The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 09, 1901, Image 1

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    I) e D n II co
NO. 58
Hclcnn, Mont., Selected as the Next
Place of Meeting Officers Elected.
Pksm.ktos, March 8. Yesterday was
tins third and last dny of the Paclflc
Northwest Wooljrrowera' convention.
Helena, Mont., waa selected as the next
place of meeting, the date to he Febru
ary, instead of March, ae heretofore. V.
C. Towers, ex-United States senator
from Montana, was elected president,
lloth Helena and Mr. Powers leceived
unanimous votes. .1. W. Ilailey was re
elected secretary. Mr. Bailey was also
chosen treasurer, and for the two offices
a salary of $500 a year waa voted. The
baeisof representation 'vas changed from
one delegate for each 50,000 sheep in a
county to one for each 5000. This change
was made in accordance with the recom
mendation of the committee on revision
of thu constitution and by-laws, who
were Secretary Uailey, of 'Portland ; J.
N. Williamson, of Piinevillc, Or.; F. M.
Malone, of Helena, Mont.; Robert
Aiken, of Caldwell, Idaho, and b. IJ.
Calderhead, of Walla Walla.
J. .V. Williamson read the report of
the committee on resolutions, which was
adopted unanimously. It was in the
main a strong paper on the subject of
the damage inflicted upon woolgrowers
by manufacturers who sell shoddy goods
as woolens, and the substitution of
cotton for wool. The convention goes on
record demanding congressional action
compelling manufacturers (to stamp
plainly all goods made partly of shoddy
or cotton, with a view of preventing
what sheepmen assert is ruining their
business and deceiving the public.
! Thin Correct?
A stoma , March S. Philip McDon
ough,of UrookGeld, a well-known fisher
man, states an alleged new fact regard
ing the propagation of salmon. He says
he has learned that chinook ealmon de
poske their spawn nlong the seashore,
between the mouth of the Columbia
river and Willaga harbor, and that many
fish are hatched in thin manner. Here
tofore It has generally been conceded by
students of the habits of the salmon that
the fish spawned only at the natural
vm,u ,i;r,;inn,'iiiiiiiii.ti:'iiii ?
t iiTiira.niiTint..ii!iTai
AVegdable Pr eparalionrorAs
siuulaliug llwFoodandHegula
ting flic Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes DigcslionChcerfuI
ness andReslContains neillier
Opium.Morpliine norIiucraL
inJuH Sen'
1lx.Su '
Srnl t
Hi CrtotuU,SU0
Apeifecl Remedy TorConslipa
Hon , Sour Stotnach.Diarrlwca
onus .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
" in, itlitt.n i.itiUt, (TTln iHTii iltiiiiitm.H.ii; i, l-i
sp awning waters in tho Columbia and it
tributaries. Mr. Donough expresses
the opinion that tho salmon which
spown along the seashore are frightened
from the river by fishing gear, and, fear
ful of entering the river, arc overtaken
by nature and compelled todeposit their
spawn at the edge of the ocean. The
spawn is covered up with sand and soft
mini. Hsh thus hatched do not enter
the river to spawn, Mr. McDonough be
lieves, but return to the same spawning
Kitchener (Irani an ArnilKttce to Ilotha.
LnuiiKKco M.miquks, March 8. Gener
al Kitchener has granted General Botha
a seven days armistice to enable him to
confer with other generals.
London, March 8. A special dispatch
from Pretoria d ited today (Friday), saja
General Kitchener and General Botha
had a lengthy conference on Gun Hill
this morning. General Botha was alone,
and General Kitchener was accompanied
by his secretary.
London, March 8. A dispatch from
Pretoria, dated Tuesday, March 5th,
evidently held up by the censor, has
just reached here. It says General
Kitchener met General Botha and other
Boer leaders at Middleburg, February
L'7th, when the question of the possi
bility of the termination of hostilities
was discussed.
Another dispatch from Pretoria, dated
Wednesday, March Gth, says the meet
ing between General Kitchener and
General Botha has awakened deep
interest, and that there are favorable
expectations as to the probable outcome.
According to the Sun, the surrender
of General Botha would have been an
accomplished fact before novhad Gener
al Kitchener been in a position to con
clude the terms to surrender. When the
surrender occurs, the Sun adds, it will
include the surrender or entire sup
pression of General Dewet, and will in
volve the termination of the war.
Like Oliver Twist, children ask for
more when given One Minute Cough
Cure. Mothers endorse it highly for
croup. It quickly cures all coughs and
colds and every throat and lung trouble.
It is a specific for grippe and asthma and
has long been a well known remedy for
whooping cough. Clarke & Fulk'e
I. O. Pharmacv.
Ladies' black dress skirts $2.25, $2.48,
$2.1)!), $3 9S, $1 Biid $1.50 at The New
York Cash Store.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
Bears the yf. t
Signature JjXk
Scenes in House of Commons Discussed
Campbell-Uanncrman and John
Redmond State Their Views.
New Yohk', March 8. Sir Henry
Campbell-Banuerman, liberal lealer in
the house of commons, and John Red
mond, tho leader of the Irish party, dis
cussed the recent scenes in tho house in
special cabled dispatches to the Journal
and Advertiser.
The liberal leader said :
"Many circumstances of our life and
condition of society rest upon physical
force, which iea rather humiliating fact.
The rules of the house of commons, which
usually work so quietly, equally rest
for ultimate authority on force. It seems
to me that the display of force the other
night was repulsive to the feeling of
everyone of us, and certain not to add to
the dignity and credit of the house.
"The introduction into the house of a
body of police struck a heavy blow at
our dignity. Legal, not physical force,
should be employed in future, and mem
bers would then obey without a murmur.
Their ideas of their independence would
then be vindicated. By suspending mem
bers for the whole session, the govern
ment practically disfranchises their con
Mr. Redmond says:
"The enactment of a penal provision
such aB suspending members in what
professee to be a tree assembly, is a hate
ful, degrading proceeding. In conse
quence of the mrried application of
closure on Tueeday night there was a
natural ebullition of feeling on the part
of Irishmen. I give my unqualified and
absolute denial that it was premediated.
"The whole moral responsibility for
what occurred rests on Balfour. No gov
eminent ever gaiued by parliamentary
sharp practice. Suh attempts recoil on
those who use them. Year by yoar par
liament has been lowered and degraded.
"Uniformity in robbing Ireland of Iter
parliament having compelled us to come
across the water to an England parlia
ment, it is some consolation to Irishmen
that' the price to be paid is so high and
bitter a one."
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday.
Don't 'cruet this.
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
For sale Good hammorless shot gun.
Inquire at Robert Teague'a grocery
store. m l lit
A full line of ladies' black dress skirts
just arrived at Tho New York Cash
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arke
& Falk.
Girl wanted to do general house work
in family of three. No children. Ap
ply at this office, mcli5.Iw
A suite of rooms, with board, for rent.
Inquiro of Mrs. Agnew, Fourth and
Union Btreets. ml-lwk
Clarke & Falk iiaye received u carload
of the celebrated James E. Puttou
strictly puro liquid paints
Quality and not quantity makes De
Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable
little liver pills. Clarke ft Fulk'e P. O.
For sprains, swellings and lameness
there is nothing so good as Chumborlain'a
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
Don't you know that Cocoanut Cream
Hair Tonio will save your and your
children's hair? You can get It for 50
and 75 cents a bottle at Frazur'a barber
shop, sole agent. tf
Ladles: Don't look old at -10. See us,
where instructions aro given showing
how to acquire und enchant gu and
wrinkles into youth and beauty. Room
3(, next door to photograph gallery,
Chapman block. mS-it
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back, 25cts, audSOcts. Hlakeley,
the druggist,
$ $H$
We offer to our
on the following Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines,
Mandolins, Guitars, Violins and Banjos:
Pianos, worth $325.00, now -
Organs, worth $90.00, now -
Library Cabinet Sewing Machines,
Guitars, worth $35.00, now -
Mandolins, worth $30.00, now -
Violins, worth $25, now
Banjos, worth $32, now -
A Deep Mystery.
It is a mystery why women endure
Backache, Headache, Nervousness
Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and
Dizzy Spells when thousands have proved
that Electric Bitters will quickly cure
such troubles. "I Buffered for years with
kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe
Cherley, of Peterson, la., "and a lame
back pained me so I could not dress my
self, but Electric Bitters wholly cured
me, und, although 73 years old, I now
am able to do all my housework." It
overcomes Constipation, improves Ap
petite, gives perfect health. Only 50c
at G. 0. Blakoley's drug store. 3
You will not have boils if von i , i
Clarke A Falk'd sure cure tor boils.
Administrator's Notice.
In tlic County Court of thu Statu of Oregon for
tho County of Wasco.
In tho in tit tor of tho estate of Emma Mity Crom
well, deceased;
Notico Is hereby given that tho undersigned
has been appointed by tho County Court of
Wusco County, of tho Stute of Oregon, tho tut
mlulstrutor of tho estate o( Emma Slay Crom
well, deceased.
All persona having claims against suld estate
aiu hereby required to prexeut tho sumo to inu,
property milled, as by law required, at Klrtt
and Taylor streets, at my lacu of business,
within six innnthh from tho date hereof, at
Cortland. Oregon.
Dated 7tli day of February, A. D l'JOl.
Administrator of tho estate of Emma May
Cromwell, deceased.
J. A, Htmwbridge, Jr.. attorney for admlnls
trator, No. 207, Commercial block, I'ortlaud,
Oregon, febu ineh'
I'ebtuury is, wot.
Notice Is hereby given that thu following,
mimed settler lias HUM notice ot Ids Intention
In make Una! proot In uippon ot Ids claim, and
tliHt said proof will bo made before W. II. pies
by, U.H. commissioner for Dlstilet of Washing
ton, at tloldeudule, Wash,, on Wednesday,
April ;i, l.toi, U.:
Irrlntf II. Harlot,',
of I. vie P. (),, Washington, who made II, K, No.
Ulttl, for tho NEJ of ecu '.'7, la Tp II N, It 12 K
W. M.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon und cultivation
of said land, viz.;
Jesse j. Holder and Vernon T. Illutdutw, each
of (loldemtalu I', (,, Wash,, lames (), l.ylo mid
Ira II, llcwctt, each of l.ylo I', O,, Washington,
f.H) W, It,, Register.
$H&$$$HH$ 4hQh0H&$4hGh$; $-&i(MMk V
Customers for THIS WEEK ONLY
Special Sale
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County:
Hugh Utgau, lialntllf,
Anna 1. Newman, Defendant.
lly virtue of nn execution, decreo and order of
sale, duly Issued out of and und r the seal of
tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of iisco, to me directed and dated tho
21st day of February, l'JOl, upon u decree for the
foreclosure of a certain mortgage, and judgment
rendered and entered lu suid court on the l'Jth
day of February, l'JOl, In tho above entitled
cause, In favor of tho plaintltl'and against the
defendant, Anna L. Newman, as Judgment
debtor In the sum of three thousand and twenty
live dollars (f.:,0J5), with Interest thereon from
the l'Jth day of February, l'JJl, at tho rate of
eight iter cent per annum; and tho fuithersum
of fifteen mid lifly ono-hundredths dollars
(f 15.50) costs, and the costs of and upon this
writ, und commanding nie to make, sale of the
real property embraced lu such decree of fore
closure and hereinafter described, I will, on the
'.'Mb. day of March, l'KM, at the hour of ' o'clock
lu tho afternoon of said day, and at the front
door of tho county court house in Dulles City,
Wasco County, Oregon, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the
right, title and interest which the defendant,
Anna I.. New man, had on tho tird day of Novem
ber, lsS7, the date of the mortgage foreclosed
herein, or which such defendant heroin has
since acquired, or now has, lu and to ttie follow
ing described real property, situate and being lu
Wasco County, Oregon, to wit;
Commencing at the northeast corner of block
"l" m Truvltt's Addition to Dalles City, on the
south lino of Fourth street, running thenco,
westerly u'oog and parallel with said Fourth
street, the distance of titty (50) feet: theuce
soimicny to utoaney, anisiuuie oi one nuiuireu
(100) feet; thenco easterly along the north line
of said alley the distaticeof titty (50) feet; theuce
northerly along tho west side of Union street
one hundred (100) feet to tho place of beginning:
and being and lying lu ttiat certain truct or
parcel of laud purchased by Dalles Cltv from
tho I'mted .Stutes of America, bclug a part of tho
northwest quarter of section No. three (!!) lu
township one (1) north of range thliteeu (i:ti
cast of Willamette meridian, in Wasco Comity
Oregon; or so much of said property as will sat
isfy said judgment and decree, with costs and
accruing costs.
Haid property will bo sold subject to continua
tion and redemption as by law provided,
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this '.'1st day of
Febiuary, l'JOl.
Ib'.M Sheriff Wusco County, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given th it tho undersigned
has tiled, with the clerk of the county court of
the Stale of Oregon for Wasco county, his Until
account as executor of tho last will and testa
ment of MaryJ. lleeley, deceased, and said
county court lias, by an order made on tho 5th
day of March, l'JOl, llxcil thu Mh day of April,
Hull, at thu hourol .' n clock ji, m,, us the time
uud the county court room of suld county, lu
Dulles City, Oregon. as tho pluco for the hearing
of objections to suld final account.
ml) . ti. HUNTINGTON, Executor.
$85, now
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to an ex
ecution issued out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the 21t
day of February, l'JOl, in a suit therein pending
wherein William Flout is plaintilfand William
F, Helm and Klizabeth M. Helm and E. W. Helm
are defendants, to me directed, 1 will, on Satur
day, the UJd day of March, l'JOl, at the hour of ;
o'clock p. m., at the court house door in Dalles
City. Oregon, sell at public sale to the highest
i ii incr tor casn in nana, au oi tno touowing ae
1 scribed reil property situated in said Wasco
I County, to-wit: Lots 1 and ! and the southeast
I quurter of the northeast quarter of section 1,
i township 3 south, range it east, and the south
I east quurter and the southeast quarter of tho
j northeast quarter of section 3J,tow'iishIp2 south,
1 .JUire II cast. W. M.. to satisfy a certain linlsr-
incut rendered lu said court und cause on said
21st duy of February, l'JOl, for the sum of $1736.37
and interest at ten per cent per annum, and
fXH) attorney's fees, and 115 costs aqd disburse
ments, and t'0.15 and iuterest at six per cent
per aunum and $041.08 und Iuterest at ten per
ceut per annum uud accruing costs,
fb23-3t Sherlll'of WascoCounty.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County.
In tho matter of tho estate of Emma Mav Crom
well, deceased:
To Frederick M. Cromwell, Edith May Crom
well, Helen Cromwell and Merritt F. Crom
well, Greeting:
In the numoof the State of Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby cited und required to ap
pear In the County Court of the State of Oregon
for Wasco County, at the March term of said
court, at the com t room (.hereof, ut Dalles City,
in said county, on Monday, the 28th day ot
March, l'JOl, at 2 o clock lu the afternoon of said
day, then und there to show cause, If any exist,
why an ordvt of sale should not be made direct
ing F, Dayton, the administrator of the estate
of Emma .May Cromwell, deceased, to sell tho
leal property described as belonging to said
estate us follows, to wit: Lot seven in the town
of Helmont, Wasco County, Oregon,
Witness tho Hon. tlcorgo U. lllakeley, Judge of
the said county court, with the seal ot said court
alllxcd, this 25th day of February, 1'JUl.
sKAL A. E. LAKE, Clerk.
Twelve head of work horses, plowF,
drill, wit ton and three sets of double
harness, Approved notes taken. Ap
ply to A, C. liwK,
'-' The Dalles.
We have just received a very hand
some line of all wool black dress tkirts.
We shall otter this line at attractive
prices, lie sure and give us a call be
fore making your spring purchase as we
will savn you money, The Now York
Cash Store,