Read This, Consumptives " From the way my wife coughed for six months, I knew she had consump tion. She showed it in her, face, too, and her body wasted away to amcre skele ton. After she got down in bed the doctors couldn't do any good. I called in both Dr. T. A. Shannon and Dr. N. L. Ilawsen, each of whom is a first-class physician, but they had nothing that would roach the trouble in her lungs. My wife's father came to see her one day. when she got very low. lie lives in Cedar Lake, Wis,, while we live in Rice Lake, Wis. ,Hc said he knew what was needed, and made me get a bottle 'of Acker's English Remedy ior Consumption. I went to Schmidt's, our local druggist, and got a bottle, and it helped her right away. She took eight 50c. bottles, and they put her back on her feet and made her as sound and well as any wo man in town. Stic has taken on flesh again, she doesn't cough, and if any one who doesn't know the facts was to be told she was so near death with consumption, ho wouldn't believe it. My wife does all her housework, and at night sleeps as soundly as you please. Her stomach no longer gives her any trouble at all. Maybe you doubt what I am telling. If so, I advise you to see J. N. Schmidt, the druggist who sold me Acker's English Remedy for Consumption. . He'll tell you the same thing. He says Acker's English Remedy is wonderful in all throat and lung troubles; that it is sold on a guarantee to cure, or money returned, and he never yet had a bottle come back to his store, although he has sold hundreds of them. My name is Luther Bedell, Rice Lake, Wis." Acker's EtiRlish Remedy is 'otd by all druggista under a positive guarantee J?fA vor money will be refunded in caae of failure. 35c, 50c. and Si a bottle in united States and Canada. In England is. 3d., ss. 3d., and 4s. 6d. We authorize the above jruaranto. 11'. UOOMXi & CO., 1'ropricion, Xcio lork. For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. VEKSOXAI. MENTION. Mr. Grenville Goddard ia in the city from Hood River. Alex. MeLeod took the boat this morn ing for St. Martin's Springs in hone of obtaining relief from a eeyere attack of rheumatism in his lower extremities. Mrs. James Sutherland, who has spent the past three weeke with her parents in this city, returned last night to her home in Spokane, accompanied by her sister, Miss lone Rucli. Mr. Archibald Finlayson, an old friend ami playmate of V. J. Davidson, of Endersby, whom he has not met for upwards of thirty years, met Mr. David son at the Umatilla House last night and went out with liiui this morning to spend a few days on the ranch at Eieht Mile. Messrs. Davidson and Finlayson were born on adjoining farina in Canada, but early drifted apart, Mr. Davidson coming to Oregon and Mr. Finlayson going to Northeastern Arkansas. In the report in yesterday's Cnnoxici.K of the bills allowed at the March term of the commissionere' court a few mistakes occured, chiefly through copy ing the figures on the bills instead of those representing the amounts allowed by the court in cases where the bills were cut. Maier & Benton's bill was cut from $5.75 to $5,25; the Good Samar itan hospital, $75 to $70; J. W. Jack son's $S 50 to $6; J. M. Filloon's from $67 to $50.50; Mrs. Maud Eddon's from $72 to $48. Alex Stewart's bill for freight was 30 cmts instead of $30. Hugh Glenn'd bill for $14.02 was not allowed; Dr. Watts' lull of $3.". for med ical services wa laid over and the f-.lnniiko Leader's hill was referred back to Shaniko. This was a claim of $40.47 for publishing the Shaniko city charter and doing other ettnilar services in con nection witn the incorporation of that town and the election of its first mayor and council. If Shaniko can colUct this SORE HANDS Red, Rough Hands, Itching Burning Palms and Painful Finger Ends ONE NIGHT TREATMENT Soak the hands on retiring in a strong, hot, creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAP. Dry, and anoint freely with CUTICURA, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear, during the night, olef, loose kid gloves, with the finger ends cut off and air holes cut in the palms. For red, rough, chapped hands, dry, fissured, itching, feverish palms, with shapeless nails and painful finger ends, this treatment is simply wonderful. Millions of Women Use Cuticura Soap Exclusively, fur irc8erTlnfr,purlfybiK, and beautifying tho skin, for cleansing tlio t-calp of cru$U, scales, ami dandruff, ami tliu stopping of falling hair, for Buftuiiliig, wliltenln, and toothing red, rough, and uoru JianiU, In the form of batlia for anuoylng Irritations, Inllam matloiiD, and rluiuugti, or too froo or olfeiulvo perspiration, In tlio form of wuelios for ulcerative weakiieiuej, and for many sanative antiseptic purpose nliluh ruaclllj- tuggvt, tlienmelved to women, and CHpeclully mothers, mid for all the purpoeeu of thu toilet, hath, and nursery. No amount of pefsua.loa can luduco those who liuvu onecutcd It to iwmny other, especially for preserving and purifying tlio sldn, ecfllp, and hair of Infants and children. Cuncuiu 8o.w comblna delicate emollient properties derived from C'im ciUA.tho groat Akin cure, with the purest of cleansing Ingredients ond the mutt refresh. lug of Mower odors. No other PwllcntrU oap ever compounded Is to bo compared with It for preserving, purifying, and beautifying thu Ma, calp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic, tolltl soap, however expensive, la to bo compared with It for all tlio purposes of the toilet, baUi, und nursery. Thus It combines In Soap at Onk I'ltici;, viz., TwiiNTV-fiVK Gkntj, the iiest sklu and complexion soap, the ukat toilet and ukkt baby soap in the world, Complete External end Internal Treatment for Every Humor. nUTintJRA Cooitouaa: of Cutiouu Soap 2Jc.), locletow th. iklnof crulU ond ictlu and KttUa lb. tuo mt cuticle, Cuticuk 1 Ou:l (30c.), la luteutlr olUr Uthlni cud irriUlloa ml 'miSm ohaiidutl,m,l;imcu Kisoltint (.VtoJ.lo oool ud cUtaMMo blood. SoMUiroulb- I.KV out tit. wprli. I'urrnu oavo u Cum. tr., Sol. I'ropi., Bottoa, bill from Wasco county, Judge lllakeloy, as a citizen of The Dalles, will insist that all future bills contracted iti running the government of this municipality shall be referred for payment to the state treasury at Salem. Catarrh Caunnt lie Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the eeat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for yeers, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING- Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Naviuation Company, at the company's office in The Dalle?, on Sat urday, April 0, 1001, at 2 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of electing seven di rectors and transacting such other business as may properly come before euid meeting. Hy order of the president. The Dalles, Oregon. March 5, 1001. lm L. E. CitowE, Sec'y. Remember that you don't have to be bald ; you can keep your I. air by using Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. To be had at Frazer's barber shop. tf Subscribe for The Ciihoxicm:. Tat Came Night Alarm. "One night my brothor'B baby was taken with Group," writes Mrs. J. O. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We nlwnys keep it in tlio house to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 50c und $1.00. Trial bottlee free at G. C. lllakeloy's drug store. i) Hon- to Cure tJroup. Mr. 11. Gray, who lives near Amount, Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber lain's Cough' Remedy is thu beat medi cine I have ever used. It is a tine children's remedy for croup and never f.iila to cure." When given as soon us the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough lias devoloped, it will prevent the attack. Thie should be bn'iie in mind and a bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready for inBtant use as soon as these symptoms appear, For sale by lllakeloy, the druggist. The stomach controls the situation Those who are hearty and strong are those who can eat and digest plenty of food. Kodol Dyspepsia Curo digests what you eat and allows you to eat all the good food yon want. If you suffer from indigestion, heartburn, belching or any other stomach trouble, this prepara tion can't help but do von good. The most eensative stomachs can take it. Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. Prof. Ivi6on, of Lonacomitig, Md suffered terribly from neuralgia of the stomach and indigestion for thirteen years and after the doctors failed to cure him they fed him on morphine. A, friend advised the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and after taking a few bottles of it he says, "It has cured me entirely. I can't sayltoo much for Kodol Dyspepsia Cure." It digests what you eat. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. BOTTLED SUNSHINE. A boon to the sick and afllicted 111 the form of magnetic shields. Kheumatism paralysis, consumption, corpulency all of the ills the human Iteah is heir to, treated by simple application of tiie shields. No disease can exist when magnetism in sufficient quantity is ap plied. The sick and alllicted are invited to call at room 44, Chapman block, The Dalles, Oregon, and learn how to gain health and keep it when once well. fb2a-lmd Tlio lieu Planter. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Halm and bound to the aflected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side ori chest, give it it trial and fyou are certuin to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One application gives re lief. For sale by Ulakeley, the druggist. Hliu IJiilu'l Wear it .Mask. But her beauty wae completely hidden by sores, blotches and pimpled till she used Iiucklen's Arnica Salve. Then they vanished as will all Eruptions, Fever .Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Carbuncles and Felons from its use. Infallible for! Cuts Corns, Burns, Scalds and Piles. Cure guaranteed. 25c at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. Counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve are liable to cause blood poitoning. Leave them alone. The original has the name DeWitt's upon the box and wrap per. It is a harmless and healing salve for skin diseases. Unequalled for piles. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. The lingering cough following grippe calls for One Minute Cough Cure. For all throat and lung troubles this is the only harmless remedy that gives im mediate results. Prevents consumption. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharuiacv. Their promptness und their pleasant effects make DeWitt'e. Ltttlo Early Itlsere most popular little pills wherever they are known. They are simply per fect for liver and bowel troubles. Clarke & Falk's P. O., Pharmacy. Lost, Out of my wagon, between Mill creek bridge and my stone yard, on Second street, a stone cutter's hammer. 1 will pay a reasonable reward for its return. ino-Dt Louih Comim. FOR SALE. Twenty well-broke marea and geldings, weight from HiOO to 1050 pounds. In quire of Fjikii I'isiikii, fliJ-lmw The Dalles. When youare bilious, use those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers to cleanee thu liver und bowels. They never gripe. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Experience ia the beat Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any caeo of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fall -to give limuiodlate relief money refunded 25 cts. and 50 eta. Blakoloy, the drug gist. Complete Cipe of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transaot a Gonoral Banking Business Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange anil Telegraphic Transfers Bold on Now York, Chicago, St. 1iuis, San I raucipco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oretron and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Ml Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFAUTUKKKS OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIF.D BEEF. ETC. E E D The most complete stock of Garden, Grass, Field and Vegetable Seeds in bulk in the Inland Em pi re at the Feed. Seed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS, THE DALLES, OR. E E E E D SEEDS Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Naturo Id strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. Ib Is the latestdiscovcreddigesb tint and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in elllcicncy. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. FrlceSOcandtl. Largo size contains 2W times small slto. ilook all about dyspepsia matledtree Prepared by E C DC WITT CO.. Cblcaga Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Spring Suitings The time will soon be horn when every stylish' dtessed man will want an up-to-date Spring Suit. Those are thu kind of patrons 1 am tailoring for. Come in and look over my Spring line of Suitings. All the latest novelties for 1U01. Suits to Order, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. ONE FOR A DOSE. pills n.raira Plmpl... Pr.Tent llllioiuue.., I'urlfr tlinilloocl, UurilUcliulljr.p.pii,4. SbJm592E A movt ni.ut f tha how.U etch d 1 Burv Kl i i . "PIP"' ft. or lull but lot Wo beldbrUnnwuu OR. UQSMnb CO PhUt. f i ut,in,u M-liiiluti!, M'liiiliilu without I Str. rtoBtilator Ship your Freight via I DOWN. nr. B, l.v. Dalles M Ht 7 A. M. k Tiiosilay E, TIlUIMlll .... M Srttuiilny. . . k Arr. I'cirtliiml C, at l'. M. l,v. l'ortliiiul ut, 7 A. M. . ... Monday . Wi-ilnc.Mly Ar, Mi! Regulator Line, a r v. m. , ' FOR OOMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Htciunorn nt tliu Kwilntor Mm rnns thu host nervlco iiosslhlu. ii.. .n i nnu,. M..t-.utr.1-.r itiwtL- U. , HiuiniKi iim.V ui,i'ivi'. '"vni J. E. FALT & CO., X propriotors commercial Sample faoms. Purest Liquors for Family Use Dolivcrod to tiny part of the Oit'. Ho8 Long Distance. 173 Second Street. 5 1 Crandall & Barget DEALERS IN "- RobeS, All kinds of undertake, jl Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers gte. The Dallos, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot p 11 kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, EttrKk Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr Th'9 K1""r 18 '"tti'wfuettirutl expressly for family , , , bo : evorv Rank Ih Kimrunteoil to kivo BittiBfoction. Wd Bull Ollr unoiln lnuritr limn mm ),,,, u. ;n n... .1 : .,....w u ,,, , : r- "j in mo wMiiu, uiiii ii yuu uuu t niiii call anil uot cur pricea and bo convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE EDMUND S., Mnv f-ll ill lion A iti 1. ,A. 1. :..!. i 1 .. i 1.1 t lXf poundn. Sirod by Zombro, 2:11, tho bust son of iNlcKiu noy, 2:11 h. I? ! -1 .1 m ... hinil OiiiLii !i i. Ti l'? I'v lloxwoo.l, Hon of Nutwood. Siicond dam, Iiki Ur, m t h ? . . v MT L,k'lnd'H Abdallah, Bon of Ilaniblt'toi.. ian 10. lliir.l dam, Prunella, by All.a.nbra, Hon of Mainl.ri,... Chluf 1 1. MiSWZSX. &hms& Safe-1 w- my ",tt,,,e' T" For furthur j'HiiliO.dwlino PRTiin Prnnvintor. REGULATOR LINE. mil ik nnRTuvn a mnim kkv nnumwi nl flu. l(r,,Mlhiti,r IJnn will run u .. ti.. . A thu Coiniuiny h'mtvIiiii tliu rlijlit tn i'linuR0'3 tlllttCL-. ,9 "I Str. Dallos City, lilltVK l.v. DllllCN ' lit 7 A. h. I Moniliiy Wriliii'Mliiy,. . KrIUiiy Arr. l'ortliiiul nt i:::u r. m. it. a Ia J'nrtliiiiil ,jj 1 llfhlln,. TlmrMlny J Hiituiilay 3 Arr lalU-J "to i; u.Jj - . Thu Coinimiiy will i-inlnivnr to Klvc lt at h Kor llirlliur lnlormutloii mliln-SH j n. M.I.AWAY. Qnn. Atrt. ---- particularH tou - -'-v, WEAK NERVES. Tlioro 1h not n cuho of nnrvoiiR wi'akncHH In tlio worhj today (no niattiir wlmt tliu cauHo or of bow Iouk Mtaiulini!) tliHt tbu uoo of LINCOLN BEX UAL PILLS itccordinir ; directions, wblob nro almnlo und vory onsy to follow, will ,L,lw('."I"a,,,,"tlv r' Wliv do you ruiniun wouk when LINCOLN SEXUAL PILLS will uiaku you HtromjV Prlcu, 1.00 pur box buy of vour drtiKuiflt or Hoiit by mail on rocolpt of price, in plain wrappor. LINCOLN PROPRIETABY 00 Ft. Wayne, Ind, M. , Donnoll, Auoiit, The DftlloB.