The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY MARCH 7, 1901 PARLIAMEXTARY IMPOTEKCY. Baldwin's .Dys pepsia Tablets, food digesters, start digestion properly- -make a healthy, clean stomach. Help the stomach to do its work prop erly until it's cured soc. San Francisco, Cai EDWARD L. BALDWIN CO., I have stained 10 pounds since using your Dyspepsia Tablets. My stomach is now n good condition. A. U. Looms. Alameda, Cau ' KDWAKD L. BALDWIN CO,, After suffering with stomach trouble for three years, I haw cured myself by using your lauieis, xnereuy bvuiuwk u surgical operation, which I wns about to I undergo. Go. Stu&XBVAMT. I County Assessor's Office. Clarke & Falk, The Dallee, Oregon. A Gentle Hint, In our etvle of climate, with its sad den changes of temperature, rain, wind and sunshine often intermingled In a single day, it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglected colds, half the deaths resulting directly from th'iB cause. A bottle of Bnschee's German Syrup kept about your home for immediate use will prevent serious sickness, a large doctor'e bill, and per haps death, by the use of three or four doses. For curing.Consumption, Hem orrhages, Pneumonia, severe Coughs, Croup, or any disease of the Throat or Lungs, its success is simply wonderful, as your druggist will tell yon. Get a mi in nip hntrln frpn frnm Olnrk-p it Fnlk. sence of a rule governing such cases j Reguar elze, 75 ceme, Get Green's The Inst ofllcial act of Senator Thomas II. Carter, of Montana, was to talk to death the rivers and har bors bill, holding the floor for this ' purpose for about thirteen hours. J INo matter whether the result be I meritorious or otherwise m this case, no man should be allowed such an opportunity as that taken by Mr. Carter, says the Statesman. The theory of free speech and free dis cussion, is outraged by such a license and the im potency of representative government is thereby made ap parent. Senator Carter, to the face of the senate and its presiding officer, declared it to be his purpose to talk for such a period of time as would make action upou the bill impossible. That very declaration made void any claim he might have under the rule of free discussion and he ought to have been called to order there and then. Carter was but one ot 90 senators, representing 45-sovereign states, and it is a travesty upon common sense to admit that be had a right to open ly declare, and to carry out the declaration, that he would occupy the floor as long as physical endur ance would enable him, so as to preclude the possibility of the other 89 senators taking actiou upon a measure of great importance. There is no excuse in reason for the ab as this, which occur every now and then. There can be no emergency making such action justifiable in n body as deliberate, conservative and distinguished as the United States senate. BUSINESS LOCALS. The Saturday Evening Post pub lishes an article on ''The giants of the old senate. Personal recollec tions of Hon. Galusha A. Grow," which is very interesting reading. Among the aforesaid giants was Thomas H. Benton, and a very forcible old gentleman he appears to have been. A fellow senator once referred in debate to what be called "a quarrel of Benton's." "Mr. Pres ident," was the quick und stern re ply, '"the senator is mistaken. I never quarrel, but I sometimes Oght, and whenever I Gght a funeral fol lows, sir." There was no small measure of truth in this grim stale meat. While the "Missouri Com promise" was under discussion reference was made to Douglas' attitude towards slavery. "I am told," said Benton, "that Douglas is leading the democracy off. No, sir, the democracy is leading Douglas off. He would go to bell, sir, if the majority were going there." Though a stout hater, Benton could forgive on occasion and in splendid fashion. A short time after Calhoun's death be was asked if he would pursue his long time political foe beyond the grave. "No, sir," was the answer, prize almanac. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice i8 hereby given that the co partnership formerly existing between the undersigned, Frank ti. Watts and J. Insley Huston, as dealers in marble and granite, at The JJalles, Oregon, under the style or firm name of Watts' Marble and Granite Works, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, J. InBley Huston disposing of his interests to G. E. Baker. The said business will, in the future, he carried on by Frank H Watts and G. R. Baker, under the style and firm name of Watts' Marble and branite Works, and will receive all bills and pay all debts against said firm of w atte & Huston. Dated at The Dalles the 5th day of March, 1901. Frank H. Watts, lw J. Insi.ey Huston. The stomach controls the situation. Those who are hearty and etrong are those who can eat and digest plenty of food. Kodol DyBpepela Cure digests what you eat and allows you to eat all the good food yon want. If you suffer from indigestion, heartburn, belching or any other stomach trouble, this prepara tion can't help but do von good. The moBt sensative stomachB can take .it. Clarke & Falk'e P. 0. Pharmacy. Prof. Ivison, of Lonacoming, Md suffered terribly from neuralgia of the stomach and indigestion for thirteen years and after the doctors failed to cure him they fed bim on morphine. A friend advised the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and after taking a few bottles of it he says, "It has cured me entirely can't saytoo much for Kodol Dyspepsia Cure." It digests what you eat. Clarke & Falk'e P. 0. Pharmacy. Duu't ltub It J11, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, "when God Almighty lay? His hand Falk. upon a man, sir, Thomas U. Benton takes his hat off." Now that the Pendleton East Orcgonian has seen ths woolgrower at close range it calls him a "mighty good fellow" and thinks the world is at least "a little better," because he is on earth. Catarrn Vituuot lie Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Clarke & Falk'e flavoring extracts are ' the best. Ask your c ,cer for them. Dryinir preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions, which adhero to tho membrane and decom pose, causing afar more serious troublo than thoordinuryformof catarrh. Avoid nil dry. ing inhalauU, fumes, smokes and snuffa and uo that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is Buch a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in the head cosily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo wailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho Cue. size. Ely Brothers, OC Warren St., N.Y. .uie iJoun cures without pain, does not is a blood or constitutional disease, and TrrrT6' " ' - I HVf f An irnrnrorl 1 1 1 1 1 niinramirnnA MnllAn "' ...... WIIIJ ing immediately 1110 paint m inflammation in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine, It was was prescribed by one of the best pbyaicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients ' is what produces such wonderful results in euring Catarrh. Band for testimonials, ire. F. J. Cubnxy & Co., Props., Toledo O. Bold by drrnggists, price 7fic. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 With Ely's Cream Bulm tou aro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Out of my wagon, between Mill creek uriuge and my stone yard, on Second street, a stone cutter's hammer. I will pay a reasonable reward for its return. ino-at Louis Comini. FOR SALE Twenty well-broke mares and geldings, weight from 1800 to 1060 pounds, In quire of Fkkd Fibhkb, 13-lmw, The Dalles. Rooms to rent suitable for light house keeping. Apply at this office. (23-lw Subscribe for Tub Chmoniclk. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brnshee. You will not have boils If von l Clarke fc Falk's sure cure foi bolls. For sale Good hamuierless shot gun. Inquire at Robert Teague's grocery store. m4 .It A full line of ladies' black dress skirts just arrived at The New York CbbIi Store. Floral lotion will enre wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arke & Falk. Faint yonr bouse with paints that ara fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Girl wanted to do general house work in family of three. No children. Ap ply at this office. mchS-Iw Ladies' black dress skirts $2.25, $2.48, $2.99, J3 9S, $4 and $4.50 at The New York Cash Store, A suite of rooms, with board, for rent. Inquire of Mrs. Agnew, t Fourth and Union Btreets. ml-lwk Clarke & Fark haye received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints Quality and not quantity makes De Witt's Little Earlv Risers bucIi valuable little liver pills. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, the druggiBt. Cocoauut Cream Hair Tonic will cure dandruff and all ecalp diseases. Don't neglect yonr hair. For sale at Frazer's b ber shop, Bole agent. tf Wanted A woman to do bouse work for a small family with no children. Ap ply at the residence of Wm, S. Sylves ter, on Fourth street. Sl-mb Don't you know that Cocoanut Cream Hair Ionic will save your and your children's hair? You can get it for 50 and 75 cents a bottle at Frazer's barber shop, Bole agent. tf We offer for a limited period the twice-a-week Chkoxici.e, price $1.50, and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions under this oiler must be paid in ad vance. f We have just received a very hand Borne line of all wool black dreBB skirts. We shall offer this line at attractive prices. Be sure and give us a call be fore making your spring purchase as we will save you monev. The .New lork Cash Store. . SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Old Soldier's Experience. M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wife wbb sick a long time in spite of good doc tor's treatment, but was whollv cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health." They always do. Try them. Only 25c at G C. Blakeley's drug store. !( L'ke Oliver Twi9t, children ask for more when given One Minute Cough Cure. Mothers endorse it highly for croup. It quickly cures all coughs and colds and every throat and lung trouble It is a specific for grippe and asthma and has long been a well known remedy for whooping cough. Clarke & Falk'B P. O. Pharmacv. Counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve are liable to cause blood poisoning. Leave them alone. The original has the name DeWitt's upon the box and wrap per. It is a harmless and healing salve for skin diseases. Unequalled for piles. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. See that you get the origiual DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve when you ask for it. The genuine iB a certain cure tor piles, sores and skin diseases. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacv. Among the tens of thousands who have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and la rrippe during the past few years, to onr knowledge, not a single case has resulted in pneumonia. Thos. Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash avenue, Chicago, one of the most prominent re call druggists in that city, in speaking of thiB, says: "We recommend Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in many cases, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also counter acts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia," tor sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured .by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happ. Satisfaction guaranteed or money hack. 20cte. andSOcts. Blakeley, the druggist. Tttkeu lii. Came to my place ou 3-Mile, Dec. 24th, a sorrel horse, branded W Q on left neck and blotch brand on lett hip; age 5 years; unbroken. M. S. Evanh, fO lm The Dalles, Or. Bchoul Wanted. A teacher wants a school in Oregon or Washington. Address. J. A. Havlock. The Dalles, Or. f25-2tw I HACK IflAnm Designs COPVftlOHTS Ac. Anrono swirling n sketch mid description mir oiilokljr imrertHln mir opinion free wliptlier h i Invention Is probably pntmtnlilo. rnniniunlrt tlnnsstrlctlyronmiaiitlal. Iliuidlwnknn Pati'titt ,cnl Iron. Oldest auenpy for securing iutnitn. I'litpi.t taken tlirouvli Munii A Co. receive ipet till notice, without charge, In tho Scientific American A Imndjnmcly Illustrated weekly. T.nrcest rlr minium of liny si'lomlUo journal. Tonus, IJ a vpurs four months, II. Sold by nil newsdealers. MUNN &Co.361Broadwa-New York Umncti umro. (25 V BU Wiuliincton. I. C Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Diaests what you cat. It artificially d Igests the food and aids Nature In strengthening atid recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latestdlscovereddigest antandtouic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It in stantly relieves aud permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Oastralgia.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Pr!ce50c.aridt1. Large site contains 2K times small ilie. Book all about dyspepsia mat tedtreo Prepared by E. G. DetVITT A CO., Cbicafl Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Brt j 1; 1 x 1 jet axi L. Lane, 1 GENEKAL Biacksmiin .AND. Hone Wagon, and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third aud Jefferson. Phone 159 Nasal CATARRH In all Its stages tliero should he cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm clcan.'ce, pontiles and heals the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives nwuy a cold iu the head quickly. Cremn Balm Is placed Into tho nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Itellef Is im mediate and a euro follows. It Is not drying docs not produce sneering. Large K!ze, SO cents at Drug gists or by mail; Trial filze, 10 cents by mall. DLY IKKmiEUS, 00 Wurren Street, 'ow York. l J I! il h If s f i t ? i I ? f ll IS h . 1 !l I I f f l IS h I I The T d'biu., i ! 1 ? ? f f ! f f Chronicle, Job Printers. w ' 1 s w i i! j kUUBBBHl I AN' TJNPEECEDENTED OFFER! Ft lIri4lAIn1 SAVTtl fll UaillAaAHAl 11(6 rape u pwiiai raiiiuy jicwdmi To all old and new eutiBcriberp paying one year in advance we offer Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50. NEW YORK NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Office at Vancouver, WhhIi., t Keblimry lh, lvul. J Kotlco Is hereby Kivun ttiut thu follmvliifr namcct pettier has tiled nntice ill his Intention to make tlnul proof In support ol his rltttm, ami that suld proof will be miido beloro W. II. Pros by, U. H. coinmlsBloner for Ulstrlct of Wntili Inn ton, lit Cioldendiile, Wiish., ou Wednt's day, Aprils, 1001, -U..: Irvine H. Uurlow, of Lyle I'. O., Washington, who iiiHde II. K. No. '.ill!, for the SKJ4 of ceo In Tp!l N, It la E . 31, Ho iiameH the following witnesses to prove Ills cniitlUUOUH residence unon und tmltli-Htlim of knld land, viz.: Jesm J. Snider nud Vernon T. Hlnshuw, eaeli of Uoldcndule If. O., WiihIi., .Iiimes O. I.ylo und irnn. llewett.euehof Lyle 1. O., WnHbltiBton. I'-t) W. It., lieglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offick at Tiif. Dai.i.f.s, Okk.,( Jun. ai.iuoi. j hotlcu Is hereby id vim that thu liilliiwlm.. mimed settler lias Hied notice of her Inten tion to muke tlnal urnof in KiintHirt ir i,..r ol'ilm, and that suld proof will be made Ixt foro the reKUtcr nud receiver nt The Ualtes, Oregon, ou Wednesday, .March C. ivut, viz: AlUlluti C. Sll, one of the heirs und for the heirs of Kutb Cen. evlu Bleel, deceased, of The Dulles, Oregon, 11. E. No. IUI0, for hu 8EJ4 Hee 1SI, Tp 1 N, K Hi K, She unine.s tho follnwlncr wllnm-Kcs In bur continuous residence upou, mid cultivation of said land, viz: W. Cuti'i, John U. Cook, M. II. Miller, James 8Iinonson,iill of The Dalle, Oregon, JAY I'. I.UCAB, J- KCilHKT TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. i'ublishi-d .Monday, WiilneMlay mill Fri day, Is lirrnillty alltiu and fresh ft fry-other-ilay Dally, Riving the lutOHt ncuH ou days of'j, and covcrliiB lu'HH of the other .'!. It contains all liupor taut forelKU ruble news which uppuurs in the Daily Tribune of saniu date, also do ineitle and fnri'lmi corii'hiiondenci;, short stories, clcpint half tone HIiiNtratlous, hu morous items, Indus trial Information, fashion notes, agricul tural matters, and .'ompri'hciislveitnd re liable Uniinelal and market reports. Iti'KUlar subscrl)i tlon prltc, H-iU per year. We furnish it with 1 Heml Weekly Chroni cle for f.'.OO per year, NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. l'ublished ou Tlmrs day, uad known for nearly sixty years In cery part of tlie t'ul ted States as u nii'Ion ul family iiewspiiju'r of the hlKhest chiss, for fanoers and villa i;its. It contnliis nil thu most Important ui'ticrul news of the Jiiillv Tribune up to the hour of koIiik to press. ,iu iiKrlculturiil department of thu lilKbest older, has eii tertalului; rcadliiK for every member ol the fiimlly.old and young market reports which are accepted as autb orlty by farmers' and merciiants, and Is clean, up-to-diitf. In tereslltiK nud liistrue tlvc. HcKUlur suliscrlp tlon price, f 1 per jenr. Wc furnish It with Hcml-Weekly Ohrolil tile forfl..ri0 iei' year Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or lieri Flic Citation. In ilie County Court of tho Btato of Oregon for Wasco County, In the mutter of the estate of Kminu May Crom- w en, ucvuaieui To Frederick M. Cromwell, Kdlth May Crom well, Helen Cromwell and Merrill F. Crom. well, Greeting: In the mime of tho Stnto of Oregon, vou and each of you lire hereby cited slid required to up. near In the County Court of thu Btute of Oregon lor Wusco County, at tho March term of said court, at the couit room thereof, ut Dalles City, In said county, on Monday, the '.'Nth day ol March, 1W1, nt 'I o'clock In the afternoon of suld day, then und there to show cause, If any exist, why an oidei of sale should not be made direct' Ins V. Dayton, the administrator of thu cstste of Kiniuu May Cromwell, deceased, to soil the icul property described us belonging to said estate as follows, to wit) Lot seven In the town of Belmont. Wasco County, Oregon, Witness tho Hon, Ueorni C. Ulakeley, Judge of tnu sum uuuui uuuri. wim mvstuii oi sum cinirt afflxed, this iUth day of February, iwii. Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING ('Alt KOUTF. KllOM 1'OKTI.AND TO T1IK HAST. THE ONLY DIUKCTUNE TO THE YEI.I.OW. HI ONE l'AKK. SOUTH and EAST via ifiefo Pacifii Shasta Route Tritlus leave Thu Dulles (or Portland and way stntlotib at l:'.'j n. in, and 3 p, in. Souinern Pacific Co. I.KAVK. ! Union Depot, Firm and I sts ' l-ciive i'ortlaud h:30 a in " Albany V.':3Ubiii No. Fast mull for Tacomu, 1 Seattle, Olympla, Gray's ..luinfi uiiu nniuii iieuu points, Hiokane, Uosh-i laud. 11. ().. Piiiiiniii, ' ii.iti ;Mos"w. U'wlston, Iiuf 11.13 A. M. falollump mining couif try, Helena, Minneapo lis. Ht. I'aul, Ornalia, , Kiiusas City, Kt. IaiuIs, , I'blcago mid all i.olut ro. 1, , east and southeast. 11.9ft i. x, . ''".J5"1 H'"i Express 1I,J0 1 . M, for 'lacoma and Seattle ,111111 Intermediate poiuts AKKIVK. No. 0;M I'. M. No. a. 7;oo A, M. I Arrlvo Ashland 12:3TJ a m nacraineilio !i;O0)iin " Kan Francisco 7ili p m Arrive Ogdon , " Denver " Kansas City. " Chicago .... , fil-IS a in . U-ou a in 7:') u ul 7:15 a in A. E. LAKE, Clerk. ttl I'llUinan first-class und tourist sleoners to inVHli!SWtS,es.UU,m au",t -'-lections Ihiggage checked to destination of tickets tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call ou or A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General i'asseuger Agent. 'AV. ouHtreeUorner Third, VmfSm oego,,."' NOTICE;. " My wife, Hnttlo BelleUurllngrtu.e.lmv. rue deserted me, I will not be n.Biiouei. ble for imy deblB Hhe may uontrniit from this date. Ji,iAK Buhmwiamk. Jauuury 29, 1001. joy bw FOR-8 ALE", Twelve head of work liorseB, plow, drill, wauon and three nets 0f double hrnen. Approved uotun taken. Ap- Arrive Us Aiigeles . . .. " Kl I'aso " Fort Worth '' City of Mexico . .. " Houston " New Orleans..,. " Washington , .. " Now York , 1 :V0 p m . i!:00 p in . UiWlllil . ll;Mii ill . l:U0uui , U:'JS a in . (l: r.' a in ,rj:Upm 7:00 pm 10:60 p m )-Mi in !;,') a in b:16 a in 11 IS a in 0:(K)a in 7:'.'.) n m u;:io a in 7 :00 " m Otwi p m C,,:w am 0 ,Vi a m 1 M) a in (, ' p in ti I- a m WW pm l'ulluiau and Tourist oars on both truliis Chair cars Hacratnouto to Ogden nud El I'aso, and tourist cars to Chicago, HI Douis, New Or leans mid Washington. Connecting nt Han Fnuiclsoo with several steamship lines for Honolulu. Janau, 1'lilun. riilllplilnes, Central and Houtli Amtirlcii. Hee ngout at The Dalles station, or add. tss C. H. MARKHAM, Geuuml I'asseuger Agent, i'ortlaud, Or 2 in. if The Dallei. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTION. Notlculs hereby given that tho undorslgiinf bus been duly iippoTuted by thu county court of he Htato of Oregon for Wasno county, adminis tratrix of the estate of Joint Ualrymplcrtew"1!1' All iwrsous having cIhIiiih against said estate arc hereby requlrodlo piesent tbc aiimo to properly verllled, k by law my resl on the Floyd ranch, 'live miles from ,ir.u c!l'' or thcotllmi of llciitiett A riiiuii'tt, within six months from the date liercof. Hatud this ulst ony of February. 1WI- , ., ... AONK8 UALltYMI'l-r-. Admlnlstrutrlx of the estate ot John Ul, pie, deceased. ll1-11