The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 15, 1901, Image 3

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    Anton Mctiott'n Concert.
Rich Laces and Embroideries. .
Hand In liaml bo Laces and Embroideries with Wash Goods. Vast preparations in tlio latter naturally call
for corresponding stock of tho former. Wo have never had such an extensive and desirable stock. All-overs,
Hamle and Edgep, embroidered with infinite care; Galoons and Insertions that set women's hearts In a flutter of
delight ; every piece is good to look at; every pattern changes to B3me now surprise.
Val. Laces
In hundreds of patterns, from the
cheap In the linn English and round
thread Italian Vain.
lc to 25c per yard.
New and Dainty Wash Fabrics.
While wearing-tune has not yet arrived, still Wash Goods are selling every day. Ladies in furs and winter
garments buying the thinnest of summer dresses scorns strange, but therein they show their shopping wisdom of
"coming early." So many and varied are the patterns that they would really become tiresome, were it not for
their entrancing boanty.
Satin Liberte,
Corded Silk Novelties,
Pou dinette de Soie,
Soie Natte.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MAKCH 15, 1901
serveu i
At Anrirnw Kallnr's.
All Whhuii County warmutK rxgiiiterrtl
prior to MitmlMir 1. 1HI7, will lie jihIiI
mi prtineutittliiii nt my otllce, InlcreKt
ckuhxh artvr Xovmiibnr !iV, 11X10.
County Trmirr.
Boy wanted to learn the blacksmith
trade. Inquire at this ollice. ml5-lw
You want the beet. C. L. Phillips
Ii&b it in chickens. Bull' Leghorns a
specialty. It
Surely no lover of music will miss
hearing Herr Schott tomorrow night.
It iH not often our people have an oppor
tunity of hearing such artists.
If you want a good fat chicken for
your Sunday dinner, call at the McNeal
Market, where you will find them. Also
fruit, fresh vegetables and fish. J. T.
Harper, Prop.
At Che Odell school house In the lieod
Kiver valley next Wednesday night the
miestlon will be debated, "Resolved
that Mrs. Nation's action in smashing
j'j'mts in Kansas in justifiable."
lVrtch, almond and apricot trees are
coming into blossom in The Dalles and
immediate neighborhood. On the blnfl'
Houth of the brewery AleK. McLeod had
three apricot trees that were in bloom
more than a week ago.
Einilo Sedan no is having a new plate
glass front put in his store building ad
joining the store of A. M. Williams &
Co. on the west. With the main lloor
brought to a level with the sidewalk and
this new front it will be one of the finest
store rooms of its size in the city, and
should not be long without a tenant.
Joe Purser, of Hood River, has an
"mazing (acuity for drawing the long
how. His latest, in the Glacier, is that
every hen he has on his place, save two,
Iibh hilil mi egg every day for the past
thirteen months, Why he made an ex
eeption of the two can only bo surmised,
hut it is presumed that Joe thought hla
etory would read better if two of the
liens Wtiro made to suspend laying
operations for a time to do some ueces
Bry hatching.
The steamer Regulator, which has
wen on the ways at Portland undergo
'"K exteViblve repairs, arrived here yes
terday afternoon, where she will remain
till iter repairs are completed. A new
"oiler has been placed in her, which en
ables her to carry twenty five pounds
Cream Laces,
Black Laces,
Arabian and
Russian Applique.
Broche Rayere Soie,
Bohemian Madras,
Surah Francais.
Call and see our display.
more steam than formerly. In speed
and power she is now believed to be the
equal of any boat of her size that Ftearaa
into Portland. The Iralda left here for
Portland this morning, where she wili
receive a thorough overhauling in time
to commence her run between The Dalles
and the Cascades by the first of April.
Al. Ganeei.of Crates Point, brothe-in-law
of Ike Moore who wbb placed to
day under donds of if 1000 for stealing
brass from the O. R. it N. Co., was ar
rested this morning as an accomplice of
Moore on the technical charge of receiv
ing and concealing stolen goods. The
brass alleged to have been stolen by
Moore was stored in Ganger's barn and
was brought from there in sacks, bearing
Ganger's brand, on the night of Moore's
arrest. Ganger's examination was fixed
for 3 o'clock this afternoon in Justice
Brownhill's court and had not been
finished at the hour of going to press.
F. II. Watts' pet deer, has gone to the
happy hunting groend. The event oc
curred about 9 o'clock last night on
Alvord Btreet, near the Fred Fisher resi
dence. The deer had somehow broken
out of its enclosure and, wandering op
to near where it met its fate, began 'At
old tricks of attacking any pedestrian
that crossed its path. White thus en
gaged somebody brought its career to a
sudden pause by the well-directed aim
of a rifle ball. It will be remembered
that the same animal made a vicious
attack on Henry Taylor one night last
winter and was only stopped by the
blow of an ax that nearly knocked its
brains out. - "
The revival meetings are continued at
the Methodist church with increased in
terest. A large congregation was pres
ent last eveniug, and the service was
alive with interest and enthusiasm.
Ten persons have so ftr requested the
prayers of the Christians. A number
of them have been converted since the
meetings Btarted. The meetings have
been noted for their brevity ; short ser
mons, but plenty of singing. Rev. K.
Charles Parker, assisted by a chorus
choir, leads the singing, and everyone in
the congregation that can sing at all
joins in the beautiful and impressive
songs. Everyone is profited who comes
under the inspiration of these meetings.
Special Night Watchman Allsky this
morning arrested a young fellow who
gave hla nnmn as Frank linker, but is
known also as Phillips, on the charge of
larceny by bailee. Haker hired a team
and biwtty from L. Porter esterday to
go to Mo;ifr. In the buygv was a robe
valued at which Hiker "soaked" at
Mosler for the feed of the team. He
got back hure at 'i o'clock this morning
and, driving up to the door of Mr. Port
er's livery stable, disappeared the mo
ment a man appeared to take charge of
the team. When Mr. Porter discovered
that his robe had not been returned he
communicated with Mr. Allsky, with the
result that the man was soon located
and captured, He had not been ar
raigued at the hour of going to press,
In Cambrics, Nainsooks and SwIsb
All'overs, in stripe, spen work and
blind effects. Charming designs in
matched sets, from
2c per yard to $6.
lluuntl Over to the Grand Jury.
Ike Moore, who wsb arrested Wednes
day on the charge of stealing IC00 odd
pounds of brass from the O. R. & N.
Co., valued at over $120, was examined
this forenoon in Recorder Gates' court.
Bennett & Sinnott appeared for the de
fense, and for the prosecution W. II.
Wilson represented the railroad com
pany and Frank Menefee the state.
The most important witness was Mr.
Matthews, the junk dealer, who sworn
that at the suggestion of Marshal Driver
he had bargained with Moore for a
quantity of brasB that had been cached
in the barn of Al Ganger, Moore's
brother-in-law, out near Crates Point;
tiiat tie bud accompanied Moore to the
Ganger barn in order to bring the brass
to town ; that Moore had excused him
self from riding through on the wagon
that went for the brass and, while going
out, hud met the team at the railroad
crossing near the Hogan place west of
town, and on the way back had dropped
on the wagon near the west end qf
Fourth streat. Moore had told Matthews
jthat the brass bad been given him by
Jtlie. company while he wa9 working in
their employ.
P. II. Delhi!!', general foreman of the
company's yards at The Dallas, testified
kg to the marks by which the pieces of
brass boxing found in Moore's posses
sion were identified as belonging to the
(O. R. & N. Co., and to the opportunities
that Moore had, as employe of the com
pany, for stealing them. The brass in
question could not have been honestly
obtained by anyone as tho company
never sells it, and no one has a right to
give it away. Nearly all the brass
stolen was composed of boxing that had
been taken from cars and trucks because
the babbit had worn out. The boxing
was as 'good as ever and only needed to
be babbited anew.
Marshal Driver testified as to the cir
cumstances connected with Moore's
arrest. It was after Moore had delivered
the brass to Matthews in the store
room of the feed yard, and at the
moment Matthews was in the act of
handing a check for the amount to
The recorder bound the prisoner over
to the grand jury in the sum of $1000.
For Inlauta and Children,
Tiw Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Remember that you don't have to be
bald j you can keep your hair by using
Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. To be
had at Frazer's barber shop. tf
We are the only store that sells a high
grade girdle at $1. Tiie F. C. There
are none better, and few as good, The
Fair. H-2t
The following excellent program will
be rendered at the Vogt Saturday night,
upon the appearance of the famous An
ton Schott tn our city:
Bong from "WiiU'uninhmlcil" ..... .Lnitxtmi
l.irclen Vutitioil.
Sour from "Mlnnon" A.Thnmn
Uttillc Rclmecklng.
Bfiotcli Ilnllml "Tom the Khymer".. r.Viri .ocue
Anton Hchott.
Folk Songs
a German "Inolncm Knehlcn Grtnido" .
b Itallsn "Snntn I.ucln" , .
Ottlllo H hneckliiK.
"Tlio Hcnrt Ilnwcri Down" Ilalc
Anton Schott.
Folk Hours
p Hpimlh "Ultrnmnr In holla Kstmuu" .
l French "Hcmlez-mol" ."
Ottll'.e Bchnecklnt;.
llieiiRrlii'.s Farewell Wtujiicr
Anton hchott.
Bone from "(Wnr und Zlnimermimn" l.ort:lmj
l.uclen VannoJ.
'The Two Grenadiers" Schnfimnn
Anton Hchott.
Folk Sours
c Irish -"ljist Hnio of Bummer"
il Aiiierlemi-"llome, Sweet Home" .
National Hymns
Herman. .
b American
Anton Schott.
Tickets 50 cents ; for sale at Clarke &
Wilt tin f Hawaiian Inland.
Mrs. J. M. Filloon, of this city, has
just received a letter from her cousin,
Professor B. W. Evermann, of Washing
ton, D. C, saying that he would super
intend a year's investigation of the dil
ferent species of fish in Hawaiian waters.
He will be accompanied on this expedi
tion by Prof. D. Starr Jordan and Dr.
O. P. Jenkins, of Stanford University,
and several eastern scientists. Dr.
Evermann is the U. S. ichthyologist and
superintended a party of fish commis
sioners throughout the summer last year
in the northern part of Indiana and in
Porto Ricjn waters. He has written
several interesting books on the fishes
of different parts of the United States
and her colonies. The latest is "The
Fishes and Fisheries of Porto Rico." and
ontains many colored photogravures of
the different species of fish.
Mr, Evermann will visit The Dalles
en route to the Hawaiians.
In the Commlsslnimrs' Court.
In the commissioners' court yesterday
the bill of C. V. Champlin for $30.75,
for work on a county bridge, was al
Seufert & Condon were granted the
right and privilege of erecting, main
taining and operating telephone and
telegraph wires, and the necessary poles
to operate the same, on, over, along and
upon tbe public roads and highways of
Wasco county.
The bill of J. J. Brown for $4, for
hauling lumber on Mill creek, was al
Robert Leasure was allowed a bill of
$60.50 for labor on bridge, etc., in the
Baldwin precinct.
Leghorn Kbh for Sale.
Single comb brown Leghorn eggs,
from imported stock bred by J. H.
Bailey, of Denver, Colo., breeder of
highest scoring Leghorns In the world;
$1.25 per setting of 15.
Jas. IllBI.AXI),
ml-Min The Dalles, Or.
Fruit trees ornamental trees, shrubs,
roses, herbs, etc., for spring planting.
W. E. Payne, representing the Oregon
Nursery Co., Salem, will be at tbe Co
lumbia hotel tiie remainder of the week
and will be glad to ecu any one wanting
anything in this line. 13-Jfi
New belts, the very latest.
At The Fair, of course.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phono 1M. Local, 102.
You want the best,
C. L. Phillips lias it, in
Bull' Leghorns a specialty,
NoriciTYoR ""publication.
Jim. Jl.i'.nli. I
Notice la hereby kIvuii Hint tho following
iiMiucil Mttlcr lias Hied notlcu nl her Inten
tion to miiku Until proof In Miport of her
elHim, mill Unit Miiil proof will be iniulu he
fore the reUlcr anil receiver nt Thu Dallci.,
Oiegon, on VYoitnesiiliiy, .Muroh (i, 1W1, vl.:
Ailullut) 1). Sliiiil,
olio of the heir unit for tho heirs of Until (ien
uvlu died, ileeenseil, of 'Hie Dalle, Oiegon, II.
K, No. lull), for lie HK)4 .Sen il, Tp I N, it l:i K,
fcsho inline the following wltne-hCN to prove,
her cnntiiimms leshleiiee upim, mill cultivation
of Mid liiml, vl:
W. Cuteii, Jolin It, Cook, M. II. Miller, J um en
Slinonsoii.ull of The Dulles, Oregon,
J'.' KuiIMN
Notice in hereby given Unit the uintcrMKiieil
lnis been iluly iippointiit liy tlio count)' court of
the Wttito of Oregon for Wuseo county, uilmtnU
trutrix of the esluto of Joliu lnlryni)ilu,ileeeiibeil.
All ierboii8 IniviiiK eliilniH iiKtlubt miM estate
are hereby reipiire.1 to lnesent the buinu to me,
imiperly verllleil, ns by law reijuiml, nt iny resi
dence on the Kloyil runeh, live miles from
Dalles City, or at ihootlleu of Dennett .V tiliiuott,
within Mx months from the date hereof,
Dated this '.'Ut any of February, I'.wi
Administratrix : thuestutool John ihilrym
pie, deceased, .':j
Our new
Largest lot of wheels ever brought to this city.
Call and see them.
Coneider vour dollars and cents, how yon can save them, and there i9 only
one wav to save money and that is to trade
NITURE STORE. Their method of doing business has met with the approval of
both rich and poor, and only a moment of your time will soon convince you of
the fact.
is called to our Carpet and Linoleum Department, which Hre composed of mo9t
elegant patterns and prices that will tempt, the most sfcepiical ; also our White
Enameled Malleable Iron Beds are awaiting your inspection, and also our Buggies
and Reclining Go-Carts, ttie price will make them go if nothing else will.
Wo are sole aaents for the Celebrated
Stoves and Ranges.
Great Northern Furniture Co.,
Second Street, opposite Obarr House. THE DALLES, OREGON.
With every dollar's worth of goods purchased at my store for the next Sixty
Daysisl will give one chance on the following prizes:
1 First p;ize 1 Gent's Gold Watch and Chain
2 Second prize 1 Ladies' Gold Watch and Chain
3 Third prize 1 Smokimr Set
4 ponrtli prise 1 Silver Butter Dish and Butter Knife
5 Fifth prize 1 set Silver Knives and Forks
In addition to giving awav these prizes I will sell goods as low as the lowe3tr
and guarantee my goods to be fresh. Give me a trial.
1 J. E. FALT & CO., X
' Pmni-lnrnrs z IH T 99 L.
Proprietors ii WT, a wrl 99
nf ' . M,
V Purest Liquors for Family Use y
f? Dolivorod to any
Phones: 51 Local,
S5S Long Distance.
All kinds of
Tho Dalles, Or.
Funeral Supplies
- Bicycles
stock received.
I This fancy carriage, rubber
' tires, rattan basket, silk
, lace parasol
Others as low as $5.00.
part of tho City.
173 Second Street, y
& Burget
Burial Shrouds
Thuusands of ynnug and middle aged men growiug
prematurely old becauee of the prai'tice of ien or excesses
have been restored in perfect strength and Inrinus man
hood by tne use nf tn worn nut man's best friend, and if
yon use LINCOLN EX UAL PIL1,S yu will surprise
yourself and ynur trimls by becoming a strung, manly man.
Price, 00 per li k buy of your druggist or sent by
mail on receipt nf pile , in plain wrapper.
M.., Donnell, Agei. , I'lie Dalle.