The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY MARCH 10, 1901 SWIPED FROM EXC1IAXUES. With regard to Uncle Kussoll Sago's prediction of a money squeeze wc maintain a cnltri confidence that Uncle Kussoll will not he one of the squeezed. Editor Uryan has kindly told King Edward how ho ought to run thiugs, and now if the empire g02s to rum no one can blame the Nebraskau. Wc welcome Mrs. Nation to the ranks. A paper edited with a hatchet ought to be able to cut some ice. Mr. Corbctt, of Oregon, will ob serve the remainder of Lent with all the latest things in sackcloth and ashes. Cuba is having some difliaulty in deciding how it can display a proper .amount of gratitude without acknowl edging too man' obligations. Editor Bryan's opinion of King Edward Is distinctly unfavorable. Yet the latter brazenly peisists in holding on to that throne. Gold continues to pile up in the United States treasury. The country will expect Mr. Bryan to meet the emergency with a double-leaded editorial. Several "anti-imperialists" who went down to Washington to witness the arrival of the empire, and were disappointed, already want their money back. Oregon will probably produce a few "Coal Oil Johnnys" should oil be found to be one of Oregon's natural products. After "Teddy's" hunting ex periences in Colorado he should be an excellent fellow to get after the Tammany tiger. Full weight butter will now be the rule in Oregon creameries according to the new law. "Tom" Carter would make a good chairman of the irrigation corrmittec at a Montana state convention. John H. Fulton, M. A., a former professor of Oriental languages in the Royal University of Athens and the Imperial University of Vienna, advances the belief that "the abode of Satan is the planet Saturn, where he is now and has for years been preparing for his final struggle with God and the archangels, and that the struggle is to begin in the latter part of 1950." So long as we know now where the old chap is situated, it would be probably more elegant to invite offenders to "go to Saturn" than to mention the occupant by name, comments the Salem States man. But there will be some who will doubt Prof. Fulton's accuracy of location, for Lord Byron was in his day recognized as an authority on matters infernal, and he declared that "tho devil's in the moon for mischief," nor have we ever heard of his emigrating since. But, whether in moon or Saturn, by Jupiter we nro none afraid of the old rascal. Commenting upon the river and harbor bill, talked to death, the New York Tribune says: "If the bill had been shot or hanged or drowned or electrocuted, or even starved to death, its trienda would not have felt so deeply, but now thoy sit apart and refuse to be comforted. It might be well to note in passing, however, that the United States treasury is not among tho mourners. Will somebody please tell tho editors of the Portland Dispatch and tho Salem Journal that John II. Mitchell has been elected senator and that republicans, generally, arc not a bit sorry. It is surprising, though, to find a dyed-in.tho-wool democrat like Tony Noltner, and a wild-eyed populist llko Colonel Ilofer taking Corbott's defeat so much to heart. Robt. J. Burdette, who never raited but one offspring, and had a good aiiter PREVENTED BY CUT1CURA SOAP. TREATMENT. Cleunso tho scalp and hair with warm shampoos of Cuticoua EoAr, rinso with warm water, dry carefully, anil apply a light dressing of Cuticuiu, purest of emollient skin cures, gently rubbed into tho scalp. This simple, refresh, lug, and inexpensive treatment will clear tho scalp and hair of crusts, scales, and dandruff, sootho irritated and itching surface?, stimulate tho hair follicles, supply tho roots with energy and nourishment, and mako tho hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, and healthy scalp, when all elso fails. Millions of Women Uso Cuticdba Soap exclusively for beantlfylnB the skin, for tho ttODDlncof falUna hair, for solleulus ami whitening rcU, rouith hands. In the form or batua lor annojli? irritations, for too free or otlcnslvc perspiration. In the form of washes for oleeramo weaknesses, for inany sanative antiseptic purposes, ami for an tho purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Curicin Soap combines In O.nk Sop at O.nk I'iuok. viz., 23 Cents, the bust skin and completion soap, and the debt toilet and baby soap In tho world. COHFLETK KXTEimL AMD KTERXtl. THKVTSEJiTFOr. KYIHY HC3IOR, PH1CK .JS Conilltins of Ccticvba Soil- (I.), Cuticrm ointment (Sir ), and I Otjicvm lthSOiriesiT ;',. v-oVi c llraVufSelent to cu:o the wrcrc.t r.e ot tortunn.-. d.niurttic humor.. oll throufhoot the world. roTTlB Otva iasu Cutu. Com-., bolo l'rop.. Bostoa. bnd lor ' Jiow io Cure Etcry Humor," tree. dn most of that for him, of course knows all about it, and writes: "I believe there are some worren who could pin n glass knob t a door. A woman cannot walk so ni.tny miles around a billiard table with nothing to eat and (nothing to apeak oft to drink, but she walks the floor all night with a fretful baby, with out coint; Eound asleep in the first half hour. She can ride oOU miles without going into the smoking car to rest (and get away from the children). She can endure the torturing distraction of a liouselul of children all day, while her dear husband cuffs them all, howling to bed before he is at home an hour. She will not, and cannot walk 200 miles around a tanbark track in six days for 5,000, butcan walk 200 miles in 10 hours, up and down the crowded aisles of a dry goods store when there is a reduction sale going on." If You would know The Whole Truth, Read between the lines. "Figprune Cereal is the most Nutritious and Economical of any of the Cereal Coffees." That's the verdict rendered by those who use Cereal Coffee. Among the tuns of thousands whohavo used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and la trrippe during tho past few years, to our knowledge, not a single case has resulted in plieumonia. Tlios Whitfield & Co., 210 Wabash avenue, Chicago, one of the most prominent re eall druggists in that city, in speaking of this, says: "Wo recommend Chamber lain's Cough llemedy for la grippo in many cases, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also counter acts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia." For sale by Illakeley, tlio druggist. Kemomber that yon don't have to be bald ; you can keep your hair by using Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. To he had at Fraz'r'u bur bar shop. tf Catarrh Cauuot lie Unreel, with local applications, as thoy cannot reach the seat of tho disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is compoeed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting, directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 7fic. Hall's Family Fills are the best. 12 Like Oliver Twist, children ask for more when given Ono Minute Cough Cure. Mothers endorse it highly for croup. It quickly cures all coughs and colds and every throat and lung trouble. It is a specific for grippe and asthma and has long been a well known remedy for whooping cough, Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacv. Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts and 50 cts. Illakeley, the druggist. Ncliool Wanted. A teacher wants a school in Oregon or Washington. Address, J. A. Haylock, The Dalles, Or. f25-2tw Quality and not quantity makes De Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable little liver pills. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Byrkett's choice full weight creamery butter for sale at J. 11. Cross store. 14 J.S. SCHSNCK, President. Max a. VoiiT, Uashler mm Resiaurani L. Y. Hong, Prop'r. First-Glass in Every Respect JIKAL8 AT A LI. IIOUltH. Oysters Served in any Style. 87 Second St., The Dalles, Or. First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on New York, Ban Francisco and Port land. DIRKOTCfRS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. B. Bohsnok. Ed. M. Williamh, Geo. A. Libbx. H. M. Bkai.l. Nasal CATARRH In all ita (taxes tbero should bu clciiiiliuoa. Ely's Cream Balm clean scs, soothes and heals tliu diseased membrane. 1 1 cures catarrh and drives away a cold lu tho head quickly. Cream Balm Is placed Into tho nostrils, spreads over tho mcinhrano and Is absorbed. ItelUfls Im mediate auda euro follows. It Is not drying does not produce sneezing. Largo Size, SO cents at Drug gltti or by mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. H.Y mtOTIlEKH, 68 Warren Btreet. New York. FOR 8ALE. A half interest in the best paying fish, fruit and Poultry business in town. Good reason for selling. Address P. O. Box 357. mll-tf L. Lane, GKNKUAl, II until ...AND... Horsesnoe Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. Third and Jeffcrn. Phone 159 Oregon Shot line and union Pacific IJZl'AIlT o 1; Chicago l'ortlmid tfiirclul. lJ:i'i p. m. riii llunt liiKton. Atlantic Kxpress, l'JiCUa. m. vlii Huntington. TLMK SUHKM.M.HS FHOM TIIK DAI.l.KS. Salt ljilie, Denver, Kt, Worth, Uuniliii, Kan sasOlty.St.I.nuls, Ulil cago nml the Kust. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan sasdty.Sl Imis, Clil cairn and the Hast. St. l'aul i Walla Walla, l,ewUtou. Fast Mall, i Mpoknne.Wallaeo.l'iiIl J:2jp. ni. ninn, Minneapolis,, St. vlutipo- i l'aul, Ihlluth, MUwnil kane. i kco, Chicago ami Kast. Aiinivi: nto.M 1:0.' p. in. 1:15 n. in. .li.TOn. m, OCEAN AND EIVER SCHEDULE From l'ortliinil. 3:00 . m. I (All sailing dates tub-1 I ject to change.) I For San Francisco, Sail every days. 1:00 p. in. Dally except hk, , Willi a:00 p.'m. 'To Saturday, I iu:uu p. in. (Joliiinlilu Illvnr. Astoria anil Way-Landings. -I. Dally Wllliuunttf Itlvor. 1 SnV Otegnn City, Nowberg,, r m i, '-lc-n. Independence, O.tWu.m. and Vtnyijindings. ! 1.00 p. ni. except Buuday, 1:30 p. m. except Sunday. Tuesday, Thui&diiy, Saturday, C:0i) a. m. Tuesday, Thursday, Corvnllis and Way-Uindiugi. Wllliiinim mill Vanillin lilv.irH. . ll.'Srtp. ni. Monday, IWediicsdiiy Friday. I :!:) p. in, .Moiiuay IOregoiiClty,Daytouand!Weat?!"l' 7.00U.H1. . Way-ljindinga. ! iTldtiy. I.eavo Hiparia dully, :):40a. m. Sunk., itiir. Leave I Ijewiaton Itlpariii to l2vlstnn, Hiao'a'.'ni,' I'artieH de?lrlnc to go to Hemmcr or points on Columbia t-oiitheru via Illgg, should take No. leaving The Dalle at U:'jr p. tn. making direct connections at Hcppner junction and Hlggs. Returning uiHkiugdirectcoiiuectlon at Heppncr Junction and Hlggs with INo, 1, ar riving at The Dalles at l:a'i p. m. For further particulars, call on or address JAS. 1KKLANI), Agent, Tho Dulles, Oregon. Jast What Yoa uaaot. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Suoh widti variety ae wo are showing never be fore nraced a amnio atottk. Iteal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papura at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house naints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE VMM tradc marks Jeiqns COPVRIQHTB &C. Anrouoaendlnit nskrlrli nnddnscrlntlnti ma qnieklf mcerialn our opinion free wfiethvr n , iiivuiiiliiii is probnoly natentablo. Coniniunlcr (loin utrlctjjrooiiOdentlal. Handbook on I'atenti juii I froo. Oldest nueno' for sevurlUK patents. I'utei.ts taken tbrouuli Aiuim & Co. receive tprtkil natkf, without cbsruo, In tlio Scrtwiirc ftmm. A handsomelr lllnitrated weeklr. I.nrgeit clr. rulutloii of any sclcntltlo loiirnal. Terms. H reari four months, II. Bold by all nowsdualem. MUNN & Cu Nfjw York GIVEH AWAY. With nvory dollar's worth of (roods purohased at my store for tho next Hlsty Days, 1 will nlvo one chance on tho following prizes : 1 Flrst t;txe 1 Oent'ii Gold Watch and Clmln 2 Second prize 1 Ladles Gold Wntoh and Cmi 3 Third prize ; '-- mukh,K Set I Fourth prl?.o 1 ''llvur Hntter )lsh and JJutter Knife 5 Fifth prlzo 1 8Ut "ilvur Knives and Forks In addition to giving awav tliHHti prizes I will Bull goods as low as the lowest and guarantee my goods to be fresh. Give mo a trial. 1 ROBERT TEAGUE. S J. E. FALT & CO., I 9 Proprietors ii TV a nr1 nf ' . M sr WW 9 9 Purest Liquors for Family Use )olivorod lo tiny part of tlio Oity. P 173 Second Street. 1 Phones: Bl Local, 80S hong Distance h f f f f f I f The ' Ontlcs, On. The Chronicle, dob Printers. Mfsitynimir ij I Bicycles - Bicycles t Our new stock recoived. Coluiabias Hartfords Videttes i Ramblers Stormers Pennants Largest lot of wheels over brought to this city. Call and sue them. MAYS CROWE. DKALKHS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies GfaudaU & Barget UNDERTAKE., f. if EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shrouds Etc. . .y.ii . ' .j YOUNG MAN! lhonsandH of young and middle aged men growinir prematurely old because of the practice of vice or wa-siW'S have bteii restored to perfect strength and glorious man; hood by nin iiia i of this worn-out man's.hest friend, and K VOIl UNO I.INIIIH V l!.V-l1r nil r n ' - ...ill ...,,rIH yourself and your friend hy hecoiuliiir a strong, manly Dl.u it fin I . ' " . . 1 1.0 . Ti,vni iior uox nuy ui vour UrUKg st or hbih " - V yM 1 nw f nar "ox buy of vour drt wM mailln rocopt of price' ,n PlHin wrapper. Ktf AM JW00LI nOFUBTABT 00., R. M. . Dounell, Agent, The Dulles. Wayne, Ind.