The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 07, 1901, Image 3

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    flptclal Council Nesting.
Ready for Spring Trade.
We have just received 20 lines of
for Spring and Summer wear, in Swell mixed
Cassimeres, Tweeds and Worsteds.
Prices from $2.50 to $7.00.
Men's Shirts.
Our new line of Men's Soft Shirts are now being dis
played in our window, prices from 50c to $2.00. Won't
you call and inspect them?
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
The Dalles Daily Ciwmiefc
Tnri:-ruY - - makciw, 1001
" -
In served i
Oysters s,
At Andrnw Kfillnr's.
All County wnrmutM rvEitrfl
(irlnrlo NditrMilinr 1, 1KK7, will ) palil
on irfriitHt Inn at my otllce, Iiitwriht
ttuc artf-r Niivriiilinr !i0, 1UUU.
Ctiuuty Trttaaurer.
Found A poBtofficu key. Owner can
find it at this office.
Karly Hose seed potatoes for sale at
the .StudelinRii Comm. Co. m5-lin
Advance styles in new and novel milli
nery ut Miss Haven's March 8th and
Found Two keys on ring. Owner
can have same by applying at this
ollice. m'IH
Spring opening of street hats at Miss
Hayen's on Friday mid Saturday of this
The Indies of St. Paul's Guild are pre
paring for their annual Easter sale,
which will be announced later.
Apprentice girls wanted at Mies
Haven's millinery store, on Washing
ton ttreet, between Second and Third.
We wonder when The Dalles is going
to net that free mail delivery we were
promised last year when it was found
that the. business doue at The Dilles
poatoflice entitled us to it?
It. 0. It. Varney, general mlBsiouary,
will preach at the Calvary Baptist
church tomorrow (Friday) night and
Saturday night and will conduct both
services at the Name place ou Sunday.
Hyde I'ark, the new sailor for 1901, is
iiiade over a Knox block and comes in
live different styles. Will be shown at
Mim Haven's Friday and Saturday,
March 8th and Oth.
A special service will be held at the
Methodist Episcopal church this even.
iB preparatory to the meetings to begin
s"drty. All the members and friends
i the church are requested to be pres
ent ,
'J'he ladies' Good Inteut Societv of
U'B M. K. church have placed a barrel
at the front door of J. II, Cross' grocery
store ana request that the people will
kindly place t1(Jir aiicardea rubbers in
It. i
Hev, Gejrge Campbell, a returned
Missionary from China, will deliver an
address detailing some of liii expert
eiices in foreign tutwion work during the
Hoier uprising, at the Calvary Baptlat
hurcb tonlwljt, beginning at 8 o'clock.
The public generally is invited to hear
the address. No admission fee and no
collection. ,
The price of admission to the entertain,
merit which will be given at the
resideace of Mr. E. O. McCoy on to
morrow evening will be 2' cents. A
pleasant evening is promised all who attend.
While in town on his way home from
Salem, Representative T. H. McGreer
sold to James Wright, of North Yakima,
1800 head of mutton sheep, 1100 head
being wethers and 700 dry ewes, to be
delivered on the loth of next month at
$4 a head.
Mr. and Mrs.'Grenvilio Goddard, of
Hood iiiver, will give an entertainment
in the Congregational church on next
Monday evening, March 11th. They
will be assisted by eome of the best local
talent. Particulars will ba given in to
morrow's ClIIiO.NICI.K.
Died, Tuesday, 6th instant, at Keleo,
Wash., Ruth Ova, the infant daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Itoberson, of this
city. The cause of death was pneumonia,
which the child contracted while its
parents were visiting friends at Kelso.
The remains were laid to rest yesterday
at Carson.
The Walla Walia city council has
raised the license on saloons from $350
to If 1000 per annum. The same council
has banished the nickel-in-thcslot ma
chines and ordered the chief of police to
enforce the law against gambling so that
all gambling in the city be stopped and
remain stopped.
It was a surprise to many, when call
ing at Clarke & Fulk's at noon to pro
cure seats for tho play, "The Wife,"
to find there lire already a great many
taken. No doubt, as is always the case
with a home talent play, the Vogt will
bo crowded. Beside, the production is
the most attractive they have ever un
dertaken. Seth Morgan has sold his ranch on
Three Mile, consisting of 43S acres of
laud, with fair improvements, for the
Iduipsum of $3,'5Q0. The purchaser is
James Elton, who came here recently
from South Dakota. Seth Is going to
live for the rest of his days on the inter
est of ills money. A plutocrat is all
right if it isn't the other fellow that's
the plutocrat.
Ben Ally, a boy of 10 years, died lact
Tuesday on the Little Klickitat river,
west of Gildeudale, from thi effects of
tie acoideuul discharge of a gun he was
carrying, While hunting, In company
with two other boys, Hen stumbled and
his gun was discharged, the shot pene
trating his left groin. The boy died be
fore a conveyance could reach him to
take him home.
Anton Schott, tho renowed Wagner
tenor, announces s popular concert at
the Vogt opera house on Saturday, the
l')tu. This will be the only opportunity
for the Dalles muiical public of hearing
this great artist, who has been heard in
all the large cities of Europe and of this
A special meeting of the city council
was held last night to consider the quefc
tton of lighting the city, with special
reference to the number and character
of lights desired, so that bids may be re
ceived for the same.
It was agreed that flftoen arc lights
arid fifty-four (ncandeccents should be
the minimum nnmber ofjlghts required.
The arcs ere to be 700-candle-power and
the incandeacents 32 candle-power; the
lights to he placed where the council
shall designate and all expenses cori
nected with tho placing of them in po
sitlon to be borne by the contractor. It
waB further decided that the contract
for lighting the city shall last for ten
years; that the lights shall be in place
on or before the first of October next;
that all bidders shall furnish with their
bids a satisfactory bond or certified
check for $1000; and that the bids be
opened at the adjourned council meet
ing next Tuesday evening.
It was agreed to purchase a grading
machine at a cost of. 35, to be used for
improving the streets of the city, and
that a team be hired to work the same.
John Walker was appointed pound
master and deputy marshal for the en
forcement of the cow ordinance.
country. Anton Schott will be aFsistcd
by Miss Ottilie Schnecking and Lucien
Vannod, who have been well received
by Portland nudiencee.
The fifth annual drawing took place at
Maier & Benton's store last night. The
following are tiie lucky numbers: Steel
range, 3031, lirpt; heating stove, 29i5,
second; Bet of silver knives and forks,
2430, third ; eet of carvers, 2200, fourth ;
nickel-plated tea kettle, 5250, fifth;
nickel-plated coffee pot, 0089, sixth;
nickel-plated tea pot, 5402, Eeventh
The rabbit drive on Blaloclf Tsland
last Tuesday resulted in the death ofion :
about GOO rabbits. About 200 persons
were present, but twice that number
would have killed a more ban propor
tionately larger number bi the pests.
People were present from Salem, Ger
vais. Portland, Seattle Spokane, Wal
lace, Walla Walla, Boise, Pendleton,
Heppner and various other pcints in
Washington state and other Northwest
Pacific states. President N. G. Blalock,
of the Island Company, expressed him
self as well plepsed with the results of
the chase, and ,was glad that his visitors
had not onhy'enjoyed themselves and
yelled themselves hoarse, but that they
pests as they did. s
The fact is recalled by the election of
Mitchell us senator from Oregon that his
daughter married nine years ago into
one of the oldest of France's titled fami
lies, says the SpokeBiiian-Iteviow. She
is the wife of the due de Itoehefoncald,
who has one of the finest lineages in
France, three titles, all of last year's
bird's nest variety, a commission in the
army and a host of friends. Ho seems
to be an exception to tho ordinary run
of dukes, tor lie refused to marry his
cousin and a great fortune, and took the
Oregon girl without a dot. The couple
met in Parle fifteen years ago. It wub a
case of love at first sight, although the
duke is fourteen years his wife's senior,
and had the reputation of a woman
Constantine, better known as Charley,
Hunt died last night. March Oth, at the
residence of Mr. I. Francisco,of this city
after an illneesof many weeks' duration.
The deceased was born at St. Joseph,
Michigan, July 5, 1842. On November
25, 1802, ho enlisted in the Union army
as a member of Company H, Eighteenth
Wisconsin Volunteers, Berving till the
close of the war and being with Sher
man in his famous march to the sea.
He came West alter the close of the war
and many years ago took up his resi
dence in The Dalles, where, till feeble
health compelled him to stop, he fol
lowed the trade of carpenter. He was a
member of the G. A. I!. in good stand
ing and a charter member of the local
G. A. R. post.
He leaves one son, Cortland P. Hunt,
who grew up in this city and is now a
conductor on the N. P. R. R., with
headquarters at Spokane, and three
brothers, two living East and one at
Port Angles, Wash.
The funeral, which will be conducted
under the auspices of the local G. A. R.
post, will take place from the Francisco
residence tomorrow afternoon at 2
Handsome Compliment to Dr. Donne.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Suaturo of
I'luyrd Out,
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores are all positive evidou
ce of impure blood, No matter how it
became so it must be purified in order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed toouru Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases, It is certainly u wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee, Blakeley, the drug
(' Subscribe for Tun Cmio.sicLie,
The following letter, which explains
itself, has been handed us for publica-
Thk Dai.lks, Or.. Feb.. 1901.
to Dn. O. D. Doank:
We, the undersigned citizens and tax-
bay era of school district No, 12, desire
o express to you our obligations ami
hanks for the efficient services that
lyou have rendered the district during
&our six years incumbency, and be
lieving that it is the wish of an over
whelming majority of the voters and
school patrons of this district that you
remain in office, we urgently request
that you allow your name to he used as
a candidate for director in the coming
Theo Prinz
N Harris
A Keller
Max Vogt & Co
F A French
II C Nielsen
II Glenn
Geo A Liobo
J B Condon
E C Phirman
Ford II Dietzel
Win Michell
J P Mclnerny
Hugh Gourlay
John M M aril en
J A Douthit
S L Brooks,
Geo Rucii
E M Williams
Edward C Pease
I W French
D M French
A A Brown
II U Liebe
II D Parkins
II Herbring
II A Falk
J F Clarke
J II Cross
I C Nickelsen
II J Maier
M '. Donnell
V II Van Norden.
Lady or gentleman to take orders for
latest novelty. $3.00 per day easily
earned. Call on or address immediately
.1. II. Mason,
Umatilla House, The Dalles.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be a meeting of The Dalles, Portland &
Astoria Navigation Company, at the
compiuiv's olficu in Tho Dalles, on Sat
urday, April 0, 1001, at 2 o'clock p. in.,
(or the purpose of electing seven di
rectors ami transacting such other
husiiu'ss as may properly come before
said meeting. By order of the president.
Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 5, 1001.
lm L. E. Citowu, Sec'y,
Him lllilu't Wear n Alunk,
But her beauty was completely hidden
by sores, blotches ami pimplea, till she
used Bucklen'd Arnica S.iIvh, Then
they vanished as will all Eruptions,
Fever Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Carbuncles
and Felons from Its use. Infallible for
Cuts Corns, Burn, Scalds and Piles,
Cure guaranteed. 25uatG,C, lllakoloy'n
drug store. s 3
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agents, ml
Clark iSc Falk are never closed Sunday,
Don't forget this.
I Bicycles - Bicycles
Our new stock received.
Largest lot of wheels ever brought to this city.
Call and see them.
p. S. GOrUfiG,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker...
-DEALER i.v-
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Agent for Russell .t Co.'s Engines, Threshers and Saw Mills.
Telephone 157.
Long Distance 1073.
Cor. Second & Lanntilin Sts, THE DALLES, OH,
Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health
Reports for June 28, 1900, says: "A more supetior brew never entered
the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is compoeed of
the best of malt and choicest of bops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with
the cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street. THE DALLES. OREGON.
f C. J. STUBhlHG,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Bank.
5 Cdiuiiiii riicnie ;:! i.
i a nut. looi.
The Great Northern Furniture Company wish to announce that after the
return of their buyer, who has been contracting with the largest Eastern manu
facturer, they will have succeeded in securing the greatest line of
Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, &c,
which has ever been shown in the history of The Dalles. It has been the aim and
desire of this most popular firm to introduce their immense stock at the first op
portunity. Tho time has come. We are now ready to prove our assertions. Call
and be convinced. We wish to call particular attention to our great line of
A glance at this immense assortment will soon convince you that our buyer under
stands his business,
Great Northern Furniture Co.,
Second Street, opposite Obarr House.
With every dollar's worth of goods purchased at my store for tho next Sixty
Days, 1 will give one chance on the following prizes:
1 First p;ize , 1 Oent's Gold Watch and Chain
2 Second prize 1 Ladies' Gold Watch and Chain
'A Third rilzu ,1 Smoking Set
1 Fourth priae , I Silver Butter Dish and llutter Knifo
5 Fifth prize 1 Bet Silver Knives and Forks
In addition to giving away these prizes I will sell goods as low as tho lowest,
and guarantee my goods to be fresh. Give me a trial.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone -133. Local, 102,
Notice No. 2
I- to all persons indebted to tho late firm
ol K, J, Collins & Oo, and S, L, lirooka
to t .til and settle their account or note,
at I lie case may bf , by the iBt of April;
nthrwlH the accounts will bo put into
the hands oi our collector,
suobcribti for Tilt: Ciiuonici.k,