The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 11, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 58
Sh Oldies
Attitude of England on the Canal
Question Declines to Modify Its
London, Mured U.Thu reply of the
llritiuli yovorninont to tlio note convey
ing tlio uinonilniuntH of tlio United StiittiH
to tliii ilny-I'iuiiieufote trouty qhould lie
fiiriimllv dnllvored by tint BritiHli ntn
baseiulor nt WnnhinKtoii to Seorotary
liny within u few tiuyH. Tim foruigii
ofliwi IitTii dill not originally ctintnin
plute. diilnyini; tlm Hrilinh answer until
now. Tlio plan, it appearo, wan to triwiH
in it tlio iitiHwor priiviniiH to tliu diitu on
which tlio treaty InpHcd which, according
to tlio I r it i h 1 1 vinw of the eaBe, would
tmvu put the onim of ite luiBiti( on the
Ab pri'ViotiHly act. forth in theno die
patuliiiu, tlio main object of tlio Britiuh
government throughout iff to make nn
entirely now urrungumutit. At no Btage
of tlio proceedings Iuib there been any in
clination to uccopt the Henute's amend
It is luiiliiratoiid here that the nature,
of tlio ItritiHh government's reply lias
alruuily lioun informally communicated
to Secretary flay. Great Britain Iiub no
intention of modifying the Clayton
llnlwer treaty without u satisfactory
ijniil pro quo. The treaty, according to
the foreign otlieo view of the ease, ro
nmiiiH ne much in force now ub the day
it wan Higned. The HpeecheB made in
the senate do not disturb Downing street.
Thuy are dismissed with the remurk that
"treatleB cannot lie abrogated without
tlio consent ol both the contracting par
ties." There is, however, an apparently
genuine belle! here that a satisfactory
arrangement will eventually bu arrived
at. There is n freely expressed disin
clination on the part of the BritiHli
oflicluls to commit thomHelvcH to any
further treaties until t hey are thoroughly
assured of tiie views thu seitato holde on
the mutter in question.
A I o 1 1 1 1 ii iifthe Oanliii'ii.
Unit Alio, March S). Army olIicorH ut
headquarters of the department of the
lakes express the opinion thlit hiet
night's rioting nt llighvvuod, near Fort'
Tlio Kind You Have Ahvnys
in use i'or over 30 yearn,
and has
J1' Honnl HiipervlHlou since its Infancy.
f4Z6CC44i Allow nit mm to dnnttivn vou in thin.
All Gouitlori'uitH, Imitations and JuHt-as-good' are but
lSxporhnyiitN that triiio with and eudangur the health of
Iul'ttuls nud Children Exierieuce against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmloHS substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
Koric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
uiutalns ueithor Opium, Morphine uor other Nartiotio
Mihstauee. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nd allays Fovorishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic, it relievos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach ami Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Shnridnn, during which r number of
BoldierH were injured, wbh duo entirely
to the abolition of the army canteen
General Otis, in command of the de
partment, Haid tonight:
"I was etrongly opposed to the army
canteen when first proposed, but from
Investigation I fonnd it worked bo much
belter than 1 expected that I was com
pelled to indorse it. Under that svm
the profits went to buy delicacies for the
men h tables. Now the men poend
more and tho profits go to the owners of
private gin mills."
Ilurrlftiin In Worn.
Imhanapouh, Itid., March 10 The
condition of ex-l'reeident Harrison is re-
rioiiB. Dr. Jameson stated today that
the upper part of General IlarriBon's left
lung was inflamed. There is some dan
gor of the congestion extending to tho
reBt of the lung and to tho right lung
Until .'I o'clock this afternoon, General
Harrison wiib resting easy, but at that
time he became slightly worse and Dr
Jameson was called. He said ho was
certain nothing was to be apprehended
for the next -IS hours but the age of the
patient renders all calculations 1111
certain. At 8 o'clock this evening
General Harrison was suffering some
pain, but was resting comparatively easy.
I.nm.vnai'olik, Ind., March 11. At an
early hour this (Monday) morning there
was no change in the condition of Gen
eral Harrison, either for the worse or
better. He wub still resting easily, with
little pain, but rattier a high fever. His at midnight was 102?,.. Dr.
Francis O. Dorsey remains ut the reel
deuce all night, to be in readiness at any
unfavorable symptom in the patient.
II Kejit II Ih Luc.
Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of
Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with
a rustv wire. Inflammation und blood
poisoning set in. For two yearB he bu(
fered Intensely. Then the best doctors
urged umputation, "but," he writes, "I
used one bottle of Electric Bitters and
1 1-2 boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve
and my leg was sound and well us ever."
For Eruptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Sores and all blood disorders
Electric Bitters has no rival on euith
Try them. G. O. Blulieley will guarantee
satisfaction or refund money. Oulv 50
centB. -I
LudieB' black dreHs skirts $2.25, .fU.-lS,
$2,110, $!l OS, $1 and $1 50 ut The New-
York CuhIi Store.
Bought ami which has been
has borne the signature of
been made under his per-
Signature of
His Appearance Was Greeted With a
Demonstration AppointcdJJto Mc
Bride's Place On the Inter
Oceanic Committee Upon Request
of Senator Morgan, of Alabama.
Washington" , March 9. After pro
ceedings lasting only six days, the ex
iraorainary session 01 the eenate wbb
declared adjourned sine die at 1 :55 p
m., today.
During the session very little business
except of an executive character was
transacted. John H. Mitchell, recently
elected senator from Oregon, was pre
sented by his colleague, Senator Joseph
Simon, and took the oath of office. He
was given a cordial reception by his
colleagues on the floor, many of whom
had served in the senate with him, and
by his friends in the galleries, who
greeted his appearance with hearty ap-
Several baskets of beautiful roses and
jonquils, arranged in delicate designs,
adorned the desk of Senator Mitchell
when the senate convened today. Senator
Simon, of Oregon, announced that his
recently elected colleague, Mr. Mitchell,
was present and requested that the oath
of office be administered to him, as a
matter of privilege. On the arm of
Senator Simon advanced to the vice-
president's desk. As they ascended the
platform, the galleries, recognizing
Mitchell, cordially applauded him, and
the vice-president sharply rebuked the
spectators for the applauBe.
Morgan, chairman of the committee
on inter-oceanic canals, asked unani
mous consent that Mitchell be appointed
to succeed his predecessor, McBride, as
a uember of that committee. He real
ized, he said, that it waB an unusual
request, but it was made because of the
notable interest in canal legislation
always manifested by Mitchell, who,
like McBride ,waB an eameBt and able
advocate of the construction of the canal.
After the request had been granted with
out comment, Hoar, addressing the
chair, remarked that for very obvious
reasons no objections were made to the
request of Morgan, but he felt bound to
say that it was likely to give rise to a
great inconvenience on both sides of
the chamber. If any further requests of
such u nature were made by individual
senators, he said, he would feel bound
to object.
Is Close to JJeulli.
PiJKiN, March 10. Li Hung Chang is
again seriously ill, aud his physician
says his life haugB by a thread.
Prince Ohing and Earl Li seem to think
thut by spreadiug rumors of the court's
unwillingness to return to Pekin, unless
this or that thing is done, they can in
fluence the deliberations of the ministers
of the powers. As a matter of fact, ac
cording to reliable reports from Siuau
Fu, the imperial personages are ex
tremely uncomfortable at Siuuu Fu,
where they live in the house of the gov
ernor, which is only a small structure.
French missionaries who have just re
turned from Siuau Fu believe that the
em presB dowager would bring the court
back to Pekin on the first oiler of the
allies, having as a basis the removal of
the troops, except the legation guards.
Thousands (Sent Into Kxlle,
Kvery year n large number of poor
sufferers whose Iuiil's are sore aud racked
with coughs are urged to go to another
climate. Jiut this is costly and not al
ways sine. Dou't be an exile when Dr.
King's Now Discovery for Consumption
will cure you at home. It's the most
infallible medicine for Couglis, Colds,
aud all Throat and Lung diseases on
earth. The (list dose brings relief,
Astounding cures result from persistent
use. Trail bottles free atU. 0. Blakeley's
drugstore. Price 50c and if 1.00. livery
bottle guaranteed. 4
When you are bilious, ubh those famous
littlo pills known as DeWitt's Little
Early HiserB to cleanse thu liver and
bowels. They never gripe, Clarke &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
Royal Ladies of Europe Who Don
Uarrnn anil Prlnrraai-a Lead Troop,
rartlcliinlr In Drills, and Hide
w ith Skill mid (irnce- Klnv
Arc I'oor lloracmen.
Tt is not generally known that most
of the royal ladies of ICurope nre col
onels of both infantry and cavalry
rcL'imeiils, and that som of them
even devote n good deal of time and
attention to their subordinate sol
diers. Nearly all of them, when ar
rayed in their regimental pirl), seem
to lose every cslifje of feminine up
pearnnee, and at n distance They cor
tainly look very mannish.
Foremost among" tho feminine royal
colonels is the (iermnn empro?. Her
majesty is chief of the famous First
regiment of imperial euirasMors
Often on parade days the empress
may be seen riding at the head of
this military bodv, nud, after salut
ing tho emperor, rein in beside him
nnd let the regiments pass. She cuts
a dashing ngure, as she is tall and
well formed. Her regimental uniform
is very showy red facings on a pure
white material, .surmounted by a
three-cornered hat with large, droop
ing heron s plumes.
Queen Margherita of Italy has
grown quite stout of late, and just
before King Humbert's assassination
ordered a brand new colonel's uni
form, in which she appeared ut the
head of a regiment of Hessian ran
gers This royal aniazon is very sel
dom seen on horseback in her own
country, but when cn a visit to the
duchy of liessia she delights in honor
ing her regiment, of which she. was
made an honorary chief bv Kaiser
Wilhelm, her late husband's most de
voted friend and ally.
The kaiser's mother, ex-Empress
JTederick, is chief of the Second regi
ment of imperial hussars. She is per
haps tho only royal woman who has
retained her feminine tooks on horse
back. Despite her udvaneeu ago she
looks quite pretty. She is also com
manding ollicer of the Eightieth in
fantry, battalions of which are sta
tioned at Homburg and Wiesbaden,
within a couple of hours' ride of her
summer residence. During her stay
there she frequently invites the act
ing colonel, stall' and the line ollieers
to dine with her and discuss regi
mental matters, and at times she at
tends the held exercises oi her men.
A very manly appearance has the
Grand Duchess Victoria of Hess when
dressed in her regimentals as colonel
of the Third regiment of Hessian in
fantry. She is ory enthusiastic
about her soldiers, and does not re
gard her position as honorary. She
is often on the parade ground, even
when the regiment is at work. Then
she appears in undress uniform, con
sisting of a dark blue coat, red collar
and eutl's, edged with blue, and a
heavy black shirt. What gives her a
manly appearance more than any
thing else is her peaked helmet,
tightly strapped about her chin.
The Crown Princess Maria of Hon
mania is another royal female colonel,
who considers herself hound to her
regiment in more than name. She i.s
the chief of the Fourth regiment of
ltoumanian hussars, She looks very
imposing at the head of her troop,
and is u very skillful horsewoman.
This petticoat colonel is a woman of
orsatilo talents; she has written vol
uminously in the sphere of (lotion and
histrionics, As an amateur actress,
both in the (lonnau ami ltoumanian
languages, she has displayed wonder
ful talents, and it is said of her that
she Is the power behind the throne in
Among younger royal female colo
nels' are tho Crown Princess Cliarlntta
of Saxe-.Moiningen and Princess
Adolph of Schuumhiirg-I.ippe. The
former is ehlof of the King Frederick
111. regiment of grenadiers, and the
latter commands the Fifth Westphal
ia n infantry.
Queen Wilholinina of Holland, the
youngest of all, is chief of a number
of Dutch nnd Gorman regiments. She
looks exceedingly pretty in the uni
form of a gcnerul of tho royal horse
guards, dark blue, with gold facings,
epaulettes and the numerous insignia
of rank. Sometimes she appears at
tho head of her troops riding on her
favorite pony "Ilaby," wearing a
white aniazon riding habit, with the
regulation tall black hut.
It is a curious fact that while near
ly all the royal ladies of Europe are
superb and picturesque horsewomen,
few of the reigning sovereigns are
even tolerable riders. Emperor Wil
liam has not n firm seat, and is nt a
disadvantage because of his crippled
nrm, and always mounts with assist
ance of some, kind,
King Humbert of Italy was famous
for his falls, the emperor of Russia is
not a master of the equestrian art,
and the kings of Sweden, Greece and
Denmark absolutely abhor riding, Tho
king of Portugal finds no enjoyment
when mounted because of his "embon
point," Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria
cannot ride for an hour at a time,
nnd King Alexander of Servia is afraid
of horses.
Fov lliiiitlnv n Co!ly Luxury.
Fox hunting comes high in Britain.
Some interesting particulars relating
to the first cost of the sport were
given by Lord Itathurst. There are
now J2i packs of foxhounds in the
United Kingdom ISO in England, SO
in Scotland and 15 in Ireland, and
these packs consist of S,KK) couples
of hounds, and they necessitate the
employment of m,0Of) horses of the
value of $.'1,1,000,000, involving an out
lay of fLM.OOO.OOO per milium for their
A .In linn one Arrllr Expedition.
The Scientific American says Japan
is about to send out an arctic expedi
tion, the object of the Japanese govern
ment being to develop in that nation
the spirit, of adventure and discovery
which has rendered the English race
o powerful. Chicago Tribune.
Counterfeits of DeWitt'a Witch Hazel
Salve are liable to cause blood poisoning.
Leave them alone. The original has the
name DeWitt's upon the box and wrap
per. It is a harmless and healing salve
for skin diseases. Unequalled for piles.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Tbe lingering cough following grippe
calls for One Minuto Cough Cure. For
all throat and 'lung troubles this is the
only harmless remedy that gives im
mediate results. PreventB consumption.
Clarke & Falk's P.O. Pbarmacv.
Their promptness and their pleasant
effects make DeWitt's Ltttle Early
Risers inoBt popular little pills wherever
they are known. They are simply per
fect for liver and bowel troubles. Clarke
& Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Came to my place, seven miles west
of The Dalles, liret of November last, a
black Jersey steer, two years old ; small
split in each ear; no brand visible.
Owner can have same by proving owner
ship and paying all charges.
19 5t J. P. Agiijius.
My wife, Hattie BelleBurlinganie.liav.
ing deserted me, I will not be responsi
ble for any debts she may contract from
this date.
January '.'9, 1901. j29 5w
Tukcn lJi.
Came to my place on 3-Mile, Dec.
2Uh, u sorrel horse, branded W n on
left neck and blotch brand on left hip;
age 5 years; unbroken.
M. S. Evans,
Wim The Dalles, Or.
Twelve head of work horsps, plows,
drill, wagon und three sets of double
barnees. Approved notes taken. Ap
ply to A, C. Hick,
2m-wtf The Dalles.
We have just received a very hand
some line of all wool black drees skirts.
We shall offer this line at attractive
pricee. Be sure and give us a call be
fore making your spring purchase as we
will sttVH you money. The New l ork
Cash Store.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets tire eold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief, 'Jo eta.
and 50 cts. Blakeley , the druggist.
For sprains, swellings and lameness
there is nothing so good ns Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
You will not have boils if you i
Clarke & Falk's sure cure tor boils.
Nottre lb hereby Kivvutliit the uuciortfiieil
Iihs tiled, with the clerk of the county court of
tliu btutu of OrcKun for Whmm county, lilt Haul
Hccoiintuh executor of the lust will anil tektti
nu'iit of Mm y J. licoley, ilei'cuK'it, ami saiil
county court Iihs, by an order inmlo on thefitli
Uuyof March, l'JOl, tUul the Mil day of April,
11)01, ut the hourol 2 o'clock j, in,, as thu tlinu
uud tlio eouuty court room of mid county, iu
Halloa City, Ori'KOii.Hs tlio place for thu hearing
of objections to bald Haul ueeouat.
inn B, s. UUKT1NUTON, Executor.
Sheriffs Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Whsco County:
Hugh IiOgun, I'luliitif!',
Anna I.. Newman, Defendant.
Hy virtue of nn execution, ilecreo and order of
rale, duly turned out of and undi r the seal of
the Circuit Court of the Stnto of Oregon, for the
County of Wukco, to mo directed and dated the
21st day o( February, 1901, upon n decree for the
foreclosure of a certain mortgage, and judgment
rendered and entered in nald court on the 19th
day of February, 11)01, iu the above entitled
cause, in favor of the plnliitill'aiid against the
defendant, Anna L. Newman, an Judgment
debtor In the sum of three thousand and twenty
five dollar (f.'W-'M, with Interest thereon from
the l'Jtli day of February, lull, at the rate of
eight )er cent per annum; and the finthersum
of llfteen and fifty one-hundredths dollars
(f 15.6") eosts, and the costs of and upon this
writ, aud commanding mc to make sale of the
real property cmuruced in such decree ot fore
closure and hereinafter described, I will, on the
'2'th day of March, 1901, at the hour of 2 o'clock
in the atlernion of said day, and atthefront
door of the county court house in Dulles City,
Wasco County. Oregon, sell at public auction to
thu highest bidder for cash in hand, all the
right, title and interest which the defendant,
Anna I.. Newman, had on the ilrd duy of Novem
ber, lbbT, the date of the mortgage foreclosed
herein, or which such defendant herein has
since acquired, or now has, in and to thu follow
ing described real property, situate uud being: in
Wr.sco County, Oregon, to wit:
Commencing at the northeast eorner of block
"D" in Trovitt's Addition to Dalles City, on the
south line of Fourth street, running thence
'.vesterly along und parallel with snld Fourth
street, the distance of fifty (50) feet; thence
southerly tothciilley, adlstancoof one hundred
(100) feet; thence easterly along the north line
of mid alley the distance of fifty (50) feet: thence
northerly along tho west side of Union street
one hundred (loo) feet to the place of beginning;
and being and lying in that certain tractor
parcel of laud purchased by Dalles Cltv from
tbe United States of America, being a part of the
northwest iuarter of section No. three (3) in
townshln one (1) north of rantre thlitecn (ISi
east of Willamette meridian. In '.Vuseo County
Oregon: or so much of said nropcrtv as will sat
isfy said judgment and decree, with costs und
accruing costs.
Buld property will bo sold subject to confirma
tion and redemption as by law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this -1st day of
February, 1901.
ib'-'P. Sheriff Wasco County, Oregon.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to an ex
ecution issued out of tho Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the 21st
day of February, 1901, in a suit therein pending
wherein William Flotd is plaintiff and William
F. Helm and Elizabeth M. Helm and E. W. Helm
are defendants, to mc directed, I will, on Satur
day, the 23d duy ot March, 1901, at the hour ot '1
o'clock p. m., at the court house door in Dalles
City. Oregon, sell at public stale to the highest
bidder for cash In hand, all of the following de
scribed real property situated in said Wasco
County, to-wlt; Lots 1 and 2 and the southeast
quurter of the northeast quarter of section 4,
township 3 south, range 11 cast, and the south
east quurter and the southeast quarter of the
northeast quarter of section 33,townshlp2 south,
range east, W. M., to satisfy a certain judg
ment rendered In said court and cause on said
2lst day of February, 1901, for the sum of $ 1736.:!7
and interest at ten per cent per annum, and
fJOO attorney's fees, and $15 costs and disburse
ments, and $70.15 uud Interest ut six per cent
per annum and ffiil.iiS and interest at ten per
cent per annum uud uccrulng costs,
fb23-5t Sheritl'ol WascoCounty.
In he County Court of thu Statu of Oregon for
Wasco County.
In the mutter of the estate of Emma May Crom
well, deceased:
To Frederick M. Cromwell, Edith May Crom
well, Helen Cromwell and Merrltt F. Crom
well, tireetlng;
In thu niimoof thu State of Oregon, you and
each of ou are hereby cited und required to ap
pear In tho County Court of thu State of Oregon
for Wasco Comity, at thu March term of said
court, at thu coin t room thereof, at Dalles City.
Iu said county, on Monday, thu -Mil duy oi
.March, VJ01, at '.' o clock In the afternoon of said
day, tucu and there to show cause, If any exist,
why mi oidei of Mile should not bu made direct
ing F. Dayton, thu administrator of thu estate
of Emma .May Cromwell, deceused, to sell the
leal property described us belonging to said
estate us follows, to wit: l)t seven In thu town
of llelmont, Wusco County, Oregon.
Witness thu Hon, Ueorgu C. lllukeloy, Judgu of
thu said count) court, with the seal ot said court
utlixed, this 25th duy of February, 1901.
skai.J A. E. LAKE, Clerk.
Administrator's Notice.
In the County Court of tho Statu of Oregon for
thu County of Wasco.
In thu matter of thu estate ot Emma .May Crom
well, deceused:
Notice- Is hereby given thut tho undersigned
has been appointed hy thu County Court of
Wasco Couuty, of thu Statu of Oregon, thu ad
ministrator of tho estate of Emma May Crom
well, deceased,
All persons having claims uguiust snld estntu
nro hereby required to present thu sainu to me,
properly verified, as by law required, at First
and Taylor streets, ut my pluco of business,
within sK mouths from thu datu hereof, at
1 ortland, Oregou.
Dated 7th day of February, A. D., 1901.
Administrator of the estntu of Emma May
Cromwell, deceased.
J. A. Htrowhridgc, Jr.. attorney for adminis
trator, No, 207, Commercial block, Portland,
Oicgon. fcb9-mcln
Land Office at Vancouvkh, Wash., I
February Is, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice ol his Intention
to make linal proof in support ot his claim, and
that said proof will he Hindu beioru W. 11. l'res
by, U.S. commissioner for District of Washing
ton, at (ioldeudale, Wash,, mi Wednesday,
April!!, 1901, vU..
Irving II, lluilow,
of l.yle 1'. (),, Washington, who imidu 11. E, No.
'.nil.!, for tho NE'i of teu 27, 111 Tpil N, H 12 E
W. M, iiii
llu names thu following witnesses to provu
his continuous residence upon uud cultivation
of suid laud, vU;
Jessu J. Snider and Vernon T, Hlnshnw, each
of tioldcndnlu I'. O., Wash,, lames O, l.yle uud
lru It. Ileuett, each of l.yle 1', o,, Washington,
f.'O W. II, Dunuui, llcglster.
Twenty well-broke marea and gohliinje
weight from 1300 to 11)50 pounds,
quire of Fiu:d Imbhku,
fl 3-1 in w The Dallee
the best. Ask your c -cer for them.