The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 13, 1901, Image 1

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    1) c Halles
AVIll Alumni to tlifl KIiib.
Ni:w Yokk, March 12. A dispatch to
the Hornlii from London, eays: Another
attempt iH soon to he made to obtain
royal clemency for Florence May brick.
Tlio Baroness le Ronquos, Mrs. May
brick's mother, I as been in London dur
inn the hist week in consultation with
her legal advisers for the purpose of
framing a petition to the crown for her
daughter's pardon. It lias been intimated
that the prospect of bringing about such
n denouement lias not diminished owing
to Hie accession of His Majeety, Edward
VII, hut quite tho contrary.
However, that may be, that is to say,
whatever views His Majesty may person
ally entertain on the question of the
guilt or punishment of Mrs. Mnybrick,
it is not the intention of her friends to
conduct the latest campaign for her re
lease on similar lines to those formerly
adopted. One (if the stanchest sup
porters of the Baroness de Ronques is .1.
II. Levy, the chairman of tho Personal
Rights Association of the National
Liberal Club. He has had several con
ferences with Mr. Choate, while de
clining officially to take part in such
proceedings, has nevertheless assured
the friends ot Mrs. Mnybrick that lie
will do everything he can in his private
capacity to further their object.
Another new departure in the lutest
effort to cecum the liberty of Mrs. Mny
brick is the discountenancing of news
paper advocacy. Mr Levy said :
"While we recognize uud are grateful
for the spirit actuating such support to
our appeal, we cannot help feeling that
its! very earnestness may eomehow tend
to defeat its own object. Under the
uircuuiBtunces we have deemed it best
merely to plead the unfortunate lady's
case as one meriting royal clemency, and
on this ground to petition the king to
grant her pardon."
Mr. Levy's appeal will probably be
handed to the Homo Secretary, Mr. Rit
chie, this week.
C'Iihiibii iH Foienliudowrd.
London', Match VI. Preeiding at the
annual meeting of the Associated Cham
bers of Commerce of the Unittd King
dom, which opened in 1-andon today,
Lord Avebury foreshadowed changes in
the British tarifl'utid urged the necessity
of being prepared to promote the
interests of Biitieh commerce on the
termination of the present treaties. Al
terations, he added, are already being
eonsidoied in the treaties with Germany,
Austria and Portugal. He ie greatly in
tTettad in the outcome of the tanir wnr 1
which has suddenly broken out between
the United States and Riifgia, ho said.
Naturally, he said, America regerds as a
marked bounty tho Russian system of
aiding tho exportation of (ho surplus
beet sugar. Thb whole dispute illustrates
tbe complicated questions which arise
when it is attempted to apply protection
generally. As far as Great Britain is
concerned, she will enter into negotia
tions, not wishing to hainpei or curtail
her commerce with her neighbors, but
rather to promote it, being convinced
that commerce benefits both buyers and
On tho motion of Mr. Walton, M. P.,
the meeting parsed u resolution to the
ellect tbat separation for the recent
events in China should bo sought in in
creased facilities for trade, rather than
in money indemnity.
t'uiin Jh ouii-ting iidwii.
Washington, March 12. Conditions
in Culm are said by officials at the war
department to bo improving. It unas
serted that the feeling of unreaes wVich
followed the adoption of the Piatt Cuban
resolution by congress is quieting down
and gradually a peaceful condition ia be
ing brought about. Confidence is ex
pressed that this BUte of affairs in Cuba
will continue unless something unfore
seen should develop. The lsteBt in
formation received by the department is
said to be reassuring in its tone, and
leads the officials to believe there will be
no disturbances.
"What Cuba wants ia test and peace,"
said nn official, discussing the matter,
"and that seems to be the desire of her
people. It is surely our desire."
Senators Piatt and Cockrell are going
to Cuba. Both are members of the
senate military committee, aud desire to
inform themselves as to the cocditiouB
in the island.
!ialn rroiulom Well.
OitEao.s City, March 12. Early-sown
grain in the Wilsonville section looks re
markably well. ClackamaB county
farmers anticipate a good crop of cereals
this year. Many, however, will enguge
in dairying, and will pay more attention
to diversified farming.
Several hop-growers in the vicinity of
Wilsonville are awaiting returns from
laK year's crop which they shipped to
England on consignment.
Don't you know that Cocoanut Cieam
Hair Tonic will save your and your
children's hair? You can get it for GO
and 75 cents a bottle at Frazer's barber
shop, sole agent. tf
United Mates Has Compact With
Nicaragua and Costa Rica Regard
Canal Clayton-Bulwcr Treaty of
Xo Efl'cct.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, aud which has been,
iii use for over 30 years, has borne tho signature of
tin (I has been mado under his cr
soiml supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good ' are but
Experiment h that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Iufmits and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops aud Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It
uontaius neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Mibstanve. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and aliays Feverishucss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach uud Dowels, giving, healthy uud natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears tbe Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Nkw VoitK, March 12. Senator John
T. Morgan, chairman of the committee
on international canals, in an interview
with the Washington correrpondent of
the Journal and Advertiser, says :
"If it is true, as I hope it is, that our
canal rights in Nicaragua and Costa
Rica, acquired last December by a com
pact between the United States and
those republics, will not become the
subject of negotiations at the initiation
of Kngland, we shall proceed quietly to
construct own and use the canal, and
Great Britain will be left to make.her
objections in such form as she may
"Those agreements were made deliber
ately and full knowledge that they were
in diametric opposition to the Clayton-
liulwer featy. They weie based on the
principles of and adopted almost literal
ly the regulations prescribed for the
Suez Canal by the treaty ot Constan
tinople of 1888. The president recognized
the right of Costa Rica and Nicaragua to
qualify their agreement with the United
Slates according to the plans and prin
ciplea of the treaty of Constantinople.
"Great Britain and the United States
na-i agreed to trie same declarations in
uie nay-raunceioie treaty ana in con
formity therewith bad agreed to silence
any objection tuat might arise out of the
Clayton-Bulwer treaty to the exclusive
ownership and control of the Nicaragua
Canal by the United States. Great
Britain did not urge any objectionB but
referred to them as being possible only
and consented to remove them. Her
honorable course at that time may not
continue to animate her conduct under
the reign of King Edward, but she must
be aware that a covert threat of (lis
pleaeure at our executing our acreements
with Nicaragua will lose its moral force
and its power to alarm the United States
into another fit of paralysie.
"Those agreements upon which the
whole question of tho canal now hinges,
will be carried out in harmony and with
the undivided sentiment of the American
people. If the conclusion that Great
Britain is alleged to have reached had
been given to the senate 10 days ago the
Hepburn bill would now be the law of
the land. All delay now is to the ad
vantage of Great Britain and to our
terrible disadvantage, but she lias gained
another year on us. I hope it will be
the last. Wo contemplate no breacli of
the peace or of good feeling bccauBU we
shall do, under our agreements with
Costa Rica and Nicaragua wiiat wo have
agreed to do, as those agreements are in
lino with the treaty of Constantinople,
to which all Europe assents."
King 1h Tolerant.
Ni:v Yohk, March 12. Commenting
on the position taken by Mr. Balfour in
the house ot commons on tho form of
oath now taken by the king on meeting
parliament for tho first time, the London
correspondent of tho Tribune eays that
the King takes pains to show today that
he tolerates every form of ecclesiastical
policy, for ho receives at St. James pal
ace delegations of two conventions of tho
established church, with Presbyterian,
WeBleyans and Nonconformists of all
shades of belief and form of government.
Each will have a special audience.
Hustling young umu can make $60 per
month and expenses. Permanent, posi
tion. Experience unnecessary. Writ"
quick for particulars. Clark A Co,,
Fourth find Locust Streets, Philadel
hpia, l'a, 68-ti
Those iu need of awnings should call
on Vio Marden, who will give good work
at reasonable figures. liMw
Ladies' black dress skirts $2.25, 2.48,
$2.1)9, $31)8, $4 and fJ.60 at The Now
York Cash Store.
You will not have boils if you t
Clarke iSc Falk's sure euro tor boils.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the beet. Ask your er H-er for them,
Subscribe for Tine Giwoniomc,
...Our New Spring Styles...
The "Military" Sack Suit.
(isP, sis
Perfect Pitting.
Superbly Tailored.
Made of an unfinished worsted, the most popular
suiting of the season ; navy blue with a faint light stripe.
The coat is made to fit snugly to the figure in tbe back,
with well-balanced shoulders, giving that very stylish
broad-shouldered appearance. Corners are half rounded.
Average length 30 inches. Trousers aie a trifle wider at
knee than last season ; same bottom.
As soon as the weather
you will be ready for your npw spring suit anyway
in time for Easter; we will take that much for
granted, at least.
Now when you're ready or before come in.
The firet of the spring styles are here. You will par
don us for saying, they are the finest at tbe price ever
shewn in this store which is saying a good deal, we
admit. If you are not yet ready to buy or look feel
assured that a few days more will aee the assortment
doubled and full ot tbe choicest creations of this
country's beat tailors which means of the world.
A word to those who would wear made-to-meaeure
clothes : Unless you can afford to patron
ize the very beat merchant tailor and pay his fancy
price, buy end wear ready-made clothing.
The ready-made clothing of today is not what it
used to be. It has, like everything else, followed
closely iu the wake of progress, and is today as far
superior to its former kind as the up-to-date stores
of the present time are to the primitive cross-roads
stores of the early days. It is far superior to tbe av
erage merchant tailor work, in quality of materials
(inside and out), is more stylishly cut and finished
and if price-difference is any object to you is only
about half the tailors'.figures.
There is no reason on
Why a man who is within calling distance of this
store should have his clothing made to measure.
When our spring line is complete we challenge the
man who says we cannot suit or fit him.
In the Dry Goods Section.
SILK Department:
We display this morning for tbe firEt time
Illuminated Poplins,
Figured Poplins,
Plain or dotted Louisiene,
Peu de Soie,
Imperial TafFettas, Warranted uot to crack.
India, China and Japanese Silks.
New Gilt Belts!
N w Purses of Gen
uine Alligator !
New Chatelaines !
New Neckwear!
New Corsets !
More in a few clays. The first
comers, including the sure-to-be-popular
" Golf Hat" now
on display in our window.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James h.
Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
balk, agents. mi
Opera House
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
One Night....
March 19
Present the -1-nct comedy drama,
Two Hearts
Wo guarantee a first-class perform
ance, and a good com pan v, headed by a
Miss Catherine Tabor. If you are not
pleased yon get your money back.
A moral mid inetructivo plot, told In a
simple, pretty and clean manner.
60c to all parts of the house.
Bents will bo ou tula at Clarke & Fulk's,
Came to my place, seven miles weat
of The Dalles, first of November last, a
black Jersey steer, two years old ; small
split iu each ear; no brand visible.
Owner can have same by proving owner
ship and paying all charges.
flt)-5t J. P. Aoidius.
Twelve head of work horses, plows,
drill, wagon and three sets of double
harness. Approved notes taken. Ap
ply to A, C. Rieu,
2in-wtf The Dalles.
We havo just received a very hand
some line of all wool black dreas skirts.
We shall oiler tills lino at attractive
prices. He euro and give us a call be
fore making your spring purchase as we
will eavi you money. The New York
Casli Store.
Counterfeits of DoWitt's Witch Hazel
Salvo are liable to cause blood poisoning.
Leave them alone. The original has the
name DoWitt's upon the box and wrap
per. It is u harmless and healing salve
for fikin diseases. Unequalled for pilea.
Clarke & Talk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Twenty well-broke marea aud geldings,
weight from 11100 to 1050 pounds, In
quire of Fm:i Fibhkh,
flii-limv The Dalles.
When you are bilious, use those famous
little pills known as DeWitt's Little
Early Risers to cleanse the liver and
bowels. They never gripe. Clarke &
Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday.
Don't forget this.
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full lino
of paint aud artist's brushee,
A full Hue of ladies' black dress ekirts
just arrived at The New York Cash
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'ar&e
& Falk.
Girl wanted to do general house work
in family of three. No children. Ap
ply at this office. mch5-Iw
Clarke & Falk haye received a carload
of the celebrated James E. l'atton
strictly pure liquid paiuta
Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cts. aud 50 eta. Wakeley
the druggist.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold ou
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of tho food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediato relief. 25 cts.
and 50 cts. Wakeley, the druggist.
Their promptness and their pleasant
eifeets make DeWitt's Ltttle Early
Risers most popular little pills whorever
they are known. They are simply per
fect tor liver and bowel troubles, Clarke
& Falk'a P. 0. Pharmacy.
For sprains, swellings and lameness
there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's
Paiii Halm. Try it. For sale by Dlake
ley, the druggist.