The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 09, 1901, Image 3

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ady for Sprihg Trad
We have just received 20 lines of
for Spring and Summer wear, in Swell mixed
Cassi meres, Tweeds and Worsteds.
Prices from $2.50 to $7.00.
Men's Shirts.
Our new line of Men's Soft Shirts are now being dis
played in our window, prices from 50c to $2.00. Won't
you call and inspect them?
All Goods Marked
In Plain Flitures
The Dalles Daily Chwmiels.
KA'IT!:!) n
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wiim'ci County WHrritiitH ri'cltnri'il
prior to iMtitmnlr I. 1H!7, wlM"'?friKltl
111 ii'iimitHtliiii at my II I i M'J r h 1
i'iiM uftur Niivitiiilmr !J1I, IlltMt,'
County TrtinNiiror.
I'rofttHHur SandvigM regular Saturday
night dance takes place tonight at the
Concert at the Congregational church
next Monday uvtuiin at 8 o'clock. Ad
mission U5 cents. Progrum will be pub
lished Monday.
Thu members of Tim Dalies Library
Association will please not forget that
tlic annual election of officers takes
place tonight tit 7:!10 o'clock at the
library room.
An Indian tirl of tender yearH Hub
morning lull oil", or was jerked oil, Hie
taru at Celilo and sustained a painful
bruise on one of her knees, but wuh not
utliurwiHtt HorioiiHly injured.
1'. Baloh and Johnston Bros. Hold
ami dullvured sixty-one head of yearling
Hti-tirn to Mr. Curtin.of Uockland, Wash.,
the lirnt of March. Th price received
was .$1!) pr head. Dufur Dispatch.
A largo attendance at the play "The
Wife," which will be irivon for the bene
Jit of the football teatn-TuoBday night,
it iiHHurod. Not for u long time have
there been ho innuy tickets Hold in ad
vance ttH have already been Hold for this
Mjr and Mrs. J. W. CoubIiih, cliiff
'liyiHional oilicorH for the Northern Pa
ullic chief tliviHion, will conduct meet
ings all day Sunday ut the Salvation
Army hull. Tlio local corps will con
tinue special meetings for two weekH.
All are cordially invited.
Tim jury in th0 case of John Doe, the
''hiniinian tried yesterday in the re
fii'ilei'H court for keeping mi opium
h un.U i m- riiBort, found the defendant
Kullty uh charged and the recorder seu
iiMiie.l ,, t() u fiue 0f $50 or twenty
"v tlayn in the city jail.
f'lte UtlicH Good Intent were disap
pointed in that they were not able to re
port the amount earned by their "talent
pfimy" at their Martha Washington
Pi'ty. Twenty pennies had been given
0l"itlie earnings from them, reported
t their meeting Wednesday lust, being
"ly a lew cents lens thun 70.
According to tho Sugene Guard the
two Winkle boys, who wore sentenced
yesterday to the state penitentiary for
steal i UK three Backs ot w'ool from the
Wasco warehouse, are old offenders.
The Guard Bays they are well known in
Eugene, where "they were arrested a
number of times for petty larceny and
Stock Incpector A. A. Iionney an
nounces tlmt the cattle of I'. Kimsey, of
Wamic, are afflicted with contagious
ring worm and are therefore quarantined
to tfie Kimsey farm till cured. Ring
worm is not a very dangerous disease,
hut hurts the condition of cattle and
takeB off the hair, giving them a very
miserable and unsightly appeariince.,
"The sixth year of Miss Tyl
whether residing in or out of the state,
shall be taxable in the county or city or
other municipal corporation where the
same may be either to the owners there
of or to tho person or corporation who
shall have charge of or be in possession
of the satno."
lor's km-
dergarten and primary school, at the
First Baptist church, hasopened very
encouragingly. The children are br
coming very much intrreeted in their
spring work. The m in charge of
Miss Georgia Sampson, will be a promi
nent feature of the Work. Pupils taking
The little girl of Mr. Herbrinp, that
fell yesterday some 12 feet to the ground
below, through a big hole in the fence of
Mr. F. W. Wakefield's property, is doing
very well and it is hoped that the child
is not hurt Internally. Mr. Herbring
is very indignant (and what father or
mother, who loves his child, would not
feel likewise) that the city authorities
allow such dangerous places to exist on
a public street, where a child may be
killed in an inEtnnt. We have heard
numerous complaints latelv in this
Foar persons were seriously burned
and eleven others narrowly eecaped
Jeeriotis injury Ly the explosion of a large
mitted to the first half of the second
year's work in tle public schools of the
the course with Miss Taylor are ad- peoiine lamp in the uining-room ol the
uiotei uonax, wnue dinner was being
lleerved, at (j o'clock in the evening, says
a uippaicn uaieu mei eauesuay. jjoii
aid Ririe, Mrs. Hirie, Mrs. J. M. Grady
and W. O. Fudge, who were sitting at a
table directly under ttio lamp, were
terribly burned. A panic ensued, Wai,
Buroli leaped through a window and
hurt his back, lie was followed by Mrs.
liirie, who wai enveloped in flames.
She fell down a stairway leading to the
basement. The dining-room was a mass
of flames in a few seconds and two
alarms brought the department, which
extinguished the fire.
"The Ashwood Prospector," a weekly
newspaper to bo published at Ashwood,
and devoted to the development of the
Trout Greek mining district, will make
its appearance at an early date. The
initial number will probably be pub
lished on the 'Jod of this month. For
the present the mechanical work of the
paper will be done at the Herald plant,
but as soon as business justifies it, a
complete plant will he put in at Ash
wood. Antelope Herald.
Thu social which took place at the
homo of Mr. ami Mrs. McCoy yesterday
evening was a success financially as well
as socially. A large number of mem
bers and friends of tlie church were in
attendance. After a program, every
number of winch was extremely pleas
ing, a guessing game was engaged, in
which Mrs. Poling won the prize. A
very nice lunch wub served, after which
tin impromptu musical program was
rendered by Mr. Poling, Mrs. Taylor
and Miss Myrtle Michell.
Kalpli and John Winkle wore yester
day afternoun sentenced by Judge Brad
shaw to a year and a half each in the
penitentiary. These are thu young men
from tliu Eugene neighborhood who, a
couple of week a ago, broke into thu
Wasco Warehouse and abstracted three
bales of wool valued at .f I 'JO. On infor
mation filed by District Attorney Mene
fee thu Winkles yesterday concluded to
plead guilty and ask for sentence, They
will bu taken to Salem in the morning.
One of the new assessment laws that
went into oflVtit on its approval by the
governor leads us follows: "All goods,
wares and merchandise kept for sale in
this state, all stock employed in any of
thu muclianical arts, and all capital ami
machinery employed in any branch of
manufactures or other business within
the states, owned by u corporation in or
out of this state, or by 'any pereou,
A littie over a week aifo a man well
tpast middle life, well togged up in u
urand new suit of clothes, and well
nellowed with mountain dew, applied
o County Clerk Lake for a license to
oni tn i t matrimony. He gave his name
is Jlobert C. Divine, and that of his
proposed bride as Etta Diingan. Divine
claimed to hall from Yakima count),
Wash., while his bride was represented
to he a resident ot the Heppuer country.
Nobody here knew either of the parties,
but as they were unquestionably old
enough, by many years, to bo entitled to
marry, Divine got his license, Nothing
was heard of the allair till this morning,
when Mr. Luke got an otlicial envelope
post marked Wilcox, Wash., containing
the license just as Mr. Lake delivered it
to Divine. It would appear tnat there
has been some kind of blip between the
matrimonial cup and the Divine lip.
Found A postollice key. Owner can
find it at this oillce.
Kirly Hose seed potatoes for sale at
the Stadelmaii Comm. Co. ino-1 tn
Found Two keys on ring. Owner
can have same by applying at this
otiice. m7!it
Wanted-- Experienced waitresses;
good wages to right parties. Apply at
this office. iu8dMl
Elks aie requested to be present at
the meeting Saturday night. Business
ol importance; also Initiation. L't
The UMial services will bo held at St.
Peter's Catholic church tomorrow.
Zlon Lutheran church, Seventh and
Union BtreHft ServiceB at II a. m. and
7:30 p. m; Sunday school 12:15 p. mj
German service at 2 :30 In the afternoon ;
Lutheran League meeting ftillO p. m,
Calvary Baptist church Kev. W. B.
Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11
a. in. and 7:30 p. m, in the new church
on Union street. Sunday school at 10
a. m.; B. Y. P. U. at 0:30 p. rn. Hev.
K. G. H. Varney, of Portland, will oc
cupy the pulpit tomorrow.
Congregational church corner Fifth
and Court streets. Hev. I). V. Poling,
pastor. Services at regular hours. Morn-
ingsubject, "SomeThings About Faith."
In the morning Messrs. Landers, Daven
port and Poling will sing a trio. Sub
ject for evening, "A Young Man's Ideal
Young Woman." At this service Mr.
Grenville Goddard will sing "The Great
Heavenly Choir." Young people's
meeting as usual at 0:30 p. tn.
Methodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth and Washington, Hev. Ulysses
F. Hawk pastor. Service At the usual
hours of worship. In the evening the
pastor will preach on "What to Believe
About Christianity." This is the last
of the "Faith Made Easv" series of ser
mons. Good congregations have been
present at all the services and especial
interest has been manifested. No doubt
a large congregation will listen to the
last sermon In the series, Hev. E. C.
Parker, of Portland, will arrive here this
evening and assist in the singing tomor
row. He will also conduct the singing
of the special meetings, which will be
gin Sunday evening. The public is cor
dially invited to be at the meetings next
week and to enjoy the song service,
which will be a special feature of each
meeting. The musical program for to
morrow is as follows:
I'rc'nde Kellgioso
Anthem 'Onwtird Christian Soldiers" . . .
OH'ertnry Cavatlnn niuck
l'ostlude lank-
Prelude Theme in A Archer
Anthem "As the Hart l'nneth After the
water Broofc
Oflertiiry Chnnt du Merger Merkel
1'ofctlude lirhtnn
I Bicycles
- Bicycles
Our new etock received.
Largest lot of wheels ever brought to this city.
Call and see them.
F- S. GUWilflG,
..Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Accnt for Russell ,V: Co.' Engines, Threshers and Saw Mills.
Telephone 157.
Long Distance 1073.
Cor, Second & LangMin Sts THE DALLES, OR,
Of the product of tfiis well-known brewery the Uniteil States Health
Reports for June 28, 1900, says: "A more supeiior brew never entered
the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of
the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with
the cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
Twentieth Centurv Whist Club. v..
ut- 1 if t t ..... 1 1 . : jLFi
;ur. aim Hire, uuaieitier ciiaiuiiug en
tertained the Twentieth.Century whist
jclub Thursday evening Seven tables
were arranged. After two hours spent
tat the tables, Mr. T. Seufert and Mre.
"A S Ronnntt. namnf nfT vintnrinlla aflar
. . . . . .
men a very tempting luncn was serveu.
The guests of tne evening were : Miss
.ord, of Ohio, Mr and Mrs Ernst Lued
emann, Dr arid Mrs Geisendorffer, Mr
md Mrs EdFrench, Mr and Mrs E C
ease, Mr and Mrs Tho3 Hudson, Dr
nd Mrs Hugh Lean, Mr and Mrs H S
iVilson, Mr and Mrs A S Bennett, Mr
nd Mrs Judd Fish, Mr and Mrs T J
On Saturday last Charles Hix, tho
second son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hix
of Kingsley, fell into the fire in an open
fireplace and was so severely burned
about the face, side and back that his
life is despaired of. The lad, who is
about 15 years of age, and was just re
covering from the measles, was alone in
the room, and it is evident that while
sitting before the fire he fainted and fell
into the burning fire, lying there until
his mother and older brother, attracted
by the odor of burning cloth, entered
the room and was horrified by the aigiit
which met their ga.o. Dr. Dodds, who
fortunately happened to be in thu neigh
borhood, wub soon at his bedside and did
all that medical skill could do to allevi
ate his agonizing pain. At last accounts
the patient was resting easier and slight
hopes of his recovery are entertained.
Dufur Dispatch.
"for sale.
A half interest in the best paying fish,
fruit and Poultry business in town, i
Good reason for selling. Address P. O.
Box 1557. niD-tf
Ladies and Gentlemen : We guaran
tee to restore gray hair to its natural
color, stop the hair from tailing out, cure
dandruir and make hair grow where
baldness haB been for years. Don't fail
to see us at room lid, next door to the
photograph gallery, Chapman block,
Tlif Dalles. m8-4t
For iulants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Sltfuature of
C. U. STUBblG,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Bank.
Condon Plume 'I'M,
I.imi; lUt. IO01.
ti ylirT.T.t-rrvtV.T-r.t
r. i v l y.i i'y i.y i yj tx y tr lYlvi iftYlY Cr.gti;
The Great Northern Furniture Company wish to announce that after the
return of their buyer, who has been contracting with the largest Eastern manu
facturer, they will have succeeded in securing the greatest line of
Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, &c,
which lias ever been shown in thu history of The Dalles. It has been the aim and
desire of this most popular firm to introduce their immense stock at the first op
portunity. The time has come. We are now ready to prove our assertions. Call
and lie convinced. Wo wish to c.tll particular attention to our great line of
A iilanco at this immense assortment will soon convince you that our buyer under
stands his business.
Great Northern Furniture Co.,
Second Street, opposite Obarr House.
Willi every dollar's worth of goods purchased at my store for the next Sixty
Days, 1 will givo one chance on the following prizes:
1 First p;i.e 1 Gent's Gold Watch and Chain
2 Second prize I Ladies' Gold Watch and Chain
: Tliird mize : 1 Sniokinc Set
I I'ourth prize I Silver liutter Disli and Butter Knife
5-Fifth prize 1 set Silver ICulvtu and Forks
In addition to giving awav these prizes I will sell goods as low na tho lowest,
and guarantee my goods to be frcitii. Give mu u trial.
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets, One little
Tablet will give immediate relief ur
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 'Jo cts. Blakeley the druggist.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your ft ver for them.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
' I'atton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years, Clark A
Falk, agents. ml
Nuhiiul Wuiituri.
A teacher wants a school in Oregon or
Washington, Address, J, A. Haylock,
The Dalles, Or. (L'5-2iw
Hulling young man can make 00 per
mouth and expenses. IVriimnen.1 posi
tion Experience nunt't'eBtiAry, Writ
ij.i e. for particulars, Clark & Co,,
Finn th and Locust Streets, Philatlel
hpit, Pa, sS.ti
P tint your house with paints that are
fnlli tiuarauteed to last. Clarke & Falk
luvu them.