the building
will be 100x450 feet and two stories in
height, making it the largest warehouse
this side of Portland. A wool-baler of
the latest and most approved pattern
will be placed in position so us to bun
dle this season's clip of wool. .Messrs,
Pease & Mays and F. L. Houghton will
erect store buildings in everv way super
ior to those destroyed by fire lust fall.
F. T. Hurlburt has plans drawn up for
a handsome residence, which will he
pushed forward to an early completion.
W. Lord, of The Dalle?, will immediate
ly begin tho election of three dwelling
houses, and several other parties will do
likewise. Taking everything into con
sideration, a verv bright prospect is In
store for Shaniko, ami where now are
vacant lots building will spring up us
if by magic Leader.
Mr. and Mrs. Heury Urquliart, of
Chehalis, Wash,, arrived here today on
a visit to Mr. Urquhurt's brothers, An
drew and Alec,
Early Rose seed potatoes for sale at
the Stadelmati Comm. Co. iii5-1iii
Subscribe for Tut' Ciikoniclb.
The "
New York
Gash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street
We are sole agents for the
'American Lady Corsets," and
have just received a full line of
these goods, including tho new
"Straight Front" and "birdie."
No. 325 Straight Front, is an
1 1-inch, 4-hook clasp, made of
best English sateen, straight front,
low bust, short under arm, long
over hip and abdomen, a. oq
black only ipl.SO
No. 132Girdle, is extra short,
(J!j inches, 4-hook clasp, best
English sateen, in black a. qo
only Ipl.tfO
We also have the "Model Form"
with extra high biiBt and "Cuta
way" for stout ladies, at $1.23.
These Corsets are far superior to
all other makes, and are fully
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orderB attended to promptly. Long
distance phone 433. Local, 102.
Those in need of awnings should ca'.l
on Vic Marden, who will give good work
at reasonable figures. ll-Mw
Consider your dollars and cents, how you uan save them, and there is only
one way to save money and that is to trade with the GHKAT NOitrilHllN FUR
NITURE STORK. Their method of donn business has met with the approval of
both rich and poor, and only a moment of your time will eoou I'oiiviuce you of
the fact.
is called to our Carpet and Linoleum Department, which are composed of most
elegant patterns and prices that will tempt the most skeptical ; also our Whittt
Knameled Malleable Iron Reds Bre awaiting your inspection, and also our Rugbies
and Reclining Go-Carts, the price will make them to if nothiim else will.
Wo are sole agentB for tho Celebrated
Stoves end Ranges.
Great Northern
Second Street, opposite Obarr House.
Hi rs ; rV M VkJK'TVLtWtV'VltdZlVWL
In Fait
Yellowstone Park Line.
I.KAVK. Union Depoi, ririh and I sts . arrive.
No. 2. i Fast mall tor Tnr-omn, No.
Seattle. Olyinpla, (!niv'n
I Harbor ii'id Smith Hem i
I point, Spokane. Ilosi
liiud, II. C, I'nlhniiii,
.Moscow, Lcwlhton, Ililf
llllS A. ai.lriilollmiirimitilMKcomi- I', r.
try, Hull tin, Mlmientio. '
lis, St. I'iiiiI, Oinulin,
' Knii'iis Clly, St. Iml!". 1
('liirKo 'did nil point j
No. 1. , eiist mill MHitlii'ii'.t.
I'ueet tfoiiml Express;
11;. 10 V. M. for Taconia mid .-eiittlu: 7;00 A. JI.
nnd Intermediate poliit.s
I'tillmnn first elnvs and totirlit sleepers to
Minneapolis, St. Taut and Missouri river points
without chmiRe.
VoNtlbulcd trains. Onion depot connections'
in all principal citlcr.
HiiRKaRC checked to destination of tickets,
Kor handsomely Illustrated descriptive matter,
tickets, slcepiiig car reservations, etc., call on or
Assistant General Passenger Agent. 255 Morri
son Street, corner Tljlrd, Portland Oregon.
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and waj
stations at 4:2i it. tn. and 3 p. m.
Leave Portland 8:.K) am 7:00 p m
" Albany 12. 30 am 10:50 pm
Arrive Ashlnnd 12:3:1 am 11:30 am
" Sacramento 5:00 pm 4;35n
" San Francisco 7:45 pm h:15uro
Arrive Oftdon 5:15 am 11:45 a ta
" Denver 9:00 am 9:00 am
" Kansas Oity 7:25 um 7:25 am
" Chicago 7:45 a m 9:30 am
Arrive Los Angeles 1:20 pm 7:00 am
" El Paso G:00pm 0:00 pm
" Fort Worth C :30 am fi;30am
" City of Mexico 9:55 a m 9:55 a m
" Houston 4 :00 a m 4 :00 a m
" New Orleans Gxttam 0:25 pm
" Washington 0:42 a m 0 42 am
" New York 12:43 p m 12-43 p m
Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains
Cbalrcars Sacramento to Ogdcn and El Pnso,
and tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Or
leans and Washington.
Connecting at San Francisco with several
steamship lines tor Honolulu, Japan, China.
Philippines, Central and South America.
Sec agent at The Dalles station, or add. (ss
General Passenger Agent. Portland, Or
Notice No. 2
Is to all persons indebted to the late firm
of E. J. Collins & Co. and S. L. BrookB
to call and settle their account or note,
aB the case may be, by the 1st of April ;
otherwise the acconntB will be put into
the hands of our collector.
You want the best,
C. L. Phillips has it, in
Hull' Leghorns a specialty.
, Till fancy c urnure, rubber
tires, rattan basket, ilk
laci pirasol
Others as low as $5 00.
Furniture Co.,
Souinem Pacific Co