Jw KnockOut Drops " I am a saloon-keeper, and used to think Hint rock and rye, or whiskey and quinine were proper rem- . . .a eilies lor cousnsJ 1 1.1 . Ht0f km 2U1M i'lwfc of my acquaint ances were of the .aiiio opinion. Now 1 know NntiicHiIncrutlenst. ji thousand times better. It is Acker's Knplish Remedy for Coughs and Colds, A 00d while ago I bepan to cough and lounu out -jf then that rocK anil rye ; was no good. I cot worse and I was beginning to think that the trou ble would run into consumption. I didn't take any stock in patent medicines, but fiomchow or other I tried Acker's English Remedy. One bottle did the business for rue knocked that cough out completely and it has never come back again. There is never a day passes that I don't, say a good word about this wonderful medicine. 1 al most forgot to say that I am stronger and fleshier now, since taking the remedy, than 1 was before the cough began. 1 write this letter voluntarily and cheerfully and am glad to do it." (Signed) Chris. Humble, Saloon-keeper, Pocatello, Idaho. c. and $1 a bottle, throughout and Canada; and in ling 3d.. 4s. (kl. Ifyouarenot fter buying, return the bottle to your drubgist, anil get your money back. M'e authorize tlrr nbnve guaranty. JT. U. UOOKEli & CO., JPrviKidtiT), cw 1'uifc For Bale at Blakeley'e Pharmacy. " oldat2pe?T5ii land. aMs. 2d., 2s, SALMAGUNDI. British law has a long arm. The Ot tawa government has made an order that dance halls, gambling houses and those of ill repute at Dawson must close. And there is this to be eaid about Brit ish law; when it says such places shall close there will bu no back-door evasion of the order. Gov. Geer vetoed only one bill, and 'that to keep several, democrats nut of office, about the only charter bill ever vetoed in Oregon. He signed the graft bills right and left, bills that became laws through the trading process, but he couldn't stand this Portland charter bill. Great is Geei in height. Albany Democrat. The Journul insists that the detno--crotp got "gold bricked" when "they voted for Mitchell for U. S. senator. Perhaps, but the peopl all over the state eeetn to be rejoicing, for any kind of a 'change from a putty brick was ac ceptable. As a matter of fact though tbe general sentiment is that Mitchell can do more for Oregon than auy man who could have been elected. According to Otis A. Foole, Japan agent for Allen & Lewis, of Portland, tea can be grown here successfully. Mr. Poole has made a careful study of teas and tea raising, and declares emphatic ally that climatic conditions in the Wil lamette and Kogue river valleys are right for the prosecution of the industry. He urges that it be given a fair trial by farmers, and, a an inducement, has Bent his firm a sack ot tea seed for free -distribution. "Father" Todd is as familiar around popnlibtic counsels as a clucking hen around u barn yard. His farm consiste of a little piece of wooded land on which practically nothing but white clover grown. But he wears old clothes and look his part at least. "Farmer" Todd 'is now chasing another scheme. It i& 'to organize a league of 5093 former pop ulists and "control the state." In the same breath with this announcement omea another that Todd is opposed to the re-election ot Senator Turner. Evi dently the farmer Grids that hie populist field is the most fertile, and he is pre paring to how his spring crop. Walla -Walla Uuion. There wdb never a man in the office of secretary of state of the state of Oregon who looked after the dimes and dollars of the treasury as closely as is done by Mr. Dunbar, says the Statesman. He is scrupulously economic in expendi tures within his control and scrupulous ly exact in the settleuent of those lie is coin polled to par without tits discretion. His economy is characterized by a good uiauy as patsiuinuious, and it has raised not a few secret enemies for him in va rious departments, but tie seems willing to riek all that. With his own funds he is liberal and puli'ic-jplrited, but with those of the state and its tux payers he does not teel like taking liberties. Tills is said neither in praise nor blame, in flattery or criticism, but ae a statement of fuel gleaned from observation. Ciiininliliiueii' Court l'roue(ilii;. The petition of 8, B. Driver and others to vhc ite part of what is known ae the Wamic hHwmill road was granted. On petition A. Ingles was appointed aupeivii-or of road district No. U. On petition J. L. Blount was appointed puperviNor of road district No, 4. The petition of P. Kinney and others, asking for vacation of part of the Tygh valley and Barlow Gate county road, was laid over till tho May term of court. The resignation of Andrew McCabe, supervisor of road district No. 17, wbb accepted. The petition of T. M. Hadder, of Cascade Locks, for a retail liquor license was granted. The petition of 0. S. Walters and others for location of a county roiul was granted. The following hills were allowed addition to those where the salary fees are provided by law : A Hyne, haulim: $ ! A Lake, lumber I! Davenport Bros .1 K Nickelstii, supplies. E Savage, hill for nails Alex Steward, money for lumber J T Peters, supplies..... Ul 70 Maier & Benton, supplies 5 75 r s Gunning, hiacksmithing Dalles Lumber Co, lumber in or 50 I! 75 57 IS 95 4 50 S 411 CO 85 0 01 J W Moon, work on road 6 00 1 W Blakenev, hauling. . Dr Geieendortter, services pauper 1 50 L'5 00 50 00 0 15 (i 00 2 75 8 00 00 50 83 00 20 00 75 00 2S 14 02 02 25 40 47 fi 00 75 00 05 00 50 L Rorden, groceries J P Melnemy, clothiug pauper C L Phillips, supplies 2 Good Samaritan hospital, care patients 52 Hood Samaritan hospital, care patients 75 .1 W Jackson, attending patients A M Williams (Jo, clothing pauper K Wm Thompson, board pauper.. Dr H Logan, services pauper. . . Irwin-Hodson Co, supplies 157 Glass & Prudhomme, repairin typewriter Glass & Prudhomme, supplies. . C H Crocker, county warrants . Maier & Benton, broom Priii?. & Nitfchke, furniture. . . . S R Kelly, paper hanging 112 S7 H Glenn, supplies Ciihokici.e Pub Co, printing. . . haniko Leader, publishing. . . . Times-Mountaineer, printing. . New York restaurant, meals (i .1 E Adcos & Co, care of clock. . . 12 1 Julian, sawing wood . Ward & Robertson, buggy hire.. 1 L A Porter, team and carriage. . . 4 Mountain Stage Co, team for county 2 I C Nickolsen, stationery 2 Robt Kelly, board prisoners Robt Kelly, expenses sheriffs office Pacific Tel & Tel Co, messages. . J F Watt, med serv paupers 33 00 W A Johnston, supplies 8 75 CL Gilbert, stamp 9 90 Frrnk Lapier, work, sundry per son 110 85 George Ireland, hauling 0 00 V C Young, hauling 0 00 George Harrison, hauling 3 75 D M McFadden. hauling 12 00 SJ Brown, huuling 28 00 N C Evans, R R ticket pauper. . 22 50 W A Johnston, five road scrapers 175 00 Dalles Water Works, water 15 J M Filloon, worq on tax roll ... 07 Mrs Maude Eddon, work on tax roll 72 J M Toomey, board pauper 4 Dr Schroeder, med attendance. .. 10 00 Inman, Paulsen & Co, lumber. . . 13 08 Alex Stewart, cash for freight. .. 30 00 P S Tel Co, rent telephones 19 90 The court adjourned last night to meet again next Thursday. 210 00 24 Tut Chunks Night Alarm. "One night my brother's baby was taken with Croup," writes Mrs. J. C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always Keep it in the house to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and $1.00. Triul bottles free at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. 3 BOTTLED SUNSHINE. A boon to the sick and afflicted in the form of magnetic shields. Rheumatism paralysis, consumption, corpulency all of the ills the human flesh is heir to, treated by simple application of the shields. No disease can exist when inagnetiBtn in sufficient quantity is ap plied. The sick and afflicted are invited to call at room 44, Chapman block, The Dalles, Oregon, and learn how to gain health and keep it when onc well. fb23-lmd Thk CiiKO.Nici.E bus made arrange ments with the publishers of the New York Tribune whereby we are able to offer the Weekly Tribune, which alone is $1 50 a year, and the twtce-a-week Ciironici.u both papers for the price of one, namely $1.50 a year. By the Bame arrangement we can give tho Tri Weekly Tribune and tho twice-a-week CiutoNioi.K five papers a week for ?2. All subscriptions under these oilers pay able in advance. tf r How to euro Croup. Mr. R. Gray, who lives near AmeniH, Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy is the bi'Ht uiedi clue I have ever used. It is a fine children's remedy for croup and never fails to cure." When given as soon us the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has developed, it will prevent the attack. This should be bo-no in mind and a bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready for instant use as Boon as these symptoms appear. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Subscribe for Tub Oumonicmc. VKKSONAI, MENTION, Mr. W,. Lord went to Arlington on tho doon train. F. C. Baker, formerly state printer, is in the city the guest of Ills son-in-law and daughter, Mr. ami Mrs. B. II. Grant. Mr. George Young and Senator J. N. Williamson returned this afternoon from attending, the meeting of the North west Wool-Growers' Association at Pen I'leton. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Krotzor wero pits sengers on the noon train for Sherman county, where Mr. Kretzer goes to look after some well-boring operations he has had going on there. The following is the program of the entertainment to be given tonight by the Indies of tho Congregational church at the residence of Hon. E O. McCoy, and to which all friends of the church ore cordially invited : I'iiiun Duet Mr. Wm. Illrgfulrt, Ocuevievo 1'lt.h Soprano Solo With Newer atrliiRs . . . . . . . Mrs. Wm. Wonclwortli Contralto Solo A Winter's l.ulliiby Mrs. 11. W.Taylor Soprano Solo Ah, I Ilavctiiglicd to Host Me (by ieiuet. . .. MImi Myrtle Mie.hc.ll Uocltntlon selected Mrs Maud Eddon llarltoncSolo-The Pilgrim Fathers. 1). V. l'ollng Soprano Solo Jtel igglo l.uslHtighlcr ..Mrs.. Wm. Wood worth Games of interest have been urrunged for the entertainment of those present. A lunch will also be served. Admission 25 cents. CASTOR I A Por infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of I'layxd Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishnese, Pfniples or Sores are ul! positive eviden ces of impure blood. No mutter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has nevei failed tocure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly u wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug gist. Hustling young man can make $60 per month and expenses. Permanent, posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Writ" quick for particulars. Clark ol Cj., Fourth and Locust Streets, PhilaiJel hpia, Pa, fc8-ti When you are bilious, use those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers to cleanse the liver and bowels. Thev never gripe. Clarke A Folk's P. O. Pharmacy. Spring Suitings The time will soon be here when every stylish dressed man will want an up-to-date Spring Suit. Those are the kind of patrons 1 am tailoring for. Come in and look over my Spring line of Suitings. All the latest novelties for 1901. Suits to Order, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. Jast What You tuant. If? M New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety ae we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion cretun effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a email price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. UBestaurant L. Y. Hong, Prop'r. First-Class in Etfery Respect NKALH AX AUi IIOUK8, Oysters Served in any Style. 87 Second St., The Dalles, Or. Oregon Shot line and union Pacific nsi'Atvr tj m u sciti:i)i'i.i:s .. . n:oM H,u THK HAIXi:S. Acmvi: neoM Portland Salt lJike, Denver, FI. ' Siieolal. I Worth, Omaha, Kan , , . . IJ:"jr. l. tn. . has City, St Louis, Chi t l' via limit- eiigo ami the l.ast. iiigton. Halt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omnha, Katt-sasClty,St.Ij)iils.i:iil-ciiro unit the Mast. Atlantic Kxpress, 1:50 a. m. via Huntington. St. Paul 'Walla Walla, Lewlston. Fast Mall, 1 hiiokane.Walhiett.l'iill. p. in. man, Minneapolis, St. via spo- l'anl, Dnlnth, Milwnn kanc. kee, Chicago mid V.nsl. I:l." a. in, .".:i:0u in, OCEAN AND KIVEE SCHEDULE From I'ortlHiiil. ,s:oo p. in. Dally except Sunday, MHO p. in. Saturday, l():oo p. in. (All sailing dates suli jeet to chaiiKf.) ) For Han Francisco, i Sail every 6 days. Columbia ltlvur. To Astoria anil Way Ijindings. Willamette lllvrr. Dally except Orepin City, NewberK. .Sunday. 1 Salem, Independence, l.HKia. in. HIlll ny..mji,1KS. 1.00 p. in, I. (HI p. in. except Sunday. I:;:0 p. in. except Sunday. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, filUOa. in. Corvallls anil Way Landings. l-::o p. in. Monday, Wcducsdi y ! rl'lav. Tuesday, 'Willamette and Thursday. : Vamlull icivers. Saturday, i()u.Rm, city, Davton and Wediics.iay 7:00 n. in. , WHy-f-anninKs. 1 rlduy. H ,".0 p. in. .Monday, l.cave Klparia dully, 10 a. m. Snake Hirer. Hlparla to l.evititou. Leave 1'ulston daily, S.MIu. in. 1'articn .lestrlnc to iro to lleminer. or points on (.oiuinina souiuem via Juki;, suouiii take No. 'J, leaving The Dulles at 1. :'.'" p. m. inakluK direct connections at Heppucr Junction mid IIIkrs. lteturnlnf; nmkliiKdlrirt connection at Heppner Junction ami HIrrh with iNo. 1. ar riving at The Dalles at 1:0,' p. in. For further particulars, call on or address JAS. JKF.LAND, Awnt, The Dalles, Oregon. Complete of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit issued available In tbe Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portlaud Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points ou fav orable terms. rue coiumuia PacRlno Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKAUTUKEKH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D BEEF, ETC. ( i ( i t ( j i I P POVN. B, Lv Dalles b at 7 A. M. h Tuesday. . . . , p, Thursday .. . M Saturday. . . k' Arr. Portland C, at i;:tor. si. I Str. RoBtilator REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASIORIA NAY. COMPACT' Htcmuer of the Krjrulalcr Line will run n per the to. I.v rr. l'ortl.md at 7 A. M, Monday Wednesday . 1 rlday Arr, Dalles a ft r. m. owiiiR schedule, tho (;omiaiiy scl.eiliilo without notice. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. cscrvlnu tho llchl to (, nintio' Str. Dallon City. DOWN Dalles A. M. Lv at I Mommy .. Wednesday,, Friday , Arr. Portland at r. m. Ia nr. a I'ortinm) at 7 IX) . m. iiiesdny 1 hursdiiy Saturday Air. Dalles at r i: si. 1 FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, S' Travel hy the Steamers ot the ItcKitlator Line. The Conipatiy will endeavor to K,. tts p, J C' ir 1L1 ' uml the hest service posslhlc. I'm further Inlorinntlou address i L' Portland Olllee, Oak-Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY. Gon. Aftt. ,j J. E. FALT & CO., proprietors Commercial Sample tooms. 5 Purest Liquors for Family Use f, Delivered lo any pari of tho Oily. 9 Phones: 51 Loc.nl, S5S LotiK Dimmce. 173 Second Street. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, XSl Pem Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOTl FlmiT ''B 'our 18 manufactured expressly for family wvAA. X iv CIA U)e; every Pack ie pttaranteod to give eatiBfactlon. Wa eell our poods lowor than any hnut-e in the trade, and if you don't tlnnk bo call and set cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE EDMUND S.9 Bay Stallion, 4 years old; height 15:1 hands, weight 1050 pounds. Sired by Zonibro, 2:11, the best son of iWcKin ney, 2:1 U. FirBtdam, HrideHinaid, by Hoxwood, Hon of Nutwood. Sucond dam, Lake land Queen, duiii of Ad Menu 1! L't'.'G. by l.ukelHtid'H Abdullah, Hon of Hatnbletou ian 10. Third dam, Prunella, by Alliatnbra, nun of iSutubrino Chief 11. KDMUNI) fi. will make the neason or HI01 at L. A. Porter'H livery htable, The Dalles, Oregon. Terms for tho Season, $20. For further particulars see janro-dwimo FRED FISHER, Proprietor. Cratidall & Barget DEALliHS IN -. All kinds of undertake, l Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dallos, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. WEAK NERVES. There !h not a case of nervous weaktiens in the 'or'1' today (no matter what the chubh or of how Iouk slumlim!' thut the into of UNOOLN SEXUAL PILI.S according t directions, which are simple and very easy to follow, will lull to permanently cure. Whv do you remain weak when LINCOLN SEXUAL PILLS will make you strong? Prin, $1.00 per box buy of vour druirglst or bent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PR0PBIETABY 00., Ft. Wayne, Ind. M. 'A, Donnell, Agent, Tlie Dalles.