The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 08, 1901, Image 3

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    Concert Nest Monday Night.
Ready for Spring Trade,
We have just received 20 lines of
for Spring and Summer wear, in Swell mixed
Cassi meres, Tweeds and Worsteds.
Prices from $2.50 to $7.00.
Men's Shirts.
Our new line of Men's Soft Shirts are now being dis
played in our window, prices from 50c to $2.00. Won't
you call and inspect them?
Alt Goods Marked
In Plain Fluures
The Dalles Daily Gimmiele.
Fill m v
MARCH 8, 1901
At Andrew Keller's.
All lVeii Comity warritiilt regliitrrr)!
irlnr tn hcittinilr 1. 1K!7, will Ih pitlil
uu rirntittloii lit my oflli'ti. lulurrni
crukrn ufter .ieiillir 2U, 11MIII.
County Treniurur.
liooil wages
Hub ollice.
iou can
)'ou buy
Found A postofflce key. Owner can
And it at this office.
Karly Hose seed potatoes for sale at
the Stadelman Comm. Co. rii5-lm
Found Two keys on ring. Owner
can Imve same by applying at this
Experienced waitresses;
to right parties. Apply at
mS H.ll
save Irom .f'J to o a eint II
Pickwick at A. M. Williams
A; Co. 'a tomorrow. See their window.
Tomorrow 1b the last day. After that
you will pay from $2 to $5 more a suit
lor those displayed in A. M. WiliiauiB &
Uo.'b window at $10.
Tlio sale of seats for "The Wife" in
ulready very large. The play is one
you cannot fail to enjoy. Get your
Heats before they are all sold.
All who are interested in the organi
zillion of a base-ball team are requested
to meet on the old fair (round diamond
next Sunday at I) :'!() o'clock a. m. There
will be balls and bats for aiiy who want
to pluy.
L Fait Si Company havo changed the
Mine of their place of business to the
Owl," and two exceedingly handsome
"Itms with this legend on them were
placed today, one on each side of the
front entrance.
Lidles: Don't look old at -10. See us,
wlarb instructions are given showing
ow to acquire and euchant age and
wrinkles Into youth and beauty. Hoom
"'!. next door to photograph gallery,
Chapman block. w8 4i
The members of the Junior League
have prepared a novel entertainment
"'"l Invite their frienda to attend what
l''ey term a "crazy" social in the base,
"lent of the Methodist church tonight.
Ad'iiUeion 10 cent.
J'A'ery BtOUtlv. limit, man In tmvn
hould illVHIltl
vs.i.nm wit if uiMiia i
tin ..n , .
- e uucrrini i i'i.iiui..b unit, ufr viii
tee to restore gray hair to its natural
color, stop the Hair from falling out, cure
diuidrutr and make hair grow where
baldneeB has been for years. Don't fail
to see us at room ., next door to the
photograph gallery, Chapman block,
The DaUes. m8 4t
KlkB aie requested to be present at
the meeting .Saturday night. Business
of importance; also initiation. 2t
Hayden O'Xeil, who lives on the Can
yon City road next to the Chicken
Springs ranch, has a small bunch of
ewes that have just yielded him a net
increase of 150 per cent. Every ewe in
the bunch, eave one, had twine, and she
had triplets. The weather waH too cold
to pavo them all. The ewee are a cross
of Cotawold and Dorsetshire.
i no regular annual election oiono ui
rector and one clerk for Tile Dalles
school district will be held next .Monday
at the office of the city recorder. The
polls will be open frotn2 to (i o'clock p.
in. At least two candidates aie in the
field for clerk, JohpGavin, tho present
Incumbent, and William Menefee, of
Meuefee Si Parkins. It is hardly likely
there will be any opposition to Dr.
Doane for director. '"n.
As wo go to press the caee of John
Doe, n Chinaman, is being tried in the
recorder's court by a jury of six persons.
The Chinaman is charged with keeping
a resort for the smoking of opium, with
in the limits of Dalles City and contrary
to the ordinance in such case made and
provided. The complaining witness is
Nightwatehinan Like. X, J. Slunott
appears for the Chinaman and IS. S.
Huntington for the city.
Dr. Doano's willingness to again as
sume tho cares and responsibilities of
the school directorship of this district
will give pleasure to a large number oi
tax-payeis, who believe that it is a cane
of the right man for the right place. A
school directorship is too often a thank
less task. It is some compensation,
however,- when effective mid honest en
deavor is appreciated, as it undoubtedly
is in the case of Dr. Doane
Tl'ib community was greatly shocked
this morning to learn of the death of
Mrs. Charles KevB, which took place a
short time after midnight. Only last
Monday the departed lady had the sor
row of seeing her father carried from the
house wherein she died to his last rest
ing place in Odd Fellows' cemetery.
She was then suHering from the com
plaint that curried her oil', pneumonia,
and the grief of parting with the only
parent she ever know (for her mother
died when idie was quite young) doubt
less uggravuled the disease and hastened
her death. Mrs. Keys was about 39
years ol age. Jieeiijea ner Husband sue
leaves a family of seven children. The
between the two halls were opened and
the following program was rendered :
Instrumental duet, MrsStephens and
Miss Sargent; select reading, Mre.
Driver; vocal solo, Mr.H. Hansen; rec
itation, Miss Esther Beck, who respond
ed with "The Little' Torment" in a
happy manner, after vhieh all were in
vited to the banquet tables, where an
hour was spent in relieving the tables of
their burden. Tin? grand chief waa
called and responded with remarks, and
the first eveningspent in the K. of P.
halls by tho TJ. W. and D. of II
was n happy one.
While Mrs. Herbringand her children
were walking (his morning on Fulton
street, in front of the two houBes recent
ly purchased by F. II. Wakefield from
George Joles, a wagon drove up to tho
place and one of the children, a girl of
five years, turned quickly to look at the
wagon and stepping backward at the
same moment fell through a hole in
the fence, a distance of some twelve feet
to the ground below. It waB almost a
miracle that thecdijld was not killed on
lithe spot. fTlie first MrTTlTfTJiTfil new
lot the accident was when she heard the
Jr.... f 1..,.. l.!l.l l.A
uiuitui ui inn uiiiiu un uic lime uiih
struck the ground. It is hoped that no
serious results will follow tho accident,
although nothing certain as to that ran
be known till later on. Meanwhile it is
the duty of the authorities to see that
the hole (two or three holes, in fact) is
cloeed, for, while it forebodes no ill to
grown people, it is assuredly a menace
to the scores of childien that pass that
way. Hetter a stitch in time than a
five thousand dollars damage suit.
Di'iitli (if Mn, Soiihlii I'liluuir,
Died, yesterday afternoon, March 7th,
Bt the residence of her son II. J. Palmer,
of this city, Mrs. Sophia Palmer, aged
i5 years and nearly three months. Mrs.
Palmer has been in feeble health for
many weeks and her death was not un
expected. She was born in Ohio and
after living for a time in Kansas and
Nebraska moved witli her family to
pregou in 188H and settled in Crook
"-"T,.. ...... ..,..1,1., , I,.,, I, .,1 II. I.. .,.,111..
i.wi.uij, iiiiinuiK iii-i iiuiiiii lit i IIIICVIIKJ
and Mitchell till a few niontlia ago when
she followed her hod, who is in the em
ploy of Peaee it Mays, to The Dalles.
Mrs. Palmer leaes five living children,
three sous and two diiughters. These
are A. C. Palmer, of Prineville, editor of
tho Crook County Journal, Win. L.
Palmer, of (leister. Baker county, II. J.
Palmer, of (hlseity, Mrs. G. A. Randolph,
of Portland and Mrs. C. E. Frye, of
Denver, Colorado.
Mrs. Palmer was u genial, warm
hearted and earnest Christian woman
who leaves a boat of frienda among her
neighbor mid acquaiutanccH in Crook
county. She was converted at the age
of lit and has been devoted member of
A concert will be given on Monday
evening, March 11th, at 8 p. tn., at
the Congregational church, by Mre.
Louise Hoyden-Goddard and Mr. Gren
vlllo Goddnrd, assisted by Miss Myrtle
Mtcnull Biid Mr. Poling.
Mrs. Goddard is an elocutionist of
rare merit, a graduate of an Eastern
school of oratory and a teacher of high
repute, bearing the best of testimonials
from cities where she has taught with
tho greatest succese. Mr. Grenville
Goddnrd has been a member of some of
the best opera and concert companies
traveling through America and Europe
He is possessed of a voice of remarkable
power and sweetness, which leaves one
In doubt whether to class it as tenor or
Mr. nud Mrs. Goddard are located for
the present at Hood Iliver, wliere AlrB
Goddard has claeKes in elocution and
physical culture. She is deidrous of ex
tending her work In these lines to this
city and ttie concert to be given on the
evening of March 11th will give the reel
dents of Iho Dalles an opportunity to
see and judge of her work.
The proceeds of this concert will be
divided witli the Congregational church
of this city.
Ilnllen I'ultllc School.
Following is the report for the quar
ter (5 weeks) ending March 1, 1001.
Eait I till Vrtmaru. i
Miss Ctieadlo IB, 'JiuI.'JA 43 I ' 10
Miss Huberts liA, 1U inn SHi -il Xi 33
Latin reel.
MNs Dnuthlt ..1st 2'J 21 21
Miss Klton 2UI 'l. Ii 43
Mlvs Thompson ail iW .'0 4S
.Miss Mrunii 41111 .v.i, j. i ,77
Acatleiim l'ark. I
Mls.i Cooper.. .' Ut 40 4I 371
MlssKllim 2H-HB 411 111 :w!
Mis. Hoohe lli-lli 491 47 41
Miss Hull Still 4 US
Wall School. I
Mis.llal.livln I I
Miss I Klntoul , i 6th,7tli,hthL2.12U9,ia'i
MNsT.'ltllitoiil ( i
Miss Michcll
Miss Hill
Mr. Nell.
. .S Department.
H sliwioc; uu;
Totals !s01747i700' Oi
funeral will take jilace from the house at j the Methodist Episcopal church for the
2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
prici is only good lor one day l"(Zt night Teniae Lodge, A. O. U.
iw (tomorrow) , and afttr (but Nw nud Feru Lodie, p. of II. , had a
uir prici will again prevail . 'hou warming" In K. oi P. hall.
Ldlea and Gentlemen: We guaraul After the bueineni eesiioni the doors
past twenty-live years,
The funeral took place from the house
at tho east end of the old fair ground at
3 o'clock and was conducted by Itev, U,
Number of days of school, 24jJ.
Per cent of attendance on number be
longing, 9L
Holidays, Washington's day in after
J. S. Landeiis,
Dr. Iloaun Will Accent.
To S. L. Brook, Geo. Ruck, E. M. Will
iams, E. C. I'eiiKe, J. W. French, I). M.
French and Others;
Gentlemen: Replying to your open
letter in yesterday's Chronicle, I wish
'sincerely to thank yon for the very kind
expression of your confidence nnd appre
ciation. t Having served this school district as
6ne of its directors fer the past six years,
i had fully expected to retire at this
'time, and should prefer doing so. If,
however, it is the general wisli ot the
tax-payers and voters of the district that
I should continue in office, I am willing
Itolay aBide personal preferences, and, if
(elected, will do my best to serve the
Uistrlct iiB a director for another term.
Respectfully Yours,
O. D. Doane.
Oiit-Ntlon AtiHwereil.
Yes, August Flowerstill has the largest
salo of any medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmothers
never thought of using anything else for
indigestion and biliousness. Doctors
were scarce and they seldom heard of
appendicitis, nervous prostration or
heart failure, etc. They used August
Flower to clean out tho system and stop
fermentation of undigested food, regu
late the action of the liver, stimulate the
nervous nnd organic action of the sys
tem, and that is all they took when feel
ing dull and bad with headaches ami
other aohes. You only need a few doseB
of Green's August Flower, in liquid
form, to make yon satisfied them is
nothing serioiiB the matter with you.
Get Green's prize almanac. Clarke c
Falk's. I
Notice is hereby given that thorn will
ho a meeting of The Dalles, Portland it
Astoria Navigation Company, at the
company's nince in Tho Dalles, on Sat
urday, April 0, 11)01, at '2 o'clock p. m.,
for the purpose of electing seven di
rectors and transacting such other
business as may properly come before
said meeting, Hv order of the president.
The Dalles, Oregon, March 5, 10(11.
lm L. E. CituiVK, Seo'y.
Nlm Itlitii't Wear h Alimk.
Hut her beauty was completely hidden
by sores, blotches and pimples till she
used Iluckleii's Anile Salve. Then
they vanished as will all Eruptions,
Fever Sores, Uoiln, Ulcers, Carbuncles
and Felons from its use, Infallible for
Cuts Corns, (turns, ScaldB and Piles,
Cure guaranteed. LTuiatG, C, Hlakolev'a
drug store. ,'
Why pay f 1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James K.
Patton'e sun proof paints for f 1.60 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Olark &
r'alk, agents. nil
I Bicycles - Bicycles
Our new stock received.
4 Hartfords
Largest lot of wheels ever brought to thU city.
Call and see them.
Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker...
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
ARcnt forltusficll it Co.'s Engines, Threshers nd Saw Mills.
Cor. Seuoiia & LaiMin Sts,, THE DALLES, OR.
Telephone 157.
Long Distance 1073.
.. .GOMJflBm BHEWEfiY..
Of the product of this well-know n brewery the United States Health
Keports for June 28, 1900, says: "A more superior brew never entered
the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of
the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est nnd it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
youhg. Ite use can conscientiously be prescribed by the-physicians with
the cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
C. J. STUBblG,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders wiii receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Bank.
V Condon I'linno '.';!4
S' I." lit nut. 10111
a a -v 'v n -r v , -n a a v v a v a -v
The Great Northern Furniture Company wish to announce that after the
return of their bnver. who has been contracting with the largest Eastern manu
facturer, they will have succeeded in securing the greatest line of
Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, &c,
which has over beeu shown in the history of The Dalles. It has been the aim and
desire of this most popular firm to introduce their immense stock at the first op
portunity. The time has come. We are now ready to prove our assertions. Call
and be convinced. Wo wish to call particular attention to our great line of
A glance at this Immense assortment will soon couvinco you that our buyer under
stands his business.
Great Northern Furniture Co.,
Second Street, opposite Obarr House.
With ovorv dollar's worth of goods purchased at my store for the next Sixty
Days, 1 will give one chance on the following prizes:
-First Plizo 1 Gent's Gold Watch and Chain
li Second prize 1 Lathes Gold Watch aud Chaiu
:i rinnl pi Ize , i MuoKing bet
M Fourth prixo 1 Silver Butter Dish and Hutter Knife
J 5 Fifth prize 1 set Silver Knives aud Forks
In addition to giving awav these prizes 1 will eell goods as low as the lowest,
I I .... ,..,,l . I... f,.,jl, lllv.. ,, IrUl
1111(1 llill 1I1IIUU III UUUO IU UP IICOU. ...w .. .......
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone -i'M. Local, 102.
Notice No. 2
I" ' nil persons indebted to the late firm
uf K. J. Collins it Co, and S. L. llrooks
to call and settle their lucouut or note,
an the caBc may tie, hv the Ut of April;
iith'-rwlce the accounts will he put Into
the nands of our collector.
auusenbu for I'm; Ciihonici.k,