Sleep for Skin-Tortured Babies And Rest for Tired Mothers In a warm bath with CUTICURA SOAP and a single anointing with CUTICURA, purest of emollients and greatest of skin cures. This is the purest, sweetest, most speedy, permanent, and economical treatment for torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pimply skin and scalp humors, with loss of hair of infants and children, and is sure to succeed when all else fails. complete External and Internal treatment for Every 'Humor S1.25. A3D Cuiii. Colli-., Sole lrop.. Dottos. Albout the Skin, Scalp, 1'KKSONAL MENTION, Attorney W. H. Wileon was a passen ger on the noon train for Spokane, where he goes on legal business. Representative T. H. McGreer, who faas been in the city for the past two or three days, left on the noon train for his home near Antelope. He was ac companied by Ales Kelsay. Lucien Vannod, who for years has been connected with Herr Schott, the famouB singer, was in the city today making arrangements for their concert, which will be given in the Vogt on the 10th. What Walilueton Aliased. He never swung a driver at the tee Poor old Geo rare! !He never beard of Marshal Walderiee Poor ola George 1 There wasn't any Kansas in his day. ' No mighty liners steamed across the seas; Jle never hrarn a centte maiden say: "The line is busy stop your ringing, please!" Poor old George! He never beard of IUll of Uermanee Poor old George! Or tried to make a tropic island free Poor old George! lie never saw a train go like a streak Of lightning through u whirllngclotidof dust; He never cleared a million every week ; Never got within the circle of a trust t Poor olii George ! Chicago Times-Herald. SALMAGUNDI. Always epeak well of the dead, and if you have time you might speak a good word for the living occasionally. Don't gel the notion that in helping the poor you can do more with a "cheer ful word" than you can with a dollar. When the Portland Mitchell-republicans and democrats get through with Gov. Geer he is liable not to have over fifteen teeth. The executors of the Groker estate are to build a $10,000,000 cathedral in 6 an Francisco. That will give employment to a large number of people and is cer tainly a good way to divide up a big state. By means of small boxes, called "grace before meat" boxes put on the table 4or the receipt of coppers as a thank offering for meals the total amoun! collected by the Salvation Army last year in England was 11,000. Here is a prayer, quoted from the chaplain of the Arkansas house of rep resentatives a few days ago: "O Lord, we thank Thee that we are not in the lunatic asylums this morning, nor con idered fit subjects for the came." The Seventh Commandment is the name of the plav written by Rev. Ed ward Davis, well-known in Albany, and recrntly presented in Omaha for the first time. Lei's see, what's the seventh commandment? Yes, the play should be a livn one. Democrat. One of the strangest of the freaks of fortune has come to John A. Bunting, a former freight brakeuian on the Southern Pacific, who has just ordered a f 30,000 private car of the Pullman company. Banting began life ten years ago as the keeper on a railroad water tank on the desert ner Tucson, Arizona. Then he was advanced and finally reached the -position of freight brakeman. He 'loaned a friend $170 and took as col lateral a watch and mortgage oh loity crM of land iu Kern county, California. The friwid did not pay, so Bunting sold the watch and foreclosed on the land. Be struck oil on the latter and ia now a Millionaire. A man in Booth Omaha had some lienbfrger cheese to ship, but the ex' press company would not except it claiming it would penetrate the other merchandise. A friend of the shipper suggested that he pack the cheese in coffin bos, which he did, and delivered it at the depot as a corpse. Pie acconi pnnied it as a relative. The express messenger, native of Erin, occasionally took a contemptuous whiff of the sup posed "stiff." Upon unloading at the destination the messenger asked the shippe: "Who is the fellow in the coffin?" "A brotbnr of mine." "Well yez has one consolation. He's in no trance." J. he UintoNiui.E has made arrange ments with the publishers of the New York Tribune whereby we are able to offer the Weekly Tribune, which alone is $1.50 a year, and the twice-a-week Citito.viCLE both papers for the price of one, namely $1.50 a year. By the same arrangement we can give the Tri Weekly Tribune and the twice-a-week CnnoMCT.E five papers a week for $2 All subscriptions under these offers pay able in advance. tf Hustling young man can make f 60 per month and expenses. Permanen.1 post tion. Experience unnecessary. Writ1" quick for particulars. Clark A Co. Fourth and Locust Streets, Philatlel bpia, Pa, s8-ti' Sheriff's Sale. Notice is hereby given that mutuant to an ex ecution Issued out of thu Circuit Court of the unite of Oregon for Wasco County, on tho'JUt nay oi teoruary, I'jui, in a suit iiii-rvin iwuatng wherein William Flmd is platntllVMiiil William F, Helm and Elizabeth M. Helm and K. W. Helm are defendants, tome directed, J will, on Kutiir day. the 'U1 clav of March. 1901. at the hour of ' o'clock p. m., at the court house door In Dalles City. Oregon, sell at public sale to the hlgnest bi tder for cash in hand, at: of the following de scribed real properly situated in said Was o County, to-wlt: Lots 1 and !2 and the southeast quarter ot tne northeast quarter of section 1 township 3 south, range 11 east, and thu south' east quarter and the southeast quarter of the uortbeast quarter of section a.'!, townships south, range u east, n . ji 10 satisiy a certain judg ment rendered In said court and cause on said 21st day of February, 1901, for the sum of 1730.37 ana interest nc ten per ccut icr annum, and J.DO attorney's fees, and ?I5 costs and disburse ments, and $70.15 and interest at six per cent per annum and ?G11.6S and Interest at ten per cent per annum unu accruing costs, ROJJBKT KKI.l.Y, fttSKit Blierlll'oi Waaco Comity Administrator's Notice. In the County Court of the Shite of Oregon for me louuiy or asco. In the matter of tbe estate of Emma May Crom well, deceased: Notice is hereby el veil that the uiiileralciml has been appointed by the County Court of ii ucu county, oi tne mute or uregon, tne ad ministrator of the estate of Emma May Croin- vreu, ueeeasea. All persons having clulms against said estate are hereby required to present the same to mo, properly verified, as by law required, at First and Taylor streets, at my place of business, within six months from thu date hereof, at Portland. Oregon. Dated 7th day of February, A. I)., 11)01. P. DAYTON. Administrator of the estate of Emma .Muy Cromwell, deceased. J. A. Htrowhridge, Jr., attorney for adminis trator. No. 'JUT. Commercial block. Portland. Oregon. feb!) inch" NOTICE FOB. PUBLICATION. Land Orrice at Va.nccl'vkk. Wash., rcb. iwi Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has Ille4 notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that Mid proof will bo made bcfnro W. II. fresby, Culled Btatei Commissioner fur district of Washington, at his ottiee in (ioldendalc, WasboaHaturday, Aorll 13, tun, viz.: William A. , H. E. No. 10051, for lots 5, 0, 8, t) and 10, section 15, township 2 north, range 15 east, W. M. lie name tbe followlug witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz; Andrew L. Bunnell, (ieorgcL. Bunnell, Alby M. Huaaoll and Mile Mulligan, all ol Outer vllleKO., Washington. inch.1 W. it. PUNUAR. Register. EDS lhe most complete stock sji of Garden, GrasB, Field JEfl and Vegetable Heeds In bulk in tho Inland Em pire at the Feed, Seed and Grocery Store of TUB n a i i ire rD A a a- r-k m m m w a E EDS Spring Suitings The time wilt Boon be here when every stylish dressed man will want an up-to- date Spring Suit. Those are the kind of patrons 1 am tailoring for. Come in and look over my Spring line of Suitings. All the latest novelties for 1001. Suits to Order, $10. OO. John Pashek, The Tailor. Jast What Yoa cuant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Heal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of bouse paintB. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. RrSlltf M. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates please remember that we carry a full line of LOWNEY'S, just opened, fresh from the factory. In plain and fancy boxes for Cbristrras trade, and at prices to suit. Don't forget that we are head quarters for the best on earth." Name LOWNEY settles it. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. MM Besiauiaal L. Y. Hong, Prop'r. pifst-CIass in Every flespect MEALS AT ALT. IlOVltH. Oysters Served in any Style. 87 Second St., The Dalles, Or. . B. HCH1NCK, r resident. JUx A. Voot, Cashier First National Bank. THE DALLES - - -' OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold o new xorx, nan rranciaco anc Port land. DIRBOTOKa. D. P. Tbohfiom. Jmo. B. Bohihux. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Liiaa. U. M. o BALL. PILLS mm. Oregon Shout line and Union Pacific T1MK SUHKDUI.KS VltOM THE DAl.l.KS. Halt Uike, Denver, Kt. Worth, Oimitin, Kim Mindly, St. Iritis, (Jill cngii ami the Knst. alt Uike, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, SI. Louis, Chi cago mid the Kitst. IlSI'AI'.T For. Cliicnfto I'ortliiml Kjiecinl. li:V." v-1. via Hunt ington. Atlantic K.xiircss, rjifio a. m. vIh Huntington. Hi. l'aul I Walla Waillh, Uwlston, Fast Mall, I tiokiine,Valliicc,rilll' !i:'J." li. m. man, MIiuhmiiioIIn, Ht. via ho- l'aul, Dnluth, II 11 wan kimu. kee, Uhlciigo and aurivi: hum l'.Cfi . 111. Iil.'ui. in. i train m OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE Frniu l'ortlaiul. 8:00 p. m. Dully excejit Htinuay, h:im j. in. Hatnrday, io:w n. in. (All sallliifr datcH Mill jeet to chaiiee.) For Ban Fmnrlsco, Sail every ft days. Columbia ICIver. To Astorlii and Way-Ijiiidings. I:ai . in. 1:1X1 n. m. except Hiiniiny. Daily except Hiiiiilny, (':(Xi a. m. Wlllanintte Itlver. ( ( Oregon City, Kewberg, "!!t haieni, lniluiieiulcni'e, Huiidnv TiieMlay, ThurMliiy, Saturday, n:00 a. m. and N iiy-IjuKiliiRs. Corvnllls and Way-Uiudltigs. p. in. .Miimlity, Weiluesilty Friday. TucMlay, AVIllHiimttu ami 1 :i:Sllp. m. TlnirMlay, I Viiinlull Itlvnrx. , Moiulay, hauirimy, . orccoI1 clt.. t..vtiii uml " ediicMiny Way-ljiiidlngs. Friday. 7:00 a. m. I-eave Hiiniria dully. V.-AOa. m. Snako lClvor. Klpurla to lx;vlHton. Leave l-evltoii dally, s::v a. in. rartici dealritiE lo co to Ilcnnner or lointK on Columbia Koiithern via Illggs, should talie No. leaving The Dalles at l'J:'.Vi p. m. making direct connections at ilemmer liiuctimi and Biggs. Ketumlug makliiRdirectcouncctlon at Heppner junction and Illggs with No, 1, ar- nviuK hi j.ue uancH ur i:u. p. m. For further particulars, call on or address J AH. IltELAND, Agent, The DiiIIcn, Oregon. Complete of Drus at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUOCIST. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit issued available in tbe Eastern States. Bight Exchange and Teleeranblc T....l.o V V 1. n 1. 1 ... St. Louis, Han Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in uregon anu WHSiiington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. ( I i ( i, r K DOWN. B, I.v. Dalles H at 7 A. M. K' Tuesday C, Thursilay M Katuritny t' Arr. riirtlaml l:iWr. m. Str. RoRitlntor DALLES, PORTLAND & ASIOKIA NAY. COMPANY Steamers of tilt. HeglllHtnr l.luo will rutins per tin' f(,l. '3 M'hriliile. the Connmny reserving thu ilL-lit tn .5 seheilulu without notice. A til". I.V. Portland III 7 A. it. . Monday . .Wednesday .. ... Friday Arr. Dalles it 0 r. t. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles city. IMIWN l.v. Iinllra at 7 a.m. Miitiilny , . Wednesday.,,, Friday Arr. I'ortliiml iit i:;io i-. m. 1a . I'ortliiml ,3 a. m. S 1 hlirsduy A Arr. I)iilii. at ft v, I' FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, C Travel by the Htenmers ot the IScgulatnr Mne. Tho Cnmimny will endeavor to give Its pm- ,h .... . ...I.... ..,.u.ll.l.. ,4 fiirtliMi- llifjtrmiirffiti iill'lrnuu .f rlllin till' IM."tU PCI H I'wnnnnu. ' ! - . in-i , l'ortlaiul Olllcc, Onk-Streut Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Oen. Afrt. oldhiiuu. UH. 80SAHKI' CO. " . me conunma patting Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFAOTUKKKBOF Fine Lard and Sausages Cirirsof BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIED BEEF, ETC. i J. E. FALT & CO., y proprietors Cornmepeiai Sample (ootns. y Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered lo an part of tlie City. ihoui.B. yj1 I)i(lllin(.ei 173 Second Street. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinde Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, XXl Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOH FlOUr 'lhiB F'our ,B tnnnnfactared expreesly for family uee; every ck is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lowor than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE EDMUNDS., Bay Stallion, 4 years old; height 15.? hands, weight 1050 pounds. Sired by Zonibro, 2:11, the best son of iMclvin ney,2:lH. First dam, Bridesmaid, by Boxwood, son of .Nutwood. Second dam, Lake and Queen, dam of Ad Alene 12 12:L'(i. by Lakeland's Abdallah, son of Hntnbleton-IBD-IO. Third dam, Prunella, by Alhauibra, son of Mambrino Chief 11. EDMUND S. will make the season of 1(101 ut L. A. Porter's livery stable, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. Terms for the Season, $20. For farther particulars see FRED FISHER, Proprietor. jan30-dw4mo Crandall&Borget DEALERS IN Jj fill kinds of undertake fc Bafial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. WEAK NERVES. There is not a case of nervous weakness In the world today (no matter what the cause or of how Iouk utuiuliniC) that the uee of LINCOLN SEXUAL PILLS accordlm; to directions, whlub are simple and very easy to follow, will LINCOLN SEXUAL PILLS will aiake you strong' Prioe, $1.00 per box buy of vour druggist or sunt by mail on receipt of prioe, in plain wrapper. m FSL! M0P1IBTAIT 00., ft,, Ut. M. I. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles,