The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 11, 1901, Image 3

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Rich Laces and Embroideries.
Ilnml In bend bo LiooHnnd Embrnidorios with Wash Goods. Vast preparations in tho latter naturally call
fnr corresponding Htnek of tint formor. Wo Imvo never had Hiich an extensive and desirable stock. All-overs,
Bands and Kdgoe, embroidered with inflnito ci-ro; Gnloons and Insertions that set women's hearts in a flatter of
delight ; rvery piece in Rood to look at; every pattern chances to some now surprise.
Val. Laces
Iti hundred of patterns, from the
cheap to the Hum Hnglish and round
thread Italian VhIb.
lc to 25c per yard.
Cream Laces,
Black Laces,
Arabian and
Russian Applique.
In Cambrics, Nainsooks and Swiss
Albovorp, in stripe, apen work and
blind effects. Charming designs in
matched sets, from
2c por yard to $6.
New and Dainty Wash Fabrics.
While wearing-time has not yet arrived, still Wash Goods are selling every day. Ladies in furs and winter
garments buying the thinnest of summer dresses miemB strange, but therein they ehow their shopping wisdom of
"coining early." So many and varied are tho patterns that they would really become tiresome, were it not for
their entrancing bounty.
Satin Liberie,
Corded Silk Novelties,
Pouirinette de Soie,
Soie Natte.
Broclie Rayere Soie,
Bohemian Madras,
Surah Francais.
Call and see our display.
All Goods Markncl
In Plain FUrurtis
The Dalles Daily Ghfoniele.
M AUCII 11, 1001
At Andrew Keller's.
All tViimMi County ivurruntH rtigliitnriitl
irlnr tu hiiitiiiiihiir 1 , 1HII7, will lut ihI(I
hi i'i'Miiiit!it Inn til my olllcn. lntiiii'Ht
u-iimiH lift ii r NiiTiiiulinr .''!, IIMMI.
tJciunty Ti'tiiiMiirnr.
Dress rehearsal tonight. Play tomor
row night.
CharleH Ileppner will sing "Goo Goo
Kyen" at the Vogt tomorrow night.
We regret to learn of the Eorious ill
ness of Mrs. Ohns Paulsen, of tblB city.
"The Wife" ut the Vogt tomorrow
night. Get your tickets at Clarke &
Kalk's now.
Good music, Birgfold'u full orchestra,
eight strong, will furnish tho iiiubIc ut
the play tomorrow night.
Nov. Mr. Lake, of Portland, will hold
services at St. Paul's Episcopal church
in this city tomorrow evening.
Kelaay and Murray will bu seen in
their acrobatic tumbling turn between
acts at tho Vogt tomorrow night.
Lovers of good singing will be repaid
by hearing Mr. Grenville Goddard sing
at the Congregational church this
evening ut 8 ;15 p. m. Admission 25 cts.
Mrs. Goddard will bo glad to meet
those who would be interested in form
ing u class In elocution, at Monefeo &
Parkins' music store, on Tuesday
morning, at 10::t0.
Mrs. Boydnu-Goddard arrived on the
noon train from Hood Uivor. Those
who aro interested in elocutionary work
wiM do well to attend tho concert at tho
Congregational church at 8:15 p. in. thia
Special meetings will be held ut the
Methodist church this week. , The ser
vices will bogin at7::i0p. m. Kev. E.
0. Parker, a member of the Puget Sound
inhibit, wili have charge of a chorus
choir. Tlie general public is cordially
invited to these services. No collection
will be taken.
Deputy Sheriff Wood and Constable
bickson returned last night from Salem,
whero they took Ralph mid John Win
kle, the iimn wil0 wero BOntencod last
week to a year and u half each in the
penitentiary (or Bleallng wool from the
Wueco Warehouse. While at the penl
tentlary Mr. Wood learned that the con
victs, Hugh Brown and Kobeit Wilson,
who were sent from hero oyer a year ago
undor a sentence of eight years each for
horse-stealing, huve earned the distinc
tion of being two of the tougheBt subjects
the penitentiary officials have under
their jurisdiction.
Mr. Grenville Goddard, who with bis
wife will furnish the major portion of
the entertainment tonight, sane Julian
Jordan's "The Great Heavenly Choir"
in a most acceptable manner nt last
evening's service in the Congregational
church. The large audience was more
than pleased with the rendition of the
solo, which fully showed the wonderful
range of hifi voice. Those who enjoy
hearing u splendid baritone should be
present at the church tonight.
In the matter of the refusal of the
commisKioners' ouurt to allow a bill of
Hugh Glenn's amounting to $14. -12, us
reported in Saturday's Cmtosici.K, it is
due to Mr. Glenn to say tbut the bill in
question was presented through a mis
understanding. The bill wus for paper
im-d in papering the county court room,
and through u misunderstanding with
the paper-hanger it was charged to the
county, while the puper-hanger had put
in a bill for the same items, on his own
account, which was allowed.
Mrs. Viola Williams, a former resi
dent of Tho Dalles, but who has made
her home in Portland for the past ten
years, died in one of the hospitals of that
town yesterday of cancer of the6toniach.
Mrs. Williams' Bfce was 40 years. She
leaves two daughters, Mrs. Winifred
Carroll, who lives in Southern Oregon,
and Miss Minnie Williams, who lived
with her mother In Portland. The re
mains will be brought here for inter
ment and the funeral will take place
from Oruudull & Burgett'a undertaking
rooms tomorrow tiftornoon ut 2 o'clock.
At the Methodist church last evening
Itev. U. F. Hawk discoursed on the
question, "What is to be Believed About
Christianity?" Mr. Hawk asked hie
congregation to imagine the conditions
that would prevail in this city if its 11300
inhabitants would all from this time
forth follow implicitly the teachings of
Christianity. There would no longer be
a saloon in the city, tho preacher held,
nor any business for one, nor a gambling
don, nor n gambler, nor a house of ill
fame. The price of real estate would
climb skyward and tho postotllce would
be loaded with mail inquiring about
rents and the p'ice of lots, so desirable
would the city become as a place of reci
dence. The sermon was the Iu4t of a
series of four, which have been listened
to with great pleasure. The only regret
was that thin was I he last.
.Voi- iutauta and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Ella, tho beloved wife of Charles Keys,
of this city, was laid to rent in the Odd
Fellows' cemetery Saturday afternoon
beside the remains of her father, Chae
W. Hearing, whose death occured only
live days previously. Tho services were
conducted by Rev. U. F. Hawk, and tho
unusually large attendance at the funeral
afforded a striking evidence of tbo strong
hold tho deceased had gained on the
affection and esteem of her neighbors,
in a community in which she had no
blood relatives and where she was a
total stranger only a short year and a
half ago.
Of tbo father and daughter it may be
said, as it was of the father and son in
biblo story, "They were lovely and
pleasant in their lives, and in their
death they were not divided." Mrs.
Keys was tbo only child ol her father,
who was left wifeless when Ella was an
infant of less than two years old. From
that time until the hour of his death,
thirty-seven years after, they lived to
gether and the one object of the father's
lifo was to make his child happy. And
never was fatherly affection more
worthily disposed.
Mrs. Keys was born in Bennezette,
Pennsylvania, January 0, 1SG2, and died
March 9, 1901. She was united in
marriage to her surviving husband in
1882. In 1894 Mrs. Keys, with her hus
band and father, came to the Pacific
coast and settled in Portland, remaining
there till about a year and a half ago
when they came to The Dalles.
The immediate cause of death was
pneumonia, with which she was stricken
at the time of her father's death, when
she was suffering from the effects of the
mental and physical strain incident to
that event. She leave;, besides a bus-
band, seven living children, the eldest
of whom is a boy of 17 and the young
est a child of 2o months. The bereaved
husband and children have the heart
felt sympathy of this community in
their irreparable. loss.
Anton Scliott'n Concert.
i Bicycles - Bicycles
Our new stock received.
Ramblers 5
Boars the
A full line of Kastiuun tilnm and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Kulk.
When the young lady at the recent
oratorical contest shouted loud and
strong : . "God gives us men !" a pleased
look passed over the faces of the mar
riageable ladies of "the audience and
many smiled approval. Albany Demo
crat. The new chattle mortgage law, which
waB parsed by the lute legislature, and
is now in effect, does away with the old
provision that an affidavit of non-satie-fuction
shall be affixed to a mortgage
auuuully in order to keep it alive.
John Lind, employed in a Spokane
commission house, attempted to pull
what be thought was an overripe ba
nana off a bunch that had just been re
ceived and was surprised to find that it
was a copporhead snake from Costa Rica,
which immediately gave chase. Lind
escaped beiug bitten and the Bnake wbb
The Paris correspondent of the Pitts
burg Dispatch tells some of the marvels
of liquid air, as shown by M. D. Arson
val. He showed a beefsteak dipped in
tbo liquid uir, und then let it fall on the
floor, when it sounded like a stone and
broke to pieces. It was eventually re
duced to a pink powder, easy to musti
cate and assimilate. Ice dipped into
liquid air cut glass like a diamond, mer
cury became us hard as antimony, met
als bad their qualities increased tenfold
by the application of liquid air, con
ducting wires reduced to a hair's breadth
in thickness remained strong as a cable.
These wero only a few of the wonders
, rrograiu.
The following ia the program of the!
concert to be given touight, March llth,
at the Congregational church :
I'ttmo Duet . .,
Mttises Ahnn .Solimlilt mill l'rudciice 1'ntU'r.soii
I Unci I in,' fiom "Ih Mist-rubles" ...Victor Uuyo
j.uiiim' imvuun-u nullum
"l.os Uumoaiix" J, I'nure
uruiivnie uoaduru,
"The Croat of the Itelli.". dio llimyay
juuim- mi ui'it'uuuuuru.
Voenl Solo .. Hehcttit
Hev. I), v. rolliig.
ii "She Witntnl to Learn Klocutlon"
6 "Oil Sir!"
J.ouIm lloydon-liotidtinl.
"The Ai row ami ttiuSoiig" I'lnnttt
(iuMivlllo UoddnrU.
'Jlmnli't" (humoiout.)
houlm Hoydi'ii-Ooddiird.
Program will commence at 8 :15 o'clock."
Admission 25 cents.
Ladles and Gentlemen : We guaran
tee to restore gruy hair to its natural
color, stop the hair from falling out, cure
dandruff and make hair grow where
baldness bus been for yearn. Don't fail
to bee us at room 30, next door to the
photograph gallery, Chapman block,
Thf Dalles, in8 4t
Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure
dandruff und all pcalp diseases. Don't
neglect your hair. For Bale at Fm.or'e
bti her shop, eole agent, tf
Wonted Experienced waitresses;
good wages to right parties. Apply ut
thie office. mS O-ll
The fine popular program for Anton
Schott'e concert next Friday night will
be composed of folk songs and national
hymne of different nations and popular
operatic numbers such as "The Heart
Bowed Down," the Scotch ballad "Tom
the Rhymer," songs of the Armorer and
of the Czar by Lortzing, the lovely
Romanza of Mignon; American, Ger
man, Irish, French, Spanish and Italian
folk sons Home Sweet Home, In einem
Kucblen Grunde, Last Rose of Summer,
Rendez-moi ma patrie, Ultra-Mar and
Santa Lucia; the American, German
Mexican, Austrian and French national
bymiiB and also the Grail Novation from
Wagner's most popular opera, Lohen
gren, in which role Anton Schott is well
identified in Europe, and which he ha
Bung in all the principal cities, of Europe
and America.
The great Wagner tenor will be assist
ed by Miss Ottilie Sehneckingund Lucien
Vannod, who have been associated with
him for the last few years.
lion it I'ay to lluy Ulieai.'
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
ie all right, but you want something
that will relieve and cure the more se
vere and dangeious results of throat and
lung troubles. What shall you do? Go
to a warmer and more regular climate?
Yes, if possible; if not possible for you,
then in either case take the o.s'i.v rem
edy that has been introduced in ail civil
ized countries with success in severe
throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's
German Syrup." It not only heals and
stimulates the tissues to destroy the
germ disease, but allays inflammation,
causes easy expectoration, gives a good
night's rest, and cures the patient. Try
oNii bottle. Recommended many years
by ull druggists in the world, and sold
by Clarke & Falk. Get Green's prize
almanac, 2
Advertised I. titters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoflico at The Dalles un
called for March 11, 1901. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised :
Plaker, Frank Bauman. Frank
Clifton, Mies Lnura Olark, Mrs G A
Caufleld, Mrs Reuu Foster, G G
Fine, Frank Gilman, Geo E
Harpole, Mr Thoa Holly. Mrs
HuiEun. James
Luughlin, II
Morris, I
McCarthy, Dave
Robinson & Bro
Turn bow, W
Veil. Liidwii;
Waldrou, W II
Hall, Miss Georgia
Lane, Frank
Mnrbard, Mr. O F
O'Leurv, J V
Rice, George
bneeil, Win
Webber, II II (2)
Woodcock, W E
White, W
J. M. Patti:iiso.v, P. M.
Don't ICuu It III,
Just wet the uflVc'ed part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, u S.-ntch remeiiv.
and the pain la gone. Sold by Clarke &
A half interest in the best paying fish,
fruit and Poultry business in town.
Good reason for selling, Address P. O.
Box 357.
Early Rose seed potatoes for sale at
the Btudelmau Comm. Co, iu5-lm
Largest lot of wheels ever brought to this city.
Call and see them.
F. S. GUWiI(lG,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker...
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Agent for Uussell it Co. Engines, Threshers and Saw Mills.
(lor. Secoiiu & Lanntiliu Sts,, THE DALLES, OR,
Telephone 157.
Long Distance 1073.
Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health
Reports for June 28, 1900, says: "A more eupeiior brew never entered
the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of
the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with
the cereainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Bank.
t: ii n don Plume ;;:i i.
k i.oni: nut. 111:11.
The Great Northern Furniture Company wish to announce that after the
return of their buyer, who has been contracting with the largest Eastern manu
facturer, they will have succeeded in securing the greatest line of
Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, &c,
which has ever been shown in the history of The Dalles. It has been the aim and
desire of this most popular Arm to introduce their immense stock at the first op
portunity. The time has come. We aro now ready to prove our assertions. Call
and he convinced. We wish to call particular attention to our great line of
A glance nt this immense assortment will soon convince you that our buyer under
stands his business.
Great Northern Furniture Co.,
Second Street, opposite Ob.ur House.
With every dollar's worth of goods purchased at my store for tho next Sixty
Days, 1 will give one chance on the following prize:
1 First p;i.e, . . .
2 Second prize"1 . .
II Third prize ..
J Fourth prize , .
5 Fifth prize . . . ,
1 tiont'H Gold Watch and Chain
1 Ladies' Gold Watch and Chain
1 Smoking Set
..I Silver Butter DUli and Butter Knife
1 set Silver Knives and Forks
In addition to giving aav these prizes I will sell good ns low as tho lowest,
and guarantee my goods to he fresh. Give mo a dial.
Why pay if 1.75 por gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
1'at ton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agents. ml
Helmut Wautcil.
A teacher wants a school in Oregon or
Washington. Address, J. A. Hayloek.
Tho Dalles, Or. f25.2tw
Hustling young man cm make f60 per
mouth ami expenses, lVrmtwiuii.'. posi-th'-i
Hsimriencu unnecehsiry. Writ
quiet for pariicnirtrs. Clark & Co,,
Fourth and Locust Streets, l'hiladel
hpi , Pit, sS-tt
I' .int your house with paints that are
fnl uuuranteed to last, ClaikuAFulk
luve them.