CbrmikU. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1901, NO. 57 el)c Holies NO LONGER FRIENDLY liimland's Ardor Tor the United States Has Cooled Lansdowne is In clined to Snub Us Passes Over Canal Oiicstion As of No Importance. Xiav VoitK, March 7. American ru mors that thn Hrititth foreign office has HiiirL'fBtMl ii hnhiti for drafting n new Isthmian usuinl treaty cannot he con iinnod in London, pu.vb a Tribune die pntch from t lint city. The Knylinl preuH has not ehown any inteiest in tin emiil (iiieetion anil conee qui'iitly Lord Lwiedowtie Iihb conhidcrt-d it eafo to paRH it over as a matter of no importance, and thereby remind the American government that it ought to find out w hat it wants before asking any foreign power to grant a gratuitous cun eesoion in a epirit of neighborly accom modation. Lord Lanedowue is not in an amiable state of mind, as has teen shown by his attack upon Lord WolBeley, hut he is capable of gauging Kuglii-h sentiment correctly on foreigti questions. There was real enthusiasm in Kriglauri in favor of America during the Spanish war, but it has cooled oil. gThiti partly ia because tho American opinion wbb di vided during the ltoer war, but mainly because the imperial movement has re ceived a great impulse from tho loyalty displayed by the colonies and because, also, tne German emperor baa proved a trustworthy and useful ally in heading oil' European intervention. The plain truth ia that German support is consid ered more helpful than American good feeling, hence there is no disposition to make unnecessary concessions tn the United StatoB either on the canal ques tions or the Maybrick case, which has ngaiu been brought up by the prisoner's frienda. lloiiHii Uunliliictnii t,lTxl In. Niav Yoiik, March 7. The Jumel munsion and grounds in Harlem which were occupied by General Washington ae headquarters will come into the pos session of the city aa a public show place ol Revolutionary relics through theaction of the Bourd of Public Improvements. Walter S. Logan appearrd before the bmrd as the representative of the Sons of tho Revolution, anil M. A. Hull ap peared as tho representative of tho Sosicty of Historical Places of Interest. The mansion was built in 1770 by Roger Morris, a colonel in tho British army. General Washington used tho mansion as headquarters during the Binnmer of 1777. Stephen Jumel bought the property in 18S0, and his widow, Mine .luniel, who married Aaron Burr, occupied thu property at the time of her death in 1805. The house is in a fair state of preserva tion. The cost of the property to the city will be $200,000. I Krai Olil-Mchool Uloienirnt. Noirrn Yakima, Wash., March 7. A characteristic young Lochinvar has been diecovered in Yakima county. His name is John S. Tracy, and he has succeeded in carrying away his bride in spite of locks and bars. His steed was the swiftest on the road. Pretty Bertha Versoy mounted tho horse, and at the hour of midnight sped away to a justice of the peace, where the marriage cere mony was performed before her irate parents could reach the rendezvous and interpose legal objections. Since the ceremony has been said the parents are reconciled, and a warm reception awaits the lovers. The con trading parties were considered too young to marry, and parental objec tions were inlerpoted. They secured the license, but the girl was locked behind heavy doors and not permitted even to peep from the ill-lighted window on the face ot her youthful lover. An escape was planned. The fleetest horse in the county was engaged for the occasion. Ar rangements had been made with a justice four miles away to be in waiting as the clock should toll tho hour of mid night. Promptly at the given signal the girl bounded from the window and was caught by her lover, and the steed gal loped away to the city. The wedding was performed in a few seconds and the couple pronounced man and wife as the objectors reached the courtroom. The young man is a farmer boy, and this ia his first love. His bride ia a blushing young girl of 17 summers. Her parents are ready to welcome her home again and forgive the new son-in-law for his rash act in stealing their daughter. Remember that you don't have to be bald j you can keep your hair by using Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. To be had at Frazer'a barber shop. tf PACIFICATION OF PHILIPPINES Most Encouraging Report From Judge Taft Purpose of the President and People of the United States Was Received With Enthusiasm. TTi Tit: crii v"i 7n f. r i i n t u t ui r f ;n u u ; tu i .rn BTwrr rrr ,iin . .i r IfiltiCtiuCt P. IhilTOH TfflfiTiifiwiTi AVcgclable Preparationlbr As similating Uic Food andBeguIa tiitg iheSloinachs andBowels of Promotes DigesliouCheerfur nessandRest.Conlains neither Opiiiiu.Morpliine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic . GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of yx aroUtirSAMUaPtTWat W4i Stut' JU.Smna m oirtiuHmk sum Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa iun , Sour Stomach.Diatrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ncss and Lobs of Sleep. Facsimile Signature oP Jew yohic. MP exact copy or wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Washington, March 6. Secretary of War Root has received a cablegram from Judge Taft, president of the Philippine commission, dated Manila, March 3rd: "Since January 1st, 1128 firearms were captured and 13GS surrendered. Both were due to the co-operation of natives Since November, 5000 bolomen sur rendered in Ilocos, 1000 in Albay and Camarines; G0.O0O residents of Panay hayo taken the oath of allegiance. Offers of attack are now of the rarest occurrence. Delgado, the insurgent leader of Panay, with 350 men and rifles, and Cimon Techon, with 200, in Bulacac. have sur- rendeied. Lacuna, Mascado, Pablo, Sandico and other leaders have made overtures tosurrender, butask immunity from prosecution for alleged complicity in assassination, v. bich was not conceded, and has delayed consummation. The federal party, the avowed and direct outgrowth of the election, has spread with wonderful rapidity in all parts of the archipelago, and is active and urgent in advocacy of peace and presenting the advantages of civil liberty under Ameri can sovereignty. It is being assisted by surrenders in Panay. "The commission haB within the last three weekB organized five provincial governments, Pampanea, Pangasiuan, Tarlac, Bulacan and fiataan. The last two are Tagalog provinces. It attended each provincial capital in a body; was met by prominent people and councillors and personal men of the town, explained the provisions of the general provincial act and special bill for the particular province and invited discussion by natives present of both bills. The con ventions thus held were very satisfactory. Amendments were suggested and con sidered, a special bill enacted and ap pointments followed. The explanation of the purpose of tho president and people of the United Statea to secure jcivil libeity was received with enthuei asm. Anxiety for provincial government is everywhere apparent, and satisfaction with the form adopted is manifest." The Hem flatter. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to the affected parte iB superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side orchest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One application gives re lief. For Bale by Blakeley, the druggist. l.ol, Out of my wagon, between Mill creek bridge and my stone yard, on Second street, a etone cutter's hammer. I will pay a reasonable rewurd for its return. m5-3t Louis Co.mini. FOR SALE. Twenty well-broke mares and geldings, weight from 1300 to 1650 pounds. In quire of Fki:d Fisiiek, f 13-1 m w The Dalles. The lingering cough following grippe calls for One Minn to Cough Cure. For all throat and lung troubles this is the only harmless remedy that gives im mediate results. Prevents consumption, Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Their promptness and their pleasant effects make DeWitt's Ltttle Early Ulcere most popular little pills wherever they are known. They are simply per fect for liver and bowel troubles. Clarke & Falk's V. O. Pharmacy. Experience is the best Teacher, Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded 25 cts, and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug gist. Dyspepsia can bo cured by using Acker'e Dyspepsia1 Tablets, One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley the druggist. A full line of Eastman films and sup. piles juat received by Clarke & Falk. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS. Be in the majorit'. Take advantage of the opportunity. Pickwick Clothing. WE FIT THE HARD-TO-FIT aCSIITEREO TRADE MARK Suits to fit, in every sense of the word, the man who is hard-to-fit; who for in stance, wears a 40 coat and 40-32 trous ers, or a 40 coat and 40-29 trousers with correspondingly short sleeves. Some thirtv suits in this range of sizes (37 to 4G coat), and worth from $12.00 to $10.50. For this week onl' per suit Come while your eizs ia still here. $10 New Spring Line of Pickwick Suits will soon be here. White Goods Dept. Our new Spring lino of White Goods is now ready. Every desirable kind is here. To make this exhibit doubly at tractive, we are selling, this week only: 25c quality cross-barred Nain- VJn sooks at 1 1 U yd 25c qualit' India Linens; this 17 week at 1 1 j yd 2oc quality heavy welt Piques, iQ this week at 0lf yd Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits Very attractive styles for the season of 1901 Now Ready. A. M. WILLIAMS & COMPANY. 20&lOl-50i-jg5 -J0H SHOt-IE ?5-20K0f 3-1--5 3g- 5'H0H0E3jF THIS WEEK OflLiY We offer to our Customers for THIS "WEEK ONL"2 A Special Sale on the following Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Pianos, worth $325.00, now -Organs, worth $90.00, now -Library Cabinet Sewing Machines, $85, now Guitars, worth $35.00, now - Mandolins, worth $30.00, now - - - Violins, worth $25, now Banjos, worth $32, now - $248.50 67.50 47.50 22.00 21.30 $ 15.80 18.00 8 SEE OUR WINDOW. MENEFEE & PARKINS