The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Wednesday". - march 7s, inoi IMPEACHMENT ACKNOWLEDGED A republican cxclinngc speaks coti' temptuously of I'm: Chkonici.e ns n sbip subsirly pnpcr, nnd Tm: Ciihon ici.k here nnd now acknowledges the soft impeachment. It believes in tbe principle that governs the bill ; believes in any honorable, honest, practical measure that will restore ibis nation to the place she once occupied on the high seas, to the place her commerce, wealth and pop ulation entitle her to take upon the high seas, and believes that the Frye bill, although possibly faulty in some of its minor provisions, is such a bill, in the intent at least of its promoters, and is worthy of the sup port of ever man who believes in tbe great principle that has made this nation what she is commercially, the principle of protection to Ameri can industries. The Ciikokicle is not frightened by the cry of "graft," whether it proceeds from the columns of tbe metropolitan journal or the patent insides of a country weekly, whether from the lips of a democrat, whose business il is to see a graft in every scheme intended to promote the commerce of the nation or increase the wages of labor, or those of a re publican who has never read a line of the bill except, perchance, in tbe form of a perverted extract in tbe columns of some free trade paper. Tbe cry of "graft" and "steal" frightens no man of moderate in telligence. We have heard it so often that familiarity has bred con tempt. We beard il in the early '90s when a patriotic republican congress sought to establish the tin plate industry on American soil. It has been beard in every similar cir cumstance in American history until it has become tbe recognized slogan of tbe tree trader or tbe parrot jungle of a protection degenerate. Yet the country has gone forward, un heeding it, till we are now tbe greatest manufacturing nation on tbe globe. Similar results will fol low the present efforts of patriotic Americans to increase our merchant navy and tbe time is not far distant wben in spite of all tbe parrots that peep and mutter of "grafts" and "steals" in senseless itcrancy, we shall have a merchant navy com mensurate with our wealth and commercial rank among tbe nations of tbe earth. yet Senator Turner bad them raak. ing voyages from Now York to Southampton. It must be remem bered that ocean going steamers nowadays will average nearly 4,000 gross tons. He also included in that statement all of tho vessels that run , daily between Enstport and St. i John's, between Key West and I Havana, between 1'ugct Sound nnd Victoria practically mere ferries. In another place in bis speech he in cluded the Thomas and the Mills, giving them $51,840 subsidy. These two boats arc steam dredges, built to carry on harbor improvements in New York, but the senator, in his figures, proposes for them eight round trips a year between New York and Southampton." These arc fnir samples of the argu ments presented by the opponents of the ship subsidy bill. And those of Senator Turner have the merit of being almost as able as tli 3 ablest of them. FRYE'S REPLY TO TURNER. As a sample of tbe arguments that are being produced against the ship BUbsidy bill by the men who are bawling loudest about its being a "huge graft," a "gigantic steal," etc., take the following arguments from tbe lste speech of Senator Turner, of Washington, who is one of the ablest of the opponents of tbe bill. We copy from nn interview given by Senator Frye to a New York Tri burie reporter: "Senator Turner, found by figures which he gave that the cost ot the Drst year, if this bill should become a law, would be over $11,000,000, a mistake of nt least $5,000,000. In one statement be gave a list of ves sels aggregating 155,000 tons, which he said would earn $1,771,778 sub sidy. He admitted that he did not know their speed or trade. He might have found the speed in the report of the commissioner of navi gation for 1900. As a matter of fuct, the amount these vessels would earn, as shown by what they did in 18D9, would bo $154,780. Senator Turner's error was $1,C1G,9)8. IIo included in this statement such ves sels as the Sarah, the Hanna und tho Susie, vessels of about 1,200 tons each, receiving a subsidy, as he claimed, of $40,000 a yenr. These three vessols are woodon steam-boats, (1 feet 8 inches deep, drawing about three feet of water. They run from St. Michaels up tho Yukon river, and Baldwin's Dys pepsia Tablets, food digesters, start digestion properly- -make a healthy, clean stomach. Help the stomach to do its work prop erly until it's cured soc. San Francisco, CaU EDWARD I.. BALDWIN CO., I have jaiued 10 pounds since using your Dyspepsia Tablets. My stomach is now in good condition. A. Ii. Looms. Alameda, CiUf HOWARD L. BALDWIN CO., After suffering witn stomach trouble for three years, I have cured myself by using your dyspepsia tablets, thereby avoiding a surgical operation, which I was about to undergo. Oko. Storm vajcx. County Assessor's Office. Clarke & Falk. The Dalles, Ortgon. Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still has tbe largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion and biliousness. Doctors were scarce and thoy seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the pystem and stop fermentation of undigested food, regu late the action of the liver, stimulate the nervouB and organic action of the sys tem, and that is all they took when feel ing dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. Get Greerv's prize almanac. Clarke & Falk's. 1 Your i'aca Shows the state of your feelings and the state of your health ad well. Impure blond inakeB itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If ynu are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood discuses where cheap Sarsaparillas and so nailed purifiers fall ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley, tbe druggist. The Chronicle has made arrange ments with the publishers of tho New York Tribune whereby we are able to offer tbe Weekly Tribune, which alone is $1.00 a year, and the twicua-week CmtoNior.K both papors for the price of one, namely $1.50 a year. By the bu am arrangement we can give the Tri Weekly Tribune and the twice-a-week Ciiro.s'ioj.k five papers a week for $2. All subscriptions under these offers pay able in advance. tf Among the tens of thousands whohave used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and la irrippe during the past few years, to our knowledge, not a single case has resulted in pheumonla. Thoe. Whitfield & Co., JM0 Wabaeb avenue, Chicago, oiio of the most prominent re eail druggists in that city, in speakinuof this, says: "We recommend Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy fur la grippe in many cases, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also counter acts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia." For salo hy Blakeley, the druggist. bee that you get the origlual DeWitt's Witch Httisel Salve when you ask for It. Tbe genuine is a certain cure tor piles, sorea and skin diseases. Clarke & Folk's P. O, Pharmacy, Catarrh Cannot lie Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of tbe disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in ordor to cure it vou must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack niedicino. It was was prescribed by one of the beat physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the beat blood purifiers, acting directly on tbe mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of tbe two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Ciienky & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 76c. Hall's Family Pills are tbe beat. 12 Like Oliver Twist, children ask for more when given One Minute Cough Curo. Mothers endorse it highly for croup. It quickly cures all coughs and colds and every throat and lung trouble. It is a specific for grippe and asthma nnd has long been a well known remedy for whooping cough. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the Bkin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts und 50 ote. Blakeley. the druggist. Sellout WHIltell. A teacher wants u school in Oregon or WHshincton. Address, J. A. Hnylock, The Dalles, Or. f25-2tw Quality and not quantity makes De- Witt's Little Earlv Hisera Biich valuable little liver pills. Clarke A Falk's P. O Pharmacy. In limit. Dr. J. Hudson's residence at the enst end of Third street. Inquire on the premises. uiliMt Byrkett's choice full weight creamery butter for sale at J. H. Cross Btore. 14 WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone -lo.i. Local, U)2. J. E. HCHHNCK, President. Max A. Vokt, Ctuhlci First national Bank. THE DALLES OREGON A General Banking Business transacted DepoanB received, subject to bight Draft or Check. . Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav ot collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on new York, ban i'rancisco anc Port land. DIRBOTOK8. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Sohknck. En. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbk. H M. Beam.. Nasal CATARRH In all its stages there should be clcauliueu. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, soothes and heals tho diseased membrane. 1 1 cures catarrh and drives away a cold in tho head quickly. C'reiim Halm Is placed Into tho nostrils, spreads over tho membrane aud is absorbed. Iteliof is Im mediate and a curo follows. It la not drying does not produce, sneezing. Large Size, GO cents at Drug gists .ir by mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. H.V IKtOTUEKS, 00 Wurreti Street, New York. jn&- cCa MhM Sheriff's Sale. Notice Is herebv iriven that nursuunt to an ex ecution Issued out of tho Circuit Court of thu .Statu of Oregon lor Wasco County, on tholllst oiiy 01 reoruury, iuoi, in u suit, tnereiu penning wherein William Klowl is plutiitlll'iuiil William 1 Holm nnd Elizabeth M ilelhiHml K. W. Helm iiro defendants, to mo directed, J will, on Hiitur day, tho i!:sd day ot .March. 1'jui, at tho hour of i! o'clock i. m., at tho court house door in Da Hon City, Oregon, sull at public sulo to the highest bl Idor for cash In hand, nil of the following de scribed rcul properly situated lit wild Was-o County, to-wlt; Lots 1 and '.' uml the southeast quartur of the northeast quarter of section I township 3 south, range 11 east, und tho south oust quarter aud tho southeast quarter of tho linrincnsi quarter oi section ij-Muwusutp.: souiii, rango 11 cast, W. il., to satisfy u certain Judg ment rendered in said court and cause on said '.'1st day of Rbruary, lllOl.for the hum of Il7.l0.:i7 und interest at ten per cent pur annum, aud tiVO attorney's fees, nnd $15 costs und disburse ments, and $70. 1) itiKl Interest ut six per tent per annum and HU GH nnd Interest at tun pur cent per annum and accruing costs, KOHKKT KKI.hV, IM3-.1t Hherlll'of WuseoCounty. Citation. In the County Court of tho State of Oregon for Wasco County. In tho mutter of tho estate of Eminn May Crom well, To Frederick M. Cromwell, Kdlth May Crom well, Helen Cromwell aud Mcrrltt F, Crom well, Greeting: In tho name of tho Htato of Oregon, you and each of ynu are hereby cited and required to up tiear In the County Court of tho State of Oregon lor Wasco County, at tho March term of nald court, at tliooouit room thereof, ut Dalles City. In said county, on .Monday, tho '.'nth day ol March, t'JOl, at 'I o'clock in the afternoon of said day, then and (hero to show cause, If any exist, why an orilui of sulo should not bo inudu direct ing K, Dayton, tho administrator of tho estate of Emma May Cromwell, deceased, to sell the icnl property described as belonging to said estate as follows, to wit: 1-ot seven in tho town of Ilelmont, Wasco County, Oregon. Witness the Hon, George U. lllakeley, judgo (if tho said county court, with, the soul ot said court afllxed, tills 2.1th day of February, 19U1. hkal A. E. LAKE, Clerk. (27 II. Lane, EN II GENE It Ah BiacKsmun ...AND. Horsesnoer P. . Wagon and Carrlago Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. Third aud Mcwn. Phone 159 OREGON Shot line and union Pacific TIME SCHKDH.KS ruoM THE DALLES. Suit Uke, Denver, I't. Worth, Oninhn, Kan sas City, Ht. I mis, Chi cago and the Last. na TAUT FOR Chicago Portland Special. ii:'2't p. in. via Hunt tugton. Fvi'lruss 'S'llt I-ke, Denver, I't. pV-'fla in 1 Worth, Omaha, Kan- vla Hunt-' i -sasClty.Sl Louls.Chl Ington. C'"K" "ml tlu' I'"st' St. Paul Fast Mail, y : ill p. m. via Spokane. Walla Walhi, l.ewIstou. .Spokane.Wallace.l'ull ! man, Minneapolis, St. I l'atil. Duluth.Mllwi'.u i kee, Chicago and East. Altai n: rnoM 1:0.1 p. in, 1:1,1 a. in. :::::o a. m, OCEAN AND EIYEE SCHEDULE From I'urtliiiKl. h:0Op. in. (All Milling dates sub- ject to change.) j For Sun Francisco, 1 Sail every 5 days. 1:00 p. m, Daily I except t Columbia ltlvnr. h'OOip.'m. 'To Astoria and Way- Saturday, l 10:00 p. m. Landings. Dally except Buminy, ii:00 a. in. Wlllumiittn ltlvnr. t Oregon City, Kewberg, ! i Salem, Independence, , iinu vay-ijinnings. 1:00 p. m. except Hiinuay -!:: p. m except Sunday. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6:00 a. m. CorvnllN and Way-Landings. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7:00 a. in. l,eavo li I pari a dully, HMO a. m. WllliiiiiHttn uml Yamhill Itlvnrs. I l:::o p. m. .Monday, eiinesiiiiv Friday". ;!:ri n. m Monday, Oregon City, Dayton and ' Wednesuny Way-Landing-i. rriday. Snake Klrcr. Hlparia to Lcwlston. Leave iA'Wlhton daily, h:;ju a. in. I'artieN aeslrlm: to iro to lleniiner or points on Columbia Southern via Illggs, should take No. '1, leaving The Dalles at ia:!!5 p. in. making direct connections at Heppuer Junction and Iliggs. ltcturnlng maiiingdirectconuectloii at Heppuer Junction and Iliggs wlthtNo. 1, ar riving at The Dulles at 1:05 p. m. For further particulars, call on or address JAS. IRELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oiegou. Just What Yoa uaant. MJr M how ideas in Wall Paper here. Sucli wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single slock, ileal imltu tion creton eti'ects at ordinary prices. Good papurs tit cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house imints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE . 'MM iradc marks Jebignq Copyrights &c. Anrono mmllng n sketch and description ma win -Olll ton iiiinov fur oeurlnir dh I'atei.t token through Muiiu ft Co. nulfklv ascertain our oninlnii Invention Is prqhabljr imtimtah: llnimHtrlfttlvnnilUflfllif fill. Ifnnrt tent, true, uiuesi ngonoy lor ccurintr fruo wfmtlmr il- . ie. ComniiiiilpA. Handbook on I'ateutt wi-eiiis. I. rprciui notice, wiiuuui. vuntku, ill luo Scientific flaerka. A handsomelr Illustrated weeklr. Iarmt olr rulatlou of unr clentltlo Journal. Terms, fa a tear t roar raomua, ti. eoiu ujau newsaemers. InaeiBr.w.rjBW York pntnen Office, tao r bu, Wubluutun, I. V r til 'i f 5 f 1 il L I I IV HIS The Dalles, Op. The Chronicle, Job Printer's. AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER! The People 1 ill National Family Newspape To all old and now Hiitidcrihi'rH paying one year in advance we olTur Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50. NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. 1'ulillslicil .Monday, WnlncMlay ami i'rl day, lh In reality 11 line and Iresh cvery-other-(lay Dally, id vine the latest newn ou days of Issue, aud foerliiK news of the other ii. It contains all Impor tant foreign cable news which appears in the Dally '1'ribuut' of same date, also do luestie ami foreicu coriehionileiici', short htorief, cleKiiut halt tone IllustratloiiK, hu morous Items, Indus trial Information, fashion notes, tiKrloul tural malturh, ami .omiireheiislvc and re liable llnaut'lal aud inarUet reporti-. Hegular Mibscrip tlon jirlte, ?l..riil per year. We furnish it with Heml Weekly Chroni cle for fil.oo K!r year. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. I'ubllshed on Tlmri day, and known for nearly sixty years in eery part of the I'nl ted .States ati a uii'lim nl family newspaper of tin: hlKhcht clus.-, for farmers ami villa iK'rs. It contains ull the most jiupnrhmt general news of the Dally Tribune up to the hour of pnlnir tn press . ,iu agricultural department of the highest order, has en Icrtalnlng rending for every member of the family, old anil young marliot reports which arc accepted as until orlty by farmers ti nil merciiants, ami Is clean, Up to dalc, ill torestlug aud luntruc the. HeBiilnr snbscrlp' tlon price, $1 per year Wo furnish It witn Heml-WeeUly (Jhro.'il cie for?l.M)pei )eur Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or Mini Paciiic SOUTH and EAST via Yellowstone Park Line. THK DINING (!AK ItOO'l'K KKO.M I'OItTI.AND TO THK IIAHT. THE ONI.V DIltlCCT IJNH TOTlIli Vlvl.l.OW- HlONi: l'AKK. wsavk. Union Depot, ruth and ! sts No.'.'. 1 Fast mall for 'J'neoina, iHeattlo, Olyiupla, (iray's Harbor und Houth Hem points, hpokauc, Koss land, II. a, l'ullinim, ii.i' m ?1'r,M.'1"tv' l-t-'wlHton, lluf 11:15 A.M. falolluinii milling uotin trv. Helena. Mlnni.111.,1. Us, Ht. l'atil, Umalia. Kansas City, Ht. Louis, Chicago ami all points east and southeast. 1'uiiot Hound KxprusH for Taeoniu and beattlu and iuteriuediato points I AlllllVI No. No. 1. n;a l'. M. r;M l'. m, No, 3. 7i00 A. M. I'ullinan Ilrjt elaim and tourlKt sleepers to withoutohangc """ Ml!,so,lrl "Vr points luNairi?r"!!:?lV,!'l?les!',ll,m " 1 llaggage oheeked to destination of tickets, writo Mll,1"k,':i"' '"""rvHtlons, etc., call ou or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (lonoral 1'asseuger Agent, zv, .Mmrl oilKtreet,eoi nor Third, I'orliaud Oregon US iesiant il Ssullieni Pacific Ce Shasta Route Trains leave Thu Dalles for Portland and wuy stations at ! ;.'.) a. in, and II p. in. U'avo rortlaud " Albany Arrive Ashland ...... " Hnoramenlo ... " Han Francisco . Kiim a m .I'JjIIUu m 7:0(1 pm iu:.r)0p in .12:fciatn ll'SOinn . 5:00 pm i;!i.)am . 7: 15 pm h;l!iii Arrlvu Ogdott , " Denvur " KiiiiHasllIty. " Chicago .. 5:15 a in II I'mm .. UilKlam '.l:(n" "i , 7:'J5 a m 7.:'.'ni" .. 7: 15 a in HUM am Arrlvo lxm Angeles 1 i'jli p m " Kl I'liso 1:(K1 p in " Kort Worth (IjilOalu " City of Mexico i;55 a in " Houston 1:1X1 a in " New Orlouus H'.Si a m " Washington . . i;: IJ a m " Now York l'J; i;iilu 7:(io a m O.iHip in ti;:t) u in y Vmiii I ;IHI il 111 IPtfl 1'W (', I'.' a HI 1'J'l.lp W I'ullinan and Tourist earn on both triiln tlhalr ears Kairtinii,titf, ii (iirflin uml l-.tliini'i I ami tourlsfrars to Chicago, Ht Uiuls, NeivUr j leans aud Washington. Connecting nt Han Krauelsco with several i steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan. t hl"i Philippines, Ccntinl and South Auiuricu. Hee agent at Thu Dalles station, or udd.ifcs C. H. MARKHAM, (luueral I'lisheuger Agent, rnrtlul.0r Y. IIoiik, l'rop'r. First-Class in Every Respect MEAI.H AT AM, HOUltS. Oysters Served in any Style. " Heeoud Ht,, The Dalles, Or, Notice No. 2 1h to ull purHona indebted to tho lute (Irm of K, J. Collipa & Co. and 8. U Uroo" tq cull and settle their amount or uo , ub the caee may be, by the 1st of April, oUiurwifo.tio uccouniB will be put 110 the haiiilB of our collector. Subscribe for Thk OukonicI.k. 4