The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 12, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MARCH 12, 1901
The following, concerning Ore
gon's great timber, commonly culled
red and yellow fir, will prove interest
ing to many readers. It is taken
from the report of the Oregon board
of horticulture for 1S99, and should
be credited to Dr. J. R. Cardwell, a
member of that board:
"We have no evergreen troes in
Oregon found in the Enstern states
or elsewhere, with possibly the ex
ccption of one variety Juniporus
Communis the commoD juniper of
Eastern Oregon, about which botau
ists differ The most nota
ble of which I wish to speak specially
is a new genus, a new variety, single
and alone, botauically known as
Pscudotsuga Douglasti, as the name
indicates, false spruce of Douglas,
discovered by a very able and enter
prising Scotch botanist, David Doug
las, who explored and botanized our
forests in 1823.
'This tree, called by us n fir not
a fir; called by some a spruce not a
spruce; extensively known commer
cially as Oregon pine not a pine; is
in man' respects the most remarkable
tree In the world, and forms eight
tenths of the forest area of the
Northwest, and extends over a larger
territory than any other tree on the
continent and so far as J know, in
the world, rcachinc from up in
Alaska down to Mexico, from the
Pacific shore to the Rocky mountains.
So highly is this tree ap
preciated abroad for Us rapid growth
and great adaptation to varied soils
and climates, its elegance and the
superiority ot its wood, that
it is fast becoming the forest tree of
Europe, England, France, Germany
and Austria now have extensive
planted forests of these trees and are
planting annually.
"The terms red and yellow fir,
which designate a reddish, rather
coarse-grained lumber, and a
from California of h son of the decedent,
who had come here to attend the funeral.
In answer to n (question as to why he
should wish to bury the man who so des
perately attempted to kill him, he said
simply, "lU'cnuse I am a Christian."
Further tlmu this Mr. Morrill declined
to talk.
Fig prune
I Fruit 1
1 46;
Vo rains
A Perfect Food Drink
Made from the choicest
fruits and cereals grown
in California.
Possesses a delicate flavor
and aroma not found in
any other Cereal Coffee.
All grocers sell it.
Oui'Htlou AtiNwerml.
Yes, Augnst Flower still has the lnrpest
sale of any medicine in tiie civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmothers
never thought of using anything else for
indigestion and biliousneee. Doctors
were scarce nnd they seldom heard of
appendicitis, nervous prostration or
heart failure, etc. They used August
Flower to e.l-un out the pyetem and stop
fermentation of undigested food, regu
late the action of the liver, stimulate the
nervous and organic act.ion of the sys
tern, uud that is all they took when feel
ing dull and bail with headaches and
other aches. You only need a few doses
of Green's AugUBt Flower, in liquid
form, to make you satisfied there is
nothing serious the matter with you
Get Green's prize almanac. Clarke &
Folk's. 1
Gbcrfd, compact, yellow-grained
lumber of superior quality, are com
monly supposed to designate two
distinct varieties, but close observa
tion of botanists has decided that
this is not the case, and there is but
one variety of Douglas fir, and that
while rod and yellow fir generally
apply to different trees of this
variety, from some rrystcrious and
unknown cause in their growth, yet
both red and yellow fir are found in
the same tree."
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership formerly existing between
the undersigned, Frank tl. Watts and
I Ui lUDic iiuatuu . i n ucoii? til uiui uig
liner-. anfj granite, at The Dalles, Oregon,
under the style or firm name of Wutts'
Marble and Granite Works, is this day
dissolved by mutual consent, J. Insley
Huston disposing of hie interests to
G. II. Baker. The enid business will,
in the future, be carried on by Frank
H Watts and G. R. Baker, under the
style and firm name of Watts' Marble
and Granite Works, and will receive all
bills and pay all debts against said firm
of Watts & Huston.
Dated at Hie Dalles the 5th day of
March, 1901.
Fkank H. Watts,
lw J. Huston.
The appointment of Ex-Senator
McBride to the position of United
States commissioner of the St. Louis
Exposition is one fraught with great
benefit to this state. There is no
manner of question that Mr. McBride
Your Pact)
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself appurent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and
so called purifiers fall; knowing this we
will well and faithfully represent the , sell every bottle on a positive guarantee
advantages of this young common
wealth and be the means of making
us bettor known throughout the
country. The appointment is a
handsome compliment to the ex
senator, all the more complimentary
because, as wc understand, it was
made without any influence or sug
gestion whatever on the part of Mr.
McBride's friends.
Blakeley, tne druggist.
Hurled by luteurimt Victim.
Chicago, Mareli 11. Funeral services
under unusual circumstances were per
formed when the remains of aged John
Correa, the hook-keeper who committed
suicide last. Monday, having made an
unsuccessful attempt to murder Charles
The Chiio.vici.k has made arrange
ments with the publishers of the New
York Tribune whereby we are able to
oiler the Weekly Tribune, which alone
is $1.50 a year, and the twice-a-week
Cmto.viou; both papers for the price
of one, namely $1,50 a year. By the
same arrangement we can give the Tri
Weekly Tribune arid the twico-a-week
Ciiuo.vicm; fivo papers a week for $2.
All subscriptions under these offers pay
able in advance. tf
Among the tens of thousands who have
used Chainborlaiu's Cough Remedy for
colds and lu rrippe during the past few
yeare, to our knowledgo, not a single case
lias resulted in pheumonia. Thos.
Wlillliultl a Uo., UlU wuuutm avenue
A. Morrill, his employer, was laid in j Chicago, one of the most prominent re-
their last resting place at Odkwood cem
The unuBual feature of the obsequies
lay iu the fact that the arrangements
were made by Mr. Morrill, who, though
he is still .suffering from a wound in the
eail druggists in ttial city, in speaking of
this, says: "We recommend Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy fur la grippo in
many casec, as it not only gives prompt
and complete recovery, but also counter
acts any tendency of la grippe to result
back of the head inflicted by one of the ' in pneumonia." For sale by Blakeley,
bullets from a revolver tired by Correa,
insists on paying all the expenses of the
Relatives of Correa, however, made
known their desire to bury the remains.
Mr. Morrill was firm, and insisted that
it was his desire to arrange the funeral
of the man who for more than twenty
years had been in his employ. lie re
la led to be turned from his original in
tentioo, though informed of the arrival
the druggiBt.
See that you get the original DeWitt's
Witcli HhzuI Salve when yuu ask for it.
The genuine is a certain cure tor piles,
sores and skin diseases. Clarke & Falk'e
I'. 0. Pharmacy.
Ilou't Kub it lii,
Just wet the Affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke dr
Catarrh .Cannnt 11 Cured,
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of tiie disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it yon ntust take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken intornally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingrodientB is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chunky & Co., PropB., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the beRt. 12
Like Oliver Twist, children osk for
more when given Ono Minute Cough
Curt-. Mothers endorse it highly for
croup. It quickly cures all coughs and
colds and every throat and lung trouble.
It is a specific for grippo and asthma and
has long been a well known remedy for
whooping cough. Clarke & Falk's
P. O. Pharmacy.
Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts
and 50 cts. Blakeley. tliu druggist.
Seliniil WhuH'iI.
A teacher wants a school in Oregon or
Wttshinirton. Address, J. A. Haylock,
The Dalles, Or. fi25-2tv
Shot line
and Union Pacific
li!:v!o v. m.
vhi Hunt
ington. Atlantic
lliioO n. m.
viu Hunt
ington. Ht. l'uul
HSt -Mull,
U:'i", ji. m.
viu Spokane.
Salt l-iike, Denver, Ft.
Worth, Onniliii, Kan
tun City, St. Louis, Chi
cago and thu Knit.
Salt Ijike, Denver, Ft.
; Worth, Omaha, Mini
bus City, St Louis, Chi
1 cago ami the East.
' Wjillu Wallii, ijcwiston.
! bpnkanc.Wiilliiee.I'till-
man, Minneapolis, St.
j kee, Chicago antl East.
l:ft . in.
1:15 a. in.
!!::) a m.
From J'ortlHiiil.
8:00 p. in.
h:) p. in.
10:00 p. in.
(All Milling dates Mib
jeut to change.)
For Ean Francisco,
Sail every 5 days.
0:00 u. in.
Columbia, ltlver.
To Astoria ami Wny-Landings.
Willamette Klver.
Oregon City, Newuerg,
Salem, Independence,
, uud ttay-Landlugs.
1:00 p. in.
1:00 p. in.
l:S0 p. in.
G;00ti. m.
Corviillls and Wuy-l.iindlngs.
l:rp. in.
' .Monday,
i Friday.
Tuesday. WIllniiiiittH unit :j:30i. m
TlmrMlHV, Vamlilll l(lvtrs. ! .Monday,
Siittirduy, 'Oregon City, Day ton mid i Wednesday
7:U0a. in. . Vuy-lIandliiKs. I Jridny.
:i:iu a. m.
Hnake KIthi-.
j Klparlu to l-ewlston.
8;tUit. in.
I'arties deMrltn: to go to Hennner or
points on i;oiuiniJin Kouineru via mggx, unouia
take No. 2, leaving The Dalle nt Vita p. in.
making direct connectlouK at Heppuer Junction
mid lllggs. Returning makingdirectconueetiou
ut Heppuer Junction and lllggs with .No, 1, ar
riving at The Dulles nt 1:05 p. m.
For further particulars, call on or address
Thu Dulles, Oregon.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone Local, 102.
trade marks
Copyrights Ac
Anrnnnaondlui; aakelrh uud description mr
quickly ascertain our opinion free wliutliur ii'i
iiivoniinn in prouauiy iiiuumiiuiu. winuuiuuici-
tloiw strictly eoidVleut
nmt true. Olden hi Pnli.iita
unuov for lecur in omenta.
1' taken tlirouuh Munii & Co.(rtcuWi
Scientific American
A linndaomelr llluitratad weektr.' J.aruoat elr.
filiation of iiur iclontltln Journal. 'J'orma, W
yean four months, II. Bold brail newideulur.
L. Lane,
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Third and Jcflcnii, Phoiic 159
In talking of Chocolates pleuBo
rememher that we curry a full line of
LOWNEY'S, just opened, fresh from
the factory. In plain and fancy boxes
for ChriBtiriiB trade, and at prices to
suit. Don't forget that we am head
quarters for thu best on earth. Name
LOWXEY settles it.
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
Max A. Vo(!T.
First National Bank.
A General Banking BusineHS transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold or
New York, San Francisco and Bort
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Bcuencu.
En. M. Williams, Geo. A. Libiik.
H. M. Bkau,
Dryinjr preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up tho Bocrctions,
which adhero to tho mcinbrnno and decom
pose, causing a far inoro Korioua troublo than
tho ordiunry form of caturrh. Avoid all dry
ing inlmlants, fumes, smokes and suuITh
and use that which cloansos, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a romedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily and pleasantly. A trial aizo will be
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists soil the
50c. bizo. Ely Brothers, (26 Warren Ht., N.Y.
Tho Balm cures without pain, does not
irrituto or cauno sneezing. It spreads itnolf
over an irritated mid angry surfaco, reliev
ing immediately tho painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Jlulm you nro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fovcr.
Jast What
You uaant.
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as we are showing never be
fore graced a single stock. Real imita
tion creton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full line of house paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
In all Ita elni;en there
ihould ho cleuiilluen,
Ely's Cream Iialiii
cli'ansca,ootUesnml tieala
tho diseased iiicinliraue.
It curua catarrh and drives
away a cold lu tuu head
Cream Blm I placed Into the noatrllt, apraada
over tbe membrane and It abaorbed. ltelitf li lui
mediate and a cure follow. It la not drying doea
not produce encaging. Large Bite, SO oeuta at Drug,
glat r by null; Trial 8Ue, 10 cent by mail.
1JLY JMWTUE1W, 60 Warren btreet, Now York.
dob Printers.
The People
pionai Family lewspape
To all old and new suhscrihers piiying one year in advance we ofrei
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for SI. 50.
l'lllillhlicd .Miiiidii)',
WiilneMiiiy mid Frl
diiy, lh lu renlity u lino
and (reitli every-ntlier-ilny
Dally, glvlm: the
latent newh mi diiyx nf
Ihhik!, unit riiveriiiK
news n the ntlier !!.
H riiutiiliiH all Iiiiiir
taut duelim euble
news ilileli iijijiciirii
lu the l'nlly Triliuue
nf Mime date, ntvi da
mcMtli; anil fnrelBii
ciiriehiioiiilence, Hlinrt
Htnriei., clcuMiit ImK
tune lllustratinnh, hu
morous iteuiK, 1 1 id u s
trlal Information,
fashion lintcx, nrrlrul
tural iiiiitterh, and
.iinniirelieiinheand re
liahle lliiauelal and
market rejinrtH.
Itt'KUlar Hiiliserip
1 1 on price, ?l.fii) per
We furnish It with
Semi Weekly (;iirunl.
ule fur f2M) per year.
Published onTlium
ilny, mid kuiinii for
nearly Mxty jers in
oery part nf the I'ni
tcd Btutes ah a im'liui
nl family newiipiiK.T
(if the liik'lnI elnti,
lor farmers and vitlu
(,'ers. It contains nil
Hid most Important
uenenil news of the
Dally Tribune up to
the hour (if Kiiltii; In
press-, .in iiKrlftiltiirul
department uf tin'
lilchest order, him on
tertalulnK read I lit; for
every ini'iiiber of the
family, old ami yimnir
market reports hIiIcIi
are aecoptod nsiditli
urlty by farmers mid
iiiereiiauts, anil is
clean, up-to-date, In
terestliiK and Instruc
tive. lU'KUtar .subscrip
tlou price, tl ior J fiir.
V furnish it with
fouil-Weekly C'lironi'
ele furfl.iiu iervar
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or
iiiri Facilic
SOUTH and EAST via
Yellowstone Park Line.
Union Depot, mih and I sis!
No. a.
Knst mall for Tueoinii, !
Keattle, Olyiupiii, Oray'si
iiaiiHii niiu nouiii ui'iui i
I points, Hpnkune, Koss-I
laud, II. 0., I'ullman,'
Mfi.nn.v li.ulijli.i. if...
ii. io 4. .ii.iiuioiiiiiiipiiiiuiiiKeoiin.
try, Helena. .Mliiueuini.
lis, Ht. l'uul, Onmlia,
knliMiH ('lie. HI I .iu, lu
UhlriiKO and nil iolnts'l
east mid southeast. i
l'lllll Kflllllll .v..ri.LU
JI. for 'laeouia and Keattlo 7:(X) A, M.
,1111(1 ililennedlalu points I
No. 1.
11,80 I',
I 5;M 1'. M.
No. !l.
Soutneru Pacific Co.
Shasta Route
Trains leave Thu Dulles for I'ortiiind ami way
stations at I:Jj u. in. and i! p. lu.
Ia'iivd I'ortlnnd......
" Albany ,
Arrive Ashland
" rjiieraliii.'nto . .
" ban triimdsco
.. y.Wnm 7 t)pn
..ll!;Wani 10;Mpm
..12:ii;iiiin II :wm
.. ivixipm cruiiu
.. "ijapni h l&iit"
Arrive OKdou
" Denver
" KiinsiiHlIlty
" i:hleiu:o
A: 1.1 ii ill II I "1"1
. U:(K)n in mixta '
7 :1!S a in " -j " 111
, 7:15 a in IWO tun
I'ullinitn flrst-elass and tourist HliM-pors to
?vil;S';!1l!r,;,Hte.,'m,, H,,rt M,hMmri rUi:'
in','i,,,rl,,!e,,,,r.'l!1,i'?es.U",,," "C"l
HaKKiiKe clieuked to de.Hlniitlon of tlekels.
ii,fi'!.ri"","lMVmily '"""tialiHlileMirlptlvenii tier,
write ' Blt'0l,l"-l;,r rrv.itlnns, etc., mill
AsilHtaut (ieneral I'asiiRer AKeiit. "M Morri
sou titreet.eof ur I.l,(l, VilnZd SrwJ',"
U teiani
Arrive 1ih AliKole.i ...
" Kl 1'nso
" Kurt Worth
" Olty of Mexleo , .
" Houston
" New Orleans ...
" WnshliiKtoit
" New York..,..,.,
1 :ai p m
iM) p in
lifliiii in
IK.Vill 111
lion a ui
(i :'.'.') a in
(.; IJ a in
7;(Ktn m
ii.iki p m
, :)ii m
li ;A ii in
1 :uo ii m
i; :'5 p I"
i, ii in
Y. Honir, Prop'r.
First-Class in Eyepy Respect
Oysters Served in any Style.
I'tillinan ami Tourist ears on both f"!1""
UhalrenrH rliierainento to Ofidcn and ''
and tourist ears to Chleaco, Ht Louis, f,oivur
leans ami Washington,
CounentliiK nt Han Kranttlsno with mJ'1''"1
Hteaiiishlp Hues for Honolulu, Japan, I niui
ruiiippiues, ueutral mid BOiuu auien..".
Hee iicuiit at Thu DiiIIoh btntlon, or iiild.twi
Ouueriil l-usMCiixer'Aiiunl, rorllmuli Or
Notice, No. 2
la to all porBotiB Indobted to tliu lot fl''1'
of E, Jj Collln & Co.. aud S. U'W"
to.cnll nd setlla their ccoiint or no w,
as the citie inaTy be, by the lBt ol AP"'
otherwine the ncoounte will be put
the tiauda of our collector,
87 Second St., Tho Dulles, Or.
Subscribe for Tub Oukoniulk