The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 15, 1901, Image 1

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    S he On II cg
NO. G2
Miners Stake Claims on the Ice of
Hchring Sea Operations on Many
.Si:atti,i:, Wash., March 14. Nome
papers bh late as December 5th have
bt'on received in this city.
A number of fearless and enterprising
Nome minora risked their lives to stake
claims on Untiring Son. They went out
on the ice and drove stakes by which
they intend to hold the claims during
the coming summer. The ground where
thin look place is ofr the mouth of the
Snake river, where the noil is supposed
to lie very rich with the precious metal.
Some of those who went out dug through
the ice and got good prospects from the
bottom of the water. They intend to
hold the land until summer and then
work it by means of dredgers. William
Armstrong, G. W. Sinter and William
Sutton are the owners of these unique
Work is being done on many of the
creeks around isome, according to ttie
Gold Digger. Many cabins have been
erected upon the benches of Grass Gulch
ami Newton Gulch. Messrs. .lames and
tmtiroke, owners of the Daisy claim,
have five men at work. They have
drilled into the pay streak about 50 feet,
and have found dirt wortii as high as
from $2 to $25 per pan.
On Alder Gulch, near Toller City,
there le u report that u very valuable
bench claim has been located, where
cold ruiiB us high as $25 to tiie pan. The
headwaters of Quartz Creek was the lute
scene of a rich strike. A party of Lap
landers made a find, and tiiere was a
stampede at once. At Norton Bay the
miners were not taking any chances on
their claims, and us a result, there was
considerable assessing going on.
A ninn named O'Keilly made the
richest strike of the winter he dis
covered u coal mine, and one at that
which could be worked during the coldest
of the winter weather, and as a conse
quence no made a vast lortune. 'It uas
near the place where the barge Skookum
met her fate, and the mini named it
Skookum Bur. A rush was made to the
recorder's office, but at the last accounts
tho owner was holding his property.
Dog-stealing seems to have been the
v orst form of vice at Nome this year.
Frequently in now rushes, it is Bai.l,
many of theso animals are stolen, and
their owners never fine' them.
Schooner Lady George was wrecked i
Norton Sound the first week in December
Captain Hanks, of Nome, was arrested
on complaint of his wife, who accused
him of assault with a deadly weapon
and he was placed under $1000 bonds
Man Narrowly Kucuprtl Drowning,
Tillamook, Or., March 14. G.
Nolan had a narrow escape from drown
ing yesterday. He was working on
boom of logs in Hoquarton Slough, when
tie fell overboard. He had on rubber
boots and heavy clothes, which made
swimming nigh impossible. He had
gone down twice when rescued by
laborer in the sawmill close by.
Kit-hurt! llnrlti, of lllclnw.
W.sco,Or., March 14. Richard Herin
of Blglow, a highly honored resident of
Sherman county for the past nine years
died this morning, aged 72 years. H
was a native of Ohio, and had lived fo
many years in Iowa.
Win (larwnoil, WnnhtaKtun I'loneer
Stkvknso.v, Wash., March 14. Wil
Garwood, a pioneer of Skamania county
died suddenly of heart disease yesterday
He left a wife and nine children.
Hustling young man can make f60 per
month and expenses. Permanent. poBi
tiou. Experience uuneceBsarv. Writ
quick for particulars. Clark A Co.
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel
hpia, Pa, sS-ti
Don't you know that Cocoanut Cream
riair ionic win save your and your
children's hair? You can get it for 50
and 75 cents a bottle at Frazer's barber
shop, sole agent. tf
Wanted Experienced waitresses
good wages to right parties. Apply at
thisoflice. ml2-15
Those in need of awmugB should call
on Vic Marden, who will give good work
at reasonable figureB. 12-lw
Ladies' black dress skirts $2.25, $2.48,
$2.1)!), $3 9S, $1 and $4.50 at The New
York Cash Store.
lou win not nave ooiis it vou i i
Clarke & Falk'a sure cure lor boils.
Clarke & talk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your c ver for them.
Early Rose seed potatoes for sale at
t'.ie Stadeluiau Comm. Co. ui5-lm
TIio Kind You Have Always Bought and which has been,
iu use for over 30 years, has borne the sigrnatnro of
and has been mado under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but
ISxperimsuts that trifle with and endanger the health of
luluuts and Children Experience against Experiment.
Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
uoutains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Mibstance. Its ago is its giuirautcc. It destroys Worn
and allays Feverishuess. it eures Diarrhwa and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Footl, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
President Directs That Flags on Public
Buildings Be Placed at Half-Staff
Funeral Services Sunday.
Washington, March 14. The Nation
al Capital is in mourning today for
former President Harrison. Flags are
at half-mast upon all public buildings,
the hotels, stores and many of the
private residences. The act of 1S93 in
hibits the draping of public buildings in
black, as waB the custom formerly upon
the death of a former president. Presi
dent McKinley directed that the doors
of the executive maneion be closed to
visitors, and denied himself to callers
except those who had business of urgent
importance. He will attend the funeral.
Mrs. McKinley probaoly will accompany
him as far as Canton, where he may
stop over one day.
At 10:30 this morning, President Mc
Kinley issued the following proclamation:
"Executive Mansion, Washington, D.
C, March 14, 1901. To the people of
the United StateB: Benjamin Harrison,
president of the United States from 1889
to 1S93, died yesterday at 4 :45 p. m., at
bis home in Indianapolis. In his death
the country haB been deprived of one of
its dearest citizens. A brilliant soldier
in his young manhood, he gained fame
and rapid advancement by his energy
and valor. As a lawyer, he rose to be a
leader of the bar. In the senate he at
once took and retained his rank as an
orator and legislator, and in the high
office of president he displayed extra
ordinary gifts as adminislrator and
statesman. In public and private life be
set a shining example for his country
men. In testimony of the respect in
which his memory iB held by the govern
ment and the people of the United States,
I do hereby direct that the flags on the
executive mansion and the several de
partmental buildings be displayed at
half-mast for a period of 30 days ; and
uitable military and naval honors, under
the orders of the secretaries of war and
of the navy, be rendered on the day of
the funeral."
In pursuance of this proclamation, the
flags on every public building in the
United States ; at every army poBt in the
United StateB, Cuba, Porto Rico, Ha
waii and the Philippines, and on every
American warship in whatever quarter
of the globe will fly at half-mast for
30 davs.
Will Ask Sultan to "guttle."
Nkw Yohk, March 14. A special to
the World from Washington says : The
cruiser New York will stop at Taugier
n the way to Manila and take on board
Consul-General Gummere, who will be
conveyed to the nearest port to' the
Moroccan capital. The consul-general
iB to demand that the sultan settle the
laiuiB of American citizens against his
government. The New York will await
the return of the consul-general.
The sultau recently liquidated one
claim against his government, but there
are a number of other claims still pend
ing which he has shown no disposition
to settle.
The consul-general could make the
trip from Tangier on merchant vessels
plying in those waters, but it lias been
the policy of the administration to im
press the sultan by u naval demonstra
tion in Moroccan waters.
Most of the claims grew out of inter
ference by Moroccan government oflicials
ith commercial agents of American
business concerns. The amount in
volved is not lurge, but a principle is at
...Our New Spring Styles...
The "Military" Sack Suit.
Perfect Pitting.
Superbly Tailored.
Made of an unfinished worsted, the most popular
suiting of the season ; navy blue with a faint light stripe.
The coat is made to fit snugly, to the figure in the back,
with well-balanced shoulders, giving that very stvlish
broad-shouldered appearance. Corners are half rounded.
Average length 30 inches. Trousers aie a trifle wider at
knee than last eeaeon ; same bottom.
As soon as the weather
you will be ready for your new spring suit anyway
in time for Easter; we will take that much for
granted, at -least.
Now when yon're ready or before come in.
The first of the spring styles Bre here. You will par
don us for Baying, they are the finest at the price ever
shewn in this store which is saying a good deal, we
admit. If you are not yet ready to buy or look feel
assured that a few days more will see the assortment
doubled and full ot the choicest creations of this
country's best tailors which means of the world.
A word to those who would wear made-to-measure
clothes : Unless you can afford to patron
ize the very beet merchant tailor and pay his fancy
price, buy and wear ready-made clothing.
The ready-made clothing of today is not what it
used to be. It has, like everything else, followed
closely in the wake of progress, and is today as far
superior to its former kind as the up-to-date stores
of the present time are to the primitive cross-roads
stores of the early days. It is far superior to the av
erage merchant tailor work, in quality of materials
(inside and out), is more stylishly cut and finished
and if price-difference is any object to you ia only
about half the tailors',6gures.
There is no reason on
Why a man who is within calling distance of this
sttre should have bis clothing made to measure.
When our spring line is complete we challenge the
man who says we cannot suit or fit him.
In the Dry Goods Section.
SILK Department:
We display this morning for the first time
Illuminated Poplins,
Figured Poplins,
Plain or dotted Louisiene,
Peu de Soie,
Imperial TafFettas, Warranted uot to crack.
India, China and Japanese Silks.
New Gilt Belts!
N w Purses of Gen
uine Alligator !
New Chatelaines !
New Neckwear !
New Corsets !
More in a few days. The first
comers, including the sure-to-be-popular
" Golf Hat " now
on display in our window.
Notice ia hereby given that there will
be a meeting of The Dalles, Portland &
Astoria Navigation Company, ut the
company's office in The Dalles, on Sat-
rday, April 0, lUUl. at - o'clock p. in..
for the purpose of electing seven di
rectors and transacting such other
business as may properly come before
said meeting, By order 'if the president.
The Dalles, Oregon. March 5, Will.
in h. f4. Wqwk, beo'y.
Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure
dandruff and all scalp diseases, Don't
eglect your hair. For sale at Frazer's
bat ber shop, sole agent, tf
Food VliHMKeil to I'oldoii,
Putrefying food in the intestines pro
duces effects like thoee of arsenic, but
Dr. King'a New Life Pills expel the
poisons from clogged bowels, gently,
easily hut surely, curing Constipation,
Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all
Liver, Kidney and Howel troubles. Onlv
25o at G. C. Blakeley'a drug store, 4
How t Cure iroiii.
Mr. K. Gray, who Uvea near Ameuia,
Duchess county, N. V., says : "Chamber-
Iain's Cough Remedy is the best medi
cine I have ever used. It is u line
children's remedy for croup and never
fails to cure." When given as soon aa
the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough has developed, it will
prevent the attack. This should be
borne in mind and u bottle of the Cough
Remedy kept at hand ready for instant
use as soon as theso symptoms appear.
For sale by Blakoloy, the druggist.
Don't l.ul Thuin Hilll'ur.
Often children aru tortured with itch
ing and burning eczema and other skin
diseases but Buckleii'a Arnica Salve
hen Is the ru core.-', expels inflammation,
leaves ilio eKin without u scar. Clean,
fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on
earth ea good. Try it, Cure guaranteed,
Only 25c at G. O. Ulakeley 's drug store. 4
Don'l Kuli It lii,
Just wet the atTeoted part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain le gone. Sold by Clarke &
Paint your house with
fully guaranteed to last,
have them.
paints that ara
Clarke & Falk
Came to my place, seven miles west
of Tho Dalles, first of November last, a
black Jersey steer, two years old ; small
split in each ear; no brand visible.
Owner can havo same by proving owner
ship and paying all charges.
flO-Gt J. P. Aainurs.
Twelve head of work fiorsea, plows,
drill, wagon uud three eots of double
harness. Approved notes taken. Ap
ply to A, 0 Hick,
L'uvwtf The Dalles.
Wo have just received a very hand
some line of all wool bluck dress skirts.
We shall oiler this line at attractive
prices, lie suru and give us a call be
fore making your spring purchase tta wo
will savi you money. The Now York
Cash Store.
Counterfeits of DeWitt'a Witch Hazel
Salve are liable to eanaj blood poisoning.
Leave them alone. The original luta the
name DeWitt'a upon the bos and wrap
per, It ia u harmlesa and healing salve
for akin diseases, Unequalled for piles.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Twenty well-broke marea and geldiuga,
weight from KiOO to 1050 pnunda, In
quire of Fki:i Fisiiuii,
fllt-ltuw The Dalles.
When youare bilious, use those famous
little pilla known aa DeWitt'a Little
Karly Hisera to cleanse tho liver and
bowels. They never gripe, Clarke &
Falk'a P. 0. Pharmacy.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke A Falk,
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday.
.Don't forget this.
Clarko & Falk have on sale a full Una
of paint and artist's brushee.
A full line of ladies' black dress skirts
just arrived at The New York CaBh
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and Bunburn, Manufactured by C1 arise
& Falk,
Girl wanted to do general house work
in family of three. No children. Ap
ply at this office. inch5-Iw
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Patton
Btrictly pure liquid paiuta
Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 eta. and 50 cts, Blakeley
the druggist.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets uro sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, diatresa after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 eta.
and 50 eta. lilakoley, the druggist.
Their promutnesa and their pleasant
effects make DeWitt'a Ltttlo Early
Ulsera most popular little pilla wherever
they are known, They are simply per
fect for liver and bowel troubles. Cli rko
& Falk'a P. O, Pharmacy.
For sprains, swellings and lameneaa
there la nothing so good aa Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try It. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.